[spectre] technological determinism in media art

2006-02-24 Diskussionsfäden Armin Medosch

hi spectrists, 

some of you might be interested in a thesis I have written last year 
about: Technological Determinism in Media Art

The thesis is, in short, that certain founding fathers have succeeded 
in establishing media art institutionally but it was a pyrrhic victory. 
the language and 'philosophy' they have employed was about a 
fetishized notion of disembodied information and an equally fetishized 
notion of interactivity. Thus, they have failed to build solid theoretic 
and terminological foundations. Because of the internet being 
openend up their discoursive relevancy was over by 1995-96. 
Although some good things came afterwards this sort of foundational 
mistake has blighted the field and subsequently lead to the confusion 
and misunderstandings we find ourselves in now. Long version


where you can also find some other bits and pieces of theory under 

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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Re: [spectre] please link to this site: http://waldvogel.plaintext.cc/

2006-02-24 Diskussionsfäden stephen kovats
> He's also the only of the three curators who ducked a reply to us after
> our protests. And on top of that, Inke's text that got ripped off into
> "Just Do It" originally had been a lecture of her's at Zollverein - when
> Waldvogel was its curator, and listening to the talk. So beware of Mr.
> Waldvogel attending your lectures.  There's a chance that they end up,
> with his name tag, in his next brilliant catalogue, getting him the next
> big job in the art world. I just learned that he has become a curator at
> Witte de With in Rotterdam.

Hi all, 

Nicolaus Schafhausen (formerly Frankfurter Kunstverein) became the new Witte
de With director and chief-curator on January 1st this year, which here is
being seen as quite a positive development. Reading the posting that
Waldvogel is (or will be) a curator 'across the street' at Witte de With I
was rather hoping that this may have been a slip of the pen. But indeed,
further intensive research has confirmed this to be the case ...




V2_Institute for the Unstable Media
Stephen Kovats_Program Development
Eendrachtsstraat 10
3012 XL Rotterdam
The Netherlands

t_  **31 10 206 7272
f_  **31 10 206 7271
>> www.v2.nl
events streamed live at www.v2.nl/live
and moderated on  #V2_tangent

on media and phobic objects
Friday March 03, 2006 @ 19.00 - 22.00 CET
featuring Karen Lancel and Hermen Maat with
Marc de Kesel, Jordan Crandall, Jill Magid and Dennis del Favero

on emergent media landscapes in China
Thursday March 30 @ 19.00 - 22.00 CET
Featuring Michael Anti, Zhang Ga, Karsten Giese and Guobin Yang
in collaboration with International Institute for Asian Studies, Leiden

exhibition opening May 04, 2006
conference: The Electromagnetic Bride - Saturday May 06, 2006

aRt & D: Research and Development in Art
V2_Publication launched June 04

Beijing Millenium Dialogue
In the Line of Flight


SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] Art-Place-Technology, Liverpool: International Symposium on Curating New Media Art, 30 March - 1 April 2006

2006-02-24 Diskussionsfäden Chris Byrne

International Symposium on Curating New Media Art
Liverpool School of Art & Design and FACT Centre
30 March - 1 April 2006

Early bird registration offer ends on 17th March.
Register now and save 35% on the full registration fee.
Further programme details and online registration:

New media art is a global phenomenon: a rapidly changing and dynamic 
field of creative practice which crosses conventional categories and 
disciplinary boundaries, challenging our assumptions about art.

- How do curators engage with new media art?
- What makes a good curator of new media art?
- What can we learn from the pioneers of this field?
- What does the future hold for curating new media art?
- What common ground exists with other disciplines?

These and other issues will be explored at Art-Place-Technology. 
Speakers include figures who are shaping the practice and theory of 
curating new media art, including:

Inke Arns, Hartware MedienKunstVerein, Dortmund.
Sarah Cook, CRUMB, University of Sunderland
Pierre-Yves Desaive, Fine Arts Museum of Belgium, Brussels
Paul Domela, Liverpool Biennial
Lina Dzuverovic, Electra, London
Charlie Gere, Lancaster University
Beryl Graham, CRUMB, University of Sunderland
Ceri Hand, FACT, Liverpool
Drew Hemment, Futuresonic, Manchester
Kathy Rae Huffman, Cornerhouse, Manchester
Stephen Kovats, V2, Rotterdam
Amanda McDonald Crowley, Eyebeam Art & Technology Center, New York
Francis McKee, Glasgow International & CCA, Glasgow
Trebor Scholz, Institute for Distributed Creativity, New York
Dimitrina Sevova & Alain Kessi, codeflow, Zurich
Paul Sullivan, Static Gallery, Liverpool
Simon Worthington, Mute, London

Art-Place-Technology will look at historical and current projects by 
some of the world's leading curators of new media art, and discuss how 
curating new media art creates interfaces with the art world, museum 
culture, media, publishing and academia.

Further programme details and registration:
Tel +44 (0)151 2315190

Art-Place-Technology is hosted by the Liverpool School of Art & Design, 
Liverpool John Moores University in collaboration with FACT and Art 
Research Communication.

Supported by Arts Council England North West, Media Arts Network.

Art Research Communication

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] call for presentations over access grid

2006-02-24 Diskussionsfäden Denisa Kera


29. March from 17:30 GMT (12:30 - New York, 18:30 - Prague)

Details on how to install and use access grid - http://www.ciant.cz/ag


Game Engines/Social Engines
- polylogue session about game engines, their social and political aspects

The interdisciplinary meeting should create an open space for deeper 
theoretical reflection on the recent development in the field of serious 
games. We are looking for various perspectives, examples and thoughts on 
social, political and artistic aspects of videogames. Researchers, 
theoreticians, game designers, programmers and artists are welcome to join 
the discussion.

List of topics:

Videogames & Politics
- Political aspects of videogames
- Representation and self-representation
- Digital emancipation and creation of heroes (Middle East, China)
- Persuasive games and games as means of propaganda

Social Engines
- Social aspects of videogames
- Activism and virus campaigns
- Social networking in games
- Educational videogames

Abstracts of papers (15 to 20 min) should reach us before 20th March 2006 in 
order to facilitate moderation. Short presentations (10 min) are also 
possible, send us only the title. Please send us you telephone number, ICQ, 
Skype etc..


Vít Sisler
New Media Studies &
Institute of Near Eastern and African Studies,
Charles University of Prague

Denisa Kera
New Media Studies
Charles University of Prague


This session is a part of a series entitled POLYLOGUES organized by the 
International center for art and new technologies (CIANT) in Prague & New 
media studies (Charles University) in cooperation with Georgia Institute of 
Technology & MARCEL network. It aims to stimulate interdisciplinary exchange 
of ideas via sessions moderated from Prague while having guest speakers from 
all over the world.
We hope to create a bridge between countries that will facilitate 
intercultural or rather intercontinental and interdisciplinary exchanges in 
the fields of art and new technologies. All sessions will be recorded and 
made available to general public in the archive.



Denisa Kera / New Media Studies, Charles University / [EMAIL PROTECTED]/ +420 
777 817 774

Pavel Sedlak / CIANT / [EMAIL PROTECTED]/ +420 737 731 347

CIANT & Charles University node http://www.ciant.cz/ag

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help: