
In a recent batch of solr 3.6.1 slow response time queries the
profiler highlighted downHeap (line 212) in as
averaging more than 60ms across the 16 calls I was looking at and
showing it spiking up over 100ms - which, after looking at the code
(two int comparisons?!?) I am at a loss to explain:

Here's the source:

Here's the invocation trace of one of the many similar:
---snip--- (0ms self time, 416 ms total time)
 QueuedThreadPool$ (0ms self time, 416 ms total time)
  QueuedThreadPool.runJob:595 (0ms self time, 416 ms total time)
   ExecutorCallback$ (0ms self time,
416 ms total time)
    ExecutorCallback$ (0ms self time,
416 ms total time)
     AbstractConnection$1.onCompleted:63 (0ms self time, 416 ms total time)
      AbstractConnection$1.onCompleted:71 (0ms self time, 416 ms total time)
       HttpConnection.onFillable:253 (0ms self time, 416 ms total time) (0ms self time, 416 ms total time)
         Server.handle:403 (0ms self time, 416 ms total time)
          HandlerWrapper.handle:97 (0ms self time, 416 ms total time)
           IPAccessHandler.handle:204 (0ms self time, 416 ms total time)
            HandlerCollection.handle:110 (0ms self time, 416 ms total time)
             ContextHandlerCollection.handle:258 (0ms self time, 416
ms total time)
              ScopedHandler.handle:136 (0ms self time, 416 ms total time)
               ContextHandler.doScope:973 (0ms self time, 416 ms total time)
                SessionHandler.doScope:174 (0ms self time, 416 ms total time)
                 ServletHandler.doScope:358 (0ms self time, 416 ms total time)
                  ContextHandler.doHandle:1044 (0ms self time, 416 ms
total time)
                   SessionHandler.doHandle:213 (0ms self time, 416 ms
total time)
                    SecurityHandler.handle:540 (0ms self time, 416 ms
total time)
                     ScopedHandler.handle:138 (0ms self time, 416 ms total time)
                      ServletHandler.doHandle:429 (0ms self time, 416
ms total time)
                       ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter:1274 (0ms
self time, 416 ms total time)
                        SolrDispatchFilter.doFilter:260 (0ms self
time, 416 ms total time)
                         SolrDispatchFilter.execute:365 (0ms self
time, 416 ms total time)
                          SolrCore.execute:1376 (0ms self time, 416 ms
total time)
                           RequestHandlerBase.handleRequest:129 (0ms
self time, 416 ms total time)
                            SearchHandler.handleRequestBody:186 (0ms
self time, 416 ms total time)
                             QueryComponent.process:394 (0ms self
time, 416 ms total time)
                     (0ms self
time, 416 ms total time)
                               SolrIndexSearcher.getDocListC:1176 (0ms
self time, 416 ms total time)
(0ms self time, 416 ms total time)
                        (0ms self
time, 416 ms total time)
                         (0ms self
time, 416 ms total time)
                                   FilteredQuery$2.score:169 (0ms self
time, 416 ms total time)
                                    BooleanScorer2.advance:320 (0ms
self time, 416 ms total time)
                                     ReqExclScorer.advance:112 (0ms
self time, 416 ms total time)
(52ms self time, 416 ms total time)

DisjunctionSumScorer.advanceAfterCurrent:171 (0ms self time, 308 ms
total time)

ScorerDocQueue.topNextAndAdjustElsePop:120 (0ms self time, 308 ms
total time)

ScorerDocQueue.checkAdjustElsePop:135 (0ms self time, 111 ms total
(111ms self time, 111 ms total time)

Any ideas on what is causing this seemingly inordinate amount of time
in downHeap? Is this symptomatic of anything in particular?

Thanks, as always!

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