
I'm currently stuck with a (probably straightforward) problem concerning DIH 
and dynamic fields.

I'm having a DB-Datasource with one of the columns (metaXml) containing an xml 
string looking something like this:

<root><meta title="abc" value="123"/><meta title="def" value="456"/></root>

The <dataConfig> looks something like this:

<entity dataSource="mssql" name="doc" …>


<entity name='meta' dataSource='f' processor='XPathEntityProcessor' 
forEach='/meta' dataField='doc.metaXml'>

<field column='meta_Title' xpath='/meta/@title' />

<field column='meta_Content' xpath='/meta/@value' />

<field name="meta_${meta.meta_Title}" column="${meta.meta_Content}" /> 


In my schema.xml I have a dynamic field looking like:

<dynamicField name="meta_*"  type="string"  indexed="true"  stored="true"/>

For whatever reason those meta_* fields are not populated ...

Maybe (hopefully) I'm missing something obvious. Any help would be great ;)



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