Hi kai,
as per your previous mails you have already applied the patches with solr 1.4.I followed the steps of your mail accordingly . But During step 9 i got the error # 1 out of 1 hunked failed.When I apply ony SOLR-236-1_4_1-paging-totals-working.patch it build successfully but the changes are not get reflected in solr-src .
Kindly tell me where I am going wrong.
Steps are:

1.Downloaded [solr]
2Downloaded [SOLR-236-1_4_1-paging-totals-working.patch]
3Changed line 2837 of that patch to `@@ -0,0 +1,511 @@` (
4 Downloaded [SOLR-236-1_4_1-NPEfix.patch]
5 Extracted the Solr archive
6 Applied both patches:
7 `cd apache-solr-1.4.1`
8 `patch -p0<  ../SOLR-236-1_4_1-paging-totals-working.patch`
9`patch -p0<  ../SOLR-236-1_4_1-NPEfix.patch`
10 Build Solr
11 `ant clean`
12 `ant example` ... tells me "BUILD SUCCESSFUL

Thanks in advance!
Isha garg

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