
Apologies if this is an inappropriate place to contact please redirect if this 
is the case.

I have successfully setup solr(6.5.0) with ssl in my dev environment and can 
get a proper response using the following curl request:

curl -E ./etc/solr-ssl.keystore.p12:secret --cacert ./etc/solr-ssl.cacert.pem 

...as advised in the official solr docs: 


I have also installed into my php environment the official php client for 
apache solr (2.4.0) using pecl to install.

I have tested the client works in non-ssl mode when solr server does not force 
ssl on the client.

The problem I am having is:

[21-Apr-2017 17:00:36 UTC] Solr HTTP Error 58: 'Problem with the local SSL 
#0 Controller.php(37): SolrClient->ping()

With options:

$options = array
    'hostname' => "localhost",
    'port'     => 8984,
    'timeout'  => 10,
    'secure'   => true,
    'path' => 'solr/mycollection',
    'ssl_cert' => SITE_ROOT . 'apps/config/solr-ssl.crt',           
    'ssl_key'  => SITE_ROOT . 'apps/config/solr-ssl.keystore.pem', 
    'ssl_keypassword' => 'secret',
     'ssl_cainfo' => SITE_ROOT . 'apps/config/solr-ssl.cacert.pem'   

These options while advised in the docs appear to be incompatible with example 
usage of curl as advised in the case of using curl with OS X Mavericks+.

I was hoping you might able to shed some light onto the problem I am having and 
how I might be able to remedy it.

As far as I am aware I have added all certs into OS X keychain with access to 
all applications.

Any help would be gratefully received.


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