Re: how to run boost query for non-dismax query parser

2011-03-24 Thread cyang2010
iorixxx, thanks for your reply.

Another a little bit off topic question.  I looked over all the subclasses
of QParserPlugin.  It seesm like most of them provide complementary parsing
to the default lucene/solr parser.   Except prefixParser.  What is the
intended usage of that one?  The default lucene/solr parser is able to parse
prefix query.  Is the intended usage with dismax parser?

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Re: how to run boost query for non-dismax query parser

2011-03-24 Thread Ahmet Arslan
> Thanks for your reply.  yeah, an additional query with
> the boost value will
> work.
> However, I just wonder where you get the information that
> BoostQParserPlugin
> only handles function query?
> I looked up the javadoc, and still can't get that. 
> This is the javadoc.
> Create a boosted query from the input value. The main value
> is the query to
> be boosted.
> Other parameters: b, the function query to use as the
> boost. 
> This just say if b value is specified it is a function
> query.   

As you and wiki said, b is the "function query" to use as the boost.

> I just don't
> understand why dismaxParser has both bf and bq, but for
> BoostQParserPlugin
> there is only bf equivalent. 

I don't know that :) However optional clauses with LuceneQParserPlugin will do 
the same effect as dismax's bq.
> Another question is by specifying localParameter like that
> in query, does it
> mean to use the default LuceneQParserPlugin primarily and
> only use
> BoostQParserPlugin for the content with the {}?

Not only for BoostQParserPlugin.

Re: how to run boost query for non-dismax query parser

2011-03-24 Thread cyang2010
Hi iorixxx,

Thanks for your reply.  yeah, an additional query with the boost value will

However, I just wonder where you get the information that BoostQParserPlugin
only handles function query?

I looked up the javadoc, and still can't get that.  This is the javadoc.

Create a boosted query from the input value. The main value is the query to
be boosted.
Other parameters: b, the function query to use as the boost. 

This just say if b value is specified it is a function query.   I just don't
understand why dismaxParser has both bf and bq, but for BoostQParserPlugin
there is only bf equivalent. 

Another question is by specifying localParameter like that in query, does it
mean to use the default LuceneQParserPlugin primarily and only use
BoostQParserPlugin for the content with the {}?

Thanks.  look forward to your reply,


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Re: how to run boost query for non-dismax query parser

2011-03-24 Thread Ahmet Arslan

> I need to code some boosting logic when some field equal to
> some value.   I
> was able to get it work if using dismax query parser. 
> However, since the
> solr query will need to handle prefix or fuzzy query,
> therefore, dismax
> query parser is not really my choice.  
> Therefore, i want to use standard query parser, but still
> have dismax's
> boosting query logic.  For example, this query return
> all the titles
> regardless what the value is, however, will boost the score
> of those which
> genres=5237:
> http://localhost:8983/solr/titles/select?indent=on&start=0&rows=10&fl=*%2Cscore&wt=standard&explainOther=&hl.fl=&qt=standard&q={!boost%20b=genres:5237^2.2}*%3A*&debugQuery=on
> Here is the exception i get:
> org.apache.lucene.queryParser.ParseException: Expected ','
> at position 6 in
> 'genres:5237^2.2'

BoostingQParserPlugin takes a FunctionQuery. In your case it is lucene/solr 
query. If you want to boost by solr/lucene query, you can add that clause as 
optional clause. Thats all.

q=+*:* genres:5237^2.2&q.op=OR  will do the trick. Just make sure that you are 
using OR as a default operator.

how to run boost query for non-dismax query parser

2011-03-23 Thread cyang2010

I need to code some boosting logic when some field equal to some value.   I
was able to get it work if using dismax query parser.  However, since the
solr query will need to handle prefix or fuzzy query, therefore, dismax
query parser is not really my choice.  

Therefore, i want to use standard query parser, but still have dismax's
boosting query logic.  For example, this query return all the titles
regardless what the value is, however, will boost the score of those which


Here is the exception i get:

org.apache.lucene.queryParser.ParseException: Expected ',' at position 6 in

I am just following the instruction on this page although the instruction
there is really to implement a boost function, instead of boosting query.

Thanks for your help,


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