Solr URL uses non-standard format with pound sign

2013-04-02 Thread Dennis Haller
The Solr URL in Solr 4.2 for my localhost installation looks like this:

This URL when constructed dynamically in Ruby will not validate with the
Ruby URI:HTTP class because of the # sign in the path. This is a
non-standard URL as per RFC1738.

Here is the error message:

#URI::InvalidComponentError: bad component(expected absolute path
component): /solr/#/development_shard1_replica1

Is there another way to access the Solr URL without using the # sign?

Dennis Haller

Re: Solr URL uses non-standard format with pound sign

2013-04-02 Thread Chris Hostetter

: The Solr URL in Solr 4.2 for my localhost installation looks like this:
: http://localhost:8883/solr/#/development_shard1_replica1
: This URL when constructed dynamically in Ruby will not validate with the
: Ruby URI:HTTP class because of the # sign in the path. This is a
: non-standard URL as per RFC1738.

1) RFC 1738 is antiquated, Among other things, RFC 3986 is much relevant 
and clarifies that # is a fragment identifier

2) the URL you are refering to is a *UI* view, and the fragement 
(/development_shard1_replica1) is dealt with entirely by your web browser 
via javascript.

3) for dealing with solr's HTTP APIs programaticly the type of base url 
you want will either be http://localhost:8883/solr/; or 
http://localhost:8883/solr/development_shard1_replica1; depending on 
wether your client code is expecting a base url for the entire server (to 
query multiple SolrCores), or a base url for a single SolrCore.
