help required: how to design a large scale solr system

2008-09-24 Thread Ben Shlomo, Yatir

I am already using solr 1.2 and happy with it.

In a new project with very tight dead line (10 development days from
today) I need to setup a more ambitious system in terms of scale
Here is the spec:


* I need to index about 60,000,000

* Each document is has 11 textual fields to be indexed  stored
and 4 more fields to be stored only 

* Most fields are short (2-14 characters) however 2 indexed
fields can be up to 1KB and another stored field is up to 1KB 

* On average every document is about 0.5 KB to be stored and
0.4KB to be indexed 

* The SLA for data freshness is a full nightly re-index ( I
cannot obtain an incremental update/delete lists of the modified

* The SLA for query time is 5 seconds 

* the number of expected queries is 2-3 queries per second 

* the queries are simple a combination of Boolean operation and
name searches (no fancy fuzzy searches and levinstien distances, no
faceting, etc) 

* I have a 64 bit Dell 2950 4-cpu machine  (2 dual cores ) with
RAID 10, 200 GB HD space, and 8GB RAM memory 

* The documents are not given to me explicitly - I am given a
raw-documents in RAM - one by one, from which I create my document in
and then I can either http-post is to index it directly or append it to
a tsv file for later indexing 

* Each document has a unique ID


I have a few directions I am thinking about


The simple approach

* Have one solr instance that will index
the entire document set (from files). I am afraid this will take too
much time


Direction 1

* Create TSV files from all the
documents - this will take around 3-4 hours 

* Have all the documents partitioned
into several subsets (how many should I choose? ) 

* Have multiple solr instances on the
same machine 

* Let each solr instance concurrently
index the appropriate subset 

* At the end merge all the indices using
the IndexMergeTool - (how much time will it take ?)


Direction 2

* Like  the previous but instead of
using the IndexMergeTool , use distributed search with shards (upgrading
to solr 1.3)


Direction 3,4

* Like previous directions only avoid
using TSV files at all and directly index the documents from RAM


* Which direction do you recommend in order to meet the SLAs in
the fastest way? 

* Since I have RAID on the machine can I gain performance by
using multiple solr instances on the same machine or only multiple
machines will help me 

* What's the minimal number of machines I should require (I
might get more weaker machines) 

* How many concurrent indexers are recommended? 

* Do you agree that the bottle neck is the indexing time?

Any help is appreciated 

Thanks in advance



Re: help required: how to design a large scale solr system

2008-09-24 Thread Mark Miller

From my limited experience:

I think you might have a bit of trouble getting 60 mil docs on a single 
machine. Cached queries will probably still be *very* fast, but non 
cached queries are going to be very slow in many cases. Is that 5 
seconds for all queries? You will never meet that on first run queries 
with 60mil docs on that machine. The light query load might make things 
workable...but your near the limits of a single machine (4 core or not) 
with 60 mil. You want to use a very good stopword list...common term 
queries will be killer. The docs being so small will be your only 
possible savior if you go the one machine route - that and cached hits. 
You don't have enough ram to get as much of the filesystem into RAM as 
youd like for 60 mil docs either.

I think you might try two machines with 30, 3 with 20, or 4 with 15. The 
more you spread, even with slower machines, the faster your likely to 
index, which as you say, will take a long time for 60 mil docs (start 
today g). Multiple machines will help the indexing speed the most for 
sure - its still going to take a long time.

I don't think you will get much advantage using more than one solr 
install on a single machine - if you do, that should be addressed in the 
code, even with RAID.

So I say, spread if you can. Faster indexing, faster search, easy to 
expand later. Distributed search is so easy with solr 1.3, you wont 
regret it. I think there is a bug to be addressed if your needing this 
in a week though - in my experience, with distributed search, for every 
million docs on a machine beyond the first, you lose a doc in a search 
across all machines (ie 1 mil on machine 1, 1 million on machine 2, a 
*:* search will be missing 1 doc. 10 mil each on 3 machines, a *:* 
search will be missing 30. Not a big deal, but could be a concern for 
some with picky, look at everything customers.

- Mark

Ben Shlomo, Yatir wrote:


I am already using solr 1.2 and happy with it.

In a new project with very tight dead line (10 development days from
today) I need to setup a more ambitious system in terms of scale
Here is the spec:


* I need to index about 60,000,000

* Each document is has 11 textual fields to be indexed  stored
and 4 more fields to be stored only 

* Most fields are short (2-14 characters) however 2 indexed
fields can be up to 1KB and another stored field is up to 1KB 

* On average every document is about 0.5 KB to be stored and
0.4KB to be indexed 

* The SLA for data freshness is a full nightly re-index ( I
cannot obtain an incremental update/delete lists of the modified

* The SLA for query time is 5 seconds 

* the number of expected queries is 2-3 queries per second 

* the queries are simple a combination of Boolean operation and
name searches (no fancy fuzzy searches and levinstien distances, no
faceting, etc) 

* I have a 64 bit Dell 2950 4-cpu machine  (2 dual cores ) with
RAID 10, 200 GB HD space, and 8GB RAM memory 

* The documents are not given to me explicitly - I am given a
raw-documents in RAM - one by one, from which I create my document in
and then I can either http-post is to index it directly or append it to
a tsv file for later indexing 

* Each document has a unique ID


I have a few directions I am thinking about


The simple approach

* Have one solr instance that will index
the entire document set (from files). I am afraid this will take too
much time


Direction 1

* Create TSV files from all the
documents - this will take around 3-4 hours 

* Have all the documents partitioned
into several subsets (how many should I choose? ) 

* Have multiple solr instances on the
same machine 

* Let each solr instance concurrently
index the appropriate subset 

* At the end merge all the indices using
the IndexMergeTool - (how much time will it take ?)


Direction 2

* Like  the previous but instead of
using the IndexMergeTool , use distributed search with shards (upgrading
to solr 1.3)


Direction 3,4

* Like previous directions only avoid
using TSV files at all and directly index the documents from RAM


* Which direction do you recommend in order to meet the SLAs in
the fastest way? 

* Since I have RAID on the machine can I gain performance by
using multiple solr instances on the same machine or only multiple
machines will help me 

* What's the minimal number of machines I should require (I
might get more weaker machines) 

* How many concurrent indexers are recommended? 

* Do you agree that the bottle neck is the indexing time?


RE: help required: how to design a large scale solr system

2008-09-24 Thread Ben Shlomo, Yatir
Thanks Mark!.
Do you have any comment regarding the performance differences between
indexing TSV files as opposed to directly indexing each document via
http post?

-Original Message-
From: Mark Miller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2008 2:12 PM
Subject: Re: help required: how to design a large scale solr system

 From my limited experience:

I think you might have a bit of trouble getting 60 mil docs on a single 
machine. Cached queries will probably still be *very* fast, but non 
cached queries are going to be very slow in many cases. Is that 5 
seconds for all queries? You will never meet that on first run queries 
with 60mil docs on that machine. The light query load might make things 
workable...but your near the limits of a single machine (4 core or not) 
with 60 mil. You want to use a very good stopword list...common term 
queries will be killer. The docs being so small will be your only 
possible savior if you go the one machine route - that and cached hits. 
You don't have enough ram to get as much of the filesystem into RAM as 
youd like for 60 mil docs either.

I think you might try two machines with 30, 3 with 20, or 4 with 15. The

more you spread, even with slower machines, the faster your likely to 
index, which as you say, will take a long time for 60 mil docs (start 
today g). Multiple machines will help the indexing speed the most for 
sure - its still going to take a long time.

I don't think you will get much advantage using more than one solr 
install on a single machine - if you do, that should be addressed in the

code, even with RAID.

So I say, spread if you can. Faster indexing, faster search, easy to 
expand later. Distributed search is so easy with solr 1.3, you wont 
regret it. I think there is a bug to be addressed if your needing this 
in a week though - in my experience, with distributed search, for every 
million docs on a machine beyond the first, you lose a doc in a search 
across all machines (ie 1 mil on machine 1, 1 million on machine 2, a 
*:* search will be missing 1 doc. 10 mil each on 3 machines, a *:* 
search will be missing 30. Not a big deal, but could be a concern for 
some with picky, look at everything customers.

- Mark

Ben Shlomo, Yatir wrote:

 I am already using solr 1.2 and happy with it.

 In a new project with very tight dead line (10 development days from
 today) I need to setup a more ambitious system in terms of scale
 Here is the spec:


 * I need to index about 60,000,000

 * Each document is has 11 textual fields to be indexed 
 and 4 more fields to be stored only 

 * Most fields are short (2-14 characters) however 2 indexed
 fields can be up to 1KB and another stored field is up to 1KB 

 * On average every document is about 0.5 KB to be stored and
 0.4KB to be indexed 

 * The SLA for data freshness is a full nightly re-index ( I
 cannot obtain an incremental update/delete lists of the modified

 * The SLA for query time is 5 seconds 

 * the number of expected queries is 2-3 queries per second 

 * the queries are simple a combination of Boolean operation
 name searches (no fancy fuzzy searches and levinstien distances, no
 faceting, etc) 

 * I have a 64 bit Dell 2950 4-cpu machine  (2 dual cores )
 RAID 10, 200 GB HD space, and 8GB RAM memory 

 * The documents are not given to me explicitly - I am given a
 raw-documents in RAM - one by one, from which I create my document in
 and then I can either http-post is to index it directly or append it
 a tsv file for later indexing 

 * Each document has a unique ID


 I have a few directions I am thinking about


 The simple approach

 * Have one solr instance that will
 the entire document set (from files). I am afraid this will take too
 much time


 Direction 1

 * Create TSV files from all the
 documents - this will take around 3-4 hours 

 * Have all the documents partitioned
 into several subsets (how many should I choose? ) 

 * Have multiple solr instances on the
 same machine 

 * Let each solr instance concurrently
 index the appropriate subset 

 * At the end merge all the indices
 the IndexMergeTool - (how much time will it take ?)


 Direction 2

 * Like  the previous but instead of
 using the IndexMergeTool , use distributed search with shards
 to solr 1.3)


 Direction 3,4

 * Like previous directions only avoid
 using TSV files at all and directly index the documents from RAM


 * Which direction do you recommend in order to meet

Re: help required: how to design a large scale solr system

2008-09-24 Thread Martin Iwanowski


I'm very new to search engines in general.
I've been using Zend_Search_Lucene class before to try Lucene in  
general and though it surely works it's not what I'm looking for  
performance wise.

I recently installed Solr on a newly installed Ubuntu (Hardy Heron)  

I have about 207k docs (currently, and I'm getting about 100k each  
month from now on) and that's why I decided to throw myself into  
something real for once.

As I'm learning from today, I was wondering two main things.
I'm using Jetty as the Java container, and PHP5 to handle the search- 
requests from an agent.

If I start Solr using java -jar start.jar in the example directory,  
everything works fine. I even manage to populate the index with the  
example data as documented in the tutorials.

How can I setup to run Solr as a service, so I don't need to have a  
SSH connection open?

Sorry for being stupid here btw.

I'm working to have a multi-langual search. So a company (doc) exists  
in say Poland, what design of scheme should I read/work on to be able  
to write Poland/Polen/Polska (Poland in different languages) and still  
hit the same results. I have the data from for this, but  
I can't really grasp how I should be working the scheme.xml. The  
easiest solution would be to populate each document with each possible  
hit word, but this would give me a bunch of duplicates.

Martin Iwanowski

Re: help required: how to design a large scale solr system

2008-09-24 Thread Mark Miller
Yes. You will def see a speed increasing by avoiding http (especially 
doc at a time http) and using the direct csv loader.

- Mark

Ben Shlomo, Yatir wrote:

Thanks Mark!.
Do you have any comment regarding the performance differences between
indexing TSV files as opposed to directly indexing each document via
http post?

-Original Message-
From: Mark Miller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2008 2:12 PM

Subject: Re: help required: how to design a large scale solr system

 From my limited experience:

I think you might have a bit of trouble getting 60 mil docs on a single 
machine. Cached queries will probably still be *very* fast, but non 
cached queries are going to be very slow in many cases. Is that 5 
seconds for all queries? You will never meet that on first run queries 
with 60mil docs on that machine. The light query load might make things 
workable...but your near the limits of a single machine (4 core or not) 
with 60 mil. You want to use a very good stopword list...common term 
queries will be killer. The docs being so small will be your only 
possible savior if you go the one machine route - that and cached hits. 
You don't have enough ram to get as much of the filesystem into RAM as 
youd like for 60 mil docs either.

I think you might try two machines with 30, 3 with 20, or 4 with 15. The

more you spread, even with slower machines, the faster your likely to 
index, which as you say, will take a long time for 60 mil docs (start 
today g). Multiple machines will help the indexing speed the most for 
sure - its still going to take a long time.

I don't think you will get much advantage using more than one solr 
install on a single machine - if you do, that should be addressed in the

code, even with RAID.

So I say, spread if you can. Faster indexing, faster search, easy to 
expand later. Distributed search is so easy with solr 1.3, you wont 
regret it. I think there is a bug to be addressed if your needing this 
in a week though - in my experience, with distributed search, for every 
million docs on a machine beyond the first, you lose a doc in a search 
across all machines (ie 1 mil on machine 1, 1 million on machine 2, a 
*:* search will be missing 1 doc. 10 mil each on 3 machines, a *:* 
search will be missing 30. Not a big deal, but could be a concern for 
some with picky, look at everything customers.

- Mark

Ben Shlomo, Yatir wrote:


I am already using solr 1.2 and happy with it.

In a new project with very tight dead line (10 development days from
today) I need to setup a more ambitious system in terms of scale
Here is the spec:


* I need to index about 60,000,000

* Each document is has 11 textual fields to be indexed 

and 4 more fields to be stored only 

* Most fields are short (2-14 characters) however 2 indexed
fields can be up to 1KB and another stored field is up to 1KB 

* On average every document is about 0.5 KB to be stored and
0.4KB to be indexed 

* The SLA for data freshness is a full nightly re-index ( I
cannot obtain an incremental update/delete lists of the modified

* The SLA for query time is 5 seconds 

* the number of expected queries is 2-3 queries per second 

* the queries are simple a combination of Boolean operation


name searches (no fancy fuzzy searches and levinstien distances, no
faceting, etc) 

* I have a 64 bit Dell 2950 4-cpu machine  (2 dual cores )

RAID 10, 200 GB HD space, and 8GB RAM memory 

* The documents are not given to me explicitly - I am given a
raw-documents in RAM - one by one, from which I create my document in
and then I can either http-post is to index it directly or append it

a tsv file for later indexing 

* Each document has a unique ID


I have a few directions I am thinking about


The simple approach

* Have one solr instance that will


the entire document set (from files). I am afraid this will take too
much time


Direction 1

* Create TSV files from all the
documents - this will take around 3-4 hours 

* Have all the documents partitioned
into several subsets (how many should I choose? ) 

* Have multiple solr instances on the
same machine 

* Let each solr instance concurrently
index the appropriate subset 

* At the end merge all the indices


the IndexMergeTool - (how much time will it take ?)


Direction 2

* Like  the previous but instead of
using the IndexMergeTool , use distributed search with shards


to solr 1.3

Re: help required: how to design a large scale solr system

2008-09-24 Thread Norberto Meijome
On Wed, 24 Sep 2008 07:46:57 -0400
Mark Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yes. You will def see a speed increasing by avoiding http (especially 
 doc at a time http) and using the direct csv loader.

and the obvious reason that if, for whatever reason, something breaks while you
are indexing directly from memory, can you restart the import? it may be just
easier to keep in disk and keep track of where you are up to adding to the
{Beto|Norberto|Numard} Meijome

Sysadmins can't be sued for malpractice, but surgeons don't have to deal with
patients who install new versions of their own innards.

I speak for myself, not my employer. Contents may be hot. Slippery when wet.
Reading disclaimers makes you go blind. Writing them is worse. You have been

Re: help required: how to design a large scale solr system

2008-09-24 Thread Mark Miller

Norberto Meijome wrote:

On Wed, 24 Sep 2008 07:46:57 -0400
Mark Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Yes. You will def see a speed increasing by avoiding http (especially 
doc at a time http) and using the direct csv loader.

and the obvious reason that if, for whatever reason, something breaks while you
are indexing directly from memory, can you restart the import? it may be just
easier to keep in disk and keep track of where you are up to adding to the
{Beto|Norberto|Numard} Meijome

Sysadmins can't be sued for malpractice, but surgeons don't have to deal with
patients who install new versions of their own innards.

I speak for myself, not my employer. Contents may be hot. Slippery when wet.
Reading disclaimers makes you go blind. Writing them is worse. You have been
Nothing to stop you from breaking up the tsv/csv files into multiple 
tsv/csv files.

Re: help required: how to design a large scale solr system

2008-09-24 Thread Norberto Meijome
On Wed, 24 Sep 2008 11:45:34 -0400
Mark Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Nothing to stop you from breaking up the tsv/csv files into multiple 
 tsv/csv files.

Absolutely agreeing with you ... in one system where I implemented  SOLR, I
have a process run through the file system and lazily pick up new files as they
come in.. if something breaks (and it will,as the files are user generated in
many cases...), report it / leave it for later...move on. 


{Beto|Norberto|Numard} Meijome

I used to hate weddings; all the Grandmas would poke me and
say, You're next sonny! They stopped doing that when i
started to do it to them at funerals.

I speak for myself, not my employer. Contents may be hot. Slippery when wet.
Reading disclaimers makes you go blind. Writing them is worse. You have been

Re: help required: how to design a large scale solr system

2008-09-24 Thread Otis Gospodnetic

I actually think you may be OK with a single machine for 60M docs, though.
You should be able to quickly do a test where you use SolrJ to post to Solr and 
get docs/second.

Use SOlr 1.3.  Use 2-3 indexing threads going against a single Solr instance.  
Increase the buffer size param and increase mergeFactor slightly.  Then 
determine docs/sec and see if that's high enough for you.  I'll bet it will be 
enough, unless you have some crazy analyzers.

TSVs will be faster, but if it takes you 3-4 hours to assemble them every 
night, the overall time may not be shorter.

But this is just indexing.  You may want to copy the index to a different 
box(es) for searching, as you don't wnat the high indexing IO to affect 

Your QPS is low and 5 sec for query latency should give you plenty of room.

Sematext -- -- Lucene - Solr - Nutch

- Original Message 
 From: Ben Shlomo, Yatir [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2008 2:50:54 AM
 Subject: help required: how to design a large scale solr system
 I am already using solr 1.2 and happy with it.
 In a new project with very tight dead line (10 development days from
 today) I need to setup a more ambitious system in terms of scale
 Here is the spec:
 * I need to index about 60,000,000
 * Each document is has 11 textual fields to be indexed  stored
 and 4 more fields to be stored only 
 * Most fields are short (2-14 characters) however 2 indexed
 fields can be up to 1KB and another stored field is up to 1KB 
 * On average every document is about 0.5 KB to be stored and
 0.4KB to be indexed 
 * The SLA for data freshness is a full nightly re-index ( I
 cannot obtain an incremental update/delete lists of the modified
 * The SLA for query time is 5 seconds 
 * the number of expected queries is 2-3 queries per second 
 * the queries are simple a combination of Boolean operation and
 name searches (no fancy fuzzy searches and levinstien distances, no
 faceting, etc) 
 * I have a 64 bit Dell 2950 4-cpu machine  (2 dual cores ) with
 RAID 10, 200 GB HD space, and 8GB RAM memory 
 * The documents are not given to me explicitly - I am given a
 raw-documents in RAM - one by one, from which I create my document in
 and then I can either http-post is to index it directly or append it to
 a tsv file for later indexing 
 * Each document has a unique ID
 I have a few directions I am thinking about
 The simple approach
 * Have one solr instance that will index
 the entire document set (from files). I am afraid this will take too
 much time
 Direction 1
 * Create TSV files from all the
 documents - this will take around 3-4 hours 
 * Have all the documents partitioned
 into several subsets (how many should I choose? ) 
 * Have multiple solr instances on the
 same machine 
 * Let each solr instance concurrently
 index the appropriate subset 
 * At the end merge all the indices using
 the IndexMergeTool - (how much time will it take ?)
 Direction 2
 * Like  the previous but instead of
 using the IndexMergeTool , use distributed search with shards (upgrading
 to solr 1.3)
 Direction 3,4
 * Like previous directions only avoid
 using TSV files at all and directly index the documents from RAM
 * Which direction do you recommend in order to meet the SLAs in
 the fastest way? 
 * Since I have RAID on the machine can I gain performance by
 using multiple solr instances on the same machine or only multiple
 machines will help me 
 * What's the minimal number of machines I should require (I
 might get more weaker machines) 
 * How many concurrent indexers are recommended? 
 * Do you agree that the bottle neck is the indexing time?
 Any help is appreciated 
 Thanks in advance

Re: help required: how to design a large scale solr system

2008-09-24 Thread Jon Drukman

Martin Iwanowski wrote:
How can I setup to run Solr as a service, so I don't need to have a SSH 
connection open?

The advice that I was given on this very list was to use daemontools.  I 
set it up and it is really great - starts when the machine boots, 
auto-restart on failures, easy to bring up/down on demand.  Search the 
archive for my post on the subject, I explained how to set it up in detail.

(I've also had success using launchd to manage Solr on Mac OS X in case 
anyone wants to try running it on their desktop.)
