Some of our site's categories are actually search driven. They're created
manually by crafting a Solr query our of list of Lucene queries that are
joined in a DisjunctionMaxQuery. There are often 100+ disjuncts in this

This works nicely, but is much slower than it could be because many parts
of the disjuncts could be cached -- both filters and queries -- but none
are because only the top-level DisjunctionMaxQuery is fed to the

We're looking for ways to speed this up. One way we've considered is
sending each of the disjuncts to the SolrIndexSearcher and then merging a
the DocLists manually. My concern is that this would lose the query
normalization that happens in DisjunctionMaxQuery.

This seems like a common problem: how to cache parts of a complex Solr
query individually. Any ideas or common patterns for solving it?



Gregg Donovan
Senior Software Engineer,

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