[spectre] [[[little easy]]] out now

2008-07-09 Diskussionsfäden streu-gut

[[[mixedmediamicromonuments]]] show another micromonument

called little easy.  let´s try to do it like EASY does !!! 

you will find the picture at www.schaum.de.ki at the end of the page...

best regards +++ link it if you like it +++

www.schaum.de.ki  [[[mixedmediamicromonuments]]]

Pt! Schon vom neuen GMX MultiMessenger gehört?
Der kann`s mit allen: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/multimessenger

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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[spectre] (fwd) dmax - Announcing (New) Media Art Blog

2008-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Andreas Broeckmann
[funnily, in germany there is a tv channel called DMAX 'for the 
greatest people in the world: men.' lot's of cars and bikes, no sex; 
and i am glad that even the initiators in the bay area are beginning 
to have doubts about the word 'new' which will, we can hope, soon be 
swalled up by that gaping paranthesis; -ab]

Announcing the DMAX Blog

As an epicenter of the digital revolution, the San Francisco Bay Area
is a buzzing hive of constant activity and energy around digital
culture and art made possible by technological innovation. A critical
feedback forum contributes to a thriving, evolving and intellectually
playful cultural community. For this reason, the Berkeley Art Museum/
Pacific Film Archive's Digital Media Art Access and Exhibitions
program (DMAX) and the UC Berkeley Center for New Media (BCNM) are
hosting such a critical forum - in the form of the new DMAX blog - to
sustain our community of thinkers.

This blog has a loose and flexible focus on: Bay Area regional /
digital / art and culture. The regional focus supports a geo-physical
community of familiar faces. The broad digital culture focus reflects
the fact that this community spans many professional fields, creating
a need for a different kind of apparatus from the traditional academic
or art review.

Serving as a civic cultural forum for this broad and diverse community
is a natural role for a public museum and a public university. In this
spirit, this blog will not limit the public to behind-the-scenes
comments, but will be open to public participation at all levels (top-
level posts, comments, events) in addition to featuring bloggers drawn
from the DMAX and BCNM programs. The DMAX Blog provides our community
with a gathering place to let each other know what's going on, what
people think, and what's next. Welcome home!


DMAX - Digital Media Art Access and Exhibitions - 
http://dmax.bampfa.berkeley.edu - Berkeley Art Museum/Pacific Film 

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

Re: [spectre] media art and dictatorial regimes

2008-07-09 Diskussionsfäden jaromil
Hash: SHA1

re all,

first thanks for the discussion, i'm an online discussion junkie.

On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 08:29:37AM +0100, Armin Medosch wrote:
 Melinda, Alex,
 I would clearly  be the last one to excuse  imperialisms of the past
 or   ofthe   present.   however,   ifind   this   relativism
 problematic.  sure,  australia   has  a  disgusting  policy  towards
 immigrants,  as have  by now  nearly all  european countries.  in my
 posting  I was also  addressing the  justified concern  with western
 democracies  regression to a  type of  democracy which  becomes ever
 more similar to efficient regimes.
 But,  although I  am not  blind  to those  mistakes, I  still see  a
 difference with China style one party capitalism, where workers have
 no right  to demonstrate, where  supposed criminals are  executed in
 their thousands after fast lane  trials, and where a revolt, such as
 in tibet, has  just been bloodily suppressed. You may  say it is not
 worth  having  a  discussion  about  that. Well,  I  dont  see  that
 discussion happening at  all. I only notice a  deafening silence. In
 this overall climate, surely it is  necessary to think and act a bit
 more politically?

but  then yes  that's the  whole point  Armin and,  with or  without a
relativism that gives up in judging who is best or worst, still we can
act  as assertive  individuals in  all  contexts to  carry on  healthy
doubts and displaced experiences.

I'm going to  Singapore for ISEA and  I'm happy I can: as  I refuse to
give  up  my biometric  data  I could  even  argue  Singapore is  more
accessible than USA for people like me. Of course the plan is to carry
there all the contents and instruments and practices which, in digital
form, can  be compared to the  same gear the Stubnitz  was carrying to
Russia in those  good old days, and  you know we share a  lot of those

Even  more,  since  a trip  to  Asia  is  very expensive,  I'm  taking
advantage to visit the south of that world right after, paying a visit
to Jogja's  amazing media art  scene for the  (grassroot!) Cellsbutton
festival,  which i recommend  to all  ISEA participants:  please don't
hesitate to ask me about logistics on how to comfortably reach it.

In conclusion i think it is  good you raise such issues, but still you
should  consider  the action  of  people  going  there as  a  positive
approach to regimes which, whatever and wherever they are, can benefit
from an alternative  input - at least before  that input is silenced
by the same democratic countries where it struggles to survive.


- -- 
  Jaromil, dyne.org developer, http://jaromil.dyne.org

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SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

Re: [spectre] media art and dictatorial regimes

2008-07-09 Diskussionsfäden franck ancel

jaromil a écrit :

Even  more,  since  a trip  to  Asia  is  very expensive,  I'm  taking
advantage to visit the south of that world right after, paying a visit
to Jogja's  amazing media art  scene for the  (grassroot!) Cellsbutton
festival,  which i recommend  to all  ISEA participants:  please don't
hesitate to ask me about logistics on how to comfortably reach it.


= We are the Cells!
= We have no borders!


SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] DNJ piece

2008-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Nicholas Ruiz III

On political uselessness:




Dr. Nicholas Ruiz III
Associate Professor
Department of Humanities, Cultural and Studio Arts
Daytona State College
PO Box 2811
Daytona Beach, FL 32120-2811
Editor, Kritikos

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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[spectre] Artmedia X, Paris, December 12-13

2008-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Andreas Broeckmann

Artmedia X
December 12-13 2008
French National Library (Bibliothèque Nationale 
de France) and National Institute of Art History 
(INHA, Institut National d'Histoire de l'Art)

Ethics, Aesthetics, Technological Communication or the Destiny of Meaning.

Co-organized by Mario Costa and Fred Forest under 
the aegis of the University of Salerno, Italy, 
this symposium will take place at the French 
National Library (Bibliothèque Nationale de 
France) and National Institute of Art History 
(INHA, Institut National d'Histoire de l'Art) on 
December 12-13 2008.

To this date, the partners of Artmedia X are : 
French National Library, INHA, INA (National 
Institute for Audiovisual), l'Istituto Italiano 
per gli Studi Filosofici, European University for 
Research and Unicredit Banca di Roma.

info: http://www.olats.org/fcm/artclimat/artclimat.phphttp://www.olats.org/

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

Re: [spectre] Artmedia X, Paris, December 12-13

2008-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Annick Bureaud

Hi There !

Thanks Andreas for having forwarded this info. Note that the 
url is not the correct one, it corresponds to another project :-

The web site of Artmedia X is not up yet . The first info, 
with list of participants and the like should be up 
sometimes in September I guess ...


Andreas Broeckmann wrote:

Artmedia X
December 12-13 2008
French National Library (Bibliothèque Nationale de France) and National 
Institute of Art History (INHA, Institut National d'Histoire de l'Art)

Ethics, Aesthetics, Technological Communication or the Destiny of Meaning.

Co-organized by Mario Costa and Fred Forest under the aegis of the 
University of Salerno, Italy, this symposium will take place at the 
French National Library (Bibliothèque Nationale de France) and National 
Institute of Art History (INHA, Institut National d'Histoire de l'Art) 
on December 12-13 2008.

To this date, the partners of Artmedia X are : French National Library, 
INHA, INA (National Institute for Audiovisual), l'Istituto Italiano per 
gli Studi Filosofici, European University for Research and Unicredit 
Banca di Roma.


SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] 11 luglio Doves Day - U. Scherrer ( USA/CH), D.Sciajno (ITA) e S. Calabrò (ITA ) - Installazione e live performance

2008-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Ursula Scherrer

..:: English version below ::..

XS [n.o.s.a.] n o t _ o n l y _ s o n i c _ a c t s

Incontri di musica, suoni e arti elettroniche sperimentali
Terza edizione

Venerdì 11 luglio 2008
Piazzetta Resuttano (di fronte al  Malaussène)

 - ore 20 FADES
Ursula Scherrer (USA/CH)
Video installazione

Ursula Scherrer live video
Domenico Sciajno live audio e video
Samuele Calabro' live audio

Ultimo appuntamento XS [n.o.s.a.] Doves Day prima della chiusura  
estiva con il ritorno di Ursula Scherrer (live video) artista  
poliedrica che da tempo esplora le possibilità offerte  
dall’elaborazione dell’immagine dal vivo. Piazzetta Resuttano si  
anima a partire dalle ore 20 con FADES  video installazione open air  
dell’artista che rivestirà di immagini e colori lo spazio ed i  
prospetti circostanti. L’ambiente diventa parte del video ed il video  
parte dell’ambiente in cui lo spettatore si troverà immerso.
Alle ore 22 la piazza si trasforma invece in palcoscenico per la  
performance audiovisiva dal vivo open air di Ursula Scherrer e dei  
palermitani Domenico Sciajno e Samuele Calabrò. Durante le sue  
performances la Scherrer miscela dal vivo immagini preregistrate e  
processate alla ricerca di combinazioni ritmico-visive capaci di  
grande suggestione e di stimoli sinestetici.  Affascinata dal ritmo  
costante degli oggetti in movimento che cambia impercettibilmente,  
sembra capace di sospendere il tempo inteso come pulsazione metrica  
per estrarne la sua vera essenza a-ritmica. Tale approccio rende il  
suo lavoro dal vivo particolarmente idoneo ad essere affiancato ad un  
analogo trattamento del suono. Spesso infatti la Sherrer si esibisce  
al fianco di musicisti e manipolatori di suono. In questa occasione  
la affiancheranno il giovane artista Samuele Calabrò (live audio) che  
interverrà con i propri materiali sonori e Domenico Sciajno  (ive  
audiovideo), che oltre a fornire il supporto musicale e sonoro,  
genererà materiale video che la Scherrer  miscelerà dal vivo con le  
proprie immagini.

I tre artisti creeranno così uno spazio in cui immagini e suono  
rivestono la stessa importanza spostando il centro focale dall’uno  
all’altro, di momento in momento. Il risultato è un complesso dialogo  
tra i tre artisti ed il loro lavoro.

XS[nosa] Doves Day Serie organizzata da ANTITESI in collaborazione  
con Associazione Culturale Malaussène

..:: Italian version at top ::.

Friday 11 July 2008
Piazzetta Resuttano

h 20.00 FADES
Ursula Scherrer (USA/CH)
Video installation

Ursula Scherrer live video
Domenico Sciajno live audio e video
Samuele Calabro' live audio
www.antitesi.org - info at antitesi.org

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Questa è una comunicazione conforme alle normative della Comunità  
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[spectre] Calls for Submissions -- Futuresonic, Urban Climate Camp, Leonardo (Environment 2.0)

2008-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Drew Hemment


Futuresonic invites submissions from artists, thinkers and makers for  
the Futuresonic 2009 Art strand, Urban Climate Camp at ISEA2008, and  
a themed call of Leonardo.

Art strand of Futuresonic 2009, Manchester UK

Urban Climate Camp at ISEA2008, Singapore

Leonardo journal themed call on Environment 2.0

Presented in partnership with ImaginationLancaster. For more  
information on all these projects visit



A commission valued at GBP 5000 is available to create a new artwork,  
plus Futuresonic can support a limited number of other projects.

Each year Futuresonic's Art strand commissions new artworks and  
presents exhibitions on art, technology and social themes, with a  
focus on artworks that are participatory, sited in public space, and  
in an urban context. Futuresonic is a space to critically explore the  
latest upgrade affecting today's digital culture. The festival  
features art exhibitions, performances and interventions, including  
many world firsts - transforming the city into a space of  
experimentation, making it come alive.

2009 is the culmination of the Environment 2.0 project. Within the  
festival and throughout the year, Futuresonic will be exploring the  
Environment 2.0 theme, the interface between our digital footprint  
and our environmental footprint. Through Cracks In The Pavement is an  
exhibition featuring artworks that seek to inspire social change, and  
local innovations that enhance sustainability. Post-Car Futures is an  
exhibition exploring new mobilities from the wheel to wirelessness,  
and new ways of travelling and new ways to stay still.

Futuresonic invites submissions of artworks, social innovations or  
technological interventions for inclusion in the Futuresonic 2009  
festival and on the Environment 2.0 theme.

Submissions deadline -- 5pm, 13 October 2008. *We invite you to  
submit expressions of interest to Gala Pujol at  
[EMAIL PROTECTED] in advance of the deadline.

Download an application form here:



An invited forum at ISEA2008, the International Symposium of  
Electronic Arts, Singapore, 30th July 2008. Presented by Drew  
Hemment, ImaginationLancaster and Futuresonic.

A forum for discussion and quick fire presentations invites  
participants at ISEA2008 to explore new thinking on environmental  
sustainability and at innovative approaches to grass roots and  
creative intervention on the environment. The focus is on the  
interface between our digital footprint and our environmental  
footprint, non-Western perspectives, and on creative intervention to  
enable social change.

If you are interested in presenting your perspective or project  
please contact Gala Pujol at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

View on ISEA2008 website



Environment 2.0: Through Cracks in the Pavement
Guest Editor: Drew Hemment
Call For Papers

Seeking new cross-disciplinary thinking on sustainability in urban  
environments, with a focus on creative intervention, social change  
and non-Western perspectives.

Leonardo is soliciting texts that document the works of artists,  
researchers, and scholars involved in the exploration of  
sustainability in urban environments.

View on Leonardo website



Transforming the city into a space of experimentation, making it come  

Futuresonic has 4 strands: Art, Music, Ideas and EVNTS. Currently in  
its 13th year, the festival occupies the orbits of both music and  
digital culture.

Futuresonic is presented by FutureEverything CIC. It is a Regularly  
Funded Organisation (RFO) of Arts Council England North West and has  
been awarded Pillar Status by Manchester City Council.

Futuresonic is 

[spectre] Art in the Age of Intellectual Property, Dortmund, July 18, 2008, 19:00

2008-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Inke Arns

We cordially invite you and your friends
on the occasion of the opening of the exhibition

Anna Kournikova Deleted By Memeright Trusted System -
Art in the Age of Intellectual Property
PHOENIX Halle Dortmund, July 19 - October 19, 2008

Participating artists: AGENTUR/AGENCY (BE), 
Daniel Garcia Andújar (ES), Walter Benjamin (US), 
Christian von Borries (DE), Christophe Bruno 
(FR), Claire Chanel  Scary Sherman (US), Lloyd 
Dunn (US/CZ), Ramon  Pedro (CH), Fred Fröhlich 
(DE), Nate Harrison (US), John Heartfield (DE), 
Laibach/Novi kolektivizem (SI), Kembrew McLeod 
(US), Sebastian Lütgert (DE), Monochrom (AT), 
Negativland and Tim Maloney (US), Der Plan (DE), 
David Rice (US), Ines Schaber (DE), Cornelia 
Sollfrank (DE), Stay Free (US), Jason Torchinsky 
(US), UBERMORGEN.COM  Alessandro Ludovico  
Paolo Cirio (CH/AT/IT), u.a. / a.o.

on Friday, July 18, 2008, at 19:00
in the PHOENIX Halle Dortmund, Germany.

There will be short statements by:

Udo Mager
Executive Director Wirtschaftsförderung Stadt Dortmund

Dr. Inke Arns
Curator of the exhibition and Artistic Director of Hartware MedienKunstVerein

Francis Hunger
Curator of the exhibition and Junior Curator at Hartware MedienKunstVerein

From 21:00 Christian von Borries will play
music made from other music

PHOENIX Halle Dortmund
Hochofenstr. / Ecke Rombergstr.
Thu + Fri 11-22
Sat + Sun 11-20

Comprehensive Information can be found at:

* * *

Anna Kournikova Deleted By Memeright Trusted System -
Art in the Age of Intellectual Property

takes places in the framework of
Work 2.0 - Copyright and Creative Work in the Digital Age

A project by:
Hartware MedienKunstVerein, Dortmund
iRights.info, Berlin

Supporting organisations:
mikro e.V., Berlin
AG Informatik in Bildung und Gesellschaft, 
Institut für Informatik der Humboldt-Universität 
zu Berlin

Funded by:
Kunststiftung NRW
Der Ministerpräsident des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung
Kulturbüro Stadt Dortmund
NRW Kultursekretariat Wuppertal
Kulturwerk der VG-BILD-KUNST GmbH, Bonn

Heimatdesign Magazin/ Shop/ Agentur/
Medien Kunst Raum Unna

Media partner:


Dr. Inke Arns
Künstlerische Leiterin / Artistic Director
Hartware MedienKunstVerein
Güntherstrasse 65
D-44143 Dortmund
T +49 - 231 - 823 106
F +49 - 231 - 882 02 40
M +49 - 176 - 430 62 793

Anna Kournikova Deleted By Memeright Trusted System -
Kunst im Zeitalter des Geistigen Eigentums
Art in the Age of Intellectual Property
HMKV at PHOENIX Halle Dortmund
19 July - 19 October 2008
Opening: 18 July 2008, 19:00

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

Re: [spectre] media art and dictatorial regimes

2008-07-09 Diskussionsfäden venzha christ

all of u r welcome !!
dont hesitate to contact us (HONF)
we have the house to share 

n yes!

dont forget the map


viva grassroot!

the house of natural fiber
yogyakarta new media art laboratory (HONF)
Jl.wora wari A80/6 
Baciro Yogyakarta
T : +62 (0) 817468621 
F : +62 (0) 274 564276 
URL : http://www.natural-fiber.com

--- On Wed, 7/9/08, franck ancel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From: franck ancel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [spectre] media art and dictatorial regimes
To: spectre@mikrolisten.de
Date: Wednesday, July 9, 2008, 4:59 PM

jaromil a écrit :
 Even  more,  since  a trip  to  Asia  is  very expensive,  I'm  taking
 advantage to visit the south of that world right after, paying a visit
 to Jogja's  amazing media art  scene for the  (grassroot!) Cellsbutton
 festival,  which i recommend  to all  ISEA participants:  please don't
 hesitate to ask me about logistics on how to comfortably reach it.


= We are the Cells!
= We have no borders!


SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] mObile gallery | focAR | public telephone

2008-07-09 Diskussionsfäden oberlist mailing list
mObile gallery

focAR group | Alina TUDOR  Razvan NEAGOE

a side event to the INTERVENTIONS3* project

July 1 - 31, 2008

poster (print and forward):

The Telephone has become an exponent for urban society. It is a part of
our life; it creates connections between us and helps us in making
relations. There are telephones inside every apartment, on main streets
and boulevards there are telephone booths and every person has a mobile
phone at hand.
Telephone means motion and it expresses the identity of the one who uses it.
We start up from the idea that the identity cannot be anything else but
the object of a horizontal analysis and can’t be simply defined as an
urban artefact. It represents a cultural sign as long as the virulent
changes affecting all the social structures register as a natural answer a
form of resistance over the all these mutations.
TEL. continues the series of unconventional spaces as part of the Urban
Traces project. Following the interactive “Up in the flat there’s a house”
and “Courier” projects, this one brings in front a small but… sizeable
space, which is ignored.
We have chosen the public phone because it is getting sick of daily urban
life syndrome. It has become a place for passers by to have rest, a
shelter to hide from the rain… it is vandalised and almost none of the
phone booths has the door.
This project is a warning sign regarding the collective indifference that
is representative for big cities.

In present in Bucharest there are about 7.600 public telephones, 400 more
than it was in 2000. On the country level there are at least 50.000 public
telephone posts installed, out of which 12.500 in the rural areas.
According to the Penal Code, articles 217, 219, damaging a phone booth
represents an illegal act penalized from 1 to 3 months of imprisonement.
If there is a damage or degradation registered due to arson, explosion or
any other similar act and if it results in public danger the penalty can
be from 3 to 15 years of imprisonement.
Jurnalul National (27-05-2005)

a project by Oberliht Association

* The INTERVENTIONS3 project is organized in partnership with
UNAgaleria/Bucharest and STATE of EMERGENCY - magazine for literature, art
and attitude, with the financial support of the Latin Union (office from
Republic of Moldova), Romanian Cultural Institute through the CANTEMIR
Program, European Cultural Foundation and Henkel Romania.

Moldova Young Artists Association Oberliht
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .
portal informational pentru arta si cultura din Moldova
information gateway for arts and culture from Moldova

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help: