[spectre] Graduation show + workshops Networked Media, Piet Zwart Institute

2009-06-24 Diskussionsfäden Florian Cramer
Networked Media
Graduation show, projects and public workshops of the Master Media Design,
Piet Zwart Institute of the Willem de Kooning Academy Rotterdam University

Location: CBK Rotterdam | Nieuwe Binnenweg 75 | 3014 GE Rotterdam
Opening: Friday, July 3, 20:00 - 24:00
exhibition continues: July 4- July 12, 12:00-17:00
closed on Monday July 6th
Contact: Leslie Robbins 

This year, the Media Design graduation show is hosted by CBK (Centrum
Beeldende Kunst) Rotterdam. As an institution and communal space built
on the concept of the arts as a democratic means of social exchange, it
provides common ground with our Master programme and its focus on media
in their social context. "Networked Media" is the title of this
exhibition and project week, and will be the official caption of the
Master programme after this summer.

Between the 3rd and 12th of July, we will present

- an exposition of all eight 2009 Master graduation projects
- works by first year Master students developed for "Build, Break and
  Broadcast", a thematic project on do-it-yourself hacking and recycling
  of electronic hardware.
- a series of public, free workshops and lectures given by artists,
  designers and media activists associated to our study programme (see


Friday, 03. July 'Networked Media" 
Official Opening Graduation exhibition 2009

20:00h doors open for viewing the exhibition at (CBK) 
The Centre of Visual Art, Nieuwe Binnenweg 75, 3014 GE Rotterdam

20:30h Official Opening
by Richard E. Ouwerkerk, Chairman of the Willem de Kooning Academy
Rotterdam University
With speakers Florian Cramer, lector Piet Zwart Institute, course
director Media Design and Communication, WdKA and Sergei Versteeg,
Managing director of The Centre of Visual Art, Rotterdam

21:00h Official Graduation Catalogue 2009 Presentation
"Huh? Oops... F*ck! Oh, no! Wait... Again", a catalogue of all 2009
Master of Media Design graduation projects designed by Luna Maurer and
Roel Wouters, and printed on the stencil press of Knust /Extrapool in
Nijmegen.  The first three catalogues will be presented to Arie
Altena, Media researcher and essayist; Stephan Saaltink, Director WdKA
and Richard E. Ouwerkerk.

21:30h Marc Chia, Bufferrrbreakkkdownnn Arkestra Bufferrrbreakingggdownnn
A sound-based performance orchestrated by streaming networks and processor 
"What you are about to hear is a performance with the use of my voice
and all sounds my gestures make during the performance assisted by 8
interconnected audio streams and the inadequacies of digital

21:45h Aymeric Mansoux, 4NX
A performance where sound is image is sound

22:00h - 1:00h Mixmaster Fader
DJ set.


The exhibition is accompanied by a catalogue designed by Luna Maurer and
Roel Wouters, and printed on the stencil press of Knust /Extrapool in
Nijmegen. Next to the documentation of the projects and an essay by Arie
Altena, this book contains more than 48,000 individual page numbers
hand-drawn with charcoal by the students, staffers and designers over
the course of a year.


Workshops and Events Programme
Location: CBK Rotterdam, Nieuwe Binnenweg 75, 3014 GE Rotterdam
Participation is public and free.

Sunday, 05.07
12:00 - 17:00h The Computer Hardware Crash course is a project by
Tutors: Donna Metzlar & Audrey Samson

The Computer Hardware Crash course will consist of taking apart a
computer and putting it back together again. We will blow life into
jargon like: ports, plugs, bus, interface, printed circuit board, card,
integrated, processor, memory, storage, cache, master, slave, the BIOS
and booting.  Bring along some paper, a pencil and your questions. We
will provide the computers and screwdrivers.

The workshop is 4 to 5 hours long and includes a break of about 20
participants: 12 max. |   language spoken: English
booking mandatory: Audrey Samson  
before Thursday, July 2nd


Wednesday, 08.07 & Thursday, 09.07
12:00 - 17:00h workshop  |  "/mode +v noise" is a project by GOTO10
Tutors: Aymeric Mansoux & Jan-Kees van Kampen

"/mode +v noise" is a project of GOTO10, a collective of international
artists and computer programmers. It is based on IRC, the oldest
text-based Internet chat environment.  This intervention will transform
an IRC chat room/channel into a simple, collaborative, text-based online
system for making music. Since IRC allows 'chat bots'- computer programs
that pretend to be human conversation partners -, we will program such a
bot to create a collective musical composition environment based on
Internet chats.  In this workshop, participants will explore two parts
of the project: designing sound generators in Supercollider that they
can control via a simple IRC bot written in Python.

Re: [spectre] please link to this site: http://waldvogel.plaintext.cc/

2006-02-23 Diskussionsfäden Florian Cramer
Am Donnerstag, 23. Februar 2006 um 23:10:19 Uhr (+0100) schrieb Inke Arns:
> I am "singling out" Waldvogel because 1) he is the only of the three 
> curators who's possibly known outside of a (or even in the) German 
> speaking context (as Spectre), and 2) because his name is the only of 
> the three that keeps re-appearing on mailing lists like Nettime and 
> Spectre. Furthermore, I am "singling out" Waldvogel because 3) 
> indeed, he is one of the three curators of the upcoming Manifesta in 
> Cyprus (and, through that, has quite an international exposure). And 

Just to add my 10 cents: I am singling out Waldvogel (by running the
site while being another writer whose anonymized writing makes up a
considerable part of the "Just Do it" book) because ripping off other
writers seems to run as a theme through his entire career.  This blog
entry  says, in my

  "Culture jamming will eat itself - that, too: With his contribution to
  the 'Just Do It' exhibition, Waldvogel hasn't acted as a sampling 
  writer for the first time. His essay 'Culture Jamming: The Visual
  Grammar of Resistance' (published in 2003 in: 'Die Offene Stadt:
  Anwendungsmodelle' ['The Open City: Application Models', edited by
  Marius Babias and Florian Waldvogel] is sheer text theft as well.
  The reader had been available as a PDF file for a long time, but 
  was taken offline with the relaunch of the Zollverein art space.

  Gregor, July 11, 05"

I wouldn't mind that if he were an underground anti-copyright
activist, like Sebastian Lütgert, for example. But he wants to have the
cake and eat it, too: work in institutions, but screw institutional
responsibility; copy other works, but commercially release them with his
name tag; pose as a "radical", but only to invest as little
intellectual effort as possible; mask his intellectual incapability.
The latter (despite all borrowings from what might have been good texts)
fully comes across in the essay mentioned in the blog entry and which is
still online at . That text is
unreflected enough to mix Nazi and authoritarian vocabulary like
"Lebensraum" and "Vollstreckungsbefehl" into a piece supposedly about
critical left-wing urbanism. And I'm only scratching the very surface of
the imbecility of this text. 

He's also the only of the three curators who ducked a reply to us after
our protests. And on top of that, Inke's text that got ripped off into
"Just Do It" originally had been a lecture of her's at Zollverein - when
Waldvogel was its curator, and listening to the talk. So beware of Mr.
Waldvogel attending your lectures.  There's a chance that they end up,
with his name tag, in his next brilliant catalogue, getting him the next
big job in the art world. I just learned that he has become a curator at
Witte de With in Rotterdam.

It sounds unbelievable, but to see that I'm not exaggerating, have look
on the Manifesta 6 site

where we learn that he is, quote, "Author of Who Let the Dogs Out
(2001), co-editor of Campus (2002), Die Offene Stadt (2003), Julie
Ault/Martin Beck Critical Conditions (2003), Bank 1-3 (2004) and Just do
it!  (2005)". And did I mention that when "Just Do It" came out, he and
Thomas Edlinger went onto a tour through Germany where they made public
readings of "their" book?



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