Dear Jérôme,

I haven't tested it, but I'm confident it's ok.

Martin Galpin

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Subject: [Speedtouch 330 rev4] Please Martin can you help me a little?
Date: Wednesday 14 April 2004 19:25
From: "Jérôme Staal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear Martin,
I hope you won't flame me to ask some help on this mighty/f...king ADSL modem
 -_^ I am an average new user of Linux, I choose a Mandrake 9.2 distribution,
 whose kernel version (adapted by Mandrake) is 2.4.22-based. My ADSL modem is
 the Speedtouch 330 (silver color; rev4 verified w/ usbview utility) from

I installed again a fresh new distribution, and I took the time to configure
 the modem at post-install step: I didn't choose the PPPoE protocole because
 I guess it is a PPPoA one. As there was no explicit choice for it, I choose
 the most explicit option, named "Speedtouch ADSL modem" (or something near
 this). I also configured my 10/100 Ethernet card, even if I do not use it. A
 eth0 interface was created at this purpose.

Once the installation finished, I log in, run DrakConfig and get a view of
 the physical devices section ("material"). I see my modem in the list but
 when I select it and then display in the right panel the related
 information, I see that the "module" slot says "unknown"... while I strictly
 did the install of GPL 'user-side' drivers of B.Papillaud as described in
 the How-To. --> Does it means there are still no drivers for the modem????

As my kernel is 2.4.22-based, I did *not* patch the HDLC and I did *not*
 compile any new configured kernel. I checked the USB interface: usb-uhci (in
 graphic detailed load mode, Mandrake show me its initialization) pppd
 version is 2.4.1

I downloaded the new firmware (is it the same thing as 'microcode' ??) named
 ZZZLP2.eni (I also found it on my Windows partition) and put it with the
 compiled and installed binaries (modem_run, pppoa3, pppoa2) i.e.
 /usr/(local/)sbin/ directory.

Finally I edited the 5 configuration files, and runned the modprobe and other
 instructions at the command-line. The mount -t usbdevfs (...) line got me a
 message explaining the mount was already done. Good. During the whole thing
 the modem was plugged in, the two LEDs were immediately and constantly
 *green*. I go to the directory containing the firmware ZZ*.eni and launch:
 "modem_run -m -f ZZLP2.eni", the console spend a little less then a minute
 to hang on and get me the invite back. LED have still not changed. I finish
 w/ "pppd call adsl" and... LEDs still don't change.
ifconfig give me a report for interfaces: -lo, -eth0 and something
 POINT-TO-POINT ifconfig ppp0 tell me that the modem was not found where info
 was searched on the interface...

How can I get some help to understand what I did wrong or, better, how can I
 produce the info that will allow me to get helped? I cannot say it in
 another manner: I am completely lost with this modem. I read a lot of
 tutorials, read Usenet and Web boards, subscribed to mailing-lists but
 nothing/nobody seems to be able to tell me: "look: you did this, and this
 produced this error". I am ready to check anything necessary to get this
 damned modem working and to be able to clearly explain and understand my

A big big thank to you if you take the time to read and answer :)
Jerome Staal
(Sorry for the bad english writing, I am French and not a great writer :/ )


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Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
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