[sqlalchemy] Problem on autoload with MS-SQL

2007-05-29 Thread Expo

With this code I get an error first time I autoload a table:

from sqlalchemy import *
import pydobc

engine = create_engine('mssql://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/db', module=pyodbc)
meta = BoundMetaData(engine)

Table('table_x', meta, autoload=True)   #  Get error first time
Table('table_x', meta, autoload=True)   #  No error

Table('table_y', meta, autoload=True)   #  Get error first time
Table('table_y', meta, autoload=True)   #  No error

Follow traceback for my case:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File D:\lavoro\aesse periferiche\intermezzo\devel\test.py, line 7,
in ?
Table('table_x', meta, autoload=True)
  File c:\python\Lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\schema.py, line 166,
in __call__

  File c:\python\Lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\base.py, line
798, in ref
self.dialect.reflecttable(conn, table)
  File c:\python\Lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\databases\mssql.py,
line 492, in
coltype = self.ischema_names[type]
KeyError: u'timestamp'

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[sqlalchemy] Sqlalchemy and py2exe...

2007-05-29 Thread pdamoc


I've tried packing an app I've made with py2exe and run into
first it was an EGG issue, I've fixed that installing everything as a
next came the sqlite issue... I simply cannot get it to work

after I build the .exe I keep getting:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File patch.py, line 53, in module
  File model.pyc, line 87, in __init__
  File model.pyc, line 56, in createDB
  File sqlalchemy\schema.pyc, line 1190, in __init__
  File sqlalchemy\schema.pyc, line 1095, in __init__
  File sqlalchemy\schema.pyc, line 1114, in connect
  File sqlalchemy\engine\__init__.pyc, line 154, in create_engine
  File sqlalchemy\engine\strategies.pyc, line 44, in create
  File sqlalchemy\engine\url.pyc, line 92, in get_dialect
ImportError: unknown database 'sqlite'

The app works fine when I start it as a script.

any idea is welcomed!

Thank you in advance.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: checking the sql string.

2007-05-29 Thread Michael Bayer

On May 27, 2007, at 4:23 PM, SamDonaldson wrote:

 How do I look to see what sql is being constructed in the query
 object?  So if I have something like:

 q = query.session(User)
 q = q.add_column()
 q = q.group_by(.).select()

 How do I check what sql string has been constructed in q?

the Select object is returned by query.compile().  but also you can  
just enable logging of 'sqlalchemy.engine' or  use echo=True on  
create_engine() which may be more expedient.

 Also, say I want to do a group by a particular column name on the User
 table and I have two aggregates, sum, and count?  How do I add these
 two columns to q?  Do I just call add_column twice?  It's not working,
 I'm getting an empty result set.

 q = query.session(User)
 q = q.add_column(func.sum(User.c.id).label('sum'))
 q = q.add_column(func.count(User.c.id).label('count'))
 q = q.group_by([User.c.blah]).select()

 I'm getting an empty result set.  What exactly does label do here?

its going to use the AS keyword to apply a column label, such as:

select users.id as users_id, users.name as users_name, sum(users.id)  
as sum, count(users.id) as count
FROM users GROUP BY users.blah

take a look what its generating and play around with the resulting  
SQL manually to get an idea about what will return results.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: sqlalchemy and running custom sql.

2007-05-29 Thread wongobongo

You mean something like this?



# Running a SQL Statement using SQLAlchemy

from sqlalchemy import *

dsn = 'mysql://root:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:3306/tester'

# Create a database engine
db = create_engine(dsn)

# Do some SQL
text(INSERT INTO insertable SELECT NULL,txt FROM test_table;,

On May 27, 1:18 pm, SamDonaldson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'd like to be able to run a custom query without having to use any of
 the ORM stuff.  I'd like to pass in a sql query string to some API
 that returns back to me instances (it'd be great), or tuples.  How do
 I do this?


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[sqlalchemy] - Very important: Repent, Completely trust in God only and, Love Him with all of your heart. Evolutionism is wrong.

2007-05-29 Thread Secret

There is a section below with the title Atheism and Evolutionism are

All those who have sinned deserve to suffer in Hell forever. Pride
is an example of a sin.

1. Repent (be truly sorry for your sins; beg for God's forgiveness;
abandon sin; ask Him to help you stop sinning; and repent for His

2. Completely trust in God only; do not trust in yourself.

3. Love the Lord with all of your heart.

The Son of God (the Lord Jesus Christ) suffered and died on the cross
to pay for the sins of those who trust in Him. His blood can clean
away our sins. He was buried for three days, then lived again. There
is hope of eternal life and happiness for those who trust in God.

Your efforts and works cannot save you. Only God is truly righteous
and good. Humans are totally corrupt, but thankfully God controls all
things. Thank the Lord if He has saved you, and if His Spirit has
given you the ability to trust in Him.

There is no better God than Him.


Atheism and Evolutionism are wrong:

An atheist is a person who does not believe in God.

God is the Intelligent Creator of the Universe.

If you refuse to trust in God, it's not my loss.

1. Energy/matter cannot be created from nothing nor destroyed
(completely annihilated) through natural methods.

2. The Universe cannot create itself. If it created itself, then
anything can create itself; and the Universe can have a Mind of its

3. Fine-tuning of the Universe: 50 or more parameters/constants have
been set by God for the Universe and life to exist.

4. The laws of physics do not order themselves. They have no goals.
5. No oscillating universe; no multiverse.
6. Universe moving towards entropy (or heat death). Therefore, the
Universe is not eternal.
7. Planets do not form through natural methods.
8. Gases scatter/dissipate quickly. Therefore, Jupiter have been
9. Saturn has three rings. They have been beautifully set in place.
10. Quantized redshifts indicate that the Earth could be near the
center of the Universe. This idea is anti-Big-Bang and supports the
11. The Earth is not millions of years old. Notes: Magnetic field
decay; Archaeology; History, other Time limiters. Ancient people
were as smart as modern men. Evolutionists have no excuse.

DNA cannot exist in natural environments longer than 10,000 years;
yet, these have been FOUND in Neanderthal bones, insects in amber,
Dinosaur fossils, etc. A dinosaur fossil was discovered still having
soft tissue and blood cells.

Other keywords: Squashed Polonium-210 halos, Orphan Polonium-218,
Helium loss from zircon, Carbon-14 in deep geological strata.

12. Misplaced fossils; Wrong sequence of geological strata/layers;
Polystrate fossils are enemies of Uniformitarianism and Evolution.
Example: Fish fossils in the Cambrian strata.

13. Decay rates are not constant. Note: Even the speed of light is not
constant especially since it can be strongly affected by gravity (such
as that of a black hole).

As for radiometric dating methods: At least one of them showed that
primate skull KNM-ER 1470 was 212-230 million years old. Even
evolutionists rejected it.

Claystone dating using K-Ar in 1986: 135.2 ± 5.5 Million years old;
Dating using Ar-Ar In 1991: 152.9 ± 1.2 Million years old. About 11
million years of decay have occured in just 5 years.

Carbon-14 production rate exceeds decay by 30%. Thus, Earth's
atmosphere is less than 30,000 years old.

14. NATURAL life can only come from life. Abiogenesis (or spontaneous
generation) is impossible.
Keywords: Chirality, chemical stability, chemical reactivity, chemical

15. The DNA double-helix, self-repair codes, self-checking system/
algorithms, structure, DNA language convention, irreducible cell
complexity, and chromosome count are anti-evolution. Also, the DNA
molecule stores its information in 3 dimensions, not linearly.

16. DNA of humans differ/vary by about 10-12% from each other. 50% of
human DNA is identical to the DNA of a banana. Humans and apes have no
common ancestor.

17. Common sense and science reveal the fact of Intelligent Design.
There are cells which are more complex than New York City or modern
space shuttles. Also read Genesis chapter 3 in the Bible.

18. There is no real vestigial/useless organ. There is no junk DNA.
Note: Males' nipples arouse women. The appendix is useful for the
immune system.

19. Mutations are harmful, deadly, and destructive to genetic codes.
Example: Cancer.

20. Natural selection and Sexual selection seem unable to eliminate
destructive genetic codes. Natural Selection is conservative, not

21. The fossil record and the Cambrian Explosion reveal Creationism
and the Global Flood, not evolution. Among all those TRILLIONS of
fossils, there were NO mice-bats with one wing or two wings each
having 25% bone structure. There were NO walking fishes.

22. The Lord gave humans a conscience, morals, and advanced
23. Strong evidence of a Global Flood in the past. This 

[sqlalchemy] query.instances and select statement

2007-05-29 Thread Huy Do


I am currently doing the following query:

s = select()
query = db.query(model.Invoice).options(contains_eager('client'))
rs = query.instances(s.execute())

I was wondering if it was possible to instead of query.instances(), just 
attached the select to the query object, then continue to manipulate the 
query object further, before executing the query later.


s = select()
query = db.query(model.Invoice).options(contains_eager('client'))
query = query.from_select(s)   #
query = query.limit(10).offset(10)
rs = query.list()

What I'm doing, is pretty much setting up a query in one place of my 
program, then passing this query around, manipulating certain aspects of 
that query, then finally executing the query in some other place in my 



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[sqlalchemy] mssql func.cast error?

2007-05-29 Thread jjx

mssql 2005+sp2
test code


general sql

'SELECT cast(subject.relevantid, ?)AS cast_9b72 \nFROM subject'

cast(subject.relevantid,?)  ??

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[sqlalchemy] Re: query.instances and select statement

2007-05-29 Thread Michael Bayer

On May 29, 2007, at 10:28 PM, Huy Do wrote:

 s = select()
 query = db.query(model.Invoice).options(contains_eager('client'))
 query = query.from_select(s)   #
 query = query.limit(10).offset(10)
 rs = query.list()

 What I'm doing, is pretty much setting up a query in one place of my
 program, then passing this query around, manipulating certain  
 aspects of
 that query, then finally executing the query in some other place in my

sure you can use query.select_from(myselect).  but its not going to  
modify your select() statement, its giong to apply all those other  
constraints to a select * from (your select) type of clause.  if  
you want the SQL to be more finely tuned than that youd have to build  
up your select() separately first.

alternatively you can forego making a select() on your own and be  
totally generative with the query itself, using filter(), order_by(),  
limit(), etc.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: mssql func.cast error?

2007-05-29 Thread Michael Bayer

On May 29, 2007, at 11:48 PM, jjx wrote:

 mssql 2005+sp2
 test code


 general sql

 'SELECT cast(subject.relevantid, ?)AS cast_9b72 \nFROM subject'

 cast(subject.relevantid,?)  ??

? is a bind parameter to which the string value 'varchar' will be  
applied when executed.

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