Hi Austin,

I have reviewed you script. Generally we would ask for patch files that we could apply, but in this case since the entire change is just the addition of a file then simply providing the URL is fine.

In the future when doing command-line scripts in python you may want to look into using the argparse (or optparse if it has to run on python < 2.7, which spacewalk scripts generally should be able to do since it we build packages for RHEL 5) libraries for managing the command-line arguments. They enable you to create and use the arguments you need in a much more flexible, powerful, and user-friendly way. The decision of wheither or not to use an external library is always an ongoing one for a developer, a good developer will know when to use a library to solve the problem at hand and which one to use. Of course that requires knowing what is available, a task which is never complete. This is a suggestion only, if you chose not to bother with optparse that for this program that is fine.

Usage examples never go amiss, especially when it is not clear what an particular argument is or what format it should be. For example the server argument, should that be just hostname of the Spacewalk server? In this particular case you were expecting the user to pass in something like "https://$hostname/rpc/api"; to connect to Spacewalk's public API. A Spacewalk developer might be expected to know that url, but a user of the tool should not have to. You should update it to expect only the hostname of the Spacewalk server (and if you had used a library like argparse we could have even specified a default of 'localhost').

It is generally good practice to follow the style of other code in whatever project you are contributing to. Python developers in particular care a lot about code format, probably because spacing matters in Python. When in doubt follow the python style guide. http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/ In paricular I'm refering to the usual 4 spaces for indentation, where you use 8. It's not a huge deal, but having code that looks the same from file to file aids in the readability and ease of maintenance for the developers.

Finally, code should handle known problem cases whenever possible. You mention in the comments, "The systems in the group MUST be different from the target or else the sync will fail and the script exit." If that's a known issue then why not catch the error if it occures and continue syncing the rest of the systems? In this case the error occuring means literally that there is nothing to do for that server, so there is no harm in catching it and continuing on.

If you would be willing to make the changes mentioned in the last three paragraphs I would be happy to commit it. Thanks!


On 12/02/2013 09:16 PM, Austin Lavinghouse wrote:
I just finished writing & testing a script that, given a group, will
sync every system in that group with a target system. This script was
written for my senior thesis. What's the proper way to contribute it
such that it can be added to the spacewalk/scripts directory?

You can view the script here: turing.cs.olemiss.edu/~aelaving/normalize.py

Any comments or critiques would be most appreciated.

A. E. Lavinghouse

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