Hi all,
I guess this questions i mainly aimed to you, Ryan.
I've been trying out your StreamingUpdateSolrServer implementation for
indexin, and clearly see the improvements in indexing-times compared to
the CommonsHttpSolrServer :)
Great work!

My question is, do you have any recommendations as to what values I should
use / have you found a "sweet-spot"? What are the trade-offs? Thread count
is obvious with regard to the number of cpus available, but what about the
queue size? Any thoughts? I tried 20 / 3 as you have posted in the issue
thread, and get averages of about 80 documents / sec (and I have not
optimized the document processing etc, which takes the larger part of the

Anyways, I was just curious on what others are using (and what times you
are getting at)

Keep up the good work!


Aleksander M. Stensby
Lead software developer and system architect
Integrasco A/S

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