Josh Hoyt wrote:
> On 6/8/07, Martin Atkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I figure that you could potentially use the same mechanism as delegation
>> to avoid the extra discovery iteration.
>> The problem, as with delegation, is that you need to duplicate the
>> endpoint URL in the source identifier's XRDS document. The canonical
>> identifier must also support OpenID, which I believe is something they
>> were trying to avoid.
> I'm assuming that by saying it's "like delegation", you mean that the
> canonical identifier is discovered from the entered identifier, and
> sent to the server, but discovery is never done.
> Let's say that you use ""; as your identifier,
> with a canonical id of "";
> I can set up a URL ""; that points
> to an OpenID provider that I control, and give it the same canonical
> ID, "";.
> Unless we make sure that the canonical ID is intended to be used with
> this OpenID server, I can sign in to your account anywhere, since the
> canonical ID is used as the database key.
> Were you thinking of a different mechanism?

I'm assuming that the RP authenticates, not Just as with delegation, if I can 
successfully authenticate as the persistent identifier and the 
non-persistent identifier points at the persistent one, we can assume 
that is "me" as well.

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