Re: Problem building Nightly Solr

2010-07-06 Thread Koji Sekiguchi

(10/07/07 6:25), wrote:
I'd like to try the new edismax feature in Solr, so I downloaded the 
latest nightly (apache-solr-4.0-2010-07-05_08-06-42) and tried running 
ant example. It fails with a missing package error. I've pasted in 
the output below. I tried a nightly from a couple weeks ago, and it 
did the same thing, as did the current svn version. Just to make sure 
it wasn'ta problem with my environment, I tried building Solr 1.4.1 
and it worked fine. I'm running java 1.6.0_20 and ant 1.7.1. Is there 
anything I should be doing differently or is this something that needs 
to get fix in the builds? Thanks,



nick:/tmp/apache-solr-4.0-2010-07-05_08-06-42$ ant example
Buildfile: build.xml






[javac] Compiling 89 source files to 
package org.apache.lucene.util does not exist

[javac] import org.apache.lucene.util.PriorityQueue;
[javac] ^
cannot find symbol

[javac] symbol : class PriorityQueue
[javac] location: class 

[javac] private static class PQueue extends PriorityQueue {
[javac] ^
cannot find symbol

[javac] symbol : method size()
[javac] location: class 

[javac] while (queue.size()  queue.myMaxSize  queue.size()  0) {
[javac] ^
cannot find symbol

[javac] symbol : method size()
[javac] location: class 

[javac] while (queue.size()  queue.myMaxSize  queue.size()  0) {
[javac] ^
cannot find symbol

[javac] symbol : method pop()
[javac] location: class 

[javac] CacheEntry otherEntry = (CacheEntry) queue.pop();
[javac] ^
non-static variable super cannot be referenced from a static context

[javac] super.initialize(maxSz);
[javac] ^
cannot find symbol

[javac] symbol : method initialize(int)
[javac] location: class java.lang.Object
[javac] super.initialize(maxSz);
[javac] ^
cannot find symbol

[javac] symbol : variable heap
[javac] location: class 

[javac] Object[] getValues() { return heap; }
[javac] ^
non-static method size() cannot be referenced from a static context

[javac] if (size()  myMaxSize) {
[javac] ^
cannot find symbol

[javac] symbol : method add(java.lang.Object)
[javac] location: class 

[javac] add(element);
[javac] ^
non-static method size() cannot be referenced from a static context

[javac] } else if (size()  0  !lessThan(element, heap[1])) {
[javac] ^
cannot find symbol

[javac] symbol : variable heap
[javac] location: class 

[javac] } else if (size()  0  !lessThan(element, heap[1])) {
[javac] ^
cannot find symbol

[javac] symbol : variable heap
[javac] location: class 

[javac] Object ret = heap[1];
[javac] ^
cannot find symbol

[javac] symbol : variable heap
[javac] location: class 

[javac] heap[1] = element;
[javac] ^

Re: Problem building Nightly Solr

2010-07-06 Thread Chris Hostetter

: Can you try ant compile example?
: After Lucene/Solr merge, solr ant build needs to compile before example
: target.

the compile target is already in the dependency tree for the example 
target, so that won't change anything.

At the moment, the nightly snapshots produced by hudson only iclude the 
solr section of the dev tree -- not modules or the lucene-java 
sections .  The compiled versions of thothat code is included, so you can 
*run* solr from the hudson artifacts, but aparently you can't compile it.  
(this is particularly odd since the nightlies include all the compiled 
lucene code as jars in a lucene-libs/ directory, but the build system 
doesn't seem to use that directory ... at least not when compiling solrj).

This is all side effects of trunk still being somewhat in transition -- 
there are kinks in dealing with the artifacts of the nightly build process 
tha still need worked out, -- but if your goal is to compile things 
yourself, then you might as well just check out the entire trunk and use 
that compile fro mthat anyway.


Re: Problem building Nightly Solr

2010-07-06 Thread Chris Hostetter

: (this is particularly odd since the nightlies include all the compiled 
: lucene code as jars in a lucene-libs/ directory, but the build system 
: doesn't seem to use that directory ... at least not when compiling solrj).


Re: Problem building Nightly Solr

2010-07-06 Thread Ken Krugler

On Jul 6, 2010, at 3:44pm, Chris Hostetter wrote:

: Can you try ant compile example?
: After Lucene/Solr merge, solr ant build needs to compile before  

: target.

the compile target is already in the dependency tree for the  

target, so that won't change anything.

At the moment, the nightly snapshots produced by hudson only  
iclude the

solr section of the dev tree -- not modules or the lucene-java
sections .  The compiled versions of thothat code is included, so  
you can
*run* solr from the hudson artifacts, but aparently you can't  
compile it.

(this is particularly odd since the nightlies include all the compiled
lucene code as jars in a lucene-libs/ directory, but the build  
doesn't seem to use that directory ... at least not when compiling  

This is all side effects of trunk still being somewhat in transition  
there are kinks in dealing with the artifacts of the nightly build  

tha still need worked out, -- but if your goal is to compile things
yourself, then you might as well just check out the entire trunk and  

that compile fro mthat anyway.

Note that you'll need to ant compile from the top of the lucene  
directory first, before trying any of the solr-specific builds from  
inside of the /solr sub-dir. Or at least that's what I ran into when  
trying to build a solr dist recently.

-- Ken

Ken Krugler
+1 530-210-6378
e l a s t i c   w e b   m i n i n g