RE: Updates to index not available immediately as index scales, even with autoSoftCommit at 1 second

2014-08-14 Thread cwhit
Thanks for the explanation.  This makes a lot of sense to me... I'm wondering
if there's a way to get the best of both worlds.  Can throwing more hardware
at the index give real time updates + a large LRU cache?  Would we be CPU
bound at this point?

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Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at

Re: Updates to index not available immediately as index scales, even with autoSoftCommit at 1 second

2014-08-14 Thread Erick Erickson
Oh, what a lovely anti-pattern! Every second, you're throwing away your
filterCache. And then firing up to 4096 autowarm queries at your index
on the filterCache. And this doesn't even consider the other caches! And
this will get worse with time after restarts if my scenario is accurate.

Having extremely fast autocommit times is fundamentally incompatible
with having large caches. More hardware simply won't help unless
you have so much hardware that you're storing a tiny number of docs
on each shard, which is a ridiculous solution. IMO your only choices
are to
1 drastically reduce your autowarm counts (which, btw, means that
you can also drastically reduce their size)
2 drastically increase your commit interval and live with 15 minute
 warmup times.

I've never seen autowarm counts that high really do much good anyway.
For that matter, the raw size of your caches is also far too large IMO.
If you're really generating that many unique filter queries, I'd argue
you've got something pathological in your setup.

What you are _not_ going to be able to do is have autowarm counts
that high and 1 second commits.

Here's the long form. I don't know how many entries are in your various
caches, but I bet it's a lot. Note that it picks on filterCache, but the
same logic applies to your other caches, i.e. queryResultCache
in particular.

Your new searcher isn't serving any queries until up to 4096 autowarm
queries are executed. Which you're then immediately throwing
away due to your soft commit interval. I rather suspect you'll be seeing
log messages about too many on deck searchers or some such due
to this setting in solrconfig.xml:


Do not think you can up this number and cure your problem, you'll
hit OOMs I predict if you do.

Now, here's the kicker. Your filterCache is going to accumulate
entries _because_ of autowarming! Imagine that every second you're
adding 10 new fq clauses that are unique.

Now, when the first soft commit happens, your filterCache has 10
entries in it. The autowarm kicks in and puts those same 10 in
your filterCache and the searcher opens for business.

A second later, another 10 fq clauses have come in and been put
in your filterCache. And another searcher is opened. And now there
are 20 entries. All of which are autowarmed and put back in the

A second later there are 30 entries in your filterCache. A second
after that 40. And so on. If this guess is correct, then if you
restart all your servers your interval between when you index a
doc and can search it will start out OK, but then increase.

Eventually you get to the situation you have now, a huge number
of autowarming queries that take minutes to warm before you can
see any of your recently added documents.

Places to look to see what's happening:

admin/plugins-stats/core. you should see warmupTime near the bottom.
admin/plugins-stats/cache/filter cache. You should see warmupTime there too.
 /document cache etc.

While you're at the filter cache stats page, take a look at your hit ratio,
I suspect it's very small. If so, it's not doing you much good anyway.

BTW, one way of adding completely useless (but unique) fq clauses is
to follow another anti-pattern like:

fq=timestamp:[NOW/DAY to NOW]

On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 7:21 AM, cwhit wrote:
 Thanks for the explanation.  This makes a lot of sense to me... I'm wondering
 if there's a way to get the best of both worlds.  Can throwing more hardware
 at the index give real time updates + a large LRU cache?  Would we be CPU
 bound at this point?

 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at

Re: Updates to index not available immediately as index scales, even with autoSoftCommit at 1 second

2014-08-12 Thread Chris Hostetter

You havne't given us a lot of information to go on (ie: full 
solrconfig.xml, log messages arround the tim of your update, etc...) but 
my best guess would be that you are seeing a delay between the time the 
new searcher is opened and the time the newSearcher is made available to 
requests due to cache warming.

the specifics of your cache configs and newSearcher event listeners 
would impact this ... and of course, you'd see log messages about opening 
hte searcher, the cache warming, etc

: Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 07:18:20 -0700 (PDT)
: From: cwhit
: Reply-To:
: To:
: Subject: Updates to index not available immediately as index scales,
: even with autoSoftCommit at 1 second
: I've been trying to debug through this but I'm stumped.  I have a Solr index
: with ~40 million documents indexed currently sitting idle.  I update an
: existing document through the web interface (collection1 - Documents -
: /update) and the web request returns successfully.  At this point, I expect
: the document to be updated on future searches within 1 second, but that's
: not the case.  The document can sometimes not be updated to future searches
: for several minutes.  What could be causing this, and how can it be
: remedied?
: Within my solrconfig.xml, I have the following commit properties set:
: autoSoftCommit
: maxTime1000/maxTime
: /autoSoftCommit 
: autoCommit 
: maxTime30/maxTime 
:  openSearcherfalse/openSearcher 
: /autoCommit
: Running an identical Solr configuration but with thousands of documents
: (rather than tens of millions), the updates are available immediately.
: --
: View this message in context:
: Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at


Re: Updates to index not available immediately as index scales, even with autoSoftCommit at 1 second

2014-08-12 Thread cwhit
I'm not seeing any messages in the log with respect to cache warming at the
time, but I will investigate that possibility.  Thank you.  In case it is
helpful, I pasted the entire solrconfig.xml at

View this message in context:
Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at

Re: Updates to index not available immediately as index scales, even with autoSoftCommit at 1 second

2014-08-12 Thread Chris Hostetter

: I'm not seeing any messages in the log with respect to cache warming at the
: time, but I will investigate that possibility.  Thank you.  In case it is

what logs *do* you see at the time you send the doc? 

w/o details, we can't help you.

: helpful, I pasted the entire solrconfig.xml at


Re: Updates to index not available immediately as index scales, even with autoSoftCommit at 1 second

2014-08-12 Thread cwhit
Immediately after triggering the update, this is what is in the logs:

/2014-08-12 12:58:48,774 | [71] | 153414367 [qtp2038499066-4772] INFO 
org.apache.solr.update.processor.LogUpdateProcessor  – [collection1]
webapp=/solr path=/update params={wt=json} {add=[52627624
(1476251068652322816)]} 0 34

2014-08-12 12:58:49,773 | [71] | 153415369 [commitScheduler-7-thread-1] INFO 
org.apache.solr.update.UpdateHandler  – start

2014-08-12 12:58:49,862 | [71] | 153415459 [commitScheduler-7-thread-1] INFO  – Opening Searcher@65c48c06 main

2014-08-12 12:58:49,874 | [71] | 153415472 [commitScheduler-7-thread-1] INFO 
org.apache.solr.update.UpdateHandler  – end_commit_flush/

The end_commit_flush leads me to believe that the soft commit has completed,
but perhaps that thought is wrong.  There are no other logs for a while,

2014-08-12 13:03:49,556 | [71] | 153715147 [commitScheduler-6-thread-1] INFO 
org.apache.solr.update.UpdateHandler  – start

2014-08-12 13:03:49,805 | [71] | 153715402 [commitScheduler-6-thread-1] INFO 
org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore  – SolrDeletionPolicy.onCommit: commits: num=2

2014-08-12 13:03:49,805 | [71] |
Files (x86)\SolrLive\SolrFiles\Solr\service\solr\data\index;
maxCacheMB=48.0 maxMergeSizeMB=4.0),segFN=segments_2we,generation=3758}

2014-08-12 13:03:49,805 | [71] |
Files (x86)\SolrLive\SolrFiles\Solr\service\solr\data\index;
maxCacheMB=48.0 maxMergeSizeMB=4.0),segFN=segments_2wf,generation=3759}

2014-08-12 13:03:49,805 | [34] | 153715403 [commitScheduler-6-thread-1] INFO 
org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore  – newest commit generation = 3759

2014-08-12 13:03:49,818 | [34] | 153715415 [commitScheduler-6-thread-1] INFO 
org.apache.solr.update.UpdateHandler  – end_commit_flush
At this point, the update is still not present...

/2014-08-12 13:11:45,279 | [81] | 154190876 [searcherExecutor-4-thread-1]
INFO  org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore  – QuerySenderListener sending requests
to Searcher@65c48c06 main{StandardDirectoryReader(segments_2we:82217:nrt
_qkc(4.6):C8161558/879724:delGen=275 _sra(4.6):C2943436/247953:delGen=51
_r2w(4.6):C1149753/18376:delGen=55 _rgs(4.6):C1468449/648612:delGen=107
_tdl(4.6):C583431/7873:delGen=94 _svo(4.6):C197286/7:delGen=5
_t4d(4.6):C247031/2928:delGen=36 _tkf(4.6):C111429/761:delGen=23
_tch(4.6):C6014/81:delGen=22 _tk5(4.6):C3907/242:delGen=21
_tjv(4.6):C3492/119:delGen=13 _thd(4.6):C5014/241:delGen=24
_tdh(4.6):C5375/437:delGen=30 _tj1(4.6):C5989/15:delGen=6
_tkq(4.6):C1749/36:delGen=6 _tmj(4.6):C961/1:delGen=1
_tlm(4.6):C714/9:delGen=5 _tm6(4.6):C2616 _tlx(4.6):C1105/273:delGen=3
_tly(4.6):C5/2:delGen=1 _tm2(4.6):C1 _tm4(4.6):C1 _tmb(4.6):C1 _tmk(4.6):C5
_tml(4.6):C12 _tmm(4.6):C1 _tmn(4.6):C2/1:delGen=1 _tmo(4.6):C1 _tmp(4.6):C1
_tmr(4.6):C1 _tms(4.6):C1)}
2014-08-12 13:11:45,280 | [81] | 154190877 [searcherExecutor-4-thread-1]
INFO  org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore  – QuerySenderListener done.

2014-08-12 13:11:45,280 | [81] | 154190877 [searcherExecutor-4-thread-1]
INFO  org.apache.solr.handler.component.SpellCheckComponent  – Building
spell index for spell checker: suggest

2014-08-12 13:11:45,280 | [81] | 154190877 [searcherExecutor-4-thread-1]
INFO  org.apache.solr.spelling.suggest.Suggester  – build()/

Still no update...

/2014-08-12 13:12:58,424 | [81] | 154264021 [searcherExecutor-4-thread-1]
INFO  org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore  – [collection1] Registered new searcher
Searcher@65c48c06 main{StandardDirectoryReader(segments_2we:82217:nrt
_qkc(4.6):C8161558/879724:delGen=275 _sra(4.6):C2943436/247953:delGen=51
_r2w(4.6):C1149753/18376:delGen=55 _rgs(4.6):C1468449/648612:delGen=107
_tdl(4.6):C583431/7873:delGen=94 _svo(4.6):C197286/7:delGen=5
_t4d(4.6):C247031/2928:delGen=36 _tkf(4.6):C111429/761:delGen=23
_tch(4.6):C6014/81:delGen=22 _tk5(4.6):C3907/242:delGen=21
_tjv(4.6):C3492/119:delGen=13 _thd(4.6):C5014/241:delGen=24
_tdh(4.6):C5375/437:delGen=30 _tj1(4.6):C5989/15:delGen=6
_tkq(4.6):C1749/36:delGen=6 _tmj(4.6):C961/1:delGen=1
_tlm(4.6):C714/9:delGen=5 _tm6(4.6):C2616 _tlx(4.6):C1105/273:delGen=3
_tly(4.6):C5/2:delGen=1 _tm2(4.6):C1 _tm4(4.6):C1 _tmb(4.6):C1 _tmk(4.6):C5
_tml(4.6):C12 _tmm(4.6):C1 _tmn(4.6):C2/1:delGen=1 _tmo(4.6):C1 _tmp(4.6):C1
_tmr(4.6):C1 _tms(4.6):C1)}/

There we go!  Finally an update!  Almost 15 minutes after making the update,
it is visible to queries.

View this message in context: 

RE: Updates to index not available immediately as index scales, even with autoSoftCommit at 1 second

2014-08-12 Thread Matt Kuiper (Springblox)
Based on your solrconfig.xml settings for the filter and queryResult caches, I 
believe Chris's initial guess is correct.  After a commit, there is likely 
plenty of time spent warming these caches due to the significantly high 
autowarm counts.

filterCache class=solr.FastLRUCache
queryResultCache class=solr.FastLRUCache

Suggest you try setting the autowarmcount very low or to zero, and then testing 
to confirm the  problem.

You might want to monitor if any JVM garbage collections are occurring during 
this time, and causing system pauses.  With such large caches (nominally stored 
in Old Gen) you may be setting yourself up for GCs that take a significant 
amount of time and thus add to your delay.


-Original Message-
From: cwhit [] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2014 11:18 AM
Subject: Re: Updates to index not available immediately as index scales, even 
with autoSoftCommit at 1 second

Immediately after triggering the update, this is what is in the logs:

/2014-08-12 12:58:48,774 | [71] | 153414367 [qtp2038499066-4772] INFO 
org.apache.solr.update.processor.LogUpdateProcessor  – [collection1] 
webapp=/solr path=/update params={wt=json} {add=[52627624 
(1476251068652322816)]} 0 34

2014-08-12 12:58:49,773 | [71] | 153415369 [commitScheduler-7-thread-1] INFO 
org.apache.solr.update.UpdateHandler  – start 

2014-08-12 12:58:49,862 | [71] | 153415459 [commitScheduler-7-thread-1] INFO  – Opening Searcher@65c48c06 main

2014-08-12 12:58:49,874 | [71] | 153415472 [commitScheduler-7-thread-1] INFO 
org.apache.solr.update.UpdateHandler  – end_commit_flush/

The end_commit_flush leads me to believe that the soft commit has completed, 
but perhaps that thought is wrong.  There are no other logs for a while, until 

2014-08-12 13:03:49,556 | [71] | 153715147 [commitScheduler-6-thread-1] INFO 
org.apache.solr.update.UpdateHandler  – start 

2014-08-12 13:03:49,805 | [71] | 153715402 [commitScheduler-6-thread-1] INFO 
org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore  – SolrDeletionPolicy.onCommit: commits: num=2

2014-08-12 13:03:49,805 | [71] |
Files (x86)\SolrLive\SolrFiles\Solr\service\solr\data\index;
maxCacheMB=48.0 maxMergeSizeMB=4.0),segFN=segments_2we,generation=3758}

2014-08-12 13:03:49,805 | [71] |
Files (x86)\SolrLive\SolrFiles\Solr\service\solr\data\index;
maxCacheMB=48.0 maxMergeSizeMB=4.0),segFN=segments_2wf,generation=3759}

2014-08-12 13:03:49,805 | [34] | 153715403 [commitScheduler-6-thread-1] INFO 
org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore  – newest commit generation = 3759

2014-08-12 13:03:49,818 | [34] | 153715415 [commitScheduler-6-thread-1] INFO 
org.apache.solr.update.UpdateHandler  – end_commit_flush / At this point, the 
update is still not present...

/2014-08-12 13:11:45,279 | [81] | 154190876 [searcherExecutor-4-thread-1]
INFO  org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore  – QuerySenderListener sending requests
to Searcher@65c48c06 main{StandardDirectoryReader(segments_2we:82217:nrt
_qkc(4.6):C8161558/879724:delGen=275 _sra(4.6):C2943436/247953:delGen=51
_r2w(4.6):C1149753/18376:delGen=55 _rgs(4.6):C1468449/648612:delGen=107
_tdl(4.6):C583431/7873:delGen=94 _svo(4.6):C197286/7:delGen=5
_t4d(4.6):C247031/2928:delGen=36 _tkf(4.6):C111429/761:delGen=23
_tch(4.6):C6014/81:delGen=22 _tk5(4.6):C3907/242:delGen=21
_tjv(4.6):C3492/119:delGen=13 _thd(4.6):C5014/241:delGen=24
_tdh(4.6):C5375/437:delGen=30 _tj1(4.6):C5989/15:delGen=6
_tkq(4.6):C1749/36:delGen=6 _tmj(4.6):C961/1:delGen=1
_tlm(4.6):C714/9:delGen=5 _tm6(4.6):C2616 _tlx(4.6):C1105/273:delGen=3
_tly(4.6):C5/2:delGen=1 _tm2(4.6):C1 _tm4(4.6):C1 _tmb(4.6):C1 _tmk(4.6):C5
_tml(4.6):C12 _tmm(4.6):C1 _tmn(4.6):C2/1:delGen=1 _tmo(4.6):C1 _tmp(4.6):C1
_tmr(4.6):C1 _tms(4.6):C1)}
2014-08-12 13:11:45,280 | [81] | 154190877 [searcherExecutor-4-thread-1]
INFO  org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore  – QuerySenderListener done.

2014-08-12 13:11:45,280 | [81] | 154190877 [searcherExecutor-4-thread-1]
INFO  org.apache.solr.handler.component.SpellCheckComponent  – Building
spell index for spell checker: suggest

2014-08-12 13:11:45,280 | [81] | 154190877 [searcherExecutor-4-thread-1]
INFO  org.apache.solr.spelling.suggest.Suggester  – build()/

Still no