RE: deleting record from the index using deleteByQuery method

2008-09-25 Thread Chris Hostetter

: confused about is the field cumulative_delete. Does this have any
: significance to whether the delete was a success or not? Also shouldn't

cumulative_delete is just the count of all delete commands since the 
SolreCore was started up (as opposed to delete which is the count since 
the last commit)

: the method deleteByQuery return a diff status code based on if the
: delete was successful or not?

I'm not certain, but i don't think so -- consider a query for 
asdflkakjadf ... if there are no docs that match that query, then no 
docs get deleted -- but the operation is still successful (just like a 
search is still a success even if no docs are found)


RE: deleting record from the index using deleteByQuery method

2008-09-23 Thread Kashyap, Raghu
Thanks for your response Chris.

I do see the reviewid in the index through luke. I guess what I am
confused about is the field cumulative_delete. Does this have any
significance to whether the delete was a success or not? Also shouldn't
the method deleteByQuery return a diff status code based on if the
delete was successful or not?


-Original Message-
From: Chris Hostetter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2008 11:30 PM
Subject: Re: deleting record from the index using deleteByQuery method

:  I am trying to delete a record from the index using SolrJ. When I
: execute it I get a status of 0 which means success. I see that the
: cummulative_deletbyquery count increases by 1 and also the commit
: count increases by one. I don't see any decrease on the numDocs
: When I query it back I do see that record again. 

I'm not positive, but i don't think deleting by query will error if no 
documents matched the query -- so just because it succeeds doesn't mean
actually deleted anything ... are you sure ' + reviewId'
on the document you are trying to delete?  does that search find it
the default handler?  (is there any analyzer weirdness?)


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