A bit of self-promotion, sorry.... but also just want to in general make Solr and Lucene users aware of upcoming training sessions at OSSummit Asia (and ApacheCon Atlanta). It's a struggle for the conference organizers to put on training sessions because of the upfront expense and risk in them not being filled, so getting the word out is necessary to ensure these training sessions keep going. All training providers have been asked to help spread the word to the right spots, which is here :)

I'm leading two training sessions at OSSummit Asia, as well as presenting a regular conference session, all on Lucene and Solr: <http://www.ossummit.com/2007/program/speaker/20>

Grant is leading a Lucene training at ApacheCon Atlanta and Hoss, Michael Busch, and Ken Krugler are presenting Lucene/Solr related sessions there too.

There are more pointers to details from the Lucene and Solr home pages: <http://lucene.apache.org/java/> and <http://lucene.apache.org/ solr>

Looking forward to seeing some of you soon!

Now back to your regularly scheduled program....


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