[spectre] Presentation and Book Launch in Venice // Project Biennial D-0 ARK Underground, Bosnia and Herzegovina

2013-05-24 Diskussionsfäden Basak Senova
Presentation and Book Launch

Project Biennial D-0 ARK Underground, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Association Biennial of Contemporary Art, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
is glad to announce the presentation of the Project Biennial D-0 ARK
Underground, Bosnia and Herzegovina and the book launch of the project on
31st May 2013 at 11am, at Palazzo Zorzi, UNESCO Office, Venice.
The Project Biennial D-0 ARK Underground, Bosnia and Herzegovina book
intends to provide an overall representation of the Project Biennial D-0 ARK
Underground, held in Konjic, Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is edited in a way
to unfold the content chronologically, shaped by the curatorial and artistic
content accumulated in the course of two biennial editions, in 2011 and
2013. Furthermore, in the book, the director of the project, Edo Hozić,
thoroughly explains his understanding and engagement with the cultural and
the political substance of the bunker in the frame of the larger cultural
discourse of Balkan region and beyond.
Project D-0 ARK Underground, stationed in the space of the Atomic shelter in
Konjic, 45km south of Sarajevo, is known as Tito's atomic shelter. The CODE
name is Istanbul. The object is still under the Ministry of Defense of
Bosnia and Herzegovina. The aim of the project is to transform this military
object to a cultural center, hence the biennial is establishing a
contemporary art museum inside of a historical museum.

Edited by Basak Senova, the book is organized in five chapters. The first
chapter presents the curatorial statements that elaborate on the issues and
conditions that have formed the infrastructure of the project. Chapter two
is dedicated to the works that are exhibited in the bunker accompanied by
brief descriptions and images. The following chapter further discusses the
existence and the significance of the project through the concept of
'vintage' by taking 'the cold war era' as the point of its departure.
Chapter four recapitulates the outcome of the public program during the
second edition by focusing on the public programming and discussions that
took place in Sarajevo as an accompanying event of the biennial opening.
Finally, the last chapter depicts the chronology of the project by providing
brief information on talks, presentations, workshops and seminars that took
place within the project.
This book has been published by the Association Biennial of Contemporary
Art, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina and supported by UNESCO.
The 2nd edition of the Project Biennial D-0 ARK Underground, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, curated by Basak Senova and Branko Franceschi, takes place
through September 26, 2013.

Basak Senova




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[spectre] 2nd edition of Project Biennial D-0 ARK Underground, Bosnia and Herzegovina

2013-04-29 Diskussionsfäden Basak Senova
2nd edition of Project Biennial D-0 ARK Underground, Bosnia and Herzegovina
April 26–September 26, 2013
The partner countries are the Republics of Turkey and Croatia, in this
respect, the curators are Basak Senova and Branko Franceschi, who have their
paired curatorial statements under the titles Time Cube and The Castle and
selected 35 international projects.
Regardless of constructed histories and collective memories, remembering
means jumping from one sequence to another. Each reading guides towards a
new reality and each reality illuminates a new path to discover curves,
waves, missing details, obscured secrets, and disguised opinions. By
navigating through sequences of time, Time Cube aims at dwelling in past and
future memories by (i) reconstructing narratives; (ii) experiencing diverse
realities simultaneously; (iii) connecting the temporal with the spatial;
and (iv) processing the evidences of fiction and fact together. Following
the same line of thought, The Castle focuses on the unnerving sensation of
paranoia, doom and egotism emanating from the inversion of the ancient
concept of fortress to the underground haven for the political and military
elite of the Cold War era and its contemporary transition into the tourist
attraction. The central object of the Biennial is “Facility D-0, Tito’s
Atomic War Command” located in Konjic, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Now, this
very object still stands as a unique fiction, which is also a pastiche of
industrial aesthetics and facts with working engines and ventilators as the
backdrop of a historical fact. The bunker simply freezes time and is totally
isolated from the outer world. At the same time, the bunker unfolds all the
possible tensions, disappointments, dreams, hopes, and miseries of the
entire geography. 
Participating artists are Adel Abidin, Alban Muja, Alfredo Pirri, Almin
Zrno, Apparatus 22 and Studio Basar, Armin Linke, Autopsia, Banu Cennetoğlu
and Yasemin Özcan, Brian Dailey, Carl Michael von Hausswolff, Carlo Crovato,
Conor McGrady, Cynthia Zaven, Dalibor Martinis, Danica Dakic, Daniel Garcia
Andujar, Dario Solman, Edin Numankadic, Edo Murtic, Emre Erkal, Ibro
Hasanovic, Igor Bosnjak, Janos Sugar, Kim Cascone, Laibach, Luchezar
Boyadjiev, Miroslaw Balka, Nenad Malesevic, Nemanja Cvijanovic, Renata
Poljak, Paul Devens, Saeri Kiritani, Simona Dumitriu, Stealth.unlimited, and
Yane Calovski.
The 2nd edition of the Project Biennial D-0 ARK Underground, Bosnia and
Herzegovina will take place April 26 through September 26, 2013.
2nd edition of Project Biennial D-0 ARK Underground, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Curators: Basak Senova and Branko Franceschi
Curators’ assistant: Irfan Hosic
Project Biennial Director: Edo Hozic
Financial Expert: Snjezana Mesihovic
Coordinator in Chief: Sandra Miljevic Hozic
Executive Director: Ninoslav Verber
Project assistant: Jasmin Corbadzic, Belma Jusufovic
Production Team: Almir Abaz, Ivana Vukovic, Mirnes Bajic
Public program: Basak Senova, Didem Yazici, Irfan Hosic in collaboration
with Marieke Van Hal, the Biennial Foundation

Partner institutions: Ministry of Defense of B&H, Goethe Institute in
Sarajevo, Museum of Contemporary Art of the Republic of Srpska, Museum of
Contemporary Art Zagreb, History Museum B&H, Herzegovina – Neretva Canton
Tourist Board, Bosniak Institute Adil Zulfikarpašić Foundation, Black Box,

Support: Support: Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Ministry for Culture and Sport of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Ministry for Culture and Sport of Canton Sarajevo, Ministry for Culture of
Republic of Serbia, Ministry for Culture of Montenegro, Ministry for Culture
of Republic of Croatia, Embassy of the Republic of Turkey in Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Embassy of Republic of Slovenia in B&H, Ministry of Culture of
the Republic of Macedonia, UNESCO, NATO Headquarters Sarajevo, City of
Konjic, SAHA, Prince Claus Fund for Culture and Development, Biennial
Foundation, “Dimitrie Cantemir” Romanian Cultural Institute Istanbul,
Mondriaan Fund, Record Industry and Kilobase.

The Program 23-27 April, 2013
Press Conference
The press conference of the 2nd edition of Project Biennial D-0 ARK
Underground, Bosnia and Herzegovina will be held at History Museum, Sarajevo
on April, 23rd, 12.00h. The language of the conference will be Bosnian. The
same content and information will be given to public in English, during the
opening of the roundtable discussion at Bosniak Institute Foundation,
Sarajevo on 27th, 16.00h.
Public Programs
23 - 24 - 25 / 27 April, 16.00h - 19.30h
Adil Zulfikarpasic Bosniak Institute Foundation, Sarajevo
On the occasion of the 2nd edition Project Biennial D-0 ARK Underground:
Time Cube and The Castle, the public programs are designed to support the
objective of building a bridge between the international and the local
actors of the contemporary art by developing community outreach approaches.
Public program ac

[spectre] International Curator Competition 2012

2012-08-28 Diskussionsfäden Basak Senova
International Curator Competition 2012

Application deadline: November 5, 2012

Akbank Sanat announces the first edition of the International Curator
Competition. Curators from around the world are encouraged to submit
proposals by November 5, 2012.

Akbank Sanat International Curator Competition is intended to provide
support for emerging curators, reinforce interest in curatorial practices,
and encourage new projects in the field of contemporary art. Developed and
coordinated by Basak Senova, the competition has an application-based
process. The content and the quality of the proposals will be evaluated by
an international jury consisting of three curators. This year¹s jury
includes Jack Persekian (director of the Al-Ma¹mal Foundation for
Contemporary Art in Jerusalem and the artistic director of Darat Al Funun,
The Khalid Shoman Foundation, Amman), Francis McKee (director of CCA,
Glasgow, tutor and research fellow at Glasgow School of Art), and Basak
Senova (independent curator).

The winning curator is given opportunities to realize the proposal as an
exhibition that will run from February 15­April 30, 2013 at Akbank Art
Centre, Istanbul, accompanied by an exhibition catalogue and additional
activities. The curatorial fee, the exhibition production, travel expenses
of the curator/s and artists, the production of the catalogue and the
additional activities will be covered by Akbank Sanat.

Curators under the age of 40 are eligible to apply for the competition.
There is no condition of residency or citizenship. Curators may apply for
the competition as individuals as well as in groups (or as curatorial
collectives). Curators will not be allowed to participate as artists in the

By filling the application form (to be downloaded
from www.akbanksanat.com/icc <http://www.akbanksanat.com/icc> ) the curators
will explain the conceptual framework of the exhibition proposal as well as
the artists and their works in detail. There could be additional activities
(for instance: talks or video screenings) that could be incorporated into
the exhibition proposal. Application forms must be written in English.
Applicants are expected to submit (only electronic copies) the completed
application form, CV (max. 2 pages) and accompanying visual material for
their proposals (max. 4MB in total) by sending emails to i...@akbank.com.
Closing date for applications is November 5, 2012, 17h GMT +2. Late
applications shall not be considered for evaluation. Entries must be
previously unpublished, and the proposal must not have been realised or
exhibited before.

The website www.akbanksanat.com/icc <http://www.akbanksanat.com/icc>
contains the plan of the exhibition space, guidelines, and the application

All applicants will be notified of the jury¹s decision by November, 23,

For further inquiries please contact i...@akbank.com.

Akbank Sanat
Istiklal Cad. No. 8  
Beyoglu / Istanbul, Turkey
T +90 212 252 3500

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[spectre] ³CURATING EXCHANGE² , 13-16 June 2012, Skopje, Macedonia

2012-06-10 Diskussionsfäden Basak Senova
13-16 June 2012
Skopje, Macedonia

press to exit project space is pleased to invite you to Curating Exchange,
the international symposium, which will take place at the GEM club in Skopje
(Macedonia), from the 13th until the 16th of June 2012.
Guest lecturers: Slavco Dimitrov (Macedonia), Sofija Grandakovska
(Macedonia), Antonia Majaca (Croatia), Suzana Milevska (Macedonia), Dorothee
Richter (Switzerland), Basak Senova (Turkey), Marko Stamenkovic (Serbia) and
Yane Calovski (Macedonia) as moderator.
Curating Exchange is designed as a weeklong symposium addressing local and
regional need for an insightful and qualitative exchange of experience and
knowledge in terms of artistic research, curatorial practice and education.
The simposium program is open to the public as a forum envisioned to address
questions of social, political and cultural identification of recent
curatorial and research practices with guests from Macedonia, the Balkan
region and beyond. The format of the symposium allows for four evening
sessions in which two guests each evening present and discusses recent
curatorial and theoretical research projects. Topics covered include
changing ideas about art theories and current institutional practices, the
status of the curator as a critical instigator and educator, the different
perceptions about the socio-political role of the curator, the identity of
the curatorial practice as an academic discipline open to renovation, etc.
Participants include: Suzana Milevska (Macedonia), Basak Senova (Turkey),
Antonia Majaca (Croatia), Marko Stamenkovic (Serbia), Sofija Grandakovska
(Macedonia), Slavco Dimitrov (Macedonia), Dorothee Richter (Switzerland) and
Yane Calovski (Macedonia) as moderator.
As a project, Curating Exchange will emphasize the need to reassess the role
of the curator in these complex socio-political times and to question the
potentiality of the curator to be a catalyst for socio-political and
cultural change. We hope to provide insight into the collective regional and
international perspectives in the field of curatorial practices and
integrate new knowledge and expertise in the context of events in Macedonia.
The program includes workshop for young curators, with an intent to produce
exchange and development of critical, interdisciplinary and hybrid knowledge
in the field of curatorial practices and contemporary visual art and

The workshop, open to aspiring curators in Macedonia and the region, is lead
by Dorothee Richter, Head of Postgraduate Program in Curating, Institute for
Cultural Studies in Arts, Zurich University of the Arts. It is intended to
help the participants gain insight into the methodological, theoretical and
organizational strategies via presentations, discussions, and development of
individual and collaborative curatorial projects. Since there is a lack of
curatorial training opportunities, we feel that the workshop will be of
great importance for those who are interested but are not in position to
experience such educational programs abroad. Assisting Ms. Richter in the
workshop will be Ivana Vaseva, member of press to exit project space and
current participant in the Curatorial Programme of de Appel arts centre in
Curating Exchange is realized as part of the "Visiting Curatorial
Initiative"(VCI) program, initiated in 2005, in order to stimulate and
support researches and implementation of new curatorial projects from young
and emerging international and local curators.
With the support of: Pro Helvetia - The Swiss Cultural Programme and
additional partners.
The program takes place in the GEM club ­ a resurrected space in the Old
bazaar in Skopje (address: Karaorman bb, Skopje) that connects cultural
workers, artists and activists to share ideas and projects.
To keep up with news and events related to press to exit project space,
follow http://www.presstoexit.org.mk/ . For all other enquiries, please
contact Yane Calovski, director of the project, at both
presstoe...@gmail.com and yanec...@gmail.com.
Wednesday June 13th
· 10h ­ 13h 1st session of workshop
   (Closed session. Only for the participants of the workshop)
· 19h-20h Dorothee Richter: Development of Curating and Mediating
Contemporary Art (Public presentation)
· 20.30h-22h Marko Stamenkovic: The Contested and Condemned; and
   Slavco Dimitrov: Emotional Archive of Queer Experiences
(Public presentations)
Thursday June 14th 
· 10h ­ 13h 2nd session of workshop
(Closed session. Only for the participants of the workshop)
· 20:30h -22h Basak Senova: Lost in Memory: Uncovered; and
   Sofija Grandakovska: The Jews from Macedonia and the Holocaust
(Public presentations)
Friday June 15th 
· 10h ­ 13h 3rd session of workshop
(Closed session. Only for the participants of the workshop)
· 20h ­ 21:30h Suzana Milevska: Curating Roma Protocol; and
   Antonija Majaca: Can you spe

[spectre] WHITE, curated by Basak Senova

2012-01-04 Diskussionsfäden Basak Senova
curated by Basak Senova

6–28 January 2012


Deriving from the perceptual response to drawing as a conceptual language.
The title “White” is substituted in Turkish as “Siyah”, which means ‘black’.
This word game with the translation of the title implies the uncertainty and
the complexity beneath the ‘coded’ oppositions. While the application of
black and white could directly refer a perceptual opposition, both of these
colours have their own physical and rhetorical characteristics and are
simply different by definition. In the same line of thought, each artist in
this exhibition responds to complicated and conflicting strategies and
languages, thus allowing the exhibition to cast a light on what is
neglected, missing, abstracted, but nonetheless intoxicating and destructive
in the practice of ‘drawing’. This examination appears as a direct reaction
to developing a conceptual language that is at once a destructive, menacing
and impossible system of forms. While each work is distinct in terms of
visuality and concept, they share interest in researching the potential of
drawing as critical practice unbound by rules and methods.

“White” is also an attempt to look closer into the drawings of artists Alban
Muja, Aya Ben Ron, Ceren Oykut, Luchezar Boyadjiev, Gözde İlkin, Erik
Göngrich, İlgen Arzik, Maria Loizidou, and Yane Calovski. The relationship
between the works are analyzed not so much through a potential conceptual
methodology or a shared thematic imposition, but rather through specific
reasons in applying a direct constrain—using only the colours black and

Most of the works are processes of repetitive acts trapped within
conflicting and unresolved situations. The act of looping repetitive
gestures and lines accumulates the sense of being trapped in a vicious
circle. In order to address the idiosyncratic nature of the selected works,
the spatial design of the exhibition is based on a horizontal linear setting
that challenges the verticality of the gallery walls.  All of the works in
the exhibition are presented on a table that spreads through every room of
the gallery. While navigating through the exhibition, due to the positioning
of this long table, visitors are challenged to draw circles and re-visit
parts of the table in order to reach every available work in the exhibition.

“White” is supplemented by a book edited by curator Basak Senova which
presents the works and the process of arriving at the concept and design of
the exhibition. The book is available through CDA-Projects, Istanbul.

*”Siyah” in Turkish.

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[spectre] Book Launch: UNCOVERED. Nicosia International Airport. Book 1

2011-12-06 Diskussionsfäden Basak Senova
Book Launch: UNCOVERED. Nicosia International Airport. Book 1
UNCOVERED is pleased to announce the book launch of UNCOVERED. Nicosia
International Airport. Book 1, on Friday, 16th December, at 7pm, at Home for
Cooperation, in the buffer zone, across from Ledra Palace.
During the book launch Jack Persekian will present a performance of Nablus
The book, edited by Basak Senova and Pavlina Paraskevaidou, includes texts
by Alexander Galloway, AbdouMaliq Simone, Antonio Negri, Argyro Toumazou,
Basak Senova, Bülent Diken, Dervis Zaim, Jack Persekian, Lamia Joreige,
Marina Grzinic, Michael Hardt, Mushon Zer-Aviv, Niyazi Kizilyürek, Ozgul
Ezgin, Pavlina Paraskevaidou, Pelin Tan, Socrates Stratis, Stavros
Stavrides, and Jalal Toufic. Gökce Sekeroglu designed the book.
UNCOVERED is a three-year research-based art and media project under the
curatorship of Basak Senova and Pavlina Paraskevaidou. Three terms – “memory
construction,” “commons,” and “control mechanisms” – form the conceptual
springboard for the project. The development team consists of Argyro
Toumazou, Özgül Ezgin, Vicky Pericleous and the curators. The partners of
UNCOVERED are European-Mediterranean Art Association, The Pharos Arts
Foundation, and Anadolu Kultur.
UNCOVERED. Nicosia International Airport. Book 1 documents the first phase
of the project that culminated with an exhibition in September 2011, in
Nicosia of the eight commissioned works by Andreas Savva Constantinos
Taliotis, Demetris Taliotis, Görkem Müniroğlu, Gürgenç Korkmazel, Emre
Yazgın, Erhan Öze, Socratis Socratous, Orestis Lambrou, Oya Silbery, Özge
Ertanın, Vicky Pericleous, and Zehra Sonya. The book includes a number of
essays on the themes of “memory”, “commons”, and “control mechanisms” that
were explored in the exhibition, as well as a section devoted to the eight
projects. The publication also introduces the archive that has been
initiated as part of the research and concludes with the contributions of
the speakers made during the panel discussion following the opening of the
Venue: House for Cooperation, (buffer zone, across from Ledra Palace),
Nicosia, Cyprus.
Date and Time: 16th December, 2011, 7pm
Editors: Pavlina Paraskevaidou and Basak Senova
Contributions: Alexander Galloway, AbdouMaliq Simone, Antonio Negri, Argyro
Toumazou, Basak Senova, Bülent Diken, Dervis Zaim, Jack Persekian, Lamia
Joreige, Marina Grzinic, Michael Hardt, Mushon Zer-Aviv, Niyazi Kizilyürek,
Ozgul Ezgin, Pavlina Paraskevaidou, Pelin Tan, Socrates Stratis, Stavros
Stavrides, and Jalal Toufic
Copy Editing and Proof Reading: Barbara Iacovou
The printing of the book is kindly supported by Phileleftheros Group.
The book is in part supported by The Open Society Foundations.

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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[spectre] UNCOVERED - Nicosia International Airport

2011-12-06 Diskussionsfäden Basak Senova


UNCOVERED is a long-term research-based art and media project under the
curatorship of Basak Senova and Pavlina Paraskevaidou. It was initiated in
2010, based on Cypriot artist Vicky Pericleous¹s idea for an artistic
intervention at the Nicosia International Airport, subsequently submitted as
a proposal to the UNDP by Özgül Ezgin and Argyro Toumazou parallel to the
peace-negotiations process. Three terms ­ ³memory construction,² ³commons,²
and ³control mechanisms² ­ form the conceptual springboard for the project,
which begins by developing a space of encounter for cultural producers from
across the divided island.

Lying abandoned inside the buffer zone since July 1974, off limits for the
local population, the Nicosia Airport represents a spatial order generated
by 36 years of UN control. The airport is a riddle nested within paradoxical
questions of protection ­ Protected. Unprotected. Covered. Uncovered.
Protected for whom? Protected from whom? ­ It is a spatial lapse, an episode
of total invisibility.

The Nicosia airport once served as the central port of entry and departure
from the country. Now empty and protected from view, its former importance
exists only in the islanders¹ childhood memories. The novelty of its
architecture, with its much-hailed new terminal, has acquired a rich patina
of forgetting. A monument to a failed modernism, the airport embodies a
history that is written only to be erased and re-written all over again. Due
to the historical significance of the airport ­ along with its role in
personal histories of division and survival in a state of suspended
animation ­ there is no doubt that the airport ­ the building, the site, the
land it occupies ­ plays a critical role in the construction of the island¹s
collective memory. UNCOVERED, then, places key importance on issues of
memory and amnesia.

UNCOVERED examines how control mechanisms have been operating in the island
on multiple levels via the airport. The project explores how this space,
frozen in time, indicates and exposes the operational and organizational
logics of control that have evolved on the island over the past decades. One
can even see it as an attempt to understand the ways protocols can be
customized and complex systems can be manipulated by control mechanisms.

UNCOVERED also questions the politics of space as it has been exercised on
the island, challenges the validity of control mechanisms, and asks
questions that move beyond the ubiquitous mnemonic to pain in order to
ultimately reclaim the island¹s ³commons.²

The project¹s two phases are to span three years. With the Nicosia
International Airport, located within the UN Protected Area, as its point of
departure, the project aims to engage the local population closely, working
with artists from both sides of the island to produce works and content that
incorporate diverse critical perspectives on the ongoing conditions of
instability. The first phase is dedicated to data collection and the
development of these local perspectives. It will culminate in an exhibition,
seminar, and book launch in October 2011. The second phase will expand to
include international partners, and will focus on data processing and case
analysis through panels, workshops, and publications. This second phase will
give priority to the commission and presentation of international art
projects under the auspices of UNCOVERED, both on Cyprus and abroad, while
developing and improving facilities for art production on Cyprus itself.

The curatorial work of the UNCOVERED project will be presented and discussed
by Basak Senova during the Sharjah Art Foundation¹s 4th Annual March
Meeting. The March Meeting is a three-day cultural symposium featuring
presentations by international artists, institutions, and art professionals
on artistic practice and production in the Middle East, North Africa, and
South Asia. It will precede the 10th edition of the Sharjah Biennial from
March 16 to May 16, 2011.

The partners of UNCOVERED are European-Mediterranean Art Association, The
Pharos Arts Foundation, and Anadolu Kültür. 

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[spectre] UNCOVERED - Nicosia International Airport - September 2011 Launch

2011-09-19 Diskussionsfäden Basak Senova
23 September ­ 23 October 2011
Opening: 23rd September
Venue: Ledra Street/Lockmaci Buffer zone
Hours: 10am-8pm, daily (except Mondays)
Time: 7:00pm

Guided Tour of the exhibit: 24 September

Venue: Ledra Street-Lokmaci, Buffer Zone

Given in English by the curators and the artists

Time: 10.30-11.30am
Panel Discussion: 24th September
Venue: Home for Cooperation Buffer zone
Time: 2.30-7.30pm
Curators : Pavlina Paraskevaidou and Basak Senova
Project Co-Ordinators: Ozgul Ezgin and Argyro Toumazou
Based on an idea by artist Vicky Pericleous.
UNCOVERED is a three-year research based art project, divided into two
phases, and its area of investigation are the issues stemming from the
prolonged condition of the closed Nicosia International Airport.
The title of the project is a word-play UN+COVERED reflecting on the role
and presence of the UN at the airport since the latter was declared a United
Nations Protected Area following the hostilities on the island in the summer
of 1974, resulting in the de-facto division of the island and the creation
of a buffer zone. The United Nations continues to facilitate Peace
negotiations between the two sides. The project aims to explore notions of
memory, commons and control mechanisms, as these arise out of the status of
a closed-off airport in a space of conflict.
Lying abandoned inside the buffer zone, off limits to the local communities,
the Nicosia Airport represents a spatial order generated by 37 years of UN
control in the context of a protracted conflict between the Greek Cypriot
and Turkish Cypriot communities. The once-bustling Nicosia airport served as
the central port of entry and departure in a newly independent country in
the wake of post-colonialism. The novelty of its architecture, with its
much-hailed new terminal, has acquired a rich patina of forgetting, a
monument to a failed modernism while at the same time remains in a state of
suspended animation.
The project explores how this space, frozen in time and space, indicates and
exposes the operational and organizational logics of control that have
evolved on the island over the past decades and asks questions that move
beyond the ubiquitous mnemonic to pain in order to ultimately understand and
reclaim the island¹s ³commons.²
The first phase has concentrated on cultural production in Cyprus and the
commissioning of eight projects by Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots,
including Özge Ertanžn and Oya Silbery, Görkem Müniroglu and Emre Yazgin,
Vicky Pericleous, Erhan Oze, Andreas Savva, Zehra Sonia and Gürgenc
Kormazel, Socratis Socratous, Demetris Taliotis, Constantinos Taliotis and
Orestis Lambrou.  The exhibition of the projects runs from 23 September ­ 23
October 2011. 
On Saturday 24 September in the morning there will be a guided tour of  the
exhibit, given by the curators and a panel discussion in the afternoon with
Monica Griznic, Lamia Joreige, Niyazi Kizilyurek , Socrates Stratis  and
Jack Persekian moderated by Basak Senova and Pavlina Paraskevaidou, followed
by a screening of Anton Vidokle¹s New York Conversations.
An accompanying book will be published in October 2011 and includes
contributions by Stavros Stavrides, Bulent Diken, Alex Galloway, Abdoumaliq
Simone, Jalal Touffic,Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri, Dervis Zaim, Mushon
Zer-Aviv, Pelin Tan, and Socrates Stratis, together with essays from the
curators and sections devoted to the archive and the artists work.
Özge Ertanžn and Oya Silbery use various media to investigate and question
social and political situations in Cyprus with black humour. As a response
to the protracted idleness on the island, they work on a website for the
Nicosia International Airport with information and data that function as
though the airport was active. Nevertheless, the ironic content of the
website reveals the actual state of the airport, once a user starts
navigating through its pages.
Görkem Müniroglu works with both sound and image and for this project, he
collaborates with Emre Yazgin, a sound engineer, to create a sound
installation. Müniroglu aims to revive the dead energy of Nicosia airport by
playing it as a musical instrument.  For this installation he has produced
soundtracks, which consist of series of composed and edited sound
recordings, taken from the airports at Nicosia, Larnaca and Ercan.
Erhan Oze investigates how the war of sovereignty over Cyprus has been
extended to the electromagnetic field and the island¹s air space.  The
artist highlights that tactic of intercepting radio signals as both Ercan
Air Control Centre and Nicosia Air Control Centre try to exercise control
over the FIR space and ascertain sovereignty.  The artist presents
interviews with air traffic controllers from both sides where each presents
their side of the problem, while Erhan also

[spectre] UNCOVERED - Nicosia International Airport

2011-03-11 Diskussionsfäden Basak Senova


UNCOVERED is a long-term research-based art and media project under the 
curatorship of Basak Senova and Pavlina Paraskevaidou. It was initiated in 
2010, based on Cypriot artist Vicky Pericleous’s idea for an artistic 
intervention at the Nicosia International Airport, subsequently submitted as a 
proposal to the UNDP by Özgül Ezgin and Argyro Toumazou parallel to the 
peace-negotiations process. Three terms – “memory construction,” “commons,” and 
“control mechanisms” – form the conceptual springboard for the project, which 
begins by developing a space of encounter for cultural producers from across 
the divided island.

Lying abandoned inside the buffer zone since July 1974, off limits for the 
local population, the Nicosia Airport represents a spatial order generated by 
36 years of UN control. The airport is a riddle nested within paradoxical 
questions of protection – Protected. Unprotected. Covered. Uncovered. Protected 
for whom? Protected from whom? – It is a spatial lapse, an episode of total 

The Nicosia airport once served as the central port of entry and departure from 
the country. Now empty and protected from view, its former importance exists 
only in the islanders’ childhood memories. The novelty of its architecture, 
with its much-hailed new terminal, has acquired a rich patina of forgetting. A 
monument to a failed modernism, the airport embodies a history that is written 
only to be erased and re-written all over again. Due to the historical 
significance of the airport – along with its role in personal histories of 
division and survival in a state of suspended animation – there is no doubt 
that the airport – the building, the site, the land it occupies – plays a 
critical role in the construction of the island’s collective memory. UNCOVERED, 
then, places key importance on issues of memory and amnesia.

UNCOVERED examines how control mechanisms have been operating in the island on 
multiple levels via the airport. The project explores how this space, frozen in 
time, indicates and exposes the operational and organizational logics of 
control that have evolved on the island over the past decades. One can even see 
it as an attempt to understand the ways protocols can be customized and complex 
systems can be manipulated by control mechanisms.

UNCOVERED also questions the politics of space as it has been exercised on the 
island, challenges the validity of control mechanisms, and asks questions that 
move beyond the ubiquitous mnemonic to pain in order to ultimately reclaim the 
island’s “commons.”

The project’s two phases are to span three years. With the Nicosia 
International Airport, located within the UN Protected Area, as its point of 
departure, the project aims to engage the local population closely, working 
with artists from both sides of the island to produce works and content that 
incorporate diverse critical perspectives on the ongoing conditions of 
instability. The first phase is dedicated to data collection and the 
development of these local perspectives. It will culminate in an exhibition, 
seminar, and book launch in October 2011. The second phase will expand to 
include international partners, and will focus on data processing and case 
analysis through panels, workshops, and publications. This second phase will 
give priority to the commission and presentation of international art projects 
under the auspices of UNCOVERED, both on Cyprus and abroad, while developing 
and improving facilities for art production on Cyprus itself.

The curatorial work of the UNCOVERED project will be presented and discussed by 
Basak Senova during the Sharjah Art Foundation’s 4th Annual March Meeting. The 
March Meeting is a three-day cultural symposium featuring presentations by 
international artists, institutions, and art professionals on artistic practice 
and production in the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia. It will 
precede the 10th edition of the Sharjah Biennial from March 16 to May 16, 2011. 

The partners of UNCOVERED are European-Mediterranean Art Association, The 
Pharos Arts Foundation, and Anadolu Kültür. 
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[spectre] Upgrade International 2010: Soft Borders

2010-10-11 Diskussionsfäden Basak Senova
Upgrade International 2010: Soft Borders 
October 18-21, 2010 :: São Paulo, Brazil.


Soft Borders is the 4th Upgrade! International Network Conference and Festival; 
previous editions of the conference happened in New York (USA), Oklahoma City 
(USA) and Skopje (Macedonia). The conference will gather artists, curators and 
researchers from 30 countries to present and discuss the field of new media 
art, in the international and local contexts, especially in Brazil, the country 
that is hosting the present edition of the event.

The new media festival that is also part of the Soft Borders event will present 
artworks selected by three curators — Silvia Laurentiz (Brazil), Basak Senova 
(Turkey), and Elena Veljanovska (Macedonia).

The Soft Borders theme that drives either the conference and the art festival, 
aim to discuss the borders disolutions between the many fields of the knowledge 
and life, the contamination of the one another, particularly regarding the 
relationship between art-science-technology.

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[spectre] Curatorial Network Seminar: Inter_connections @ Plymouth Arts Centre, 25.04.08

2008-04-22 Diskussionsfäden basak senova
Curatorial Network Seminar
Speakers: Basak Senova, Ute Meta Bauer and Paul O'Neill

Plymouth Arts Centre
Friday 25 April 2008, 12.30­5.30pm

Plymouth Arts Centre and i-DAT present Inter_connections seminar, the
concluding event of a curatorial residency undertaken by Basak Senova.
Senova is assistant professor at Kadir Has University, an independent
curator and founding member of the Istanbul association NOMAD. Senova was
resident at i-DAT and Plymouth Arts Centre in January 2008 as part of the
programme of International Curatorial Research Residencies initiated by the
Curatorial Network.

The seminar reflects upon the notion of Œperceiving urban based realities
within cross-territorial practices and networks¹. There are presentations by
Basak Senova; Ute Meta Bauer (Director of the Visual Arts programme at MIT,
artistic director of the 3rd Berlin Biennial for Contemporary Art &
co-curator of Documenta 11); Paul O¹Neill (curator, writer and Research
Fellow with Situations at the University of the West of England, Bristol
researching the development of contemporary curatorial practice); i-DAT and
Plymouth Arts Centre.

Basak Senova is mapping cross-cultural generosity, sharing, communication,
social interaction and exchange in contemporary art practice. Starting with
the structuring of an active personal curatorial network map, she aims to
detect and process parallel cases and counter-actions, which set new modes
and channels for social, political and cultural information flow.

Part of the Curatorial Network programme, delivered by KURATOR, ArtProjects
and Solutions and supported by Arts Council England South West. For further
information or to join the discussion list, see http://www.curatorial.net

Plymouth Arts Centre
38 Looe Street
Plymouth PL4 0EB
01752 206114

having trouble reading this email? click on the following link:

basak senova


+90 536 930 1321

PK 16, 34741 Suadiye, Istanbul, Turkey

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[spectre] UNRECORDED

2008-03-09 Diskussionsfäden basak senova
5 March ­ 16 April 2008
Akbank Sanat, Istanbul

Curated by Basak Senova

The perceptual re-construction of space is a continuous process, generated
by diverse inputs such as our senses, memory, history, consciousness as well
as technology. It is a process, consisting of momentary fragments, which are
impossible to record. They are temporary, augmented, designed, and loaded.

³Unrecorded² exhibition looks at the notion of space as a decisive factor in
our perception of the realities that surround us. The works of Kati London
(US), Thomas Duc (France), Laila El-Haddad (Palestine), Dan Phiffer (US),
Mushon Zer-Aviv (Israel), Daniel Garcia Andujar (Spain), Zhou Hongxiang
(China), Banu Cennetoglu (Turkey), Negar Tahsili (Iran), Kate Armstrong
(Canada), and Ali Taptik (Turkey) unfold and restructure all possible
perceptual codes through their own inspections, observations, and
approaches. They ask questions about the physicality of the space; content
of mediatized spaces; clashes between realities and perception of spaces;
spaces and situations, discharging information; and narrative spaces.

Exhibition space is deliberately designed to minimize the interaction
between the data input of physical space and the audio-visual senses of the
viewer, in order to drive the viewer into the realm of each work. Thus, each
and every work leads to another, through a unique navigation established by
each viewer. In this respect, works in the exhibition are re-positioned,
re-linked in space-time relative to the ³reading² done by each viewer,
building alternative paths. Inevitably, the exhibition takes the phases of
informational capitalism, global scenarios for socio-political, cultural and
economic gaps into consideration, on each and every visit.

The exhibition will be accompanied by a series of lectures and workshops
developed by a group of artists, writers, curators and theorists including
Jalal Toufic (Lebanon), Nat Muller (The Netherlands), Technologies To The
People (Daniel G. Andujar) (Spain), Laila El-Haddad (Palestine), Dan Phiffer
(US), and Mushon Zer-Aviv (Israel).

6 March 2008
A presentation and talk by Laila El-Haddad (Palestine), Dan Phiffer (US) and
Zer-Aviv (Israel)

You Are Not Here 
Laila El-Haddad, Dan Phiffer and Mushon Zer-Aviv will present the You Are
Not Here project and discuss the mediated interpretation of space in the
context of military occupation and the resistance to it.

8 March 2008
A talk by Nat Muller (The Netherlands)

Soft Reality meets Soft Space: An Attempt towards an incomplete Glossary
A proposal for interpreting the soft collisions between messy systems of
representation and 
spatial conceptions.

13-14-15 March 2008
A 3 days practical and theoretical workshop/meeting by Technologies To The
People. Directed by Daniel G. Andújar (Spain)

DIT "Do It Together" Workshop Series
The Apprehension of reality from the Postcapital Archive
This interdisciplinary workshop is open to cultural & media producers,
artists, scientists, theorists, activists, and anyone interested in design,
visual communication, art, media, and cultural sciences. The objective of
the workshop is to facilitate reflection upon the structures of the "public"
process, communication methods, and the possibilities these present. It also
aims to intervene artistically using modern communication technology
methods, and to test new "public" participation models.

31 March ­ 1 April 2008
A 2 days lecture by Jalal Toufic (Lebanon)

You Said ³Stay,² So I Stayed
Attending to the film Groundhog Day, Jalal Toufic will lecture on the will
and its relation to eternal recurrence.

Admission is free. Registration in advance is needed for the workshops.

Akbank Sanat
Istiklal Cad. Zambak Sok. No:1
Beyoglu, Istanbul
Tel: (0 212) 252 35 00 ­ 01
Fax: (0 212) 245 12 28

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[spectre] opening of the Light Illumination and Electricity exhibition

2007-10-30 Diskussionsfäden basak senova

Light Illumination and Electricity

opening Thursday, 1.11.2007,  6pm


everday except Mondays

Carlo Crovato
Cevdet Erek
Adham Hafez
Marko Kovačič
Ceren Oykut
Borut Savski
Cynthia Zaven
Collective Position:
Rémy Rivoire
Renaud Vercey
Bruno Voillot

Basak Senova

The launching project of the international artists-in-residence  
program of santralistanbul, “Light, Illumination, & Electricity”,  
is planned as an event in process. The project attempts to follow the  
journey of the resident artists and their works, progressed in  
Istanbul, with various presentation formats and fields of research.  
The inputs of these formats (talks, presentations, performances and  
workshops) have shaped the outcome of this journey into two-folded  
display: open-studio presentations at the artists’ studios and the  
exhibition at the Energy Museum. The exhibition documents the  
multiplicity and diversity of ideas and practice around the extensive  
substances of electricity and light. At the same time, it engenders  
and illuminates artists’ reflections and perceptions of the city,  
along with sequences and narrations of memory.

Other Participants of the Project
Sarkis Zabunyan, Andreas Broeckmann, Gregor Jansen, Paolo Rosa, Jan  
Peter E.R. Sonntag, EtienneRey, Aylin Kalem, Erhan Muratoğlu

A blog, dedicated specifically to this project, has been created  
during the residency: http://santralistanbul-lie.blogspot.com

The Townhouse Gallery of Contemporary Art, santralistanbul, ZINC –  
ECM de la Friche Belle de Mai, NOMAD and SCCA.

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[spectre] ctrl_alt_del news letter #1

2007-09-07 Diskussionsfäden basak senova

ctrl_alt_del news letter #1

ctrl_alt_del  launches on September 9th, 2007
ctrl_alt_del sound art project starts with the opening party at  
garajistanbul on September 9th at 9pm! Party will start with a brief  
presentation of the project by the curators, followed by video  
screenings and live performances of Paul Devens (Maastricht), Eran  
Sachs (Jerusalem) and Anabala [Ceren Oykut & Murat Ertel] (Istanbul).  
Party will go on with Reuben De Latour, Saska RR ve Bant DJ set.

ctrl_alt_del, organized by NOMAD, is the first and the only sound-art  
festival in Turkey, and has been realized concurrent with  
International Istanbul Biennial, since year 2003. Took place in  
Istanbul and Maastricht, 30 people from 16 different countries  
contributed to the project in 2003. In 2005, ctrl_alt_del took place  
in the “positionings” section of the 9th International Istanbul  
Biennial and 57 people from 12 countries participated in the project.

This year, festival will start parallel to the Biennial, and will  
extent to 8 months. ctrl_alt_del consists of: Opening Concert,  
Performance Series (live), Workshops, Panels, Presentations, Open  
Call, Field Studies/Workshops, Exhibition, Radio Programmes,  
Publication and CD release. The theme of ctrl_alt_del 2007 is  
“remote orienteering”, refering to orienteering activity. The  
theme is not only connected to the navigational systems but it is  
also about positioning oneself within interconnected social and  
political realities. The theme will also be processed with the issues  
of control. The development team consist of Paul Devens (NL), Can  
Karadogan (TR), Basak Senova (TR), Eran Sachs (DE/IL), Erhan  
Muratoglu (TR), and Emre Erkal (TR).

September schedule includes the results of the jury for the open- 
call, and the radio programmes that will be broadcasted in 18 cities  
over the world.

detailed info about the project http://project-ctrl-alt-del.com
detailed info about NOMAD http://nomad-tv.net
blog is on http://www.nomad-tv.net/ctrl_alt_del

september programme

opening party
09.09.2007, 21:00
(Tomtom Mahallesi Yeni Çarşı Caddesi Kaymakam Reşat Bey Sokak No:  
11/A Galatasaray)

The development team of ctrl_alt_del will briefly introduce the  
project by also referring to the history of the festival.

sound-based video screening
Paul Devens (Maastricht)
Eran Sachs (Jerusalem)
Anabala (Istanbul)
Reuben De Latour
Saska RR
Bant DJ set

radio programmes will be on
September 9th - 16th, 2007
www.artwaveradio.net (Athens) , Art Radio WPS1.org (New York), CKUT  
90.3 FM (Montreal), Radio Helsinki (Graz),  CrossRadio - Radio  
Student (Ljubljana); B92 (Belgrade); MaRS (Maribor); Radio Mostar;  
RadioIN (Novi Sad); Radio Blue Sky (Pristina) eFM (Sarajevo);  
RadioSombor; Kanal 103 (Skopje); Radio Aktiv (Zagreb); Radio  
Zrenjanin; Radio X (Basel), Radio Lora (Zurich), International Berlin  
Backyard Radio (Berlin & Brandenburg), Radyo ODTÜ (Ankara), Periscope  
Radio (Pécs), Açık Radyo [Open Radio] (Istanbul).


open call
For the third ctrl_alt_del, we looked for interesting, provocative,  
subversive, experimental and sophisticated works. As the result of  
our open call, 5 pieces by Lars L. Hansen, Duncan Whitley, Dinah Bird  
& Jean-Philipe Renoult, Ali Bilgin Arslan, Faye Peacock are selected  
by the jury and will be presented in Istanbul during the ctrl_alt-del  

Plus, Peter Cusack, Norman W. Long, Raum/2a (A. Utku Öğüt & A.  
Tolga Ayıklar), Timothy Weaver, Incite/ (Kera Nagel & Andre  
Aspelmeier), Alejandro Garcia Gonzalez, Giuseppe Rapisarda, Thomas  
Bey William Bailey, Lou Smith, Jenni Meredith, Henry Gwiazda, Anton  
Kaun, Association of Experimental Electronics, Stewart Clelland, Blas  
Payri, Ido Govrin, and Iury Lech will be in ctrl_alt_del compilation CD.


basak senova


+90 536 930 1321(TR)
+31 625 238 614 (NL)

PK 16, 34741 Suadiye, Istanbul, Turkey

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[spectre] date extended to july 20th: open call - ctrl_alt_del - 2007 /2008

2007-06-29 Diskussionsfäden basak senova
submission date is extended to July 20th

for ctrl_alt_del


In 2007-2008, ctrl_alt_del will be realized by NOMAD in corporation with
Istanbul Technical University ­ MIAM.  Venues will be garajistanbul,
Istanbul Technical University ­ MIAM, santralistanbul/Bilgi University, and
Babylon. ctrl_alt_del will include Opening Concert, Performance Series
(live), Workshops, Panels, Presentations, Open Call, Field
Studies/Workshops, Exhibition, Radio Programmes, Publication and CD release.
The theme of ctrl_alt_del in 2007 and 2008 will be ³remote orienteering². As
the first dedicated sound art festival in Turkey, ctrl_alt_del enjoyed a
great deal of international publicity in 2003 and 2005. For the third
ctrl_alt_del to be start in September 2007 and continue till the end of
April 2008, we are now looking for interesting, provocative, subversive,
experimental and sophisticated works. 5 pieces will be selected by the jury
and will be presented during ctrl_alt_del.

Georg Dietzler
Paul Devens
Murat Ertel 
Hassan Khan
Eran Sachs
Istanbul Technical University - MIAM (Pieter Snapper and Can Karadogan)
NOMAD (Emre Erkal, Erhan Muratoglu, Basak Senova)

The practice of ³remote orienteering² suggests generating content and
schematics in our conduct. Equally applicable for radical means of urban
subversion, ³remote orienteering² is the key process which the entries of
ctrl-alt-del should be directed.

The pieces are asked to be compliant with the following subjects in order to
create an intellectual climate of comprehension and discussion:

1. sounds for orientation, or sound as orientation.
2. distant sounds or sound in spatial contexts
3. sound and cultural subversion

1. Two audio CD¹s (original and a copy) of only ONE piece is the format of
the submission. Piece will not be more than 4 minutes long. Projects which
rely on specific visual documentation can be submitted on a DVD, but in any
case clip should not be longer than 4 minutes.
2. The name of the participant and the name of the piece(s) should be
written on this CD with a permanent marker.
3. An A4 size page with name, address, e-mail and telephone number of the
participant, and the names of the piece will be submitted.
4. An optional, separate A4 size page with a description, clarification or
reflection could be submitted depending completely on the desire of the
participant. These optional documents will not be used for evaluation, but
they could be used in later stages.

The works should be at the below mailing address before the 20th of July,
Basak Senova PK 16 Suadiye 34741 Istanbul, Turkey

Selected works and their owners will be announced in late August 2007 on the
NOMAD website: 

All of the submitted material will be kept in NOMAD archive.


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[spectre] open call - ctrl_alt_del - 2007

2007-04-29 Diskussionsfäden basak senova
for ctrl_alt_del


In 2007, ctrl_alt_del will be realized by NOMAD in corporation with Istanbul
Technical University ­ MIAM and Kadir Has University. The base of the
project will be Kadir Has University which is located on Golden Horn. This
year ctrl_alt_del will include Opening Concert, Performance Series (live),
Workshops, Panels, Presentations, Open Call, Field Studies/Workshops,
Exhibition, Radio Programmes, Publication and CD release. The theme of
ctrl_alt_del in 2007 will be ³remote orienteering². As the first dedicated
sound art festival in Turkey, ctrl_alt_del enjoyed a great deal of
international publicity in 2003 and 2005. For the third ctrl_alt_del to be
held in September 2007, we are now looking for interesting, provocative,
subversive, experimental and sophisticated works. 5 pieces will be selected
by the jury and will be presented during ctrl_alt_del.

Georg Dietzler
Paul Devens
Murat Ertel 
Hassan Khan
Eran Sachs
Istanbul Technical University - MIAM (Pieter Snapper and Can Karadogan)
NOMAD (Emre Erkal, Erhan Muratoglu, Basak Senova)

The practice of ³remote orienteering² suggests generating content and
schematics in our conduct. Equally applicable for radical means of urban
subversion, ³remote orienteering² is the key process which the entries of
ctrl-alt-del should be directed.

The pieces are asked to be compliant with the following subjects in order to
create an intellectual climate of comprehension and discussion:

1. sounds for orientation, or sound as orientation.
2. distant sounds or sound in spatial contexts
3. sound and cultural subversion

1. Two audio CD¹s (original and a copy) of only ONE piece is the format of
the submission. Piece will not be more than 4 minutes long. Projects which
rely on specific visual documentation can be submitted on a DVD, but in any
case clip should not be longer than 4 minutes.
2. The name of the participant and the name of the piece(s) should be
written on this CD with a permanent marker.
3. An A4 size page with name, address, e-mail and telephone number of the
participant, and the names of the piece will be submitted.
4. An optional, separate A4 size page with a description, clarification or
reflection could be submitted depending completely on the desire of the
participant. These optional documents will not be used for evaluation, but
they could be used in later stages.

The works should be at the below mailing address before the 29th of June,
Basak Senova PK 16 Suadiye 34741 Istanbul, Turkey

Selected works and their owners will be announced in August 2007 on the
NOMAD website: 

All of the submitted material will be kept in NOMAD archive.


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[spectre] the upgrade!istanbul #8

2007-04-21 Diskussionsfäden basak senova
Upgrade!Istanbul invites all of the artists, artist groups and artist
initiatives (especially based in Istanbul) to discuss and to participate in
Anna Sala¹s project.


26th of April 18:00- Alternative Directory
by Anna Sala

The goal of the project is to have an useful tool for a transcultural
dialogue and a platform to interconnect the alternative or independent
movements (artists and spaces) with other geographical scenarios in order to
create and spread cultural exchange networks.

Anna Sala 
Is currently based in Barcelona. She graduated as a graphic designer from
Massana School of Fine Arts in Barcelona. Her career as a graphic designer
brought her to multimedia studios in Paris, Wrexam and New York. Since 2004
she has been involved with social movements and several political arts
projects in Barcelona. She was one of the founders of the collective
Eclectica dv, a non-profit arts organization that wants to promote the use
and benefits of new technologies through the independent art production and
networks using free software & copyleft. She is currently involved in
developping interfaces for people and networks using printed and online
material .

Map & workshops: 
Public space:
In summer of 2006, she participated in Lost Highway Expedition

santralistanbul will host this meeting at Istanbul Bilgi University,
Dolapdere Campus, Theater

The Upgrade! Istanbul is a monthly gathering for new media artists,
academicians, practitioners, curators and for all of the other actors of
digital culture, organized by NOMAD and hosted by santralistanbul.

The Upgrade! is a network of international monthly meetings in the field of
art and technology. Founded by media artist Yael Kanarek in 1999, the
Upgrade! exists as forums for artists, designers, critics, curators and
educators who form the communities in different cities to discuss and share
knowledge. Current nodes include Boston, Chicago, Montreal, Munich, NYC,
Oklahoma City, Scotland, Seoul, Sofia, Tel-Aviv, Istanbul, Vancouver Lisbon
and Toronto. Host organisations include Eyebeam, Turbulence.org , New Media
Scotland, Art Centre Nabi, The Western Front, The Society for Arts and
Technology (SAT), InterSpace, I-camp, DCA, CCA, No-Org.net, Art Interactive,
santralistanbul, Lisboa 20 Arte Contemporânea. Open-Node.com and TUBE.


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[spectre] following up HTMlles EXPORT2 - Belgrade | Sofia | Istanbul

2007-04-11 Diskussionsfäden basak senova
For follow ups on HTMlles Festival : EXPORT 2, please check



HTMlles Festival : EXPORT 2
October 19-29, 2006
Belgrade | Sofia | Istanbul

>From the 19th-29th of October 2006, a program of  art works and artists that
participated in the 7th edition of the HTMlles festival themed Peripheries +
Proximities traveled to 3 cities: Belgrade, Serbia ; Sofia, Bulgaria; and
Istanbul, Turkey with the goal of fostering new dialog and collaborations.
Through a series of focused encounters, interactive workshops, artists
talks, performances and short exhibitions, the traveling Canadian artists
and their works encountered numerous curators, cultural operators, local
artists and local publics in each of the 3 cities. The touring works
presented in parallel to programming, produced by local partners and
translated in English and in the respective local languages. All events were
open to the public, including the interactive workshops.

participating artists and curators include: Chantal Dumas [ca], Michelle
Teran [ca], Caroline Martel [ca], Joanna Berzowska [ca/po], Jennifer Willet
+ Shawn Bailey [ca], Emily Hermant [ca], Kyd Campbel [ca], Andreja Kuluncic
[cr], Maja Ciric [sr], Miroslav Karic [sr], Basak Senova [tr], Selda Asal
[tr], Anica Vucetic [sr], Zana Poliakov [sr], Natasa Teofilovic [sr],
Aleksandra Jovanic [sr], Yofka [bg], Veronika Tzekova [bg], Adelina
Popnedeleva[bg], Diana Popova [bg], Greta Gancheva [bg], Leda Ekimova [bg],
Nina Boyanova [bg], Yana Kostova [bg], Vladia Mihailova [bg], Ceren Oykut
[tr], Ozlem Sulak [tr], Hatice Guleryuz [tr], Bengu Karaduman [tr], [tr],
Ulku Songul [tr] and Melek Ozman (Filmmor Women's Cooperative) [tr].


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[spectre] KONTROL online magazine launches its first issue!

2007-01-11 Diskussionsfäden basak senova
KONTROL online magazine launches its first issue!


KONTROL online magazine
perspectives on control in the course of contemporary art, culture,
technology, information channels and politics

KONTROL is designed as an online magazine in English, featuring articles,
interviews and reviews specifically on issues of control. The magazine has
developed as part of the ³under.ctrl² project by NOMAD. The editors of
KONTROL are Basak Senova and Yane Calovski. The materials which are
assembled for each issue will be structured around a sub-theme, include
articles, reports, analytical studies, interviews, art projects, and

The sub-theme of this first issue is ³the pornography of fabricating fear².
Contributors of the first issue are Inke Arns, Daniele Balit, Taeyoon Choi,
Sebastian Cichocki, Maia Damianovic, Christoph Draeger, Marina Grzinic,
Jeanne van Heeswijk, Glenn Ligon, Geert Lovink, Suzana Milevska, Ceren
Oykut, Igor Stromajer, Tul Akbal Sualp, Zaneta Vangeli, and Ana Vujanovic.

KONTROL is designed by kuzudesign.com and hosted by NOMAD.


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[spectre] Rejection Episodes by Vooruit and NOMAD, 19.00, 07 December 2006

2006-12-01 Diskussionsfäden basak senova
curated by Basak Senova

participating artists and designers are
Hatice Guleryuz, Ali Cabbar, Yesim Agaoglu, Zekiye Sarikartal, Nermin Er,
Arzu Ozkal - Orkan Telhan, Osman Bozkurt, Bengisu Bayrak, Extrastruggle,
Banu Cennetoglu, Koken Ergun, Ceren Oykut, and Ali Taptik.


opening hours:
Vooruit: daily from 19.00 till 23.00, 07-16 December 2006, closed on Sunday
De Centrale: daily from 18.00 till 20.00, 7-10 December 2006
The project title Rejection Episodes is derived from the science of
medicine: Immune cells may cause serious damage in order to protect the body
from any medical intervention by triggering rejection episodes. The immune
system functions by distinguishing between cells it recognizes as 'self' and
foreign material. The occurrence of these episodes is totally instinctive.
Similarly, a social rejection may also be instinctive and beyond reasoning.
The project has been developed by detecting such social cases; the emphasis
is mostly on Turkish cases in the context of urban culture, and particular
ones experienced through/by Turks in Belgium.

FRICTIES, platform for media art at Vooruit, presents Basak Senova (Turkey)
Thursday 07. December. 2006, 20.30
+ connected to the Salon at 21.30 : opening of the exhibition Rejection
Episodes at Vooruit
+ before the Salon at 18.00 : opening of the exhibition Rejection Episodes
at De Centrale 
Basak Senova Œs talk in the Salon will be about the functioning of NOMAD,
the different networks they are part of and their projects.
This Salon is also the official opening of Rejection Episodes, an exhibit in
the framework of Istanbul Ekspres,
a collaboration between Vooruit en De Centrale, an old electricity factory
that is now an intercultural meeting place.


SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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[spectre] Conscious in Coma - chapter 1 - screening programme

2006-11-19 Diskussionsfäden basak senova
Conscious in Coma

Conscious in Coma is an art project initiated by NOMAD in collaboration with
Goethe Institut, Istanbul and Platform Garanti Contemporary Art Center. The
project is designed to be a long-term networking and archiving project. The
name of the project indicates a simple and direct reference to the current
unbalanced and devastated state of the globe accompanied by the collective
silence and blindness. The project intends to collect, disseminate, and
discuss the perspectives and realities of diverse positions in multiple
formats. In this respect, the primary focus of the project is to trace,
detect and comprehend art and cultural productions which render different
cases, approaches and realities with multifaceted cultural, political and
social situations.
Conscious in Coma is designed to be a collaborative process of nine
curators: Elena Veljanovska (Macedonia), Stefan Rusu (Moldavia), Nat Muller
(The Netherlands), Vera-Maria Glahn (Germany), Basak Senova (Turkey), Jack
Persekian (Palestine), Clare Davies (Egypt), Christine Tohme (Lebanon), and
Amirali Ghassemi (Iran).

Chapter 1
23-25 November 2006.
Screening programme at Goethe Institut, Istanbul
Yeni Carsi Cad. 52, Beyoglu, Istanbul

23. November. 2006, 19:30
curated by Vera-Maria Glahn (Germany)
Aleesa Cohene, Yvonne Brandl, Markus Bertuch, and Curtis Burz.

MOLDGOLIA - project in progress
curated by Stefan Rusu (Moldova)
Pavel Braila, Lilia Dragneva, Veaceslav Druta, Stefan Rusu, Igor Scerbina,
and Serghei Turcan.

curated by Clare Davies (Egypt)
Iman Issa and Nadine Khan.

24. November. 2006, 19:30
curated by Christine Tohme (Lebanon)
Roy Samaha, Rabih Mroué, Ali Kays, and Lina Saneh.

curated by Basak Senova (Turkey)
Bengisu Bayrak, Carlo Crovato, Yane Calovski & FOS, Erhan Muratoglu, Basak
Kaptan & Erik Stein, and Bengu Karaduman.

curated by Nat Muller (The Netherlands)
Jan de Bruin, Jordan Crandall, Iratxe Jaio, Raed Yassin, and Andrijana

curated by Elena Veljanovska (Makedonya)
Bogeska Sladzana-Giuseppe Pradella, Zaneta Vangeli, Hristina Ivanoska,
Borjan Zafirovski, and Nikola Uzunovski.

25. November. 2006, 15:00
curated by Jack Persekian (Palestine)
Avi Mograbi.

curated by Amirali Ghassemi (Iran)
Behrang Samadzadegan, Behnam Kamrani, Amirali Mohebbinejad, Negar Tahsili,
Raha Faridi, Mohammad Reza Heydari, Ehsan Behmanesh, and Azin Feizabadi.


Chapter 2
Meetings and Panels, Platform Garanti Contemporary Art Center, Istanbul.
May, 2007
As an extension of the screening programme, some of the curators and
participating artists will be invited to Istanbul for a series of meetings
and panels. These meetings and panels will culminate in a series of
publications. Discussions on the strategies for future collaborations and
the archiving process will end this chapter.


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[spectre] HTMlles EXPORT2 - Belgrade | Sofia | Istanbul

2006-10-26 Diskussionsfäden basak senova
HTMlles EXPORT2 - Belgrade | Sofia | Istanbul


HTMlles Festival : EXPORT 2
October 19-29, 2006
Belgrade | Sofia | Istanbul

>From the 19th-29th of October 2006, a program of  art works and artists that
participated in the 7th edition of the HTMlles festival themed Peripheries +
Proximities will travel to 3 cities: Belgrade, Serbia ; Sofia, Bulgaria; and
Istanbul, Turkey with the goal of fostering new dialog and collaborations.
Through a series of focused encounters, interactive workshops, artists
talks, performances and short exhibitions, the traveling Canadian artists
and their works will encounter numerous curators, gallerists, cultural
operators, local artists and local publics in each of the 3 cities. The
touring works will be presented in parallel to programming produced by local
partners and translated in English and in the respective local languages.
All events are open to the public, including the interactive workshops.

participating artists and curators include: Chantal Dumas [ca], Michelle
Teran [ca], Caroline Martel [ca], Joanna Berzowska [ca/po], Jennifer Willet
+ Shawn Bailey [ca], Emily Hermant [ca], Andreja Kuluncic [cr], Maja Ciric
[sr], Miroslav Karic [sr], Basak Senova [tr], Selda Asal [tr], Anica Vucetic
[sr], Zana Poliakov [sr], Natasa Teofilovic [sr], Aleksandra Jovanic
[sr],Yofka [bg], Veronika Tzekova [bg], Adelina Popnedeleva[bg], Diana
Popova [bg], Greta Gancheva [bg], Leda Ekimova [bg], Nina Boyanova [bg],
Yana Kostova [bg], Vladia Mihailova [bg], The Upgrade! Sofia and The
Upgrade! Skopje, Ceren Oykut [tr], Ozlem Sulak [tr], Hatice Guleryuz [tr],
Bengu Karaduman [tr], Filmmor Women's Cooperative [tr], Ulku Songul [tr],
Melek Ozman [tr] and Tuna Erdem [tr].

Events in Belgrade: held at O3one Gallery and Kontekst  Gallery
October 19-21

Events in Sofia: held at the Red House Center for Culture + Debate
October 23-26

Events in Istanbul: organized by NOMAD and held at Platform Garanti
Contemporary Art Center and The Apartment Project
October 27-29

The HTMlles Festival is an ongoing project of StudioXX, Montreal, Canada's
foremost women's digital resource centre, in operation since 1995. The
HTMlles Festival, started as an annual event focused on the position of
women in cyberspace, has now evolved to become an international biennial
project which includes all facets of new media and web art technologies. The
Montreal events now stand as a globally-known meeting place for women and
feminists working in creative digital mediums and the addition of
circulation projects has created an international network for Canadian new
media artists. 

Following the EXPORT2 tour, the next HTMlles biennial event will be held in
October 2007, in Montreal. As a major international event, the HTMlles
Festival seeks submissions from international artists and academics and
collaborations with international curators, and cultural operators.

StudioXX and the HTMlles Festival receive support from numerous governmental
and private bodies including : The Canada Council for the Arts, Le Conseil
des Arts et des Lettres du Quebec, Heritage Canada, The Municipality of
Montreal and The Canadian Embassy in Ankara.

Kyd Campbell, HTMlles Festival Director - contact:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] HTMlles EXPORT2 - Belgrade | Sofia | Istanbul

2006-10-22 Diskussionsfäden basak senova
HTMlles EXPORT2 - Belgrade | Sofia | Istanbul


HTMlles Festival : EXPORT 2
October 19-29, 2006
Belgrade | Sofia | Istanbul

>From the 19th-29th of October 2006, a program of  art works and artists that
participated in the 7th edition of the HTMlles festival themed Peripheries +
Proximities will travel to 3 cities: Belgrade, Serbia ; Sofia, Bulgaria; and
Istanbul, Turkey with the goal of fostering new dialog and collaborations.
Through a series of focused encounters, interactive workshops, artists
talks, performances and short exhibitions, the traveling Canadian artists
and their works will encounter numerous curators, gallerists, cultural
operators, local artists and local publics in each of the 3 cities. The
touring works will be presented in parallel to programming produced by local
partners and translated in English and in the respective local languages.
All events are open to the public, including the interactive workshops.

participating artists and curators include: Chantal Dumas [ca], Michelle
Teran [ca], Caroline Martel [ca], Joanna Berzowska [ca/po], Jennifer Willet
+ Shawn Bailey [ca], Emily Hermant [ca], Andreja Kuluncic [cr], Maja Ciric
[sr], Miroslav Karic [sr], Basak Senova [tr], Selda Asal [tr], Anica Vucetic
[sr], Zana Poliakov [sr], Natasa Teofilovic [sr], Aleksandra Jovanic
[sr],Yofka [bg], Veronika Tzekova [bg], Adelina Popnedeleva[bg], Diana
Popova [bg], Greta Gancheva [bg], Leda Ekimova [bg], Nina Boyanova [bg],
Yana Kostova [bg], Vladia Mihailova [bg], The Upgrade! Sofia and The
Upgrade! Skopje, Ceren Oykut [tr], Ozlem Sulak [tr], Hatice Guleryuz [tr],
Bengu Karaduman [tr], Filmmor Women's Cooperative [tr], Ulku Songul [tr],
Melek Ozman [tr] and Tuna Erdem [tr].

Events in Belgrade: held at O3one Gallery and Kontekst  Gallery
October 19-21

Events in Sofia: held at the Red House Center for Culture + Debate
October 23-26

Events in Istanbul: organized by NOMAD and held at Platform Garanti
Contemporary Art Center and The Apartment Project
October 27-29

The HTMlles Festival is an ongoing project of StudioXX, Montreal, Canada's
foremost women's digital resource centre, in operation since 1995. The
HTMlles Festival, started as an annual event focused on the position of
women in cyberspace, has now evolved to become an international biennial
project which includes all facets of new media and web art technologies. The
Montreal events now stand as a globally-known meeting place for women and
feminists working in creative digital mediums and the addition of
circulation projects has created an international network for Canadian new
media artists. 

Following the EXPORT2 tour, the next HTMlles biennial event will be held in
October 2007, in Montreal. As a major international event, the HTMlles
Festival seeks submissions from international artists and academics and
collaborations with international curators, and cultural operators.

StudioXX and the HTMlles Festival receive support from numerous governmental
and private bodies including : The Canada Council for the Arts, Le Conseil
des Arts et des Lettres du Quebec, Heritage Canada, The Municipality of
Montreal and The Canadian Embassy in Ankara.

Kyd Campbell, HTMlles Festival Director - contact:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] low res reaksiyon

2006-08-12 Diskussionsfäden basak senova

low res reaksiyon

( http://nomad-tv.net/low_res_reaksiyon )

low res reaksiyon website intends to collect visual reactions of artists and
designers from Turkey towards the situation in the Middle East since July
for inquiries please mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
all rights reserved by the contributors.

low res reaksiyon is a NOMAD initiative.


low res reaksiyon web sitesi, Temmuz 2006’dan bu yana Ortadoğu’da yaşananlar
karşısında, Türkiye'den sanatçı ve tasarımcıların görsel reaksiyonlarını
biraraya getirmeyi amaçlamaktadır.
sorularınız ya da katılım için [EMAIL PROTECTED] ya da [EMAIL PROTECTED]
adreslerine e-posta atabilirsiniz.
bu sitedeki görsel malzemenin tüm hakları adı gecen katılımcılara aittir.

low res reaksiyon bir NOMAD girişimidir.


SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] Upgrade!Tel-Aviv-Jerusalem 5.5.2006

2006-05-31 Diskussionsfäden basak senova
Upgrade! Tel-Aviv-Jerusalem
Basak Senova (TR)

Monday, 5.6.06, 21:00
Daila ­ Shlomzion Hamalka 4, Jerusalem ­ Free Entrance
(presentation in english)

I: ³NOMAD ­ networking as a mode of survival² talk by Basak Senova

II: ³Audio Samples from ctrl_alt_del²

III:³Extracts from NOMAD archive²:
Turkish Light Arts (2002) ExtraStruggle
Nigar (2006) Erhan Muratoglu
Lost Postcard (2004-2005) Selda Asal - Ceren Oykut
Four days in Cairo (2005) Selda Asal

Upgrade! is an international, emerging network of autonomous nodes united by
art, technology, and a commitment to bridging cultural divides. Its
decentralized, non-hierarchical structure ensures that Upgrade! (i) operates
according to local interests and their available resources; and (ii)
reflects current creative engagement with cutting edge technologies. While
individual nodes present new media projects, engage in informal critique,
and foster dialogue and collaboration between individual artists, Upgrade!
International functions as an online, global network that gathers annually
in different cities to meet one another, showcase local art, and work on the
agenda for the following year.

Current Nodes: Amsterdam (Netherlands), Boston (United States), Chicago
(United States), Lisbon (Portugal), Johannesburg (South Africa), Istanbul
(Turkey), Montreal (Canada), Munich (Germany), New York (United States),
Oklahoma City (United States), Scotland, Seoul (South Korea), Sofia
(Bulgaria), Tel Aviv (Israel), Vancouver (Canada) and Wellington (New

Future Nodes:  Athens (Greece), Liverpool (United Kingdom), London (United
Kingdom),  and Toronto (Canada), will launch in the near future.

Organizations: Eyebeam, Turbulence.org, New Media Scotland, Art Centre Nabi,
The Western Front, The Society for Arts and Technology (SAT), InterSpace,
i-camp, DCA, CCA, No-Org.net, Art Interactive, NOMAD / santralistanbul,
program angels / lothringer13, Open-Node.com, t-u-b-e, C-M.TV, Lisboa 20,
AT. joburg, and the University of the Witwatersrand.

Upgrade! Background: Since April 1999, a group of new media artists and
curators have gathered in New York City. The first meeting took place at a
bar in the east village with Tim Whidden & Mark River [MTAA], Mark Napier
and founder Yael Kanarek. Upgrade! New York partnered with Eyebeam in March


SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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[spectre] Musrara Mix #[06]

2006-05-29 Diskussionsfäden basak senova

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Musrara Mix #[06]
International Festival for Art, Culture and Society, Musrara, Jerusalem
05 > 08.06.2006


| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

NOMAD contribution:

05.06.2006 | 14:00
Afterimage: A reading of an unrecorded past of ³the other² through the works
of Gülsün Karamustafa and Hatice Güleryüz
by Basak Senova

05 > 08.06.2006
Unawarded Performances (24mins, 2005) by Gülsün Karamustafa
Making of the Wall (16:11mins, 2003) by Gülsün Karamustafa
Strange Intimacy (17 mins, 2005) by Hatice Güleryüz
Four Images² (22 mins, 2004) by Hatice Güleryüz

07.06.2006 | 14:30

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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[spectre] s-network newsletter #1

2006-05-16 Diskussionsfäden basak senova

s1  Colloquium 
on sound-art in Turkey

23 May 2006,  14:00
Yildiz Technical University, Besiktas  Campus
Basic Design Studio of the Faculty of Art and  Design

NOMAD and Yildiz Technical University, Faculty of Art and Design, Combined
Arts Department are organizing a meeting on the current state of the Turkish
sound-art scene. The participants include artists, institutions,
universities, and organizations that are active within the fields of sound.
The meeting is open to the public.


s - network is an initiative of NOMAD for local network of sound-art in

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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[spectre] Open Studio Cairo 2006

2006-05-03 Diskussionsfäden basak senova
Open Studio Cairo

An international residency programme in Downtown Cairo exploring creative
approaches to sound.
Open Studio Project 2006 takes sound - problematic in its very definition,
scope and relationship to a loosely defined field of arts and culture - as
its point of departure. The programme is inspired by Cairo¹s rich aural
environment, one shaped by the city¹s diverse narratives of sound,
sound-making traditions and ongoing explorations of sound in contemporary
music and the arts.
Residency Programme participants include seventeen artists, musicians and
curators whose practices reflect a diversity of creative approaches to and
engagements with sound, whether as a visceral or aural material, conceptual
or contextual reference, or as a point of departure. At once intersecting
and diverging, these diverse practices reflect the ability of sound-related
work to complicate neat categories of artistic production and their
conventionally associated frameworks, technologies, tools, and skills. These
dynamics provide a context for the model of international exchange explored
in the Open Studio Project.
Rajivan Ayyappan - India
Regine Basha - USA
Carlo Crovato - UK
Murat Ertel - Turkey
Charbel Haber - Lebanon
Adham Hafez - Egypt
Geert-Jan Hobijn  - Holland & Germany
Hassan Khan - Egypt
Myizer Matlhaku - Botswana
Greg Niemeyer - USA & Switzerland
Ceren Oykut  - Turkey
Maryam Rahman - Pakistan
Mahmoud Refat - Egypt
Mohammed Al Riffai  - Egypt
Basak Senova  - Turkey
Paulo Vivacqua - Brazil
Cynthia Zaven -Lebanon
An ongoing Public Programme offers a platform for interaction with the
residency participants and their work.
Please join us for a series of Open Studio events including,
5 - 8 May (Friday-Monday)
4pm ­ 8 pm
A video game/art piece which ³players² navigate with their voice ­ offered
both as a performance and a interactive piece;

Location: Fustat Youth Center
Old Cairo
Ard el Musalasa 
Next to the new Potter¹s Village

Away From the New is a collaborative art project and video game in which
players navigate a simulated environment using their own voices as game
controls. Based on an earlier version entitled Organum Playtest, Away From
the New was developed especially for presentation in Cairo by Greg Niemeyer,
Richard Shaw and Dan Perkel of the University of California, Berkeley.

Friday May 5
7pm ­ 9pm
A screening of video compilations from Istanbul, curated by Basak Senova of

Location: Contemporary Image Center (CiC)
20 Safia Zaghloul St. off Kasr el Aini St.
El Mounira Cairo

Turkish Light Arts (2002) ExtraStruggle
I/O Information Overbloated (2005) Erhan Muratoglu
Derdimi Anla (1998) ZeN
Istatistiklal (2004) Erhan Muratoglu - Ertug Uçar - Simge Goksoy
Deniz (2005-2006) Cem Yardimci ­ John Barret
Lost Postcard (2004-2005) Selda Asal - Ceren Oykut
Down-Under (2005) Guven Çatak
Abstraction (2004) Serap Dogan
SeashellSea (2004) Ozlem Sulak

Four days in Cairo (2005) Selda Asal

Strange Intimacy (2005) Hatice Güleryüz
Nigar (2006) Erhan Muratoglu
Unawarded Performances (2005) Gülsün Karamustafa

Saturday, May 6
7pm ­ 8pm
A panel discussion with Regine Basha, Basak Senova and Mohammed Al Riffai on
the problematics of curating sound;
A discussion of the ways in which artists and curators working creatively
with sound articulate and present this work in relation to conventions of
artistic discipline and practice.
Location: Library, Townhouse Gallery
10 Nabrawy st., off Champollion st.
Talaat Harb sq., Downtown Cairo

7 ­ 9 May (Sunday ­ Tuesday)
7pm ­ 9pm
the ultrasound of therapy
An interactive installation piece in which visitors are prescribed sound

Location: Goethe Institut
5 El Bustan St.
Downtown Cairo

the ultrasound of therapy is a sound installation inspired by the
eighteenth-century French hospital La Salle des Malades. Visitors are
invited to undergo a personal sound therapy and are ³treated² with sound
therapies selected to provide individualized sonic experiences. These sound
therapies are created by members of Staalplaat Soundsystem, Simon
Wickham-Smith, and Biotechnology Makes Business Consultancy.

Thursday, May 11, 
8 pm ­ 9pm
Organum Playtest 

Location:Residence of Swiss Cultural Attaché, Heinz Walker
24 Gamal El Din
Abu Mohassen St., Garden City
A semi-improvisational performance of Organum Playtest, a collaborative art
project and video game in which players navigate a simulated environment
using their own voices as game controls. Greg Niemeyer, the game¹s creator,
will discuss the work with the audience. Vocalists Ahdam Hafez and Basim
Wadie will perform the piece.

Saturday, May 13
An open source programming workshop with artist Greg Niemeyer
Hosted by OpenCraft

Location:11 Nadi El Seid Street, Suite 1101
Dokki 12311, Giza
Hosted by OpenCraft

May 12 - 13, (Friday ­ Saturday)
7pm ­ 9pm
Open Studio 
Performance­based event

Location: Townhouse Gallery of contemporary art
10 Nabrawy st., off Champo

[spectre] the upgrade!istanbul #5

2006-04-19 Diskussionsfäden basak senova
apologies for any cross-posting..



25th of April 2006
17:00- A performance by son:DA

son:DA   _   artistic alliance   _  Golec/Horvat   _   since 2000   _   (
http://sonda.kibla.org ) has presented their work and performed in Moderna
galerija Ljubljana, Institute for contemporary art Sofia, MACRO Rome,
Kunstlerhaus Vienna, Tate modern London, The Renaissance society Chicago,
Stedelijk Amsterdam, Contemporary art museum St.Loise, at Musikprotokoll am
SteirischenHerbst Graz, International festival of animation in Utrecht,
Hiroshima and Zagreb, at Sammlung Essl and on different festivals in Prague,
Hull, Maribor, Florence, Berlin, Zagreb, Napoli  alias on different radio
and television stations.

son:DA is one of the guests of the Istanbul Residency Programme at Platform
Garanti supported by American Center Foundation.
performative audio-video constellation 2003-2006
The technical support for this ³low-fi² (analogical) constellation, with the
help of which the ³compositions² are made possible, is made from a simple
sound interface alias coaxial cable, which reacts to the events, course and
changes within the picture electrons on the screen of monitor-television and
eventually, reacts to the simple touch of it. There is also a ³analogical²
connection between audio and video signal, such as video makes, manipulates,
modulates audio signal and vice verse.  A simple electronic signal circle is
possible. The before prepared and presented (projected) pictorial alias
audio compositions make up the scores. They are fundamental materials for
the performances and interactivity. The duration of one loop is defined
through the length of the pictorial-audio composition-score. Manipulation
occurs in treating and projecting the audio and video signal into the
system, into the constellation and into the real space. Modulation happens
during the process of the performance-interactivity-improvisation with
constellation, with this ³low-tech² music instrument. The pictorial material
of the different ³compositions² includes and is represented by moving images
(found footage or original video recording), as well as animated static
images, words and numbers.  Compositions could be also made out of new or
found audio samples alias out of very simple or complex sound scores.

During the last three-year period has son:DA created a series of
compositions as technical constellations with their guests (³unit 739² .
³nr.7-G² . ³nr.27-1-2-3² . ³for two monitors². ³for a question². ³for
Europe².²for monitor, projector, bass and computer².³nr.25² . "composition
More on http://sonda.kibla.org/performances.html alias

@ 17:00
due to the ongoing construction work, santralistanbul will host this meeting
at Istanbul Bilgi University, Dolapdere Campus, The Court Room.


The Upgrade! Istanbul is a monthly gathering for new media artists,
academicians, practitioners, curators and for all of the other actors of
digital culture, organized by NOMAD and hosted by santralistanbul.

Upgrade! is an international, emerging network of autonomous nodes united by
art, technology, and a commitment to bridging cultural divides. Its
decentralized, non-hierarchical structure ensures that Upgrade! (i) operates
according to local interests and their available resources; and (ii)
reflects current creative engagement with cutting edge technologies. While
individual nodes present new media projects, engage in informal critique,
and foster dialogue and collaboration between individual artists, Upgrade!
International functions as an online, global network that gathers annually
in different cities to meet one another, showcase local art, and work on the
agenda for the following year.

Current Nodes: Boston (United States), Chicago (United States), Lisbon
(Portugal), Johannesburg (South Africa), Istanbul (Turkey), Montreal
(Canada), Munich (Germany), New York (United States), Oklahoma City (United
States), Scotland, Seoul (South Korea), Sofia (Bulgaria), Tel Aviv (Israel),
and Vancouver (Canada).

Future Nodes: Amsterdam (Netherlands), Athens (Greece), Liverpool (United
Kingdom), London (United Kingdom), Toronto (Canada), and Wellington (New
Zealand) will launch in the near future.

Organizations: Eyebeam, Turbulence.org, New Media Scotland, Art Centre Nabi,
The Western Front, The Society for Arts and Technology (SAT), InterSpace,
i-camp, DCA, CCA, No-Org.net, Art Interactive, NOMAD/santralistanbul,
program angels/lothringer13, Open-Node.com, t-u-b-e, C-M.TV, Lisboa 20, AT.
joburg, and the University of the Witwatersrand.

Upgrade! Background: Since April 1999, a group of new media artists and
curators have gathered in New York City. The first meeting took place at a
bar in the east village with Tim Whidden & Mark River [MTAA], Mark Napier
and founder Yael Kanarek. Upgrade! New Y

[spectre] under_ctrl newsletter #3

2006-04-06 Diskussionsfäden basak senova
apologies for any cross-posting..

now the under.ctrl website has updated more information and snapshots from
the Graz launch:
please check it out!
a project by NOMAD
developed by Basak Senova, Erhan Muratoglu, Emre Erkal
curated by Basak Senova
31 March 2006 > 2 April 2006


Stadtpark 1, A - 8010 Graz

under.ctrl graz launch: ³interfaces of control mechanisms²

participants: Nooshin Farhid (Iran/UK), Hristina Ivanoska (Macedonia) Effie
and Amir (Israel/Belgium), Zhou Hongxiang (China), Ran Slavin (Israel),
Anabala (Turkey), Sala Manca (Argentina/Israel), Ligna (Germany), Erhan
Muratoglu (Turkey), Michael Zinganel (Austria), Pragmatic Sanction
(Austria), Vuk Cosic (Slovenia), Nicole Pruckermayr & IOhannes zmölnig
(Austria), Yane Calovski (Macedonia), FOS (Denmark) and Igor Stromajer &
Brane Zorman (Slovenia). loosing.ctrl screening programme: Yael Bartana
(Israel), Erhan Muratoglu (Turkey), Ruti Sela & Maayan Amir (Israel), Can
Turkinan & Özlem Sulak (Turkey), and Hatice Guleryuz (Turkey). panelists:
Andreas Leo Findeisen (Austria), Marina Grzinic (Slovenia). moderators:
Emre Erkal, Erhan Muratoglu and Basak Senova of NOMAD (Turkey).


SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] under_ctrl newsletter #2

2006-03-30 Diskussionsfäden basak senova
apologies for cross-posting..


daily schedule for under.ctrl graz launch:

(GMT +1) 
streaming  http://ice.mur.at:8002/under_ctrl.ogg
31. March. 2006, 7pm-11pm video works, installations, documentaries and
screening programme and live performance of Ran Slavin (Israel) ­ streaming
through the Internet starting from 9:20pm
01. April. 2006, 7pm-11pm video works, installations, documentaries and
screening programme and live performance of Sala Manca (Argentina/Israel) ­
streaming through the Internet starting from 9:20pm
02. April.2006, 3pm-3.30pm Ligna (DE) presentation,
3.30pm ­ 5.30 pm panel ­ audio streaming through the Internet starting from
7pm-11pm video works, installations, documentaries and screening programme
and live performance of Anabala (Turkey) ­ streaming through the Internet
starting from 10:30pm

streaming is hosted by ice.mur.at (Ales Zemene)
a project by NOMAD
developed by Basak Senova, Erhan Muratoglu, Emre Erkal
curated by Basak Senova
31 March 2006 > 2 April 2006


Stadtpark 1, A - 8010 Graz

The project series, under.ctrl, intends to define ³the interfaces of control
mechanisms² which systematically compose our lives. Interfaces themselves
have become the locus of control by being more effective than their
underlying mechanisms, yet more invisible and subtle in normalizing such
mechanisms which they veil. They operate in various layers of our daily
perception and realization through the re-designing of life styles;
procedures of auto-control; re-perception of histories; generating modes for
social psychology; constructing communication channels; and particularly
through technological embodiment. The significant influence of these
interfaces, along with the direction and intensity of implicit and explicit
acceptance and rejection modes, are being detected and questioned through
subversive activities and reactions in different forms of expressions by
artistic practices. The project follows an empirical method through various
researches carried out by different artistic practices focusing on various
kinds of interfaces of control mechanisms operating in the social,
political, economic, cultural, geo-political, and psychological layers of
our daily lives. In the same line of thought, this project is also an
attempt to detect tactics and rejection mechanisms along with the ³off the
record² strategies against the pressures and conditions of these mechanisms.

under.ctrl graz launch: ³interfaces of control mechanisms², which is planned
as an event in process with various performance formats, will put forward
observations on the various aspects of the mechanisms that control our
lives, in connection with their designed interfaces. Throughout these 3
days, Forum Stadtpark will host sound performances, installations and
screenings of works and documentaries (in a definite time frame with a
controlled and composite schedule) along with a panel that will be
publicized after the event. Therefore, it will operate as a platform of
discussion on how these interfaces are shaped and alter our lives in
different local contexts. loosing.ctrl (Turkish-Israeli project) -as one of
the sub channels of the series- will also be presented with a screening
programme. under.ctrl graz launch will bring a specific emphasis to the
local context through the works of Austrian artists and a local activist

The participating artists of under.ctrl are Nooshin Farhid (Iran/UK),
Hristina Ivanoska (Macedonia) Effie and Amir (Israel/Belgium), Zhou
Hongxiang (China), Ran Slavin (Israel), Anabala (Turkey), Sala Manca
(Argentina/Israel), Ligna (Germany), Erhan Muratoglu (Turkey), Michael
Zinganel (Austria), Pragmatic Sanction (Austria), Vuk Cosic (Slovenia),
Nicole Pruckermayr & IOhannes zmölnig (Austria), Yane Calovski (Macedonia),
FOS (Denmark) and Igor Stromajer & Brane Zorman (Slovenia).

Participating artists of the loosing.ctrl screening programme are Yael
Bartana (Israel), Erhan Muratoglu (Turkey), Ruti Sela & Maayan Amir
(Israel), Can Turkinan & Özlem Sulak (Turkey), and Hatice Guleryuz (Turkey).

The panelists are Andreas Leo Findeisen (Austria), Marina Grzinic
(Slovenia), Vuk Cosic (Slovenia) and Emre Erkal. Erhan Muratoglu and Basak
Senova of NOMAD (Turkey) will be acting as moderators.


SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] under_ctrl newsletter #2

2006-03-29 Diskussionsfäden basak senova
apologies for cross-posting..


daily schedule for under.ctrl graz launch:

(GMT +1) 
streaming  http://ice.mur.at:8002/under_ctrl.ogg
31. March. 2006, 7pm-11pm video works, installations, documentaries and
screening programme and live performance of Ran Slavin (Israel) ­ streaming
through the Internet starting from 9:20pm
01. April. 2006, 7pm-11pm video works, installations, documentaries and
screening programme and live performance of Sala Manca (Argentina/Israel) ­
streaming through the Internet starting from 9:20pm
02. April.2006, 3pm-3.30pm Ligna (DE) presentation,
3.30pm ­ 5.30 pm panel ­ audio streaming through the Internet starting from
7pm-11pm video works, installations, documentaries and screening programme
and live performance of Anabala (Turkey) ­ streaming through the Internet
starting from 10:30pm

streaming is hosted by ice.mur.at (Ales Zemene)
a project by NOMAD
developed by Basak Senova, Erhan Muratoglu, Emre Erkal
curated by Basak Senova
31 March 2006 > 2 April 2006


Stadtpark 1, A - 8010 Graz

The project series, under.ctrl, intends to define ³the interfaces of control
mechanisms² which systematically compose our lives. Interfaces themselves
have become the locus of control by being more effective than their
underlying mechanisms, yet more invisible and subtle in normalizing such
mechanisms which they veil. They operate in various layers of our daily
perception and realization through the re-designing of life styles;
procedures of auto-control; re-perception of histories; generating modes for
social psychology; constructing communication channels; and particularly
through technological embodiment. The significant influence of these
interfaces, along with the direction and intensity of implicit and explicit
acceptance and rejection modes, are being detected and questioned through
subversive activities and reactions in different forms of expressions by
artistic practices. The project follows an empirical method through various
researches carried out by different artistic practices focusing on various
kinds of interfaces of control mechanisms operating in the social,
political, economic, cultural, geo-political, and psychological layers of
our daily lives. In the same line of thought, this project is also an
attempt to detect tactics and rejection mechanisms along with the ³off the
record² strategies against the pressures and conditions of these mechanisms.

under.ctrl graz launch: ³interfaces of control mechanisms², which is planned
as an event in process with various performance formats, will put forward
observations on the various aspects of the mechanisms that control our
lives, in connection with their designed interfaces. Throughout these 3
days, Forum Stadtpark will host sound performances, installations and
screenings of works and documentaries (in a definite time frame with a
controlled and composite schedule) along with a panel that will be
publicized after the event. Therefore, it will operate as a platform of
discussion on how these interfaces are shaped and alter our lives in
different local contexts. loosing.ctrl (Turkish-Israeli project) -as one of
the sub channels of the series- will also be presented with a screening
programme. under.ctrl graz launch will bring a specific emphasis to the
local context through the works of Austrian artists and a local activist

The participating artists of under.ctrl are Nooshin Farhid (Iran/UK),
Hristina Ivanoska (Macedonia) Effie and Amir (Israel/Belgium), Zhou
Hongxiang (China), Ran Slavin (Israel), Anabala (Turkey), Sala Manca
(Argentina/Israel), Ligna (Germany), Erhan Muratoglu (Turkey), Michael
Zinganel (Austria), Pragmatic Sanction (Austria), Vuk Cosic (Slovenia),
Nicole Pruckermayr & IOhannes zmölnig (Austria), Yane Calovski (Macedonia),
FOS (Denmark) and Igor Stromajer & Brane Zorman (Slovenia).

Participating artists of the loosing.ctrl screening programme are Yael
Bartana (Israel), Erhan Muratoglu (Turkey), Ruti Sela & Maayan Amir
(Israel), Can Turkinan & Özlem Sulak (Turkey), and Hatice Guleryuz (Turkey).

The panelists are Andreas Leo Findeisen (Austria), Marina Grzinic
(Slovenia), Vuk Cosic (Slovenia) and Emre Erkal. Erhan Muratoglu and Basak
Senova of NOMAD (Turkey) will be acting as moderators.


SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] under_ctrl newsletter #1

2006-03-24 Diskussionsfäden basak senova
apologies for any cross-posting..

a project by NOMAD
developed by Basak Senova, Erhan Muratoglu, Emre Erkal
curated by Basak Senova
31 March 2006 > 2 April 2006


Stadtpark 1, A - 8010 Graz

The project series, under.ctrl, intends to define ³the interfaces of control
mechanisms² which systematically compose our lives. Interfaces themselves
have become the locus of control by being more effective than their
underlying mechanisms, yet more invisible and subtle in normalizing such
mechanisms which they veil. They operate in various layers of our daily
perception and realization through the re-designing of life styles;
procedures of auto-control; re-perception of histories; generating modes for
social psychology; constructing communication channels; and particularly
through technological embodiment. The significant influence of these
interfaces, along with the direction and intensity of implicit and explicit
acceptance and rejection modes, are being detected and questioned through
subversive activities and reactions in different forms of expressions by
artistic practices. The project follows an empirical method through various
researches carried out by different artistic practices focusing on various
kinds of interfaces of control mechanisms operating in the social,
political, economic, cultural, geo-political, and psychological layers of
our daily lives. In the same line of thought, this project is also an
attempt to detect tactics and rejection mechanisms along with the ³off the
record² strategies against the pressures and conditions of these mechanisms.

under.ctrl graz launch: ³interfaces of control mechanisms², which is planned
as an event in process with various performance formats, will put forward
observations on the various aspects of the mechanisms that control our
lives, in connection with their designed interfaces. Throughout these 3
days, Forum Stadtpark will host sound performances, installations and
screenings of works and documentaries (in a definite time frame with a
controlled and composite schedule) along with a panel that will be
publicized after the event. Therefore, it will operate as a platform of
discussion on how these interfaces are shaped and alter our lives in
different local contexts. loosing.ctrl (Turkish-Israeli project) -as one of
the sub channels of the series- will also be presented with a screening
programme. under.ctrl graz launch will bring a specific emphasis to the
local context through the works of Austrian artists and a local activist

The participating artists of under.ctrl are Nooshin Farhid (Iran/UK),
Hristina Ivanoska (Macedonia) Effie and Amir (Israel/Belgium), Zhou
Hongxiang (China), Ran Slavin (Israel), Anabala (Turkey), Sala Manca
(Argentina/Israel), Ligna (Germany), Erhan Muratoglu (Turkey), Michael
Zinganel (Austria), Pragmatic Sanction (Austria), Vuk Cosic (Slovenia),
Nicole Pruckermayr & IOhannes zmölnig (Austria), Yane Calovski (Macedonia),
FOS (Denmark) and Igor Stromajer & Brane Zorman (Slovenia).

Participating artists of the loosing.ctrl screening programme are Yael
Bartana (Israel), Erhan Muratoglu (Turkey), Ruti Sela & Maayan Amir
(Israel), Can Turkinan & Özlem Sulak (Turkey), and Hatice Guleryuz (Turkey).

The panelists are Andreas Leo Findeisen (Austria), Marina Grzinic
(Slovenia), Vuk Cosic (Slovenia) and Emre Erkal. Erhan Muratoglu and Basak
Senova of NOMAD (Turkey) will be acting as moderators.

daily schedule:
31. March. 2006, 7pm-11pm video works, installations, documentaries and
screening programme and live performance of Ran Slavin (Israel) ­ streaming
through the Internet
01. April. 2006, 7pm-11pm video works, installations, documentaries and
screening programme and live performance of Sala Manca (Argentina/Israel) ­
streaming through the Internet
02. April.2006, 3pm-3.30pm Ligna (DE) presentation,
3.30pm ­ 5.30 pm panel ­ audio streaming through the Internet
7pm-11pm video works, installations, documentaries and screening programme
and live performance of Anabala (Turkey) ­ streaming through the Internet


SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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[spectre] off--press to exit project space--skopje--03.03.2006

2006-03-01 Diskussionsfäden basak senova
03.03.2006­ 10.03.2006
curators: Biljana P. Isijanin and Marjan Denkov
artists: Nikola Uzunovski, Tihomir Topuzovski, Aleksandra Petrusevska, and
Vedran Bojanovski 
press to exit project space
Maksim Gorki 19, Skopje, Macedonia
press to exit project space is pleased to present the exhibition OFF
The exhibition opens Friday, 03.03.2006 at 9pm.
The OFF project was developed as part of the curatorial workshop conducted
by Basak Senova, resident curator in the Visiting Curatorial Initiative
program of press to exit project space, since June 2005. In due course, OFF
has been realized through the New Project Productions program of press to
exit project space with the curatorial advisory of Basak Senova. This
program supports local curators and artists in developing their own projects
by providing opportunities for their artistic and curatorial practices in
OFF, curated by Biljana P. Isianin and Marjan Denkov, has been shaped by
recognizing the value of exclusive contemporary art models that react
towards limitations of any kind. As a curatorial practice, the emphasis is
on spatial reactions and answers of the artists by even increasing the
limitations of the gallery space. Such an approach would operate on
different levels: (i) the artistic level: the reaction of the artist thought
her/his production that would extract the energy of the gallery space; (ii)
the physical level; through the spatial interventions; (iii) the reception
level; by experiencing the exhibition through implied political and social
dynamics of the space.

Tihomir Topuzovski is interested in researching the potentials of mundane
objects and their semiotic complexity that challenges the limitation of
life. Aleksandra Petrusevska re-narrates the impossible personal stories of
despair through the aesthetics of destruction. Vedran Bojanovski captures
the gazes of ordinary people through the paths of memory and fragility.
Nikola Uzunovski questions the limitations of the possibilities that are
presented in the dreams, efforts and productions of the art workers.
press to exit project space is supported by Swiss Cultural Program South
East Europe and Ukraine and other partners.

special thanks to Porta Jazz - Bitola and NOMAD - Istanbul for their

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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[spectre] citism--press to exit project space--skopje--17.02.2006

2006-02-16 Diskussionsfäden basak senova
apologies for cross-postings..

17.02.2006­ 24.02.2006
curators: Elena Veljanovska, Hristijan Panev and Boris Petrovski
artists: Neda Firfova, Antonio Dimitrov and Boris Petrovski
press to exit project space
Maksim Gorki 19, Skopje, Macedonia
press to exit project space is pleased to present the exhibition CITISM.
The exhibition opening will be on 17.02.2006 at 9pm.
The CITISM project was developed as part of the curatorial workshop,
conducted by Basak Senova, resident curator in the Visiting Curatorial
Initiative program of press to exit project space, June 2005. In due course,
CITISM has been realized through the New Project Productions program of
press to exit project space with the curatorial advisory of Basak Senova.
This program supports local curators and artists in developing their own
projects by providing opportunities for their artistic and curatorial
practices in Macedonia.
CITISM, curated by Elena Veljanovska, Hristijan Panev and Boris Petrovski,
is an attempt to detect the unique characteristics of Skopje by defining the
codes of the urban language. The artists of the project process their
researches through different forms of expression by using and analyzing
graphical languages, projecting spatial interventions, and processing sound.
Each and every form operates to capture unique segments of city life. Neda
Firfova¹s graphical works are located in the gallery space whilst Boris
Petrovski applies an outdoor installation in front of the gallery, and
Antonio Dimitrov merges indoor and outdoor inputs with his sound
installation. The project itself synthesizes various forms of expression in
the urban context by striving to capture the instant and multilateral
ambience of the city.
press to exit project space is supported by Swiss Cultural Program South
East Europe and Ukraine.

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[spectre] NOMAD in CeC & CaC 2006, New Delhi

2006-01-25 Diskussionsfäden basak senova
apologies for cross-postings..


NOMAD¹s video compilation and presentation at CeC & CaC 2006, New Delhi,

28. Jan. 2006
video compilation
curated by Basak Senova
Turkish Light Arts (2002) ExtraStruggle
I/O Information Overbloated (2005) Erhan Muratoglu
Derdimi Anla (1998) ZeN
Istatistiklal (2004) Erhan Muratoglu - Ertug Uçar - Simge Goksoy
Deniz (2005-2006) Cem Yardimci ­ John Barret
Lost Postcard (2004-2005) Selda Asal - Ceren Oykut
Down-Under (2005) Guven Çatak
Abstraction (2004) Serap Dogan
SeashellSea (2004) Ozlem Sulak

Basak Senova will deliver an overview of the e-Creative scene of Turkey
through NOMAD projects in a public auditorium session in which Osama Manzar,
Aditya Dev Sood, Nitin Donde, and Marco Mancuso also take place and will be
moderated by Milindo Taid.


CeC & CaC is The Carnival of e-Creativity & Change-agents Conclave,
addressing the Creative Empowerment of Individuals by the burgeoning spread
of Technology, across multiple streams of Creative Human Endeavour. CeC &
CaC is presented by India International Centre and The Academy of Electronic
Arts, New Delhi, India. CeC is the Carnival of e-Creativity, Public Forum,
themed "Touch-e Feel-e" for 2006. The event will be largely open to the
public, with breakout sessions in the Gandhi-King Plaza and the Annexe
rear-garden. CaC is the Change-agents Conclave, Peer Forum themed "Quo
Vadis?" for 2006.

NOMAD¹s contribution is supported by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey
and NOMAD Project Channel.



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[spectre] ctrl_alt_del news letter #6

2006-01-17 Diskussionsfäden basak senova
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ctrl_alt_del news letter #6

NOMAD has updated the ctrl_alt_del site!


ctrl_alt_del  (istanbul 2005) site has been updated with further info about
the participants and over 300 images of the event covering the boat tour,
performances, workshops and presentations. 57 people from 12 countries
participated in the project.

In 2005, ctrl_alt_del took place in the “positionings” section of the 9th
International Istanbul Biennial. The project launched on September 16th,
2005 with an opening night performance at Balans Music hall, then continued
on the Bosporus, the Golden Horn, Istanbul Technical University’s MIAM
studios, laboratories, library and concert hall till September 22nd. The
2005 programme for the ctrl_alt_del project has been developed by Basak
Senova, Emre Erkal, Erhan Muratoglu, Pieter Snapper, and Paul Devens. Can
Karadogan was responsible for the logistics of ITU activities as the project
coordinator and Nusin Odelli was in charge of editing of the printed
ctrl_alt_del was the first sound-art festival realized in Turkey, in
September 2003. It was a collaboration between NOMAD, Marres, Hedah, and
Istanbul Technical University Center for Advanced Musical Studies (MIAM).
All through the month of September 2003, several events were realized in two
cities, Istanbul and Maastricht: (i) an introductory presentation, a CD
launch, performances by two artists from the Netherlands and Turkey in
Marres (Maastricht); (ii) a panel and workshop series at Istanbul Technical
University, Faculty of Architecture and MIAM; (iii) a series of performances
in Babylon, Istanbul during the opening of the 8th International Istanbul
Biennial; (iv) a panel, and performance series at Marres.; (v) an exhibition
at Marres; (vi) an audio CD which was distributed in Europe through
Lowlands, and the international distribution of  the CD-ROM was carried out
by NOMAD. ctrl_alt_del aimed at introducing Turkey to sound-art via
sound-art’s pioneering names, together with panels and workshops. More then
30 people from 16 different countries contributed to the project in 2003.
ctrl_alt_del’s 2005 participants are: Zafer Aracagök (TR), Sakir Oguz
Büyükberber (NL), DJ Selim Cenkel (TR), Eyal Danon (IL), Paul Devens (NL),
every kid on speed - Antonio Dimitrov (MK), Galia Dimitrova (BG), Ibrahim
Eid (Palestine), Emre Erkal (TR), Tal Hadad (FR), Boris Hegenbart (DE),
Robert van Heuman (NL). Petko Dourmana (BG), Can Karadogan (TR), Uri
Katzenstein (IL), Sarp Keskiner (TR), REC (TR), Reuben De Latour (NZ), MIAM:
Kerem Aksoy, Deniz Arat, Barkin Engin, Erdem Helvacioglu, Burak Tamer, Tolga
Tuzun, Murat Yakin (TR), Phillip Misselwitz (DE), Wissam Murad (Palestine),
Erhan Muratoğlu (TR), DJ Negma (TR), Phill Niblock (US), Klaus Obermeyer
(DE), Matthieu Prat (FR),  REC: Orçun Bastürk, Liz Fando, Tonguç Gökalp,
Randiman Kakara, Saska (TR), Binya Reches (IL), Sabreen Studio (Filistin),
Ran Slavin (IL), Basak Senova (TR), Pieter Snapper (US/TR) and open call:
Muni Monde, Özdemir Bayrak, Kerem Güzel, Koray Kantarcioglu (TR) and Solar
Duo (TR/FI).
The project has received support from  NOMAD Project Channel, Istanbul
Technical University MIAM  (Center for Advanced Musical Studies), Bahcesehir
University, Goethe Institut, Istanbul, Mondriaan Foundation, Amsterdam,
Consulate-General of the Netherlands, MOAB Foundation,  Radio Helsinki, Graz
, ekw 14.90, Israel National Lottery Council for the Arts, Israeli Center
for Digital Art, Holon, STEIM ( Studio for Electro-Instrumental Music),
InterSpace, Sofia, Sabreen Studio, Ford Foundation, Kadir Has University,
REC Magazine, Balans, Bant Magazine, e-tasarım, Senkron Publishing and
Baskaseyler Music Art Organization.



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[spectre] the upgrade!istanbul #3

2006-01-16 Diskussionsfäden basak senova
apologies for any cross-posting..



19th of January 2006
17:00- Discussion on “searching for education modules vis-à-vis the cyber
realm” with Elif Ayiter and Feride Cicekoglu .

Feride Cicekoglu will present an interactive work by Pınar Yoldas during the

Elif Ayiter 
Elif Ayiter is a graphic designer, artist and design instructor, living and
working in Istanbul, Turkey. After graduating from the School of Applied
Fine Arts in Istanbul with a BFA she obtained a Special Advanced Diploma in
Art and Design from the University of London Goldsmiths College. She went to
the United States on a Fulbright Scholarship where she got her MFA from the
Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, New York. She worked as a graphic designer both
in New York and Istanbul, in both freelance and art directorial capacities.
She has exhibited her art work in Turkey with Urart and Nev Galleries from
1989 to 1999. Elif worked as a graphic designer both in New York and
Istanbul, in both freelance and art directorial capacities. She has
exhibited her art work in Turkey with Urart and Nev Galleries from 1989 to
1999. Since 1993 she has worked fulltime as a design faculty member at
Bilkent University, Ankara (1993-1997), Bilgi University (1998-2001) and
Sabancı University (2001-present). She is currently studying for a doctoral
degree at the Planetary Collegium, University of Plymouth, UK.

Feride Cicekoglu 
Feride Cicekoglu has a background in architecture with a BA and MA from
Middle East Technical University and Ph.D. from University of Pennsylvania.
After the military junda of September 12, 1980, she reoriented herself in
literature and cinema. In addition to her to her short stories, essays and
articles published in various languages, she has written a number of
screenplays such as "Don't let Them Shoot the Kite" (Tunç Başaran, 1989),
"Journey to Hope" (1990) , "The Other Side of the Sea" (Tomris Giritlioğlu,
1991), The Golden City İstanbul (Hakan Aytekin, Suha Arın, 1996) and "The
House of Angels" (Ömer Kavur, 2000)  Currently, she is directing the
graduate program of Film-TV at Istanbul Bilgi University.

@ 17:00 
due to the ongoing construction work, santralistanbul will host this meeting
at Istanbul Bilgi University, Dolapdere Campus, Z-08.


The Upgrade! Istanbul is a monthly gathering for new media artists,
academicians, practitioners, curators and for all of the other actors of
digital culture, organized by NOMAD and hosted by santralistanbul.

The Upgrade! is a network of international monthly meetings in the field of
art and technology. Founded by media artist Yael Kanarek in 1999, the
Upgrade! exists as forums for artists, designers, critics, curators and
educators who form the communities in different cities to discuss and share
knowledge. Current nodes include Boston, Chicago, Montreal, Munich, NYC,
Oklahoma City, Scotland, Seoul, Sofia, Tel-Aviv, Istanbul, Vancouver Lisbon
and Toronto. Host organisations include Eyebeam, Turbulence.org , New Media
Scotland, Art Centre Nabi, The Western Front, The Society for Arts and
Technology (SAT), InterSpace, I-camp, DCA, CCA, No-Org.net, Art Interactive,
santralistanbul, Lisboa 20 Arte Contemporânea. Open-Node.com and TUBE.



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[spectre] ISTANBUL_04: Serial Cases_1 Acquaintance

2005-12-18 Diskussionsfäden Basak Senova
apologies for any cross-posting..


Serial Cases_1 Acquaintance
Istanbul Screening Programme 4


20.12.2005  @19:00 
Istanbul Bilgi University Dolapdere Campus – Theater


Eyal Danon (Holon, Israel)
Ruti Sela & Ma'ayan Amir (Alei Zahav, 5:30 min, 2005, Beyond Guilt#2, 18
min, 2004) | Ruti Sela & Clil Nadav (loopolice, 6:55 min, 2003) | Avi
Mugrabi (Details 3&4, 9 min, 2004) | Annan Tzukerman (Anxious Escapism,
2005) | Nira Pereg (Souvenir, 5 min, 2005) | Artists without Walls (April
1st), 19:30 min, 2004).

Orfeas Skutelis and Branka Curcic (Novi Sad, Serbia and Montenegro)
Mapping Rightwing Extremism (Fighting for what's left)
Brosko Prostran (Touching, 4:30 min, 2004) | Filip Markovinović (The Army
and Me, 24 min, 2005) | Mirjana Batinic (Identity: Balkans, 2:30 min) | Bob
Miloshevic (Algorythm, 6 min, 2004) | Dragan Predojevic (Die Faksche Idee,
54 sec) | Malden Marinkov (Déjà Vu, 9:40 min) | Miroslav Jovic (Triumph of
E-will, 2:20min, 2005).


Serial Cases_1 Acquaintance is a joint project of ten curators from eight
countries. The first stage of Serial Cases will be presented throughout
November 2005 March 2006 as an exchange Video Screening Program in eight
different cities. Parallel cases covered by the works along with cultural
inputs from these regions are  the basis for this screening programme


The curators of the project are Michal Kolecek (Usti nad Labem, Czech
Republic), Antonia Majaca (Zagreb, Croatia), Basak Senova (Istanbul,
Turkey), Matei Bejenaru (Iasi, Romania), Margarethe Makovec and Anton
Lederer (Graz, Austria), Galia Dimitrova (Sofia, Bulgaria), Eyal Danon
(Holon, Israel), Orfeas Skutelis and Branka Curcic (Novi Sad,
Serbia and Montenegro).

Digital post production of the project was coordinated by Eyal Danon of
Israeli Center for Digital Art, Holon.


Istanbul screening programme is hosted by NOMAD at Istanbul Bilgi University
Dolapdere Campus – Theater


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[spectre] ATTITUDE - video /short & experimental film/ photography festival - Bitola, Macedonia

2005-12-16 Diskussionsfäden Basak Senova
apologies for any cross-posting..


video /short & experimental film/ photography festival
Bitola, Macedonia 
Opening:  December 24 / 2005  at  20.00
Bitola, Macedonia ­ Cultural Center ³Magaza²  (Institute and Museum)
Organizer: Center for Contemporary Public Arts ELEMENTI
Curator: Biljana Petrovska Isijanin

Festival ATTITUDE ATTITUDE video /short & experimental film/ photography
festival curated by Biljana Petrovska Isijani encompasses more than 60
artists at Cultural Center "Magaza" in Bitola, Macedonia. Festival launches
on 24.12. 2005 with a photograph exhibition and video projections.

The festival will open with the screening of Fabiana Roscioli¹s video,
titled ³Impossible love² by Luca Curci.
The contributing artists are Vladimir Nikolic (Serbia and Montenegro),
Massimo Franchi (Italy), Laura Skocek(Austria), Jovan Balov
(Macedonia/Germany), Igor Ivanov-Izi (Macedonia), Alex Villar (USA), Hose
Alejandro Lopez (Sweden), Aleksandar Vasiljevic/Sasa Markovic/Stephen Howard
(Serbia and Montenegro), Pogan-Pagan (Macedonia), Caroline Waltman
(Netherlands), Martin Zet (Czech Republic), Aleksandar Grozdanovski
(Macedonia), Hristina Ivanoska (Macedonia), Boris Mladenovic (Serbia and
Montenegro), Corpicrudi & Francesco Arena (Italy), Gilles Delalex & Thomas
Wessel-Cessieux (France), Cecelia Condit (USA), Hilda Hiary (Jordan), Fulvio
Rifuggio (Italy), Tine Louise Kortermand (France), Flavio Sciole (Italy),
Claudia Mongini (Austria), Alex Grant (USA), Natasha Beste (USA), Sebastian
Schluglmann & Helene A(punkt) (Austria), Ariane Maugery (France), Lasse
Brandt and Bosse Sudenburg (Germany), Oneika Russell (Jamaica), Wiktor Polak
(Poland), Augusto & Flavia Netto Sisa (Paraguay), Luis Gabriel Cantillo
Mojica (Colombia), Pablo Ribot & Debbie Grimberg (Argentina), Roberto Belini
Alves Monteiro (Brazil), Paulina del Paso Gordillo & Pedro Gonzales Deister
(Mexico), Jorge Alberto Alban Dobles (Costa Rica), Sejla Kameric (Bosnia &
Herzegovina), Erzen Shkololli (Kosovo), Artists Without Walls (Israel),
Marcia Brandao (Brazil), Diego David Cifuentes Guerra (Ecuador), Carlos
Fernando Osuna (Colombia), Seung ah Lee (Korea/UK), Kira Kim (Korea/UK),
Mirna Arsovska (Macedonia), Franc Purg (Slovenia), Jakup Feri (Kosovo), Sasa
Vrabic (Slovenia), Patrick Ward (United Kingdom), Damir Niksic (Bosnia and
Herzegovina),Natasha Dimitrievska (Macedonia), Vanja Dimitrova (Macedonia),
Peter Holl (Austria), Songul Boyraz (Austria/Turkey), Caroline Koebel (USA),
Erhan Muratoglu (Turkey), Gulsun Karamustafa (Turkey), Selda Asal (Turkey),
Valentin Dimanovski (Macedonia), Charles Citron (Netherlands), Elementi
(Macedonia), Osman Bozkurt (Turkey), Orit Ishay (Israel), Viktor Sekularac
(Serbia and Montenegro), Reinhard Bernsteiner (Austria), Katerina
Veljanovska (Macedonia), Tracy Cornish( Australia), and Darko Prokes
The photography exhibition will be opened on January 20th 2006. On 28th of
December 2005, the project Rooms by Danish group N55 will be presented as a
part of this event. N55 designed a room for discussions and production of
non-commercial works on individual rights. This idea is very close to the
concept of this festival which expresses the different conception towards
some established criteria in this kind of manifestations.
The organizer of ³Attitude² is the Center for Contemporary Public Arts
³Elementi² from Bitola, Macedonia. Since 1992, ³Elementi² worked as a group
and in 2002 it became an association which organizes international
exhibitions of contemporary art in the country and abroad. Center for
Contemporary Public Arts ³Elementi² are: Biljana Petrovska Isijanin (art
director), Ljupco Isijanin  and Mirna Arsovska.
Selectors the ³Attitude² Festival:
Biljana Petrovska Isijanin/Mirna Arsovska/Ljupco Isijanin - Center for
Contemporary Arts ELEMENTI, Bitola Macedonia
Luca Curci ­ International ART EXPO - Italy
Sasa Janjic- REMONT Gallery Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro
Margarethe Makovec- < rotor > Gallery, Graz Austria
Alenka Gregoric ­ SKUC Gallery-Ljubljana, Slovenia
Basak Senova- NOMAD Istanbul, Turkey
Melentie Pandilovski ­Experimental Art Foundation, Adelaide  Australia
The project is mainly supported by ³Pro Helvetia² ­ Skopje (Swiss Cultural
Program in Macedonia)
It is partly supported by USA Embassy in Macedonia
It has media & technical support by TERA Television
Sponsor for the opening: BOVIN Negotino
Contact persons: 
In Bitola  
Biljana Petrovska Isijanin
++389 47 252 877  or 071 746 481
In Skopje 
Mirna Arsovska 
++389 2 3062 112  or  070 678 279

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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[spectre] the upgrade!istanbul #2

2005-12-12 Diskussionsfäden Basak Senova
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15th of December 2005
17:00- Discussion on ³local and global content with technological
infrastructure² with Murat Ertel and Ceren Oykut of Anabala and Cemil Turun
of Yogurt Technologies.

Ceren Oykut will make a real-time artistic intervention during the talk.

Yogurt Technologies
Yogurt Technologies was founded by a group of artists and engineers in
Istanbul in 1997. Since then, the firm has developed animation, animation
tools, software and computer games for a wide variety of clients in Turkey
and abroad.

Anabala is a multidisciplinary project concentrating on Istanbul's sounds
and cult. The project consists of two artists: Murat Ertel and Ceren Oykut.
They create multi-disciplinary pieces by taking the aspects of humour,
parody and surprise as the basic elements of their performances. They have
contributed to the compilation of ctrl-alt-del 2003. Anabala has performed
for the exhibitions and NOMAD programmes in Israel, Serbia and Montenegro,
the Netherlands and Turkey. Anabala has also started to collaborate with
musicians, sound-artists and visual artists from Cologne, Germany, and has
formed another group called K34­Cologne-Istanbul Cultural Exchange Project.

@ 17:00 santralistanbul
Silahtaraga, Halic (there is a shuttle bus from Istanbul Bilgi University,
Main Entrance of Dolapdere Campus, at 16:45)


The Upgrade! Istanbul is a monthly gathering for new media artists,
academicians, practitioners, curators and for all of the other actors of
digital culture, organized by NOMAD and hosted by santralistanbul.

The Upgrade! is a network of international monthly meetings in the field of
art and technology. Founded by media artist Yael Kanarek in 1999, the
Upgrade! exists as forums for artists, designers, critics, curators and
educators who form the communities in different cities to discuss and share
knowledge. Current nodes include Boston, Chicago, Montreal, Munich, NYC,
Oklahoma City, Scotland, Seoul, Sofia, Tel-Aviv, Istanbul, Vancouver and
Toronto. Host organisations include Eyebeam, Turbulence.org , New Media
Scotland, Art Centre Nabi, The Western Front, The Society for Arts and
Technology (SAT), InterSpace, I-camp, DCA, CCA, No-Org.net, Art Interactive,
santralistanbul, Open-Node.com and TUBE.



SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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[spectre] talking game - NetartCommunityCongress 2005, Graz

2005-12-06 Diskussionsfäden Basak Senova
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NetartCommunityCongress 2005, Graz
Talking Game 
A Streaming Project by Erhan Muratoglu and Emre Erkal
Programming by Hakan Guleryuz
Curated by Basak Senova
Hosted by Yogurt Technologies, Cemil Turun
Organized by NOMAD

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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[spectre] ISTANBUL_03: Serial Cases_1 Acquaintance

2005-12-05 Diskussionsfäden Basak Senova
apologies for any cross-posting..


Serial Cases_1 Acquaintance
Istanbul Screening Programme 3


6.12.2005  @19:00 
Istanbul Bilgi University Dolapdere Campus ­ Theater


Galia Dimitrova (Sofia, Bulgaria)
Coffee with Sugar 
Daniela Kostova (I See - You See, 30 min, [15-min excerpt], 2002) | Adelina
Popnedeleva & Michel Beck (The Real Thing, 4:00 min, 2000) | Kamen Stoyanov
(10 Minutes World Art, 10:00 min [a 4-min excerpt], 2003) | Borjana Pandova
& Todor Karastoyanov (Whatever­Advert Laboratory, 8 pieces [1-3 min each],
total: 16 min, 2005)   

Margarethe Makovec and Anton Lederer (Graz, Austria)
Exercises in Imagination
Rainer Ganahl (Bicycling Tirana, 4 min, 2003) | Ivan Moudov (Traffic
Control, 6 min, 2001) | Corinna Schnitt (Zwischen vier und sechs, 6:04 min,
1997/8) | Gentian Shkurti (Alice in Wonderland, 3:40 min, 1999) | Janos
Sugar (The Typewriter of the Illiterate, 7:21 min, 2001) | Blue Noses (25
short performances about globalization, 10:05 min, 2003) | Erzen Shkololli
(White, 10 min, 2005) | Kunst- Fu (Exercises of the Masters, 9 min, 2002) |
Enes Zlatar (Thailand, 9:40 min, 2001) | Sejla Kameric (Imagine, 2 min,
2004) | Zbynek Baldran (Limit, 6:14 min, 2002) | Jakup Ferri (Don¹t tell it
to anybody, 12 min, 2003).   


Serial Cases_1 Acquaintance is a joint project of ten curators from eight
countries. The first stage of Serial Cases will be presented throughout
November 2005 March 2006 as an exchange Video Screening Program in eight
different cities. Parallel cases covered by the works along with cultural
inputs from these regions are  the basis for this screening programme


The curators of the project are Michal Kolecek (Usti nad Labem, Czech
Republic), Antonia Majaca (Zagreb, Croatia), Basak Senova (Istanbul,
Turkey), Matei Bejenaru (Iasi, Romania), Margarethe Makovec and Anton
Lederer (Graz, Austria), Galia Dimitrova (Sofia, Bulgaria), Eyal Danon
(Holon, Israel), Orfeas Skutelis and Branka Curcic (Novi Sad,
Serbia and Montenegro).

Digital post production of the project was coordinated by Eyal Danon of
Israeli Center for Digital Art, Holon.


Istanbul screening programme is hosted by NOMAD at Istanbul Bilgi University
Dolapdere Campus ­ Theater


SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] ISTANBUL_03: Serial Cases_1 Acquaintance

2005-12-05 Diskussionsfäden Basak Senova
apologies for any cross-posting..


Serial Cases_1 Acquaintance
Istanbul Screening Programme 3


6.12.2005  @19:00 
Istanbul Bilgi University Dolapdere Campus ­ Theater


Galia Dimitrova (Sofia, Bulgaria)
Coffee with Sugar 
Daniela Kostova (I See - You See, 30 min, [15-min excerpt], 2002) | Adelina
Popnedeleva & Michel Beck (The Real Thing, 4:00 min, 2000) | Kamen Stoyanov
(10 Minutes World Art, 10:00 min [a 4-min excerpt], 2003) | Borjana Pandova
& Todor Karastoyanov (Whatever­Advert Laboratory, 8 pieces [1-3 min each],
total: 16 min, 2005)   

Margarethe Makovec and Anton Lederer (Graz, Austria)
Exercises in Imagination
Rainer Ganahl (Bicycling Tirana, 4 min, 2003) | Ivan Moudov (Traffic
Control, 6 min, 2001) | Corinna Schnitt (Zwischen vier und sechs, 6:04 min,
1997/8) | Gentian Shkurti (Alice in Wonderland, 3:40 min, 1999) | Janos
Sugar (The Typewriter of the Illiterate, 7:21 min, 2001) | Blue Noses (25
short performances about globalization, 10:05 min, 2003) | Erzen Shkololli
(White, 10 min, 2005) | Kunst- Fu (Exercises of the Masters, 9 min, 2002) |
Enes Zlatar (Thailand, 9:40 min, 2001) | Sejla Kameric (Imagine, 2 min,
2004) | Zbynek Baldran (Limit, 6:14 min, 2002) | Jakup Ferri (Don¹t tell it
to anybody, 12 min, 2003).   


Serial Cases_1 Acquaintance is a joint project of ten curators from eight
countries. The first stage of Serial Cases will be presented throughout
November 2005 March 2006 as an exchange Video Screening Program in eight
different cities. Parallel cases covered by the works along with cultural
inputs from these regions are  the basis for this screening programme


The curators of the project are Michal Kolecek (Usti nad Labem, Czech
Republic), Antonia Majaca (Zagreb, Croatia), Basak Senova (Istanbul,
Turkey), Matei Bejenaru (Iasi, Romania), Margarethe Makovec and Anton
Lederer (Graz, Austria), Galia Dimitrova (Sofia, Bulgaria), Eyal Danon
(Holon, Israel), Orfeas Skutelis and Branka Curcic (Novi Sad,
Serbia and Montenegro).

Digital post production of the project was coordinated by Eyal Danon of
Israeli Center for Digital Art, Holon.


Istanbul screening programme is hosted by NOMAD at Istanbul Bilgi University
Dolapdere Campus ­ Theater


SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] the upgrade!istanbul #1

2005-11-23 Diskussionsfäden Basak Senova
apologies for any cross-posting..



24th of November 2005
17:00-  Introduction of Upgrade! Network and Upgrade! Istanbul by Basak
Senova, NOMAD 
17:30- A discussion on "interaction and performance" with Aylin Kalem of
TECHNE, Ilyas Odman and Irmak Arkman of KargART and Cetin Sarikartal. Ilyas
Odman and Irmak Arkman will present their latest performance along with some
documentaries from Skopje, Macedonia.

Aylin Kalem, TECHNE
Holder of a BA degree in English Language and Literature, and an MA degree
in History from Bogazici University, Istanbul; and a DEA degree in Dance and
New Technologies from the University Paris 8, Paris. Teaching member of the
Royal Academy of Dance, London. Dance teacher and choreographer. Co-founder
of the TECHNE Digital Performance Platform. Giving lectures on New
Technologies in Contemporary Performance, exhibiting interactive
installations and writing critical articles on dance, performance and
digital technologies. Currently working on the International Digital
Performance Platform Project that will be held in Istanbul in Spring 2006.
Instructor at the Management of Performing Arts Department of Bilgi
University and at the Modern Dance Department of Mimar Sinan Fine Arts
University with courses on Performance Studies and Theories of the Body.

Following the suggestion that art and technology are two inseparable
entities and that they together determine the evolution of mankind, TECHNE,
the Digital Performance Platform, is conceived as a structure that
encourages and promotes research and performances focused on the symbiosis
of the body and new technologies.

Ilyas Odman, KargART
Cultural Manager of KargART and choreographer of "underNine dance & movement
Project". He begun his movement studies in Ankara at 1997 and continued at
Vienna, Çanakkale and İstanbul. Martin Sonderkamp, Alparslan Karaduman,
Bürge Öztürk, Chevy Muraday, Umay Umay, Bahadır Dilbaz, Alexandre Abellan,
Stephanie Parent are some artists with whom he produced together. He
performed and will perform at Vienna, Portugal, Macedonia, Iceland and
Belgium. During last two years he searched for an movement style which can
not be classified just as "dance" and in order to achieve this, he explores
for different tools of expression.

Irmak Arkman , KargART
Cultural Manager of KargART and freelance performing artist. She started her
theater education in Mujdat Gezen Art Center. After entering to Bilgi
University Department of Management of  Performing Arts, she begun to work
independently. She directed "In the Solititude of Cotton Fields" of Koltes
as an dance thater in the Festival "Sahnesiz Theater Days" At 2005, she
performed the first version of the performance series called "Mahrem Mekan-
Ob/scene". In this season, she collaborated with different artists from
different disciplines like Eser Selen, Bahadır Dilbaz in order to produce
new versions of this performance series.

Skopje-Balkan Dance Festival  is an event which has been organized with
collaboration of IETM and Balkan Lokomativa in order to create an general
view of Balkan Dance World and to build an network between independent dance
artists which are living in Balkan region.

Cetin Sarikartal
Cetin Sarıkartal, PhD, studied English Literature, Art History and Theory of
Contemporary Art. His research focuses on performance, acting, art and
visual communication. He teaches at Kadir Has University, Department of
Communication Design in Istanbul. He also works as a dramaturg and director
in theater.

@ 17:00 santralistanbul
Silahtaraga, Halic (there is a shuttle bus from Istanbul Bilgi University,
Main Entrance of Dolapdere Campus, at 16:45)


The Upgrade! Istanbul is a monthly gathering for new media artists,
academicians, practitioners, curators and for all of the other actors of
digital culture, organized by NOMAD and hosted by santralistanbul.

The Upgrade! is a network of international monthly meetings in the field of
art and technology. Founded by media artist Yael Kanarek in 1999, the
Upgrade! exists as forums for artists, designers, critics, curators and
educators who form the communities in different cities to discuss and share
knowledge. Current nodes include Boston, Chicago, Montreal, Munich, NYC,
Oklahoma City, Scotland, Seoul, Sofia, Tel-Aviv, Istanbul, Vancouver and
Toronto. Host organisations include Eyebeam, Turbulence.org , New Media
Scotland, Art Centre Nabi, The Western Front, The Society for Arts and
Technology (SAT), InterSpace, I-camp, DCA, CCA, No-Org.net, Art Interactive,
santralistanbul, Open-Node.com and TUBE.



SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help: