[spectre] Fwd: Activist Neuroaesthetics in Cognitive Capitalism: call for applications

2021-04-07 Diskussionsfäden Saas-Fee Summer Instituteof Art

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April 05, 2021


Saas-Fee Summer Institute of Art

Warren Neidich. The Statisticon Neon, 2017. Courtesy of the artist.

July 1–16, 2021

Priority application deadline: May 2

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This year’s Saas-Fee Summer Institute of Art program will take place
online in collaboration with Activist Neuroaesthetics (
), a celebration of the 25th anniversary of artbrain.org (
). Activist Neuroaesthetics is a year-long festival of events curated
by Warren Neidich, Susanne Prinz and Sarrita Hunn including a
three-part exhibition (Brain Without Organs, Sleep and Altered States
of Consciousness, and Telepathy and New Labor), conference,
screenings, lectures and publications, developed by lead institution
Verein zur Förderung von Kunst und Kultur am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz
e.V. with various local partners that will take place online and in
Berlin over the course of 2021. In July, an Activist Neuroaesthetics
conference will be held in collaboration with Saas-Fee Summer
Institute of Art as this year’s free public lecture series to invite
conversation, debate, and inquiry across communities.
Activist Neuroaesthetics
The brain and mind are the new factories of the twenty-first century
in what is referred to as cognitive capitalism, where workers have
transitioned from proletariats to cognitariats. Here, the brain not
only refers to the intracranial brain consisting of neurologic matter,
but also the situated body and the extracranial brain composed of
gestalts, affordances, linguistic atmospheres and socially-engaged
interactions. Just as the pioneers of cognitive capitalism (such as
Tony Negri, Maurizio Lazzarato, and Mario Tronti among others)
realized the coming digital economy would have serious consequences
for labor and the production of subjectivity, the transition from the
information economy to the neural-based economy (or neural capitalism)
is a new moment of crisis with even greater challenges. Activist
Neuroaesthetics questions what neuro-enhancing drugs, new technologies
(like brain-computer interfaces that link the brain to the internet
currently explored by companies like Facebook and Neuralink), and the
transition from artificial neural networks to artificial intelligence
will do to our sense of self and freedom.
Activist Neuroaesthetics understands that our capacity to consciously
and directly affect our complex environment of evolving relations
through artistic interventions is key to an emancipatory ethics. By
consciously refunctioning and estranginging the environment, we are
estranging and refunctioning our material brain’s neural plastic
potential—literally enhancing its capacity to "think outside the
box." This cognitive activism forms the basis of Activist
Neuroaesthetics which resists new forms of subjugation at work in
neural capitalism. Activist Neuroaesthetics is more than simply an
aesthetic response, but is also a way of reengineering what aesthetics
as a philosophical concept means. As such, Activist Neuroaesthetics
pro-actively forms a counter-insurgency against the tactics of the
neural economy which attempts to privatize and normalize the
suppression of free thought and produces a regime which further
weakens the cognitariat and makes obvious neural capitalism’s
totalitarian tendencies.
Elena Agudio, Ramon Amaro, Kathryn Andrews, Marie-Luise Angerer,
Franco “Bifo” Berardi, Yann Moulier Boutang, Juli Carson, Shu Lea
Cheang, Yves Citton, Arne de Boever, Matthew Fuller, Katie Grinnan,
Agnieszka Kurant, Cecile Malaspina, Anna 

[spectre] Fwd: Apply Now | Deep Ecology in the Cognitive Capitalocene | Saas-Fee Summer Institute of Art 2022 NYC

2022-04-22 Diskussionsfäden Saas-Fee Summer Instituteof Art

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April 19, 2022


Saas-Fee Summer Institute of Art

Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons, CC-BY-SA-4.0.

Priority deadline: May 15
Programme dates: June 23–July 1

The Brooklyn Rail
Industry City
220 36th Street
Brooklyn, New York

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For 2022, Saas-Fee Summer Institute of Art has partnered with The
Brooklyn Rail to present “Deep Ecology in the Cognitive
Capitalocene,” an in-person program in Brooklyn, New York, alongside
a free public lecture series held online.
The theme “Deep Ecology in the Cognitive Capitalocene” builds on
Gregory Bateson’s book Steps to an Ecology of Mind (1972) to produce
a deep ecology of the expanded brain in the twenty-first century. In
the transition from the Holocene to the Anthropocene human activity
becomes the dominant influence on global climate and the environment.
During this time, cosmotechnics, “the unification of the cosmos and
the moral through technical activities, ​​whether craft-making or
art-making,” (Yuk Hui) is based upon conspicuous consumption and
resultant destruction. Following Arne Næss’s model of a
multidisciplinary deep ecology, the well-being and importance of all
(non-human) life is inextricably bound to our own in a facile network
of mutual respect and shared dignity. As such, we need to adapt to
ecocentrism rather than anthropocentrism and give precedence to the
ecosphere rather than the biosphere. In this respect, the program will
aim towards developing a means to decolonize ecology by recognizing
the importance of the Anthropocene’s relationship to capitalism,
racism and sexism to constitute a new ecological ethics. As Jedediah
Purdy has suggested, we need to produce a new environmental
We have now entered the century of the brain in which precarity,
immaterial labor, the financialization of capital, and valorization
from early cognitive capitalism have transitioned to late-stage
cognitive capitalism in which the brain's neural plasticity, its
capacity to be modified, is the new focus of power and forms of
cognitive laboring. For instance, brain-computer interfaces linked to
the internet may produce a new opportunity for surfing the web using
brainwaves but also produce new means to extract data emanating from
thought itself. The expanded brain model is not restricted by the bony
carapace we call the skull, and is not a crystalized, determined
entity made up of neurons and their glial counterparts but rather is a
becoming brain entangled with the environment of which accelerating
technology, sociology and culture play important roles. By focusing on
this expanded brain model, this situated intra-extracranial brain
complex, “Deep Ecology in the Cognitive Capitalocene” aims to
create a renewed ecocentric vision Timothy Morton calls ecognosis.
This gnosis, a result of an unfinished evolutionary process of the
becoming brain, gives us hope.
Is the refusal to tackle climate change a process of endocolinization
of the brain’s neural architecture sculpted by anthropocentric
technologies and their associated media conglomerates (Fake News) that
enfeeble the brain and its critical capacities, creating a kind of
neglect? With the sixth mass extinction at hand, we propose the need
to sculpt a new neural architecture based on an assortment of
ecocentric technical devices. Technologies for caring for the brain
also means caring for our ecosystem as the two are entangled in a
dependent coevolutionary process that has ramifications for the
future. To find such a model, “Deep Ecology in the Cognitive
Capitalocene” will consider the work of Bernard Stiegler, especially
his concept of exosomatic organogenesis in which technical evolution
of exterior artificial organs, like the handheld calculator, becomes
internalized through a process of