      I am not getting that why suggestion frequency goes varies from
original frequency.
Example - I have a word = *who* and its original frequency is *100* but
when I find suggestion of it. It suggestion goes change to "*50*".

I think it is happening because of *thresholdTokenFrequency*.
When I set the value of thresholdTokenFrequency to *0.1* then it gives
different frequency for 'who' suggestion while  set the value of
thresholdTokenFrequency to *0.0001* then it gives something different
frequency. Why so? I am not getting logic behind this..

As we know suggestion frequency is same as the index original frequency -

*The spellcheck.extendedResults=true parameter provides frequency of each
original term in the index (origFreq) as well as the frequency of each
suggestion in the index (frequency).*

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