Re: [spectre] Good Bye Reality! How Media Art Died But Nobody Noticed

2006-02-14 Diskussionsfäden zeljko blace
Media Art Died?

another labeling discussion coming up? Why not switch to tagging
instead of labeling (that way we save time in syncing our language
disagreements)... if you think I missed the point of conceptual differences in
standpoints Andreas or Armin are taking it is only because I did so
intentionally - most of their arguments have been discussed before.
Does media/technology centered creative work (lets not even call it
art at this point) benefit from having an environment on it's own for
it's relatively autistic experiments or aphoristic critique (as very
few pieces go beyond this) - needs as much discussion as discussing
any relatively radical contemporary art practice that conceptually or
formally goes beyond the grasp of mainstream cultural audience.

Interesting text but most of the remarks on transmediale as annual
festival (I missed almost all tm06) could easily be mirrored to any
other festival of this size and importance. Personally I think once
you enter cycle of annual event at certain scale this also largely
frames your work flows, politics and economies regardless of the field
of art practices you engage with or present.

What is more interesting is that transmediale was trying to be also a
bit more ambitious in *trend setting* and supportive of new practices
and initiatives, which is something long running festivals would not
touch usually. After receiving significant financial support from KSB
for next few years I was hoping it would be diverse and daring in
programing/structuring of overall event, rather then catching up with
what was missing before (big performances and installation works) -
especially compared to Ars Electronica Festival. In a way I was a bit
disappointed with curated exhibition and there is obviously stress in
moving to a new space which is no match to HKW in terms of spatial
options, but I wonder if other options were available.

Anyway in the cultural field where classical and established fields
are slowly catching up with technologies and concepts of new networked
society it is important to have different strategic and tactical
approaches to present contemporary creative productions in/with
digital media and diversify it to many models (even if takes
antagonizing or polarizing perspectives on this ;-)

my 5 cents

On 2/8/06, marc [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Good Bye Reality! How Media Art Died But Nobody Noticed

 by Armin Medosch

Goethe - What is important in life is life, and not the result of life.

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

Re: [spectre] OPEN CALL: SportCamp 2017 (for Commoning and Co-creation) at Timelab, Ghent

2017-10-16 Diskussionsfäden Zeljko Blace
UPDATE: Deadline is extended to November 1st 2017 !

On Sat, Oct 7, 2017 at 9:02 PM, Zeljko Blace <> wrote:

> *Another SPORT is possible?!.**
> These are extraordinary times. Times of reinvention and mobilization. We
> have to reinvent systems, time and pastime, mobilize bodies, communities
> and structures. For decades, our sport systems have leaned towards
> alienating industrialization and will not be fixed/updated on their own,
> without our joint action. In the ecology of tiny systems, the micro-worlds
> of exceptions, by branching out, multiplying, showing diversity and
> resilience there is a place for solidarity and serendipity on a bigger
> scale.What is the future for bodily social experience? Can personal
> development and growth, Do-it-Yourself/with-Others cultures be the starting
> points of a new way to self-organize athletes and sport systems? Can a
> multitude of minorities combine into a non-normative driving force? What
> are your ideas, concepts, visions, prototypes or models for the commoning
> and co-creation of sport?___
> *paraphrasing “Another world is possible”
> *OPEN CALL: SportCamp 2017(for 4-10 days around December 1st,at Timelab,
> Kogelstraat 34, 9000 Ghent, Belgium)*
> *WHY: What can be the role of the artist-activist/athlete in the field of
> sport? Can art/an artwork be a prototype for a different practice/system of
> sport? Can artists provide visions, tool boxes and methods for new
> directions and transitory developments? What happens when we bring the two
> most prominent non-essential parts of society - contemporary art and sport
> - together again? How are today’s sports different to the ancient times
> when specializations and distinctions were less industrialized? If the
> artist is an athlete or the athlete is an artist, what does that bring to
> the field of sport or how does it change their relation?- The artists can
> provide visions, imagine tools and methods for a new perspective on the
> world and maybe new practices/roles/relations sport can fill? What can
> sport bring to the art field? A sense of team-spirit, camaraderie and
> belonging? Visibility and affective directness for the masses?- SportCamp
> aims to be a place for cross-pollination, transgressing encounters and
> exchange, linked to a social theme, and it is a follow up to Timelab
> Springcamp 2013 and collaboration with Z. Blace, which now includes
> collaboration with ccSPORT and other partners.WHAT: Timelab’s SportCamp
> 2017 invites you to draw up concepts, exchange and develop ideas with other
> thinkers and doers in a group of about 10 participants and a few invited
> guests over several days.HOW: E-mail
> <> with a short bio, background info and motivation
> (max. one A4 of font size 11 + max. 2 media files) before 18th of October
> 2017. After us processing your inputs, you will be provided with a
> procedure and access to an environment for joint commoning, correlating and
> matching for co-creation of proposals from shared ideas and/or concepts.
> Decisions of acceptance and support will be based on a joint sense and
> estimation of urgency, resonance with context, potential for sustainable
> production in 2018. In ethical terms, we are guided by principles of
> commoning and expect participants to join in P2P sharing, care and
> collaboration. Food and lodgings will be provided by Timelab and economy
> class transportation costs will be refunded by Timelab. For more info and
> updates look up:
> <> or
> <>WHERE: Timelab is a hotbed for makers, thinkers
> and doers. It does this by providing time and space, tools and methods, in
> a community of people co-creating through weekly operations and regular
> workshops, with seasonal camps and thematic residencies. Timelab is located
> in Ghent (Belgium). <>*
> *Timelab is supported bythe Flemish Community and the city of Ghent*
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] OPEN CALL: SportCamp 2017 (for Commoning and Co-creation) at Timelab, Ghent

2017-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Zeljko Blace
*Another SPORT is possible?!.**

These are extraordinary times. Times of reinvention and mobilization. We
have to reinvent systems, time and pastime, mobilize bodies, communities
and structures. For decades, our sport systems have leaned towards
alienating industrialization and will not be fixed/updated on their own,
without our joint action. In the ecology of tiny systems, the micro-worlds
of exceptions, by branching out, multiplying, showing diversity and
resilience there is a place for solidarity and serendipity on a bigger
scale.What is the future for bodily social experience? Can personal
development and growth, Do-it-Yourself/with-Others cultures be the starting
points of a new way to self-organize athletes and sport systems? Can a
multitude of minorities combine into a non-normative driving force? What
are your ideas, concepts, visions, prototypes or models for the commoning
and co-creation of sport?___
*paraphrasing “Another world is possible”

*OPEN CALL: SportCamp 2017(for 4-10 days around December 1st,at Timelab,
Kogelstraat 34, 9000 Ghent, Belgium)*

*WHY: What can be the role of the artist-activist/athlete in the field of
sport? Can art/an artwork be a prototype for a different practice/system of
sport? Can artists provide visions, tool boxes and methods for new
directions and transitory developments? What happens when we bring the two
most prominent non-essential parts of society - contemporary art and sport
- together again? How are today’s sports different to the ancient times
when specializations and distinctions were less industrialized? If the
artist is an athlete or the athlete is an artist, what does that bring to
the field of sport or how does it change their relation?- The artists can
provide visions, imagine tools and methods for a new perspective on the
world and maybe new practices/roles/relations sport can fill? What can
sport bring to the art field? A sense of team-spirit, camaraderie and
belonging? Visibility and affective directness for the masses?- SportCamp
aims to be a place for cross-pollination, transgressing encounters and
exchange, linked to a social theme, and it is a follow up to Timelab
Springcamp 2013 and collaboration with Z. Blace, which now includes
collaboration with ccSPORT and other partners.WHAT: Timelab’s SportCamp
2017 invites you to draw up concepts, exchange and develop ideas with other
thinkers and doers in a group of about 10 participants and a few invited
guests over several days.HOW: E-mail
 with a short bio, background info and motivation
(max. one A4 of font size 11 + max. 2 media files) before 18th of October
2017. After us processing your inputs, you will be provided with a
procedure and access to an environment for joint commoning, correlating and
matching for co-creation of proposals from shared ideas and/or concepts.
Decisions of acceptance and support will be based on a joint sense and
estimation of urgency, resonance with context, potential for sustainable
production in 2018. In ethical terms, we are guided by principles of
commoning and expect participants to join in P2P sharing, care and
collaboration. Food and lodgings will be provided by Timelab and economy
class transportation costs will be refunded by Timelab. For more info and
updates look up:
WHERE: Timelab is a hotbed for makers, thinkers
and doers. It does this by providing time and space, tools and methods, in
a community of people co-creating through weekly operations and regular
workshops, with seasonal camps and thematic residencies. Timelab is located
in Ghent (Belgium). *

*Timelab is supported bythe Flemish Community and the city of Ghent*
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help: