Re: [sqlalchemy] running parallel migrations using sharded/partioned/spaced queries?

2015-10-14 Thread jason kirtland
If you can partition the rows numerically, this is trivially easily to
implement using redis as the orchestrator.

For example if you have integer PKs, you might have a loop like:

offset = 0
while offset < tablesize:
for row in query[offset:batchsize]:
offset += batchsize

With redis orchestrating, you use a key in redis and INCRBY to reliably
distribute batches to an arbitrary number of workers on an arbitrary number
of hosts.

   while True:
   offset = redis.incrby('migration-offset', batchsize)
   rows = query[offset:batchsize]
   if not rows:
   for row in rows:

INCRBY is atomic and returns the adjusted value, so every invocation of
this script that calls into redis and INCRBYs by, say, 1000, has its own
chunk of 1000 to work on. For a starting value of -1000 and four
invocations, you'd see 0, 1000, 2000 and 3000.

I'll typically do this on one invocation, see that it's running well and
that I chose a performant batch size, and then spin up additional workers
on more cores until the migration hits the overall throughput required.

On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 9:32 AM, Jonathan Vanasco 

> I have to run a script on 2MM objects to update the database.  Not really
> a schema migration, more like changing the internal data representation in
> the fields.
> There's a bit of post-processing and bottlenecks involved, so doing
> everything one-at-a-time will take a few days.
> I'd like to split this out into 5-10 'task runners' that are each
> responsible for a a section of the database (ie, every 5th record).  That
> should considerably drop the runtime.
> I thought I had seen a recipe for this somewhere, but checked and couldn't
> find anything.  That leads me to question if this is a good idea or not.
> Anyone have thoughts/pointers?
> --
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Re: [sqlalchemy] Sending queue messages/emails after model commit

2014-09-22 Thread jason kirtland
Hi Alex,

I have a similar use case, and fixed it by buffering the signals until the
session transaction completes. On rollback, the buffered signals are
discarded; on successful commit, the signals are truly emitted.


On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 2:20 AM, Alex Michael  wrote:

> Hey,
> From my understanding it's recommended that the business logic does not
> commit the session and that the application itself handles the session
> lifecycle. Following that, I have all the session handling logic in my
> controllers so the business logic just changes the objects as necessary and
> then the controllers call .commit() when needed. When a model is committed
> and say X property has changed, I need to send a queue message. My problem
> is that I'm not sure where the logic for emitting such signals should live
> in order to avoid duplicating logic all over the place. An example:
> I have an order which I take a payment for. If the payment is successful,
> I mark the order as paid. At this point I need to emit a signal. If the
> order is pending, I wait for a notification to come in from the payment
> gateway and then mark the order as paid. My business logic has a
> `mark_as_paid` function which changes the status of the order. Ideally I
> would like to emit the signal in the `mark_as_paid` method but I don't know
> at that point in time if the session commit will succeed or not. The
> alternative would be to emit the signal manually after the session was
> committed but that would (1) lead to duplicated logic since `mark_as_paid`
> can be triggered from many code paths (2) not always work since the status
> of the order is determined dynamically so the caller doesn't actually know
> what "changed" in order to emit the correct signal.
> Am I missing something here? I'd appreciate any help.
> Thanks!
> -- alex
> --
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Re: [sqlalchemy] matches_any: an extension to the Query object, and a HSTORE attribute access property

2014-01-07 Thread jason kirtland
On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 11:14 AM, Philip Scott wrote:

> Hi folks,
> SQLAlchemy is at the heart of what we do at work (UK based hedge fund); so
> first of all a big thank you; I am not quite sure where we'd be without
> you. We would like to give back to the community as much as we can (I tried
> to get some of the developers on the company xmas present list this year
> but was too late.. cross your fingers for next year).
> We have extended SQLAlchemy in a few places, though it is quite
> intermingled with our domain specific stuff I keep an eye out for little
> snippets that might be useful to others. So here's a trivial one; take it
> or leave it (and feel free to think of a better name). Knowing my luck it
> already exists; though I have looked hard through the docs!
> class QueryEnhanced(Query):
> ''' Add a few extra bells and whistles to the standard Query object '''
> def matches_any(self):
> ''' Returns true if your query would return 1 or more rows; false
> otherwise.
> The following two statements ask the same question; but
> matches_any is _much_ quicker on large tables:
> my_query.matches_any()
> my_query.count() != 0
> '''
> return self.session.scalar(select([self.exists()]))
> The other bit of technology we have that could be unpicked without _too_
> much trouble is a sort of reverse CompositeProperty; many attributes of
> different types, including collections, out of one HSTORE column (with a
> sort of side-loaded instrumentation for mutation tracking that I think
> could have been done in a more idiosyncratic way).
> Paraphrasing a bit but you can do things like:
> class Animal(Base):
> data   = Column(MutableDict.as_mutable(HSTORE))
> colour = HsProperty(data, String)
> legs   = HsProperty(data, Integer)
> discovered = HsProperty(data, Date)
> fun_facts  = HsProperty(data, JSONEncoded(list))
> 'colour', 'legs', 'discovered', and 'fun_facts' end up as keys in the
> HSTORE and the values are strings, integers, dates and lists on the python
> side but stored as strings in the HSTORE such a way that they can be
> CAST-ed in a server query [where possible]:
> session().query(Animal).filter(Animal.legs > 2)
> and get a query like
> SELECT ... FROM animal WHERE CAST( -> legs AS INTEGER) > 2
> You can also put an arbitrary JSONEncodable object in there too.
> Collections get converted to Mutable counterparts for change-tracking.
> In many ways it is similar to ColumnProperty except that - the properties
> are writable (and when written only trigger the relevant bits of the hstore
> to be updated). Also on object instances the values in HsProperties are
> fetched as part of the query; we lazily de-serialise them directly from the
> hstore dictionary.
> Before spend a couple of days removing our corporate clutter from that,
> getting permission to license it etc.. and posting either as a patch or
> extension I thought I would see if there is any interest (or if someone has
> already done it better?). It's implemented as a custom metaclass right now,
> but I think I might be able to do it fully with events.

I would be very interested in this work. At my org we have a subset of the
same idea that we're depending upon, but it's tied to an ancient SQLAlchemy
version and we never took it all the way into the query space like that.
That looks absolutely fabulous!

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Re: [sqlalchemy] testing for an association proxy (possible bug and patch included)

2013-08-23 Thread jason kirtland
On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 2:31 PM, Gombas, Gabor (IT) <> wrote:

> On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 12:11:39PM -0700, Jonathan Vanasco wrote:
> > i think a simple fix could be something like this ( line 240,
> sqlalchemy/ext/
> > )
> >
> > if self.scalar:
> > -if not getattr(obj, self.target_collection)
> > -return self._scalar_get(getattr(obj,
> self.target_collection))
> > else:
> >
> > if self.scalar:
> > +proxied = getattr(obj, self.target_collection)
> > +if not proxied :
> > +return None
> > +return self._scalar_get(proxied)
> >   else:
> We're monkey-patching AssociationProxy.__get__ with the same change
> since SQLA 0.5.x, so it would be nice to get it applied upstream...
> Maybe in 0.9?

The patch seems like surprising Python behavior to me. Traversing across a
None is almost certainly a bug in regular code, and quashing that error by
default feels dangerous. I would want this to raise by default (and I have
found bugs because it did.)  I think you could opt into this behavior by
supplying an alternate, custom getter function that quashed None when
creating the proxy.

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Re: [sqlalchemy] association_proxy as property?

2010-11-16 Thread jason kirtland
On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 9:05 AM, A.M.  wrote:
> On Nov 16, 2010, at 11:43 AM, Michael Bayer wrote:
>> On Nov 16, 2010, at 11:14 AM, A.M. wrote:
>>> To generate json from our SQLAlchemy model objects, we are using 
>>> iterate_properties to determine how to "dictify" the object. One of our 
>>> objects uses association_proxy which we would like to represent in the 
>>> JSON. Unfortunately, because it is not a property, the dictification misses 
>>> this property. I feel like I am missing something simple here.
>>> How can I make an association_proxy appear to be a property which appears 
>>> in iterate_properties of the mapper?
>> 2. implicit conversion to JSON and such is a little sloppy.   You'd be 
>> better off using a structured approach like Colander: 
> It looks like I would have to either re-define all objects using the Colander 
> syntax or implement a method which converts existing SQLAlchemy models to 
> Colander schema objects. Even if the latter function already exists, I still 
> have the problem of determining automatically which properties to encode, no?

You may find you'll need to do even further work to determine which
properties to encode.  I do the same (using Flatland for
serialization), and part of that challenge was determining where the
edges of the business objects were.  (If you have relations, maybe
some of them are part of the object (as user's email addresses) and
some of them aren't (a User->Users list of the user's friends). In the
end I went with a combination of class annotation and heuristics based
on iterating mapper properties.  This allowed me to traverse the
mappings to reliably find the edges and also include the occasional
transient attribute or other oddball that needed to be in the
serialized form.

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Re: [sqlalchemy] Inheriting custom collection to create another custom collection. Issues with the appenders/parents

2010-11-13 Thread jason kirtland
Hi Hector,

On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 7:46 AM, Hector Blanco  wrote:
> Hello everyone.
> I was wondering if it's possible to inherit a custom collection to
> create another custom collection.
> A few days ago I was trying to use my own class as a custom_collection
> (
> Thanks to Michael Bayer I was able to do it, but now I would like to
> go one step further, and inherit my custom collection to create
> another custom collection.
> To simplify a little what I asked in the other message, let's say I have a:
> def ClassA(declarativeBase):
>        __tablename__ = "aes"
>        id = Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True)
>        _whatever = Column("type", String(64))
>        def __init__(self):
>                self._whatever = "whatever"
> Then I have my custom collection for instances of "ClassA":
> def ContainerOfA(dict):
>        __emulates__ = set
>        def __init__(self):
>                self._field = "I'm a great... awesom! container"
>        #I also defined the appender, remover and iterator
>       �...@collection.iterator
>        def __iter__(self):
>                return self.itervalues()
>       �...@collection.appender
>        def append(self, item):
>                self[item.getUniqueHash()] = item
>       �...@collection.remover
>        def remove(self, item):
>                if item.getUniqueHash() in self.keys():
>                        del self[item.getUniqueHash()]
> And then I was happily able to use it in any relationships:
> def YetAnotherClass(declarativeBase):
>        id = Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True)
>        classesA = relationship("ClassA",
>                uselist=True,
>                secondary="intermediate_table",
>                collection_class=lambda: ContainerOfA(),
>                cascade="all, delete, delete-orphan",
>                single_parent=True
>        )
> Now I needed to extend "ClassA" in a "Class B" and "ContainerOfA" in
> "ContainerOfB". I added the polymorphic stuff to "ClassA" and "ClassB"
> to create a joined table inheritance, as detailed in
> . (it seems to be working fine, that's why I am not completely
> detailing it here)
> def ClassB(ClassA):
>        __tablename__ = "bs" #Sorry for that
>        __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'ClassB'}
>        id = Column("id", Integer, ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True)
>        def __init__(self):
>                self._anotherWhatever = "another whatever"
> def ContainerOfB(ContainerOfA):
>        def __init__(self):
>                super(ContainerOfB, self).__init__()
>        def anotherMethodOnlyForBInstances(self):
>                # do interesting stuff for B classes
> Then I tried to use it in a relationship:
> def YetYetAnotherClass(declarativeBase):
>        id = Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True)
>        classesB = relationship("ClassB",
>                uselist=True,
>                secondary="another_intermediate_table",
>                collection_class=lambda: ContainerOfB(),
>                cascade="all, delete, delete-orphan",
>                single_parent=True
>        )
> But when I tried to append a "ClassB" instance through the
> relationship detailed above, I got this exception:
>>> Type ContainerOfB must elect an appender method to be a collection class

I haven't been able to replicate this behavior.  When testing your
code I did notice that you are using 'def' to declare your classes,
which won't actually create the type.  I make that same typo myself
periodically and it can be quite tricky to track down the one "def'd"
class that's causing seemingly unrelated errors.

Anyhow, I've attached the working test case I put together.  If you
can modify this to replicate your behavior, we can track down any bugs
that might be present in the collection API's appender metadata
bookkeeping.  You definitely should not have to re-declare an
@appender on a subclass- the collection mechanics should be sweeping
over your inherited class and transparently picking up the methods.
This is definitely working for the cases in the SQLA unit tests, but
it's definitely possible you've found some corner case with that dict
that's declared to be emulating a set.


> I thought... "ok, ok... let's just explicitly add the 'appender' to
> the ContainerOfB class...  The only thing I need to do is calling the
> appender of the super class, anyway... no biggie" and so I did:
> def ContainerOfB(ContainerOfA):
>        # [ . . . ] #
>       �...@collection.appender
>        def append(self, classBInstance):
>                return super(ContainerOfB, self).append(classBInstance)
> But then... another exception when I tried to add an instance of ClassB():
>>> InvalidRequestError: Instance  is already associated 
>>> with an instance of  
>>> via its YetYetAnotherClass.class

[sqlalchemy] Slides from the Advanced SQLAlchemy Customization tutorial at EuroPython

2010-07-19 Thread jason kirtland
Fellow Alchemers,

I've posted the slides and code from the Advanced SQLAlchemy
Customization tutorial I presented yesterday at EuroPython 2010 in
Birmingham.  Enjoy!

Talk description:


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Re: blocking on Base.metadata.drop_all() in test

2010-07-08 Thread jason kirtland
Your scoped session still has an active connection, which is blocking
the drop.  Call session.remove() before the drop, or configure the
session with expires_on_commit=False to not issue SELECTs to fetch
object state after the final commit().

On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 9:27 AM, zende  wrote:
> I reproduced the issue the script below:
> Sorry for the weak explanation before.  This has little to do with
> being "in tests" except that's the only code that drops and creates
> the db for any reason.  Ctrl-C does nothing when it blocks.
> Chris, try running the script in the link, and let me know if you are
> able to reproduce the issue
> --
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Re: [sqlalchemy] session lifecycle and wsgi

2010-04-28 Thread jason kirtland
On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 8:55 AM, Chris Withers  wrote:
> jason kirtland wrote:
>> On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 7:52 AM, Chris Withers 
>> wrote:
>>> Diana Clarke wrote:
>>>> Finally, we're using pylons and are removing the contextual session in
>>>> the
>>>> finally clause of the base controller's __call__ method.
>>>> class BaseController(WSGIController):
>>>>   def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
>>>>       try:
>>>>           ...
>>>>       finally:
>>>>           session.remove()
>>> Yeah, I'm trying to find out if this .remove() is actually necessary.
>> .remove() as the final operation in a request ensures that no session
>> state leaks from one web request to another. The next request in that
>> thread or scoping context will get an entirely fresh session to work
>> with.
> Okay, would .close() be equivalent here?

Not really, .close is a Session method.  See below.

>> If finishing with a .remove() is a big deal in your environment, which
>> it seems like it is, you could do a .remove() at the start of the
>> request instead.
> What happens if you call .remove() on a virgin session?

.remove() is specific to the ScopedSession container.  It's not a
Session method.  It will .close() the session for the current scope,
if any (which is effectively a no-op if there is a session but it
hasn't performed any work), then remove that session from the scope.
The next access to the ScopedSession container will produce a fresh

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Re: [sqlalchemy] session lifecycle and wsgi

2010-04-28 Thread jason kirtland
On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 7:52 AM, Chris Withers  wrote:
> Diana Clarke wrote:
>> Finally, we're using pylons and are removing the contextual session in the
>> finally clause of the base controller's __call__ method.
>> class BaseController(WSGIController):
>>    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
>>        try:
>>            ...
>>        finally:
>>            session.remove()
> Yeah, I'm trying to find out if this .remove() is actually necessary.

.remove() as the final operation in a request ensures that no session
state leaks from one web request to another. The next request in that
thread or scoping context will get an entirely fresh session to work

If finishing with a .remove() is a big deal in your environment, which
it seems like it is, you could do a .remove() at the start of the
request instead.

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Re: [sqlalchemy] Mapping dictionaries with string keys and record values

2010-04-26 Thread jason kirtland
On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 8:24 AM, Michael Bayer  wrote:
> Torsten Landschoff wrote:
>> Thanks for your reply and the remarks! Do you plan to extend
>> attribute_mapped_collection to update the key like in my example?
> here's some things to note on that:
> 1. I'm not sure why it wasn't that way already, and I'd want to hear from
> Jason Kirtland, its author, on if we are missing something or otherwise
> whats up.   I have a vague notion that there was a reason for this, or
> maybe not.

It's not something that can be easily solved in the general case with
the current API. The mapped collections use a 'keyfunc' to figure out
the dictionary key for loaded instances, for example
'operator.attrgetter("name")' for attribute_mapped_collection("name").
 Mechanically reversing that logic in a setting operation sounds
pretty hard to me, but perhaps if we allowed an 'assignfunc' function
to be supplied that would do the trick.  Internally, the collection
code would call it during a "dict['key'] = instance" assignment
operation, maybe passing just the "key" value and the instance:

  def assignfunc(key, instance): = key

For highly constrained types like the attribute- and column-mapped
collections, these functions would be easy to generate.

A good test for the feature would be a mapped collection that maps a
tuple of attributes, such as one created by
"attribute_mapped_collection(('x', 'y'))".  Assigning "collection[1,
2] = instance" should assign both instance.x and instance.y in that

> 2. I wonder if there's a way to make this happen more deeply than within
> setattr().   Like the collection internals would include an event to
> operate upon the target object that includes the other args from the
> collection decorator.

I have a hunch this is only meaningful for mapped collections-
mutations like list_collection[2:5] would be difficult to translate
and I'm not sure what information one would want to capture there.
Worth a look though.

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Re: [sqlalchemy] error handling for sessionmaker function

2010-01-11 Thread jason kirtland
On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 4:07 PM, Manlio Perillo
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi.
> I'm updating some of my code to SQLALchemy 0.6, and I have noted a
> problem with the sessionmaker function.
> The problem is a compatibility one: old versions use the transactional
> parameter, new ones the autocommit parameter.
> Usually, to handle these problems I use the try/except method:
> try:
>    return orm.sessionmaker(bind=bind, autocommit=autocommit)
> except TypeError:
>    # COMPAT: SQLAlchemy 0.4.x, deprecated in 0.5.x
>    transactional = not autocommit
>    return orm.sessionmaker(bind=bind, transactional=transactional)
> However this does not work, since error is raise only ewhen the actual
> Session instance is created.
> As far as can understand, the sessionmaker function supports keyword
> arguments since user can specify a custom session class to use.
> Can error handling be improved?

How about:

except TypeError:
# COMPAT: SQLAlchemy 0.4.x, deprecated in 0.5.x
transactional = not autocommit
return orm.sessionmaker(bind=bind, transactional=transactional)
return orm.sessionmaker(bind=bind, autocommit=autocommit)

Creating and disposing a session via create_session() in this way
isn't particularly expensive and won't initiate any database
connections or activity.
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[sqlalchemy] Re: MySQL has gone away (again)

2009-06-08 Thread jason kirtland
Kamil Gorlo wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 4:20 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:
>> the connection went from good to dead within a few seconds (assuming SQL
>> was successfully emitted on the previous checkout).   Your database was
>> restarted or a network failure occurred.
> There is no other option? I'm pretty sure that DB was not restarted,
> network failure is of course possible but still.. (this is the same
> LAN).

Another cause of "went away" messages is a query that exceeds the 
configured memory resources on the server.  Taking a look at MySQL's 
logs may shed more light & give hints for which buffers need tuning if 
that's the problem.

> But, assuming this is external problem - is there any way to tell
> SQLAlchemy to try another connection for the same request (instead of
> returning HTTP 500 for user), or maybe other pooling strategy or even
> something else?

Yes, with a simple pool event listener you can ensure the liveliness of 
connections before the pool hands them out for use.  Usage example is 


class LookLively(object):
 """Ensures that MySQL connections checked out of the
pool are alive."""

 def checkout(self, dbapi_con, con_record, con_proxy):
 except TypeError:
 except dbapi_con.OperationalError, ex:
 if ex.args[0] in (2006, 2013, 2014, 2045, 2055):
 # caught by pool, which will retry with a new connection
 raise exc.DisconnectionError()

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from sqlalchemy import exc

class LookLively(object):
"""Ensures that MySQL connections checked out of the pool are alive.

Specific to the MySQLdb DB-API.  Note that this can not totally
guarantee live connections- the remote side can drop the connection
in the time between ping and the connection reaching user code.

This is a simplistic implementation.  If there's a lot of pool churn
(i.e. implicit connections checking in and out all the time), one
possible and easy optimization would be to add a timer check:

1) On check-in, record the current time (integer part) into the
   connection record's .properties
2) On check-out, compare the current integer time to the (possibly
   empty) record in .properties.  If it is still the same second as
   when the connection was last checked in, skip the ping.  The
   connection is probably fine.

Something much like this logic will go into the SQLAlchemy core


def checkout(self, dbapi_con, con_record, con_proxy):
except TypeError:
except dbapi_con.OperationalError, ex:
if ex.args[0] in (2006, 2013, 2014, 2045, 2055):
raise exc.DisconnectionError()

# To see a connection die post-ping, take the sleep out of reap()
# below and run this in a tight loop.  It should happen eventually on
# a fast machine.
#   $ while; do echo; done

if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys, time
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
from pkg_resources import require
require('mysql-python==%s' % sys.argv[1])

from sqlalchemy import *
e = create_engine('mysql:///test?unix_socket=/var/tmp/mysql.sock',
  max_overflow=0, pool_size=2, # constrain our test

# reserve a connection.
reaper = e.connect()
def reap(id):
reaper.execute(text('KILL :thread'), thread=id)
time.sleep(0.15)  # give the thread a chance to die

c2 = e.connect()
c2_threadid = c2.scalar('SELECT CONNECTION_ID()')
print "Connection c2 id=%s" % c2_threadid

# return c2 to the pool.  (the db-api connection will remain open)
del c2


c2 = e.connect()
new_threadid = c2.scalar('SELECT CONNECTION_ID()')
print "Connection c2 now has id=%s" % new_threadid

# connection is still alive, kill it mid-stream
c2.execute('SELECT 1')
assert False
except Exception, ex:
print "Expected: Did not reconnect mid-transaction, exception:", ex

c2 = e.connect()
final_threadid = c2.scalar('SELECT CONNECTION_ID()')
print "Connection c2 now has id=%s" % final_threadi

[sqlalchemy] Re: moving an object

2009-04-05 Thread jason kirtland

jean-philippe dutreve wrote:
> Hi all,
> I wonder if SA can handle this use case:
> An Account can contain Entries ordered by 'position' attribute.
> mapper(Account, table_accounts, properties = dict(
> entries = relation(Entry, lazy=True, collection_class=ordering_list
> ('position'),
> order_by=[table_entries.c.position],
> passive_deletes='all', cascade='save-update',
> backref=backref('account', lazy=False),
> ),
> ))
> I'd like to move an entry from accountA to accountB and let SA remove
> the link between the entry and accountA:
> entry = accountA.entries[0]
> insort_right(accountB.entries, entry)
> assert not entry in accountA.entries# false, entry is still in
> accountA 
> It is possible?

Try removing the entry from accountA:

 entry = accountA.pop(0)

Also beware that bisect insort has a bug that prevents it from working 
properly with list subclasses like ordering_list (or any SA list-based 
collection).  I think it's fixed in Python 3.0, not sure if the fix was 
backported to 2.x.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Suggestions on using a dialect outside of the Alchemy installation tree

2009-03-10 Thread jason kirtland

It'd look like this:

Your dialect will be available to SA after you 'python install' 
or 'python develop' in your -ase distribution. wrote:
> Thanks Mike. This sounds great although I have to admit that I don't
> follow it completely as I have not used authored anything via
> setuptools. If this is trivial for you, could you sketch out what this
> would look like?
> pjjH
> On Mar 10, 11:25 am, "Michael Bayer"  wrote:
>> you can install the dialect using a setuptools entry point.  SQLAlchemy
>> looks for dialect modules using the "sqlalchemy.databases" entry point
>> name, so in this case you might name it "sqlalchemy.databases.sybase-ase".
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have done a fair bit on a Sybase ASE dialect for Alchemy and it is
>>> now in a primitive but usable condition for simple applications. My
>>> employers are fine with contributing the code back to the project and
>>> I intended to coordinate with Mike Bayer about this shortly. In the
>>> meantime, we would like to deploy the driver locally and work out some
>>> of the bugs. Ideally, we would like to do this separately from our
>>> centralized SQL Alchemy installation as the release cycles for
>>> production s/w are much longer than the anticipated cycles for the
>>> Sybase dialect.Is it possible to use a dialect located  outside the
>>> main installation by something as simple as the connection URI?
>>> Have any of you similar situations? Have you any suggestions on ways
>>> to address this issue?
>>> pjjH

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Problems/Bug in ordering_list (UNIQUE KEY violation)

2009-02-26 Thread jason kirtland

Michael Bayer wrote:
> On Feb 19, 2009, at 4:33 PM, oberger wrote:
>> Thank you Michael,
>> but I am not able to bring this to work. Even with a flush and a
>> commit after every Statement.
>> I understand the problem with dependend UPDATES/DELETES.
>> But how is the ordering_list suposed to work?
>> When I delete on entry with: del short_trip.trip_stops[1]
>> and then flush() and commit(). The ordering_list has to do some
>> work in the corresponding database table.
> im not sure, perhaps Jason can chime in on this

For this constraint configuration you might try making the DB constraint 
initially deferred.  Given the ordering of statement execution in the 
unit of work, no other ideas are coming to mind.  The ordering_list 
itself is totally ignorant of the ORM.  It doesn't issue any flushes or 
deletions, though one could make an implementation that did embed that 
level of control over the unit of work.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: how to handle Date values of the form YYYY-MM-00

2009-02-01 Thread jason kirtland wrote:
> Quoth jason kirtland :
>> wrote:
>>> I have an existing MySQL database (that I do not control) with schema
>>> fields defined using the 'Date' type.  The values that occur in these
>>> fields often have a 'day' of '00', and sometimes a month of '00', and
>>> sometimes the field's value is -00-00.  The zeros are used to indicate
>>> "don't know" (or, sometimes, "don't care").
>>> Since '00' is invalid for the fields in a Python DateTime, it seems as 
>>> though
>>> I can't actually use DateTime to manage these values.  My application
>>> should be able to use them as strings, but how do I arrange to do that?
>>> The conversion to DateTime is presumably taking place at the DBAPI level.
>> Check out the MySQLdb docs for the 'conv' type mapping option to 
>> connect(). I think you should be able to override the default datetime 
>> with your own convert that falls back to a string or whatever you'd like 
>> it to do.
> That sounds promising, and I doubt I would have found that just by googling,
> so thanks!
> Now, how do I get SQLAlchemy to pass that dictionary into the MySQLdb
> 'connect'?  :)

You can pass it in via the create_engine's connect_args:


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[sqlalchemy] Re: how to handle Date values of the form YYYY-MM-00

2009-02-01 Thread jason kirtland wrote:
> I have an existing MySQL database (that I do not control) with schema
> fields defined using the 'Date' type.  The values that occur in these
> fields often have a 'day' of '00', and sometimes a month of '00', and
> sometimes the field's value is -00-00.  The zeros are used to indicate
> "don't know" (or, sometimes, "don't care").
> Since '00' is invalid for the fields in a Python DateTime, it seems as though
> I can't actually use DateTime to manage these values.  My application
> should be able to use them as strings, but how do I arrange to do that?
> The conversion to DateTime is presumably taking place at the DBAPI level.

Check out the MySQLdb docs for the 'conv' type mapping option to 
connect(). I think you should be able to override the default datetime 
with your own convert that falls back to a string or whatever you'd like 
it to do.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: find only loaded objects in relation collections

2009-01-30 Thread jason kirtland

GHZ wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a Subscriber and an Address table.  Subscriber can have many
> Addresses
> mapper(Subscriber, subscriber_table, properties={
> 'addresses' : relation(Address, collection_class=Addresses,
> backref='customer')})
> From the a Subscriber object, I want to inspect all loaded objects in
> any collections, but do it quietly - without causing any more to load.
> class MyBase(object):
> @reconstructor
> def __my_init__(self):
> self.rules = []
> def get_all_rules_on_all_loaded_related_objects(self):
> for collection in (p for p in object_mapper
> (self).iterate_properties if type(p) is RelationProperty):
> # How to access this collection without causing it to
> load?
> # I want to look at the 'rules' property on all loaded
> objects

The collection will be present in the instance's __dict__ if it has been 
loaded.  So something like

   if 'addresses' in self.__dict__:
  # loaded, can access self.addresses without triggering db access


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2009-01-23 Thread jason kirtland

camlost wrote:
> Thank you for the reply.
> However, this solution (though I'm ready to use it) would create a lot
> of SQL queries comparing it with simple INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY
> On the other hand, I admit the INSERT ... IN DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE
> might not be available in other DBs. I would like the application
> would be independent of the database engine bellow.
> So... is there some way how to achieve this while keeping number of
> SQL queries low? :-)
> (The number of objects handled this way is about 20 000.)

Sure, if your process will be the only one inserting and changing these 
rows.  Working through your 20k python objects in batches of 1000 or 
whatever size you like, collect the key values from the python objects. 
  Run a database select to see which of those keys are present in the 
database, and then divide your batch into two parts: data needing insert 
and data needing update.

If you've got write contention for this data you'd need to work more 
granularly (likely row by row) instead, keeping in mind the database 
engine's transaction model and ideally taking advantage of any tools the 
db engine provides (like ON DUPLICATE or sql's MERGE) .  Performance and 
engine agnosticism may be mutually exclusive here.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: passing tuple argument into sqlalchemy.sql.text string

2009-01-21 Thread jason kirtland

Faheem Mitha wrote:
> On Wed, 21 Jan 2009 08:26:13 -0800, jason kirtland
>  wrote:
>> Faheem Mitha wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I've got a query as follows:
>>> from sqlalchemy.sql import text
>>> gq = text("""
>>> SELECT decode_genotype(cell.snpval_id, snp.allelea_id, 
>>> snp.alleleb_id) FROM cell JOIN snp ON snp.fid = 
>>> cell.snp_id WHERE cell.patient_chipid IN ('DUKE1_plateA_A10.CEL', 
>>> 'DUKE1_plateA_A11.CEL')
>>> """)
>>> I want to pass in the tuple as an argument, and was wondering how to do 
>>> it.
>>> So, I'm looking for something conceptually like
>>> gq = text("""
>>> SELECT decode_genotype(cell.snpval_id, snp.allelea_id, 
>>> snp.alleleb_id) FROM cell JOIN snp ON snp.fid = 
>>> cell.snp_id WHERE cell.patient_chipid IN :plist
>>> """)
>>> gq = conn.execute(gq, plist="('DUKE1_plateA_A10.CEL',
>>> Note, I want to pass in a tuple of arbitary length, so changing
>>> this to pass two string arguments would not do. Perhaps I'm
>>> supposed to pass in some bindparams too, but I don't know what type
>>> I should be using.
>> IN takes a list of scalars, each of which requires its own :bind
>> parameter.  On Postgresql you might find it more convenient to use
>> ANY, which takes a single array argument.  "WHERE
>> cell.patient_chipid ANY (:plist)"
> Thanks for the suggestion. Can such an array argument be passed in
> from Python?

Give it a try and let us know how it goes.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: passing tuple argument into sqlalchemy.sql.text string

2009-01-21 Thread jason kirtland

Faheem Mitha wrote:
> Hi,
> I've got a query as follows:
> from sqlalchemy.sql import text
> gq = text("""
> SELECT decode_genotype(cell.snpval_id, snp.allelea_id, 
> snp.alleleb_id) FROM cell JOIN snp ON snp.fid = 
> cell.snp_id WHERE cell.patient_chipid IN ('DUKE1_plateA_A10.CEL', 
> 'DUKE1_plateA_A11.CEL')
> """)
> I want to pass in the tuple as an argument, and was wondering how to do 
> it.
> So, I'm looking for something conceptually like
> gq = text("""
> SELECT decode_genotype(cell.snpval_id, snp.allelea_id, 
> snp.alleleb_id) FROM cell JOIN snp ON snp.fid = 
> cell.snp_id WHERE cell.patient_chipid IN :plist
> """)
> gq = conn.execute(gq, plist="('DUKE1_plateA_A10.CEL', 
> 'DUKE1_plateA_A11.CEL')")
> Note, I want to pass in a tuple of arbitary length, so changing this to 
> pass two string arguments would not do. Perhaps I'm supposed to pass in 
> some bindparams too, but I don't know what type I should be using.

IN takes a list of scalars, each of which requires its own :bind 
parameter.  On Postgresql you might find it more convenient to use ANY, 
which takes a single array argument.  "WHERE cell.patient_chipid ANY 

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[sqlalchemy] Re: default=0.0 on Float Column produces "`col` float default NULL"

2008-11-10 Thread jason kirtland

Simon wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm using SA 0.5.0rc3 and MySQL 5.0.51a on Mac OS X 10.4.11. I have a
> table with a float column and would like to have a default value of 0:
> Column('col', Float(), default=0.0)
> However, executing metadata.create_all(engine) yields
> CREATE TABLE `Table` (
>   ...
>   `col` float default NULL,
>   ...
> Is that a bug, or am I erring somewhere?

default= is purely a client-side default executed in Python.  For a 
server-side (DDL) default, you want Column(, server_default='0.0')

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[sqlalchemy] Re: default=0.0 on Float Column produces "`col` float default NULL"

2008-11-10 Thread jason kirtland

With 0.4 it's a positional argument to Column: Column('col', Float(), 

Simon wrote:
> Thanks Jason! Is there any way of doing this in SA 0.4 as well?
> On 10 Nov., 16:42, jason kirtland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Simon wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I'm using SA 0.5.0rc3 and MySQL 5.0.51a on Mac OS X 10.4.11. I have a
>>> table with a float column and would like to have a default value of 0:
>>> Column('col', Float(), default=0.0)
>>> However, executing metadata.create_all(engine) yields
>>> CREATE TABLE `Table` (
>>>   ...
>>>   `col` float default NULL,
>>>   ...
>>> Is that a bug, or am I erring somewhere?
>> default= is purely a client-side default executed in Python.  For a
>> server-side (DDL) default, you want Column(, server_default='0.0')
> > 

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[sqlalchemy] Re: proposed extension to SessionExtension: after_bulk_operation

2008-11-04 Thread jason kirtland

Martijn Faassen wrote:
> Hi there,
> I've been using zope.sqlalchemy's integration with SQLALchemy and it's 
> been working pretty well so far.
> Today however I ran into a snag when using session.query(..).delete(). 
> While a query immediately after the delete showed no more objects, in 
> the next transaction the objects would re-appear.
> This turned out because zope.sqlalchemy tracks whether a session has 
> changed over time, and has no way of tracking the transaction has been 
> changed when this (and also session.query(..).update()) is in use, and 
> then rolls back the transaction.
> zope.sqlalchemy offers a way to manually mark a transaction as changed:
> It's annoying however to have to remember to call this when using these 
> operations.
> After discussion between myself and Laurence Rowe we came up with the 
> following proposal (mostly it's Laurence's :):
>session.query(...).delete() and session.query(...).update() call
>a new method on SessionExtension, if at least result.rowcount != 0. We
>propose the name after_bulk_operation() for this new method.
>We can then modify zope.sqlalchemy's SessionExtension to mark the
>session as changed by hooking into this method.
> What do people think?


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[sqlalchemy] Re: How to know if a lazy relation isn't loaded yet?

2008-11-03 Thread jason kirtland

Joril wrote:
> Hi everyone!
> I tried googling but found nothing.. Is there a way to know beforehand
> whether a relation would be lazy-loaded?
> For example, given a lazy parent->children relation and an instance X
> of "parent", I'd like to know if "X.children" is already loaded,
> without triggering the query.

A lazy relation won't yet be present in an instance's __dict__:

  if 'children' in obj.__dict__:
  # loaded
  # lazy load not yet triggered

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Catching concurrent update errors in a db independent way

2008-10-31 Thread jason kirtland

Michael Bayer wrote:
> in reality it might be needed for ConnectionProxy, or some other  
> object, to receive the "_handle_dbapi_exception()" event for this to  
> really work. This handling occurs at many places, including  
> statement execution, transaction commit/rollback, result row fetching,  
> and cursor creation.

There's a simple possible extension point in the DBAPIErrors re-casting 
logic (a straightforward chokepoint for exception analysis and change) 
but that has the disadvantage of being a global augmentation.

> It's also suggesting that we might want to call ConnectionProxy a  
> ConnectionExtension (and PoolListener a PoolExtension ?) and just  
> start adding more "hooks" to it.

The distinction I've been using for *Listeners vs *Extensions is that 
the Listeners are not given a significant opportunity to influence or 
reimplement the underlying toolkit operation.  They just receive notices 
of events as they happen.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: foreign key problem when using reflection and schemas

2008-10-27 Thread jason kirtland

That should be working now in r5203.  The reflection code was missing an 
edge case where an explicit schema= is the same as the connection's 
schema.  Switching those to schema=None should work as intended if you 
need a workaround on a released version.


Martijn Faassen wrote:
> Hi there,
> I have a problem with foreign keys that seems to occur when I combine 
> reflection and explicit schemas, in the context of MySQL. I've confirmed 
> this problem with both rc2 and the trunk. It's best demonstrated with 
> some failing code:
> Imagine the following MySQL database 'somedb':
> CREATE TABLE somedb.a (
>id int PRIMARY KEY auto_increment NOT NULL
> CREATE TABLE somedb.b (
>id int PRIMARY KEY auto_increment NOT NULL,
>a_id int NOT NULL,
>FOREIGN KEY (a_id) REFERENCES somedb.a(id)
> And the following code:
> from sqlalchemy import *
> from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper, relation, sessionmaker
> engine = create_engine('mysql:///somedb')
> meta = MetaData()
> meta.bind = engine
> a_table = Table(
>  'a',
>  meta,
>  schema='somedb',
>  autoload=True)
> b_table = Table(
>  'b',
>  meta,
>  schema='somedb',
>  autoload=True)
> class A(object):
>  pass
> class B(object):
>  pass
> mapper(A, a_table,
> properties={'bs': relation(B)})
> mapper(B, b_table)
> Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
> session = Session()
> print session.query(A).all()
> When executing this code, the last line fails with the following error:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>File "bin/devpython", line 138, in ?
>  execfile(sys.argv[0])
>File "", line 33, in ?
>  print session.query(A).all()
> "/home/faassen/.buildout/eggs/SQLAlchemy-0.5.0rc2-py2.4.egg/sqlalchemy/orm/",
> line 914, in query
>  return self._query_cls(entities, self, **kwargs)
> "/home/faassen/.buildout/eggs/SQLAlchemy-0.5.0rc2-py2.4.egg/sqlalchemy/orm/",
> line 95, in __init__
>  self.__setup_aliasizers(self._entities)
> "/home/faassen/.buildout/eggs/SQLAlchemy-0.5.0rc2-py2.4.egg/sqlalchemy/orm/",
> line 109, in __setup_aliasizers
>  mapper, selectable, is_aliased_class = _entity_info(entity)
> "/home/faassen/.buildout/eggs/SQLAlchemy-0.5.0rc2-py2.4.egg/sqlalchemy/orm/",
> line 454, in _entity_info
>  mapper = class_mapper(entity, compile)
> "/home/faassen/.buildout/eggs/SQLAlchemy-0.5.0rc2-py2.4.egg/sqlalchemy/orm/",
> line 531, in class_mapper
>  mapper = mapper.compile()
> "/home/faassen/.buildout/eggs/SQLAlchemy-0.5.0rc2-py2.4.egg/sqlalchemy/orm/",
> line 371, in compile
>  mapper.__initialize_properties()
> "/home/faassen/.buildout/eggs/SQLAlchemy-0.5.0rc2-py2.4.egg/sqlalchemy/orm/",
> line 393, in __initialize_properties
>  prop.init(key, self)
> "/home/faassen/.buildout/eggs/SQLAlchemy-0.5.0rc2-py2.4.egg/sqlalchemy/orm/",
> line 384, in init
>  self.do_init()
> "/home/faassen/.buildout/eggs/SQLAlchemy-0.5.0rc2-py2.4.egg/sqlalchemy/orm/",
> line 531, in do_init
>  self._determine_joins()
> "/home/faassen/.buildout/eggs/SQLAlchemy-0.5.0rc2-py2.4.egg/sqlalchemy/orm/",
> line 604, in _determine_joins
>  raise sa_exc.ArgumentError("Could not determine join condition 
> between "
> sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError: Could not determine join condition between 
> parent/child tables on relation  Specify a 'primaryjoin' 
> expression.  If this is a many-to-many relation, 'secondaryjoin' is 
> needed as well.
> This code *only* fails if I designate an explicit 'schema' in the table 
> statements. If I leave these out, things work as expected. Since I'm 
> interested in working with reflected tables that reside in multiple 
> schemas, this is a problem.
> Digging around indicates this that _search_for_join, defined in 
> _determine_joins, does not actually find the join clause. Going deeper 
> traces the failure down to the Join class in sqlalchemy.sql.expression, 
> which fails in self._match_primaries in its __init__ method. This in 
> turn brings us to sqlalchemy.sql.util.join_condition, which has 
> fk.get_referent() return None if schemas are explicitly specified, and 
> work fine if not.
> fk.get_referent() uses corresponding_column, and this in turn tries to 
> use contains_column() which returns False in the schema case, but true 
> if 'schema' is not explicitly verified.
> Why I don't know. The repr of the column passed into contains_column 
> looks the same as the repr of the column in the table, but apparently 
> it's not exactly the same instance. Something somewhere is making the 
> column to be different.
> Is this a bug? If so,

[sqlalchemy] Re: reflection unavailable for mysql temporary tables?

2008-10-13 Thread jason kirtland

Andy Davidoff wrote:
> On Oct 11, 1:29 pm, Michael Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Oct 11, 2008, at 12:49 PM, AndyDavidoffwrote:
>>> This fixes the first part of this problem, but unfortunately the `show
>>> create table` is performed in the connection, not the session in which
>>> the temporary table was created.  MySQL doesn't expose temporary
>>> tables between sessions, so the `show create table` raises a MySQL
>>> exception due to a non-existent table.
>> you can reflect any table on a specific connection using  
>> autoload_with=.  if by "Session" you mean ORM session,  
>> get the current connection using session.connection().
> Thanks, but MySQL's temporary tables are invisible to connection
> objects; the reflection would need to occur via queries issued in the
> actual Session (ORM session) in which the tables were created.  I
> doubt this'll be easy to elegantly hack into SQLA, though.

No hacking needed, it works just as Mike described.

from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import create_session

session = create_session()
session.bind = create_engine('mysql:///test')


session.execute('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE foo (x INT)')
session.execute('INSERT INTO foo VALUES (1)')

m = MetaData()
tt = Table('foo', m, autoload=True, autoload_with=session.connection())
print session.execute(


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Aw: [sqlalchemy] Re: 0.4: can not append objects to instrumentedlists

2008-10-13 Thread jason kirtland

> I spent some time to migrate to sqlalchemy 0.4 and it's to late to go back to 
> 0.3. What can I do to add objects to properties (InstumentedLists) in 
> sqlalchemy 0.4 (with different mappers)?

I suspect that case will work if you add the user to the session under 
the desired entity_name before appending to the collection.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: in_( bindparam(list) ) ?

2008-10-13 Thread jason kirtland

Michael Bayer wrote:
> On Oct 13, 2008, at 10:58 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> On Monday 13 October 2008 17:21:31 Michael Bayer wrote:
>>> On Oct 13, 2008, at 6:41 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 why i cannot give in_() a bindparam?

 q.filter( x.in_( somelistorset )) works
 q.filter( x.in_( bindparam('somename') )) fails
 File "sqlalchemy/sql/", line 1368, in _in_impl
for o in seq_or_selectable:
 TypeError: '_BindParamClause' object is not iterable

 is this possible or not ?
 or sending a list/tuple/iterable as bindparam-value is not
>>> is this a resend?   I answered a week ago (hm, GG didnt
>>> deliver ?  )
>> didnt...
>>> should be x.in_([bindparam('somename')])
>> but that is a list containing one param.
>> i want the whole list to be a parameter.
> yeah does PG even support that ?   im assuming PG

as ANY(array[])

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[sqlalchemy] Re: OrderingList and list.sort()

2008-10-10 Thread jason kirtland

Adam Dziendziel wrote:
> Hi,
> It seems that sorting of ordering list doesn't work. Attribute
> object.items is an OrderingList:
> object.items.sort(cmp=my_cmp)
> The list is sorted, but the ordering column is not updated. I need to
> call explicitly:
> object.items._reorder()
> Maybe override sort() in OrderingList to invoke self._reorder() after
> sorting?

Sure, makes sense.  reverse() too.  Interested in making a patch for the 
implementation in sqlalchemy/ext/ and add a new test?


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[sqlalchemy] Re: SA 0.5 rc1 - Mysql Unicode(1) decode error

2008-10-10 Thread jason kirtland

Martijn Moeling wrote:
> Hi
> I needed a Unicode(1) Column in one of my tables.
> It was translated into a char(1) column in MySQL.
> When querying the table, I get a:  AttributeError: 'Set' object has no 
> attribute 'decode'
> Which disappears if I make the column a Unicode(2), so there might be a 
> small bug in the MySQL code translating Unicode(1) to char(1) ….???

Try upgrading your MySQL-python library.  I've seen it do that on older 


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[sqlalchemy] Re: mysql utf8 encoding problem

2008-10-09 Thread jason kirtland

Michael Bayer wrote:
> On Oct 9, 2008, at 3:39 AM, jason kirtland wrote:
>> i don't know about your env, but the unit tests under mysql use
>> testing.engines.utf8_engine to configure a connection that can send
>> unicode across the wire without encoding failures.
> I can run python test/sql/ --db mysql --verbose  
> UnicodeTest.testbasic with a raise or pdb.set_trace() inside of  
> utf8_engine, and engines.utf8_engine is never called.

Might be something about the data being tested in that test method. 
It's needed in the tests where it's used.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: mysql utf8 encoding problem

2008-10-09 Thread jason kirtland

Michael Bayer wrote:
> On Oct 8, 2008, at 8:54 PM, jason kirtland wrote:
>> Most likely you just need to configure the db-api's client encoding by
>> adding ?charset=utf8 onto your connection URL.
>> Enough folks have hit this recently that I'm (again) considering  
>> passing
>> through the engine encoding= parameter to the MySQLdb connection  
>> setup.
>>  I've resisted the urge for a while because we don't to my knowledge
>> re-configure any db-apis in any of the backends.  But this keeps  
>> coming
>> up despite being documented in the mysql section of the docs, and last
>> time I traced through it, it seemed like MySQLdb was ignoring the
>> server's configured connection_encoding so a little assist from the SA
>> side would probably be useful.
>> I'll look at sneaking that into the upcoming rc2 unless the
>> implementation is untenable for some reason or there's an outcry.
> since im a total dumdum, why have i never had this issue in my own  
> dealings with MySQL and Unicode ?   I use the Unicode type, i dont use  
> any charset= on my URL, and things work fine, including all of our  
> unit tests.  Is it actually storing the data incorrectly and we just  
> see the same info at the SQLA round trip level ?

i don't know about your env, but the unit tests under mysql use 
testing.engines.utf8_engine to configure a connection that can send 
unicode across the wire without encoding failures.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: mysql utf8 encoding problem

2008-10-08 Thread jason kirtland

joelanman wrote:
> Hi,
> Firstly - I'm hugely impressed with SQLAlchemy - it's really helped me
> a lot with my new project.
> I'm having problems storing international characters in mysql using
> SQLAlchemy. For example:
>   école—school
> looks like this in mysql:
>   école—school
> I'm using the following engine call:
>   engine = create_engine(config.db, encoding='utf-8')
> and using Unicode as the column type:
>   Column('content',   UnicodeText),
> and utf8 for the table:
>   mysql_charset='utf8'
> I'm pretty sure all my mySQL options are set to utf8. This looks
> really similar to a 'double encoding' issue I found while searching
> the group, but it seems that was fixed in python-mysql 1.2.2, which is
> what I'm using.
> Any help would be much appreciated.

Most likely you just need to configure the db-api's client encoding by 
adding ?charset=utf8 onto your connection URL.

Enough folks have hit this recently that I'm (again) considering passing 
through the engine encoding= parameter to the MySQLdb connection setup. 
  I've resisted the urge for a while because we don't to my knowledge 
re-configure any db-apis in any of the backends.  But this keeps coming 
up despite being documented in the mysql section of the docs, and last 
time I traced through it, it seemed like MySQLdb was ignoring the 
server's configured connection_encoding so a little assist from the SA 
side would probably be useful.

I'll look at sneaking that into the upcoming rc2 unless the 
implementation is untenable for some reason or there's an outcry.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: adding children to ORM object using property causes problems, maybe a bug?

2008-10-02 Thread jason kirtland

Randy Syring wrote:
> After some work with Gedd on #sqlalchemy, it seems that adding
> children to a parent object using a custom property() doesn't work as
> we expected it would.  A test case is here:
> The error is triggered by line #53.
> Are we doing something wrong or is this a bug in SA?

The only error I see in that test is:

   external_link.url may not be NULL u'INSERT INTO external_link
   (url) VALUES (?)' [None]"

which is expected from the test setup.  (No .url is ever assigned.)

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[sqlalchemy] Re: reflection unavailable for mysql temporary tables?

2008-09-27 Thread jason kirtland

Andy Davidoff wrote:
> Reflection of temporary tables under MySQL works around revision 4000
> and probably as recently as May but doesn't seem to work under
> revision 5000 or later; I get a NoSuchTableError.  Is this change
> intentional?
> If the only change I make to my code is to create and reflect a normal
> table versus a temporary table, then SQLA works as expected.
> Unfortunately, temporary tables offer me an easy concurrency crutch,
> so I deeply regret this missing functionality.
> I could dig deeper into when and where this stopped working, but
> perhaps I'm the one missing something.  What is it?  :-)

Give it a try with the trunk, r5129.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Unicode Results from SQL functions

2008-09-24 Thread jason kirtland

Shawn Church wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 10:45 PM, jason kirtland <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
> Adding ?charset=utf8&use_unicode=1 to your MySQL connection URL is a
> much easier way to get Unicode back from all DB access.
> Ok,  that works. I thought that "create_engine(uri, encoding = "latin1", 
> convert_unicode = True) would do this.  I am guessing from this that the 
> create_engine arguments are NOT being passed along to the dbapi connector?

No. I believe both of those are specifying the treatment of string data 
going _to_ the DB-API only, not bidirectional behavior.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Unicode Results from SQL functions

2008-09-24 Thread jason kirtland

Shawn Church wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 7:37 PM, Michael Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > wrote:
> we can of course add more functions to the list of "known" functions
> such as ifnull() (it would be best if ifnull() is a SQL standard
> function, I'm not sure if it is).
> Not sure this will work for IFNULL since it's type depends upon the 
> runtime arguments.  I missed the func type_ argument when I read the 
> documentation.  That is a good solution for the general case of 
> specifiying the type when it cannot be determined from the function or 
> the function arguments.  In fact I'm going to use it any time the type 
> is not obvious.
> For what it is worth the following patch modifies ResultProxy to convert 
> strings to unicode if convert_unicode == True.  It 'fixes' my example 
> and test/ still passes.

Adding ?charset=utf8&use_unicode=1 to your MySQL connection URL is a 
much easier way to get Unicode back from all DB access.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Cyclic references and Nullable

2008-09-24 Thread jason kirtland

Michael Bayer wrote:
> On Sep 23, 2008, at 10:32 AM, mraer wrote:
>> Suppose I have two classes of objects which have a reference to each
>> other:
>> Class A:
>> b
>> Class B:
>> a
>> Both references are mandatory so nullable = False
>> I use post_update = True in relation function and use_alter = True in
>> ForeignKey constructor
>> After it I try to add two objects:
>> session = Session()
>> a = A()
>> b = B()
>> a.b = b
>> b.a = a
>> session.commit()
>> and catch an exception, because with post_update = True NULL inserted
>> in DB, but without post_update= True I can't add two circular
>> depending objects.
>> How to solve with situation to add such pair of objects into DB?
> this is only possible if you can configure your database to not  
> enforce foreign key constraints until transaction commit time.  Its  
> something I have never done myself but I understand it is possible  
> with some databases.

SA's Constraint types have support for generating a deferrable key at 

I believe you can either define the cyclic constraints as initially 
deferred for this behavior, or issue a SET ALL CONSTRAINTS DEFERRED 
during the transaction to loosen up any deferrable keys.  SQL also 
allows naming specific constraints for the second form, check your db 
manual for it's take on it.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Fwd: Support for ordered lists of child items

2008-09-24 Thread jason kirtland

Emmett Lazich wrote:
> Thank you Jason.  orderinglist looks like what I am after!
> Is your orderinglist plugin fully functional in 0.4.7p1?


> Before I attempt it, pls advise if there any technical reason preventing 
> the integration of orderinglist into the (adjacency list) 
> example?
> See 

That example uses a dict-based collection, so it's not a drop in.  But I 
don't see any obstacle to using the orderinglist on adjacency lists in 

> jason kirtland wrote:
>> Yep, orderinglist handles that case.
>> Michael Bayer wrote:
>>> forwarded from pvt email
>>> orderinglist ?
>>> Begin forwarded message:
>>>> *From: *Emmett <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
>>>> *Date: *September 22, 2008 9:51:31 AM EDT
>>>> *To: *Michael Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>>> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
>>>> *Subject: **Re: Support for ordered lists of child items*
>>>> Hello Michael, 18 months later, would your answer to Aaron still be
>>>> the same?
>>>> I have a problem fitting what Aaron described. ie. save+restore of
>>>> child order after re-ordering in the Python side.  Re-ordering child
>>>> list elements would obviously be ideal, but I could cope with updating
>>>> an extra integer node attribute instead.
>>>> I'm completely new to SA and at this stage skimming documentation and
>>>> looking at the tree examples. Found this thread, so wondering if some
>>>> newer SA magic can solve this, or if a custom collection class or
>>>> something else is the best solution.
>>>> I also looked at the ElementTree examples, but they don't appear to
>>>> guarantee child order either - correct?
>>>> Thanks in advance.  I looked at your activity in this group. Amazing!
>>>> On Apr 10 2007, 4:02 am, Michael Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> we dont have the capability to automatically update ordering columns  
>>>>> when the elements of a list are moved around.  if you move the  
>>>>> elements around, you need to execute some step that will update the  
>>>>> index columns (or create a custom collection class that does this for  
>>>>> you).
>>>>> On Apr 9, 2007, at 12:42 PM, Aaron Digulla wrote:
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> I'm looking for a feature but couldn't find it in the docs.
>>>>>> I have atreelike structure where the user can specify theorderof
>>>>>> thechildrenof a node. In DB lingo, I have a parentId and an index
>>>>>> column. When I loadchildren, they should be ordered by the index.
>>>>>> This seems to be supported.
>>>>>> Can SA also update the index column when I movechildrenin the list
>>>>>> around? Like:
>>>>>> # ... parent has threechildrenA, B C
>>>>>> item = parent.children[0]
>>>>>> del parent.children[0]
>>>>>> parent.children.insert (1, item)
>>>>>> # now, parent has threechildrenB, A, C
>>>>>> Regards,
> > 

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[sqlalchemy] Re: ordering_list performance

2008-09-22 Thread jason kirtland

Ah, looking more closely i see you're replacing self.entries with a 
list, not insorting into a SA list collection- that's totally ok.  It 
might squeeze a little more speed out to do:

updated_entries = list(self.entries) + new_entries
base = len(self.entries)
for idx, entry in enumerate(new_entries):
entry.position = base + idx
self.entries = updated_entries

orderinglist's extend method could be made to do something much like the 
above quite efficiently.

jason kirtland wrote:
> A warning: that depends on a bug in the C version of bisect.  When given 
> a list subclass, it mistakenly ignores the subclass method 
> implementations.  The below will break, if and when that's fixed to 
> match the pure Python implementation in the standard lib.
> Calling list.extend(account_entries, new_entries) is probably a safe 
> alternative.
> *
> jean-philippe dutreve wrote:
>> What I've done is something like this:
>> account_entries = self.entries[:]
>> for entry in new_entries:
>> insort_right(account_entries, entry)
>> for i, entry in enumerate(account_entries):
>> entry.position = i
>> self.entries = account_entries
>> Don't know if it's the right way to do it but it's much faster.
>> On 22 sep, 18:41, jason kirtland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I'm sure there is potential for improvement on the current orderinglist
>>> code- please feel free to send a patch with optimizations you've found
>>> to the SA trac.
>>> The orderinglist hasn't changed much since 0.3, but with 0.5 there may
>>> be entirely new implementations possible.  For example, I could imagine
>>> one that defers calculation and manipulation of the positioning
>>> information until a before_flush hook.  That may be perform better, with
>>> the trade-off that the position attribute can't be trusted to be in sync
>>> with the list order.
>>> jean-philippe dutreve wrote:
>>>> Below is the profiling of code that added 1200 items into an
>>>> ordering_list relation. I had to bypass the ordering_list stuff for
>>>> bulk additions in order to have better performance (down to 2
>>>> seconds).
>>>> Hope this post helps to improve this part (using 0.5.0rc1, python 2.5,
>>>> linux i686, 1.5Go RAM)
>>>> SA is rocking!
>>>> jean-philippe
>>>> Time elapsed:  48.4475638866 s
>>>>  8875046 function calls (8869157 primitive calls) in 48.443
>>>> CPU seconds
>>>>Ordered by: internal time, call count
>>>>List reduced from 390 to 10 due to restriction <10>
>>>>ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall
>>>> filename:lineno(function)
>>>> 1292937/12922507.8790.000   12.1340.000
>>>> 132(__get__)
>>>>   12410137.6620.000   39.8360.000
>>>> 221(_order_entity)
>>>>   12410135.8700.000   16.9160.000
>>>> 202(_get_order_value)
>>>>  12364.1980.003   44.0250.036
>>>> 208(reorder)
>>>> 1299736/12990483.7520.0004.3730.000
>>>> 310(get)
>>>> 208(modified_event)
>>>>4370612.7040.000   14.3310.000
>>>> 205(_set_order_value)
>>>>4408092.2250.000   11.7520.000
>>>> 126(__set__)
>>>> 958(modified_event)
>>>> Function   was called by...
>>>> <-
>>>> (1236)   46.741
>>>> (1236)   47.832
>>>> 0.609
>>>> 202(_get_order_value)(1241013)   16.916
>>>> <-
>>>> (1240326)   44.025

[sqlalchemy] Re: ordering_list performance

2008-09-22 Thread jason kirtland

A warning: that depends on a bug in the C version of bisect.  When given 
a list subclass, it mistakenly ignores the subclass method 
implementations.  The below will break, if and when that's fixed to 
match the pure Python implementation in the standard lib.

Calling list.extend(account_entries, new_entries) is probably a safe 


jean-philippe dutreve wrote:
> What I've done is something like this:
> account_entries = self.entries[:]
> for entry in new_entries:
> insort_right(account_entries, entry)
> for i, entry in enumerate(account_entries):
> entry.position = i
> self.entries = account_entries
> Don't know if it's the right way to do it but it's much faster.
> On 22 sep, 18:41, jason kirtland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'm sure there is potential for improvement on the current orderinglist
>> code- please feel free to send a patch with optimizations you've found
>> to the SA trac.
>> The orderinglist hasn't changed much since 0.3, but with 0.5 there may
>> be entirely new implementations possible.  For example, I could imagine
>> one that defers calculation and manipulation of the positioning
>> information until a before_flush hook.  That may be perform better, with
>> the trade-off that the position attribute can't be trusted to be in sync
>> with the list order.
>> jean-philippe dutreve wrote:
>>> Below is the profiling of code that added 1200 items into an
>>> ordering_list relation. I had to bypass the ordering_list stuff for
>>> bulk additions in order to have better performance (down to 2
>>> seconds).
>>> Hope this post helps to improve this part (using 0.5.0rc1, python 2.5,
>>> linux i686, 1.5Go RAM)
>>> SA is rocking!
>>> jean-philippe
>>> Time elapsed:  48.4475638866 s
>>>  8875046 function calls (8869157 primitive calls) in 48.443
>>> CPU seconds
>>>Ordered by: internal time, call count
>>>List reduced from 390 to 10 due to restriction <10>
>>>ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall
>>> filename:lineno(function)
>>> 1292937/12922507.8790.000   12.1340.000
>>> 132(__get__)
>>>   12410137.6620.000   39.8360.000
>>> 221(_order_entity)
>>>   12410135.8700.000   16.9160.000
>>> 202(_get_order_value)
>>>  12364.1980.003   44.0250.036
>>> 208(reorder)
>>> 1299736/12990483.7520.0004.3730.000
>>> 310(get)
>>> 208(modified_event)
>>>4370612.7040.000   14.3310.000
>>> 205(_set_order_value)
>>>4408092.2250.000   11.7520.000
>>> 126(__set__)
>>> 958(modified_event)
>>> Function   was called by...
>>> <-
>>> (1236)   46.741
>>> (1236)   47.832
>>> 0.609
>>> 202(_get_order_value)(1241013)   16.916
>>> <-
>>> (1240326)   44.025
>>> (687)0.013
>>>  <-
>>> 221(_order_entity)(1241013)   39.836
>>> <-
>>> (440809)   11.752
>>>   <-
>>> 266(__setslice__)(1236)   44.061
>>> <-
>>> (1292937)   12.134
>>> 347(get_committed_value)(1)0.000
>>> (3708)0.367
>>> 837(value_as_iterab

[sqlalchemy] Re: ordering_list performance

2008-09-22 Thread jason kirtland

I'm sure there is potential for improvement on the current orderinglist 
code- please feel free to send a patch with optimizations you've found 
to the SA trac.

The orderinglist hasn't changed much since 0.3, but with 0.5 there may 
be entirely new implementations possible.  For example, I could imagine 
one that defers calculation and manipulation of the positioning 
information until a before_flush hook.  That may be perform better, with 
the trade-off that the position attribute can't be trusted to be in sync 
with the list order.

jean-philippe dutreve wrote:
> Below is the profiling of code that added 1200 items into an
> ordering_list relation. I had to bypass the ordering_list stuff for
> bulk additions in order to have better performance (down to 2
> seconds).
> Hope this post helps to improve this part (using 0.5.0rc1, python 2.5,
> linux i686, 1.5Go RAM)
> SA is rocking!
> jean-philippe
> Time elapsed:  48.4475638866 s
>  8875046 function calls (8869157 primitive calls) in 48.443
> CPU seconds
>Ordered by: internal time, call count
>List reduced from 390 to 10 due to restriction <10>
>ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall
> filename:lineno(function)
> 1292937/12922507.8790.000   12.1340.000
> 132(__get__)
>   12410137.6620.000   39.8360.000
> 221(_order_entity)
>   12410135.8700.000   16.9160.000
> 202(_get_order_value)
>  12364.1980.003   44.0250.036
> 208(reorder)
> 1299736/12990483.7520.0004.3730.000
> 310(get)
> 208(modified_event)
>4370612.7040.000   14.3310.000
> 205(_set_order_value)
>4408092.2250.000   11.7520.000
> 126(__set__)
> 958(modified_event)
> Function   was called by...
> <-
> (1236)   46.741
> (1236)   47.832
> 0.609
> 202(_get_order_value)(1241013)   16.916
> <-
> (1240326)   44.025
> (687)0.013
>  <-
> 221(_order_entity)(1241013)   39.836
> <-
> (440809)   11.752
>   <-
> 266(__setslice__)(1236)   44.061
> <-
> (1292937)   12.134
> 347(get_committed_value)(1)0.000
> (3708)0.367
> 837(value_as_iterable)(3090)0.108
> (440809)9.527
> 525(fire_replace_event)(3708)0.236
> 579(fire_append_event)(3708)1.960
>  <-
> 221(_order_entity)(437061)   39.836
> <-
> 237(_set_attributes)(1276)0.079
> (2472)0.089
> 205(_set_order_value)(437061)   14.331
>  <-
> 208(modified_event)(448225)5.157
> > 

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Fwd: Support for ordered lists of child items

2008-09-22 Thread jason kirtland

Yep, orderinglist handles that case.

Michael Bayer wrote:
> forwarded from pvt email
> orderinglist ?
> Begin forwarded message:
>> *From: *Emmett <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >
>> *Date: *September 22, 2008 9:51:31 AM EDT
>> *To: *Michael Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>> >
>> *Subject: **Re: Support for ordered lists of child items*
>> Hello Michael, 18 months later, would your answer to Aaron still be
>> the same?
>> I have a problem fitting what Aaron described. ie. save+restore of
>> child order after re-ordering in the Python side.  Re-ordering child
>> list elements would obviously be ideal, but I could cope with updating
>> an extra integer node attribute instead.
>> I'm completely new to SA and at this stage skimming documentation and
>> looking at the tree examples. Found this thread, so wondering if some
>> newer SA magic can solve this, or if a custom collection class or
>> something else is the best solution.
>> I also looked at the ElementTree examples, but they don't appear to
>> guarantee child order either - correct?
>> Thanks in advance.  I looked at your activity in this group. Amazing!
>> On Apr 10 2007, 4:02 am, Michael Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>>> we dont have the capability to automatically update ordering columns  
>>> when the elements of a list are moved around.  if you move the  
>>> elements around, you need to execute some step that will update the  
>>> index columns (or create a custom collection class that does this for  
>>> you).
>>> On Apr 9, 2007, at 12:42 PM, Aaron Digulla wrote:
 I'm looking for a feature but couldn't find it in the docs.
 I have atreelike structure where the user can specify theorderof
 thechildrenof a node. In DB lingo, I have a parentId and an index
 column. When I loadchildren, they should be ordered by the index.
 This seems to be supported.
 Can SA also update the index column when I movechildrenin the list
 around? Like:
 # ... parent has threechildrenA, B C
 item = parent.children[0]
 del parent.children[0]
 parent.children.insert (1, item)
 # now, parent has threechildrenB, A, C
> > 

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Problem with coverage and sqlalchemy declarative synonym?

2008-09-16 Thread jason kirtland

Doug Latornell wrote:
> Over on the TurboGears list a TG2 user pointed out a problem that
> arises when nosetests --with-coverage is run on a project with a
> sqlalchemy identity model: 
> I dug into it and have reproduced the problem outside of TurboGears 2
> and without nose:
> I've also shown that the problem isn't there for a plain Python
> property (in contrast to a sqlalchemy
> synonym):
> So, it looks like a problem maybe with the metaclass that sqlalchemy
> uses to build properties, or with coverage not understanding what that
> metaclass produces, or something.  Or is there something else I'm
> missing?
> Doug

Seems to be a problem in coverage.  This narrows down a problem that was 
first seen only when running inside Bitten.

$ cat
def foo(somearg):
 class Bar(object):
 def __getattr__(self, attribute):
 return getattr(somearg, attribute)

 assert 'somearg' not in Bar.__dict__


$ python
$ coverage -e
$ coverage -x
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/Users/jek/bin/coverage", line 8, in 
 load_entry_point('coverage==2.80', 'console_scripts', 'coverage')()
   File "build/bdist.macosx-10.5-i386/egg/", line 978, in main
   File "build/bdist.macosx-10.5-i386/egg/", line 398, in 
   File "", line 8, in 
   File "", line 6, in foo
 assert 'somearg' not in Bar.__dict__

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[sqlalchemy] Re: classes and mapper

2008-09-10 Thread jason kirtland

sandro dentella wrote:
> Hi,
>   is there a way I can get the mapper from a class?
>   suppose I made:
>   m = mapper(User, user_table)
>   m holds my mapper. Is there a way o get the same mapper from The
> User class?


   m = sqlalchemy.orm.class_mapper(User)


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[sqlalchemy] Re: multiple statements in a ddl construct

2008-09-09 Thread jason kirtland

alex bodnaru wrote:
> hi jason,
> On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 6:45 PM, jason kirtland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> alex bodnaru wrote:
>>> hello friends,
>>> i wanted to do a few sql commands in a ddl construct, but i failed with:
>>> pysqlite2:dbapi2 warning: you can execute one statement at a time
>>> i'm not very familiar with python db layer, but i know sqlite may be invoked
>>> specifically to execute one, or many statements divided by ';', so i suspect
>>> it's specifically invoked for one statement.
>>> while this is a good security measure for sql from untrusted sources, like 
>>> user
>>> input, it's quite annoying for a situation where free sql should be
>>> specifically
>>> added.
>>> as for my case, i had a batch of inserts based on an external file,
>>> and i couldn't
>>> invoke ddl.execute_at in a loop, so i had to switch to inserting a
>>> batch of unioned
>>> selects in one insert, which was nice to learn :).
>> The use case behind the DDL() construct is a single statement.  You can
>> fire multiple statements by using multiple DDL()s.  But for inserts,
>> I've found it more useful to write a 'after-create' event listener from
>> scratch.  Here's one that I use in pretty much every project, in some
>> form or another:
>>   def fixture(table, column_names, *rows):
>>   """Insert data into table after creation."""
>>   def onload(event, schema_item, connection):
>>   insert = table.insert()
>>   connection.execute(
>>   insert,
>>   [dict(zip(column_names, column_values))
>>for column_values in rows])
>>   table.append_ddl_listener('after-create', onload)
>> Looks like this in use:
>>   fixture(some_table,
>>   ('x', 'y'),
>>   (1, 2),
>>   (3, 4),
>>   (5, 6))
> thanks for your idea. it looks cool. i understand this will be
> triggered after all DDL end.
> but i wanted to do arbitrary sql as DDL provides, and the insert was
> just an example for a
> series of statements.

The DDL() function is just some sugar for the DDL event shown interface 
above.  If you want to perform more than one statement, the API is in 
place for any customization you'd like.

> just wondered why would this be the place to limit to one statement:
> it isn't parsed by SA
> in any way.

SA doesn't put any limits on what SQL gets pushed through.  It's passed 
through directly to the DB-API execute() method.  I'd guess that most 
DB-API implementations will probably reject multiple statements in a 
single execution.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: multiple statements in a ddl construct

2008-09-09 Thread jason kirtland

> On Monday 08 September 2008 18:45:17 jason kirtland wrote:
>> alex bodnaru wrote:
>>> hello friends,
>>> i wanted to do a few sql commands in a ddl construct, but i
>>> failed with:
>>> pysqlite2:dbapi2 warning: you can execute one statement at a time
>>> i'm not very familiar with python db layer, but i know sqlite may
>>> be invoked specifically to execute one, or many statements
>>> divided by ';', so i suspect it's specifically invoked for one
>>> statement.
>>> while this is a good security measure for sql from untrusted
>>> sources, like user input, it's quite annoying for a situation
>>> where free sql should be specifically
>>> added.
>>> as for my case, i had a batch of inserts based on an external
>>> file, and i couldn't
>>> invoke ddl.execute_at in a loop, so i had to switch to inserting
>>> a batch of unioned
>>> selects in one insert, which was nice to learn :).
>> The use case behind the DDL() construct is a single statement.  You
>> can fire multiple statements by using multiple DDL()s.  But for
>> inserts, I've found it more useful to write a 'after-create' event
>> listener from scratch.  Here's one that I use in pretty much every
>> project, in some form or another:
>>def fixture(table, column_names, *rows):
>>"""Insert data into table after creation."""
>>def onload(event, schema_item, connection):
>>insert = table.insert()
>>[dict(zip(column_names, column_values))
>> for column_values in rows])
>>table.append_ddl_listener('after-create', onload)
>> Looks like this in use:
>>('x', 'y'),
>>(1, 2),
>>(3, 4),
>>(5, 6))
> hmm.. interesting. how would u do an initial insert of batch of 
> objects (orm-mapped to whatever entangled bunch of tables)? any 
> possible optimization? 
> for obj in objfactory(somedicts):; sess.flush() 
> isn't very fast thing...
> any needed gymnastics with the objects is possible (grouping by type 
> or whatever)

I don't see any optimizations offhand for ORM-driven loads.  The general 
case is going to have dependencies on the niceties that the ORM 
provides, like assoc proxies, mapper extension actions on insert, etc.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: multiple statements in a ddl construct

2008-09-08 Thread jason kirtland

alex bodnaru wrote:
> hello friends,
> i wanted to do a few sql commands in a ddl construct, but i failed with:
> pysqlite2:dbapi2 warning: you can execute one statement at a time
> i'm not very familiar with python db layer, but i know sqlite may be invoked
> specifically to execute one, or many statements divided by ';', so i suspect
> it's specifically invoked for one statement.
> while this is a good security measure for sql from untrusted sources, like 
> user
> input, it's quite annoying for a situation where free sql should be
> specifically
> added.
> as for my case, i had a batch of inserts based on an external file,
> and i couldn't
> invoke ddl.execute_at in a loop, so i had to switch to inserting a
> batch of unioned
> selects in one insert, which was nice to learn :).

The use case behind the DDL() construct is a single statement.  You can 
fire multiple statements by using multiple DDL()s.  But for inserts, 
I've found it more useful to write a 'after-create' event listener from 
scratch.  Here's one that I use in pretty much every project, in some 
form or another:

   def fixture(table, column_names, *rows):
   """Insert data into table after creation."""
   def onload(event, schema_item, connection):
   insert = table.insert()
   [dict(zip(column_names, column_values))
for column_values in rows])
   table.append_ddl_listener('after-create', onload)

Looks like this in use:

   ('x', 'y'),
   (1, 2),
   (3, 4),
   (5, 6))

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[sqlalchemy] Re: using the native c implementation of ordereddict

2008-09-04 Thread jason kirtland

Michael Bayer wrote:
> On Sep 4, 2008, at 12:40 AM, gniquil wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I am doing some work with xmlrpc. One thing I realize is that whenever
>> I pass dict(row) through xmlrpc, I get an key-ordered struct. But this
>> isn't what i really want. What I want is ordered by insertion or the
>> original list order. This led me to look at the util.ordereddict
>> implementation, which is pure python, which is slow. I looked around
>> and found this:
>> which is a c-implementation. At the bottom of the page, there are
>> performance tests. It's much faster. I've got some pretty gigantic
>> tables to pass around, which i think this would really help. Hopefully
>> this could somehow find itself into next official python. But before
>> that, we can use this or we can just incorporate it somehow in
>> a suggestion.
> the problem with saying "utility class X is slow, therefore use Y" is  
> that you haven't evaluated if the slowness of X is really impacting  
> the performance of SQLAlchemy overall in a negative way.   I think if  
> you ran some profiling results you'd see that OrderedDict calls make  
> up a miniscule portion of time spent for doing all operations, so an  
> external dependency is not necessarily worth it in this case (though  
> it may be).  I have some vague recollection that our own ODict does  
> some things the native one does not but I'd have to dig back into the  
> code to remember what they were.   If our own ODict could be swappable  
> with ordereddict, we could at least try to import it then fall back to  
> our own (this is what it would look like if ordereddict were  
> introduced into python core anyway).

fwiw i spiked this out a while back (just before 0.4.0, maybe), and 
swapping in a native ordered dict was a very marginal speed improvement, 
and most of it was in metadata setup rather than runtime speed.

as svil said, it's easy to try this out by monkeypatching in alternate 
implementations and then hitting the various profiling and speed tests 
in the test suite.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: SQLite Foreign Key Triggers: how to extend sqlalchemy to generate them

2008-08-22 Thread jason kirtland

Yep, though possibly you'd want it on before-drop.  You can actually 
handle both tasks in the same function if you like- the event name will 
be passed in as the first argument.

Randy Syring wrote:
> Jason,
> Thank you for the response.  Using the method you suggest, am I
> understanding correctly that fks_for_sqlite() would only be run when a
> create() was processed for that table?  Also, I am assuming I would
> need to create a complimentary function for handling the 'after-drop'
> event.
> On Aug 22, 1:25 pm, jason kirtland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> DDL() has some simple templating capabilities that can help out a bit
>> here, but I'd suggest taking the ForeignKey code Mike provided as a
>> start and putting together an after-create listener using
>> Table.append_ddl_listener directly:
>> It would look something like:
>>def fks_for_sqlite(event, table, bind):
>>for c in table.c:
>>for fk in c.foreign_keys:
>>   sql = your_code_to_make_trigger_for_fk(fk)
>>   bind.execute(sql)
>>tbl.append_ddl_listener('after-create', fks_for_sqlite)
>> Michael Bayer wrote:
>>> you can build this functionality using the DDL() construct provided by  
>>> SQLAlchemy:
>>> the ForeignKey objects on the table can be pulled out using:
>>> for c in table.c:
>>>for fk in c.foreign_keys:
>>> On Aug 22, 2008, at 11:19 AM, Randy Syring wrote:
>>>> I would like sqlalchemy to generate triggers on an SQLite database to
>>>> enforce foreign key relationships.  The method is documented here:
>>>> and I have written a foreign key trigger generator here:
>>>> Although it does not recognize the kind of references sqlalchemy
>>>> generates in the CREATE TABLE statements.
>>>> Anyway, the point of this post is that I would like to know how I
>>>> should go about extending sqlalchemy so that when I use ForeignKey
>>>> constructs in the metadata, create statements on the tables would also
>>>> create the triggers and drop statements on the tables would drop the
>>>> said triggers to enforce the Foreign Key relationship.
>>>> Thanks.
> > 

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[sqlalchemy] Re: SQLite Foreign Key Triggers: how to extend sqlalchemy to generate them

2008-08-22 Thread jason kirtland

DDL() has some simple templating capabilities that can help out a bit 
here, but I'd suggest taking the ForeignKey code Mike provided as a 
start and putting together an after-create listener using 
Table.append_ddl_listener directly:

It would look something like:

   def fks_for_sqlite(event, table, bind):
   for c in table.c:
   for fk in c.foreign_keys:
  sql = your_code_to_make_trigger_for_fk(fk)

   tbl.append_ddl_listener('after-create', fks_for_sqlite)

Michael Bayer wrote:
> you can build this functionality using the DDL() construct provided by  
> SQLAlchemy:
> the ForeignKey objects on the table can be pulled out using:
> for c in table.c:
>   for fk in c.foreign_keys:
>   do_something_with_fk(fk)
> On Aug 22, 2008, at 11:19 AM, Randy Syring wrote:
>> I would like sqlalchemy to generate triggers on an SQLite database to
>> enforce foreign key relationships.  The method is documented here:
>> and I have written a foreign key trigger generator here:
>> Although it does not recognize the kind of references sqlalchemy
>> generates in the CREATE TABLE statements.
>> Anyway, the point of this post is that I would like to know how I
>> should go about extending sqlalchemy so that when I use ForeignKey
>> constructs in the metadata, create statements on the tables would also
>> create the triggers and drop statements on the tables would drop the
>> said triggers to enforce the Foreign Key relationship.
>> Thanks.
> > 

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Code working on SQLA 0.4.6 is breaking on SQLA 0.5beta3

2008-08-21 Thread jason kirtland

Thanks for the traceback.  Give r5050 a try.


Harish K Vishwanath wrote:
> Hello Michael,
> Thanks for your input! I got the latest trunk from SVN.
> However, if my app specific baseclass is an old style class, it still 
> breaks., this time in orm\
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 9, in ?
> dbo = SqlDB("SqlDB_Test.Sqlite","c:\\testdbs")
>   File "d:\recogsys\src\python\RSITerm\SQLConvert\", line 77, in 
> __init_
> _
> self.initSetup(echo)
>   File "d:\recogsys\src\python\RSITerm\SQLConvert\", line 115, 
> in initSe
> tup
> elixir.setup_all(True)
>   File "d:\recogsys\src\python\rsiterm\", line 145, in setup_all
>   File 
> "c:\Python24\lib\site-packages\elixir-0.6.1-py2.4.egg\elixir\",
> line 816, in setup_entities
>   File 
> "c:\Python24\lib\site-packages\elixir-0.6.1-py2.4.egg\elixir\",
> line 409, in setup_mapper
>   File 
> "c:\python24\lib\site-packages\SQLAlchemy-0.5.0beta4dev_r5048-py2.4.egg\s
> qlalchemy\orm\", line 643, in mapper
> return Mapper(class_, local_table, *args, **params)
>   File 
> "c:\python24\lib\site-packages\SQLAlchemy-0.5.0beta4dev_r5048-py2.4.egg\s
> qlalchemy\orm\", line 197, in __init__
> self.__compile_class()
>   File 
> "c:\python24\lib\site-packages\SQLAlchemy-0.5.0beta4dev_r5048-py2.4.egg\s
> qlalchemy\orm\", line 852, in __compile_class
> manager = attributes.create_manager_for_cls(self.class_)
>   File 
> "c:\python24\lib\site-packages\SQLAlchemy-0.5.0beta4dev_r5048-py2.4.egg\s
> qlalchemy\orm\", line 1494, in create_manager_for_cls
> manager = factory(class_)
>   File 
> "c:\python24\lib\site-packages\SQLAlchemy-0.5.0beta4dev_r5048-py2.4.egg\s
> qlalchemy\orm\", line 1047, in __init__
> cls_state = manager_of_class(base)
>   File 
> "c:\python24\lib\site-packages\SQLAlchemy-0.5.0beta4dev_r5048-py2.4.egg\s
> qlalchemy\orm\", line 1511, in manager_of_class
> finder = self.manager_finders[cls]
>   File "C:\Python24\lib\", line 219, in __getitem__
> return[ref(key)]
> TypeError: cannot create weak reference to 'classobj' object
> This error goes away when I make my app baseclass as a new style class. 
> It is not giving any problems with Exceptions class in Py2.4 though.
> Could this be a possible issue?
> On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 9:28 PM, Michael Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > wrote:
> On Aug 20, 2008, at 11:52 AM, Harish K Vishwanath wrote:
>  > Hello,
>  >
>  > Sorry if I am being stupid. I saw the ticket and r0535 and 537
>  > changeset. Which version of SQLA incorporates these changesets?
> no worries...use the latest trunk, which will ultimately be released
> either as 0.5beta4 or 0.5.0. 
> -- 
> Regards,
> Harish
> > 

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Can't shake off the 'MySQL server has gone away' Error

2008-08-18 Thread jason kirtland

Alen Ribic wrote:
> I still seem to get the 'MySQL server has gone away' Error.
> I am suspecting that the problem is in my use of FCGI in production.
> Thats the only difference between my Development environment and
> Production and it works 100% without the error in Development env.
> I guess I'll have to put some more debugging in my application in
> Production setup.

MySQL will also throw that error when a query needs more resources than 
the configuration allows.  If there's more data in your production 
environment or the my.cnf differs that could be it.  In any case, 
enabling error logging for the MySQL server process may shed some light 
on the root cause.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: MySQL encoding problems

2008-07-25 Thread jason kirtland

Raoul Snyman wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm writing a Pylons app, connecting to an existing oldish database,
> and while connecting from my Mac desktop everything is fine, but when
> I connect from our dev server, I get the following error:
> LookupError: unknown encoding: latin1_swedish_ci
> I've done some Googling, found a couple of posts on here, as well as
> elsewhere, and I'm not sure what they're talking about in those posts
> (specifically, I don't see how they solved the problem).
> Desktop versions:
> Mac OS X 10.4
> Python 2.5
> SQLAlchemy: 0.5.0beta2
> MySQLdb: 1.2.2 final
> Pylons:
> Dev server versions:
> Linux Server: Gentoo
> MySQL Server: 4.1.9-max-log
> Python: 2.4.4
> SQLAlchemy: 0.5.0beta2
> MySQLdb: 1.2.2 final
> Pylons:
> Unfortunately I can't change the db in any way, as this app is simply
> pulling a subsection of data out of an already existing system.
> Any ideas? Do you need more info? A stack trace?

LookupError is pretty general...  Would need to see a stack trace.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Problems with query of single column in a table

2008-07-16 Thread jason kirtland

Venkatesh wrote:
> Hello,
>  I'm using Elixir with SQLAlchemy, and I'm having trouble with
> querying a single column in the database. Here is my class and the
> error that it throws up when I access a column:
> import elixir
> from sqlalchemy import orm, create_engine, MetaData
> from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session, sessionmaker
> from sqlalchemy.types import *
> class dateTest(elixir.Entity):
> UserID= elixir.Field(elixir.Integer, primary_key=True,
> autoincrement=True)
> Date1   = elixir.Field(elixir.TIMESTAMP(timezone=True))
> Date2   = elixir.Field(elixir.DateTime)
> def __init__(self, uId = None, date1 = None, date2 = None):
> self.UserID = uId
> self.Date1  = date1
> self.Date2  = date2
> def __repr__(self):
> return '<%s %s %s>' %(repr(self.UserID), self.Date1,
> self.Date2)
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 1, in ?
>   File "d:\python24\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy-0.4.6-py2.4.egg
> \sqlalchemy\orm\", line 98
> , in do
> return getattr(self.registry(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
>   File "d:\python24\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy-0.4.6-py2.4.egg
> \sqlalchemy\orm\", line 76
> 0, in query
> q = self._query_cls(mapper_or_class, self, **kwargs)
>   File "d:\python24\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy-0.4.6-py2.4.egg
> \sqlalchemy\orm\", line 68,
> in __init__
> self.__init_mapper(_class_to_mapper(class_or_mapper,
> entity_name=entity_name))
>   File "d:\python24\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy-0.4.6-py2.4.egg
> \sqlalchemy\orm\", line 399,
> in _class_to_mapper
> return class_or_mapper.compile()
> AttributeError: 'InstrumentedAttribute' object has no attribute
> 'compile'
> When I query for the entire object, I can get it without any problems:
> 2008-07-16 16:06:12,010 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..10
> SELECT datetest_datetest."UserID"
> AS "datetest_datetest_UserID", datetest_datetest."Date1" AS
> "datetest_datetest_Date1", datetest_date
> test."Date2" AS "datetest_datetest_Date2"
> FROM datetest_datetest ORDER BY datetest_datetest.oid
> 2008-07-16 16:06:12,010 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..10 []
> [<1 2008-07-16 14:17:22 None>, <2 2008-07-16 14:19:24 2008-07-16
> 14:19:24>, <3 2008-07-16 14:19:27 2
> 008-07-16 14:19:27>, <4 2008-07-16 14:19:29 2008-07-16 14:19:29>, <5
> 2008-07-16 15:03:04 2008-07-16
> 15:03:04>, <6 2008-07-16 15:03:07 2008-07-16 15:03:07>, <7 2008/07/16
> 15:03:09.390 GMT-7 2008/07/16
> 15:03:09.390 GMT-7>, <8 2008/07/16 15:03:11.315 GMT-7 2008/07/16
> 15:03:11.315 GMT-7>, <100 2008-07-1
> 6 00:00:00 2008-07-17 15:07:10>, <101 2008/07/16 16:04:28.346 GMT-7
> 2008/07/16 16:04:28.346 GMT-7>,
> <102 2008/07/16 16:04:32.681 GMT-7 2008/07/16 16:04:32.681 GMT-7>]
> Any ideas what could be wrong with a query to get a single column from
> the database?

Columns and scalars via .query() is a SQLAlchemy 0.5 feature.  0.4
doesn't support that usage.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: srid autodiscovery mechanism

2008-07-15 Thread jason kirtland

Michael Bayer wrote:
> On Jul 13, 2008, at 5:42 PM, Eric Lemoine wrote:
>> So far, so good; user can do:
>> wifi_table = Table('wifi', metadata,
>>Column('the_geom', Geometry(4326)),
>> But ultimately I'd like that my users can do:
>> wifi_table = Table('wifi', metadata, autoload=True)
>> I tried this:
>> from sqlalchemy.databases import postgres
>> postgres.ischema_names['geometry'] = Geometry
>> This is ok, but during reflection, when SQLA creates Geometry objects,
>> it obviously passes no "srid" argument to the Geometry constructor, so
>> the Geometry objects all end up with the "srid" property set to -1.
>> The proper "srid" value to pass to the Geometry constructor is
>> actually in a PostGIS table (geometry_columns). So if a geometry
>> column is discovered, the table's "srid" value could be read from that
>> table and passed to the Geometry constructor. I thought about doing
>> something like that:
>> from sqlalchemy.databases import postgres
>> def geometry_factory():
>>// go read srid associated with table from geometry_columns
>>srid =
>>return Geometry(srid)
>> postgres.ischema_names['geometry'] = geometry_factory
>> but geometry_factory doesn't have any connection object to go read the
>> srid value.
>> My question is simple: do you see solutions to my problem?
> like before with asdecimal=False, we dont have a standard API for the  
> "ischema_names" dict and again here is a place where you're looking  
> for one.   Such an API might look like:
>   def create_postgis_type(table, connection):
>   srid = connection.execute("select whatever you need to figure 
> out  
> SRID value").scalar()
>   return Geometry(srid=srid)
>   engine = create_engine('postgres://...', type_reflectors={
>   'numeric':PGFloat,
>   'PostGIS':create_postgis_type
>   })
> where reflecttable() distinguishes between a TypeEngine class and a  
> plain callable, which is assumed to implement a particular API.   But  
> thats just a guess.   I wouldn't implement such an API casually since  
> while its very easy to add little features like this, its much harder  
> to change them or take them away after you've observed they're a bad  
> idea or were not well thought out (additionally this one's a pretty  
> big job to implement across every dialect).   Any opinions from Jason/ 
> Rick/other ?

Would be pretty useful.  Would the mapping have to go deeper, and
control the resolution of (e.g.) String -> PGString across the board for
the dialect?

The reflection factories would probably want some *args and **kw to pass
along column/type metadata snarfed up in the first phase of reflection.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Connecting to MySQL

2008-07-11 Thread jason kirtland

Lukasz Szybalski wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 11:59 AM, jason kirtland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Lukasz Szybalski wrote:
>>> On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 11:26 AM, Heston James - Cold Beans
>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>> Session.add is a version 0.5 method, you're maybe running 0.4.6?
>>>>> In the 0.4.x series, it's going to be:
>>>>> for objects that are to be newly added to the session
>>>>> Session.update() for objects that are already in the session, or
>>>>> Session.save_or_update() to have the library figure it out as it does for
>>>> Session.add in v0.5.x
>>>> Hi Rick,
>>>> That's exactly what the problem was :-) Is there any reason I should avoid
>>>> using 0.5? I'm running python 2.4 at the moment, are they compatible?
>>>> Next quick question: I have a habbit of using 'created' and 'modified'
>>>> columns on my tables, is there any way in which I can have the ORM update
>>>> the dates for me when creating and modifying rows?
>>> From the link I sent you previously:
>>>  sqlalchemy.Column('CreatedDate', sqlalchemy.Date,
>>>   sqlalchemy.Column('CreatedTime', sqlalchemy.Time,
>> Not so much.  That'll stamp every inserted row with the same time-
>> whatever time it was when python evaluated the Table definition.
>> Here's a cross-db way to get timestamps:
>>  from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, DateTime, func
>>  Table('abc', metadata,
>>Column('created', DateTime,,
>>Column('updated', DateTime,
> What exactly is "func" ? Is that a function that just gets time or?
> Can I use
> for time
> for date
> I don't really prefer to have both date and time mixed in datetime field.

func is a SQL function expression builder: emits the sql
function NOW() as the column value in the insert, moving responsibility
for timestamp calculation to the database.  func can build any function
the database supports, like current_date or current_time.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Connecting to MySQL

2008-07-10 Thread jason kirtland

Lukasz Szybalski wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 11:26 AM, Heston James - Cold Beans
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Session.add is a version 0.5 method, you're maybe running 0.4.6?
>>> In the 0.4.x series, it's going to be:
>>> for objects that are to be newly added to the session
>>> Session.update() for objects that are already in the session, or
>>> Session.save_or_update() to have the library figure it out as it does for
>> Session.add in v0.5.x
>> Hi Rick,
>> That's exactly what the problem was :-) Is there any reason I should avoid
>> using 0.5? I'm running python 2.4 at the moment, are they compatible?
>> Next quick question: I have a habbit of using 'created' and 'modified'
>> columns on my tables, is there any way in which I can have the ORM update
>> the dates for me when creating and modifying rows?
> From the link I sent you previously:
>  sqlalchemy.Column('CreatedDate', sqlalchemy.Date,
>   sqlalchemy.Column('CreatedTime', sqlalchemy.Time,

Not so much.  That'll stamp every inserted row with the same time-
whatever time it was when python evaluated the Table definition.

Here's a cross-db way to get timestamps:

  from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, DateTime, func
  Table('abc', metadata,
Column('created', DateTime,,
Column('updated', DateTime,

You can set both default= and onupdate= on the same Column if you want
'updated' to be non-NULL on insert.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Printing the SQL generated by table.create()

2008-07-09 Thread jason kirtland

Aaron Torres wrote:
> Hey all,
> I've been looking through the documentation and searching google for
> answers to this, but I can't seem to find a solution.
> if I set meta.bind.echo=True, I can see the SQL statement that is
> being generated when I call table.create(). Is there any way I can
> easily grab this sql statement and store it into a variable (as a
> string)? I know you can easily print the SQL generated for insert()
> commands etc, but I can't find an easy way to do this with creates.
> Sorry if I missed something obvious! Any help would be greatly
> appreciated.

There is a recipe in the FAQ:


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[sqlalchemy] Re: MySQL 5.0 DateTime initialization during Table creation is failing.

2008-06-29 Thread jason kirtland

Gloria W wrote:
> This gives me an error:
> sqlalchemy.Column('date_created', mysql.MSTimeStamp,
> sqlalchemy.PassiveDefault(text("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP")),
> nullable=False))
> NameError: global name 'text' is not defined

from sqlalchemy import text

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[sqlalchemy] Re: sa0.5 __init__ replacement

2008-06-29 Thread jason kirtland

> hi
> i have
> class X(object):
> X.__init__ = setattr_kargs
> where
> def setattr_kargs( *args, **kargs):
> assert len(args)==1
> x = args[0]
> for k,v in kargs.iteritems(): setattr( x, k, v)
> when SA comes to play, it fails to find a 'self' in "__init__" 
> arguments.

r4880 now considers args[0] as 'self' when introspecting def(*args): ...

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[sqlalchemy] Re: MySQL 5.0 DateTime initialization during Table creation is failing.

2008-06-29 Thread jason kirtland

jason kirtland wrote:
> Gloria W wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Looking back in these posts, I tried several older variants of MySQL
>> datetime column initialization discussed here, and they're not
>> working.
>> This works in Postgresql:
>> sqlalchemy.Column('date_created', sqlalchemy.DateTime,
>> sqlalchemy.PassiveDefault(,
>> nullable=False)
>> But the MySQL equivalent fails:
>> sqlalchemy.Column('date_created', sqlalchemy.DateTime,
>> sqlalchemy.PassiveDefault(text("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP")),
>> nullable=False)
>> What is the valid syntax? Is it failing for other reasons?
> The MySQL TIMESTAMP type is required for that default:
>   from sqlalchemy.databases import mysql
>   sqlalchemy.Column('date_created', mysql.MSDateTime,
>   sqlalchemy.PassiveDefault(text("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP")),
>   nullable=False)

err, mysql.MSTimeStamp

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[sqlalchemy] Re: MySQL 5.0 DateTime initialization during Table creation is failing.

2008-06-29 Thread jason kirtland

Gloria W wrote:
> Hi All,
> Looking back in these posts, I tried several older variants of MySQL
> datetime column initialization discussed here, and they're not
> working.
> This works in Postgresql:
> sqlalchemy.Column('date_created', sqlalchemy.DateTime,
> sqlalchemy.PassiveDefault(,
> nullable=False)
> But the MySQL equivalent fails:
> sqlalchemy.Column('date_created', sqlalchemy.DateTime,
> sqlalchemy.PassiveDefault(text("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP")),
> nullable=False)
> What is the valid syntax? Is it failing for other reasons?

The MySQL TIMESTAMP type is required for that default:

  from sqlalchemy.databases import mysql
  sqlalchemy.Column('date_created', mysql.MSDateTime,

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[sqlalchemy] Re: register dml to be triggerred after create_all

2008-06-29 Thread jason kirtland

alex bodnaru wrote:
> hi friends,
> i wish to insert some initial data in a few management tables (like 
> applications
> groups, roles etc).
> is there a way to register dml to be done after create_all ends?
> i'd specifically like it to happen after the entire ddl dust reaches the 
> ground.

MetaData and Tables emit DDL events that you can listen for with

Here's an example insert-after-CREATE function from the SA test suite:

def fixture(table, columns, *rows):
"""Insert data into table after creation."""
def onload(event, schema_item, connection):
insert = table.insert()
column_names = [col.key for col in columns]
   [dict(zip(column_names, column_values))
for column_values in rows])
table.append_ddl_listener('after-create', onload)

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Multiple encodings in my database

2008-06-27 Thread jason kirtland

my understanding is that mysql works a little differently here.  the
column-level character sets are storage encodings only.  all data to and
from the database is encoded in the database connection's configured
encoding.  that can either be left as-is or converted to Unicode for you.

Bobby Impollonia wrote:
> If I am using the mysql-specific Column constructs with the charset
> option, will things be automatically encoded/ decoded by SA using that
> charset? Or is the charset option only used for Create Table?
> On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 7:20 PM, Michael Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> first of all, the stack trace suggests you have not set the "encoding"
>> parameter on create_engine() as it's still using UTF-8.
>> If you mean that a single database column may have different encodings
>> in different rows, you want to do your own encoding/decoding with
>> "encoding errors" set to something liberal like "ignore".  You also
>> need to use your own custom type, as below:
>> from sqlalchemy import types
>> class MyEncodedType(types.TypeDecorator):
>>impl = String
>>def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect):
>>assert isinstance(value, unicode)
>>return value.encode('latin-1')
>>def process_result_value(self, value, dialect):
>>return value.decode('latin-1', 'ignore')
>> then use MyEncodedType() as the type for all your columns which
>> contain random encoding.   No convert_unicode setting should be used
>> on your engine as this type replaces that usage.
>> On Jun 26, 2008, at 6:55 PM, Hermann Himmelbauer wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm trying to access a database via SA, which contains varchars with
>>> different, arbitrary encodings. Most of them are ascii or ISO-8859-2
>>> encoded,
>>> however, many are windows-1252 encoded and there are also some other
>>> weird
>>> ones.
>>> In my engine setup, I set the encoding to latin1 and set
>>> convert_unicode to
>>> True, as I my application requires the database values in unicode
>>> format.
>>> If SA now tries to retrieve such a key, the following traceback
>>> occurs:
>>> --
>>>  File "/home/dusty/prog/python_modules/sqlalchemy/engine/",
>>> line 1605,
>>> in _get_col
>>>return processor(row[index])
>>>  File "/home/dusty/prog/python_modules/sqlalchemy/databases/
>>>", line
>>> 112, in process
>>>return value.decode(dialect.encoding)
>>> File "/local/home/dusty/python/Python-2.4.4/lib/python2.4/encodings/
>>> line 16, in decode
>>>return codecs.utf_8_decode(input, errors, True)
>>> UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode bytes in position 3-6:
>>> invalid
>>> data
>>> -
>>> What can I do? It's not so important that all characters are correctly
>>> displayed, but it's vital that such improper encodings do not crash my
>>> application. Perhaps, there's some "universal" encoding that is able
>>> to deal
>>> with such problems?
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Hermann
>>> --
>>> GPG key ID: 299893C7 (on keyservers)
>>> FP: 0124 2584 8809 EF2A DBF9  4902 64B4 D16B 2998 93C7
> > 

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[sqlalchemy] Re: overzealous check breaks doctesting

2008-06-25 Thread jason kirtland

Martijn Faassen wrote:
> jason kirtland wrote:
> [snip]
>>> Could the check somehow be modified to still find true builtins but not 
>>> those defined in a doctest?
>> Sure.  Any suggestions for an alternate check?
> Heh, no. It's quite difficult to come up with any alternative..
> I wonder why doctest.DocFileSuite makes these classes appear as __builtin__.
> I just went digging in doctest, but unfortunately this seems to be an 
> unavoidable side effect of the behavior of the 'exec' statement, which 
> doctest uses.
> I've just did some experiments, but whatever I do, any class definition 
> I exec ends up with a __module__ set to __builtin__.

I think that comes from __name__ in the exec globals context:

>>> d = {'__name__': 'foo'}
>>> exec 'class Quux(object): pass' in d
>>> d['Quux'].__module__


>>> __name__ = 'bar'
>>> class O(object): pass
>>> O.__module__

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[sqlalchemy] Re: overzealous check breaks doctesting

2008-06-24 Thread jason kirtland

Martijn Faassen wrote:
> Hi there,
> I'm writing a doctest in which I include a MappedCollection subclass. In 
> my doctest, I create such a subclass::
>>>> class Foo(MappedCollection):
> Unfortunately later on, has a check to 
> determine whether Foo is really a builtin, and if so, it fails to 
> instrument, here::
> def _instrument_class(cls):
>  ...
>  # In the normal call flow, a request for any of the 3 basic collection
>  # types is transformed into one of our trivial subclasses
>  # (e.g. InstrumentedList).  Catch anything else that sneaks in here...
>  if cls.__module__ == '__builtin__':
>  raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(
>  "Can not instrument a built-in type. Use a "
>  "subclass, even a trivial one.")
> Unfortunately, when Foo is 'cls', it will have __module__ set to 
> '__builtin__' even while Foo is not a builtin.
> I can work around this issue in the doctest by something something evil 
> like::
>>>> Foo.__module__ = 'foo'
> Things then seem to work.
> Could the check somehow be modified to still find true builtins but not 
> those defined in a doctest?

Sure.  Any suggestions for an alternate check?

> I can also see this as being a doctest 
> problem; perhaps the __module__ should really be set to '__main__' in 
> them, but it might be easier to get it fixed here...

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Moving On

2008-06-24 Thread jason kirtland

Paul Johnston wrote:
> Hi,
> I've had fun over the last 18 months doing odd bits of work on 
> SQLAlchemy. It works pretty damn well on MSSQL now, although I never did 
> quite get all the unit tests nailed. It's been great seeing the library 
> continue to evolve, and particularly satisfying to see things I've 
> started (e.g. AutoCode) being taken forward.
> Just of late, I've been reassessing priorities in my life, and open 
> source development isn't going to be a big one going forward. In fact, I 
> may even be giving up the computer completely for a year or two and 
> going travelling.
> I'll be unsubscribing from the mailing list in a couple of days, 
> although I'm happy to receive SA related emails at my personal address, 
> for the next couple of months at least.
> Thanks for the interesting times,
> Paul

Hi Paul,

Thanks for all of your great work on SA and best of luck with the new
road ahead.

All the best,

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Py 2.3 supported in SA 0.5?

2008-06-19 Thread jason kirtland

Christoph Zwerschke wrote:
> Will Python 2.3 still be supported by SA 0.5? I noticed that 
> sqlalchemy.ext.orderinglist uses the new decorator syntax.

Oops, that snuck in accidentally & is fixed in the trunk for the time
being.  However, 2.3 will probably not be supported in the final 0.5.0
release.  We've had a couple threads on the 2.3 support and no one came
to 2.3's defense, so it's on the chopping block.  If the migration from
list comprehensions to generators negatively impacts performance, then
perhaps 2.3 support will stay, but barring that...

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[sqlalchemy] Re: How can I execute "alter session" commands at application initialization?

2008-06-18 Thread jason kirtland

Dr.T wrote:
> I want to make my oracle 10g queries case insensitive.
> To do this, I need to execute:
> alter session set NLS_SORT=BINARY_CI;
> alter session set NLS_COMP=LINGUISTIC;
> at application initialization.
> How might I do this via SQLAlchemy?
> Thanks for your help,

class MySetup:
def connect(self, dbapi_con, con_record):
dbapi_con.execute('alter session set NLS_SORT=BINARY_CI')
dbapi_con.execute('alter session set NLS_COMP=LINGUISTIC')

engine = create_engine('oracle:...', listeners=[MySetup()])

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[sqlalchemy] Re: mySQL force index?

2008-05-23 Thread jason kirtland

Geoff wrote:
> Does SQLA have any mechanism to use FORCE INDEX?

Not in generated SQL.  There is a ticket to add hinting support, but 
currently you'd need to use text() selects or join conditions to get the 
hints in.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: 64-bit postgres produces: This SchemaItem is not connected to any Engine

2008-05-20 Thread jason kirtland

robert rottermann wrote:
> thanks jason,
> jason kirtland schrieb:
>> robert rottermann wrote:
>>> Hi there,
>>> I am building a zope/plone site that uses sqlalchemy  (collective.lead).
>>> on two systems I am developping on everything works fine, a third one that
>>> has 64 bit linux installed (all systems use SuSE 10.3) I get an traceback:
>>>   Module ruagaero.intradevcontent.db.db, line 22, in _setup_tables
>>>   Module sqlalchemy.schema, line 166, in __call__
>>>   Module sqlalchemy.schema, line 70, in get_engine
>>> InvalidRequestError: This SchemaItem is not connected to any Engine
>> 0.3.x?  could be an attempt in '_setup_tables' to autoload tables 
>> without a database configured to load from.
> I am usin 0.4.6
> the same confuguration works on 32 bit linux

The get_engine function in that traceback don't exist in the 0.4 series. 
  Is it possible you're picking up another (maybe system) SA 
installation instead of 0.4.6?

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[sqlalchemy] Re: 64-bit postgres produces: This SchemaItem is not connected to any Engine

2008-05-20 Thread jason kirtland

robert rottermann wrote:
> Hi there,
> I am building a zope/plone site that uses sqlalchemy  (collective.lead).
> on two systems I am developping on everything works fine, a third one that
> has 64 bit linux installed (all systems use SuSE 10.3) I get an traceback:
>   Module ruagaero.intradevcontent.db.db, line 22, in _setup_tables
>   Module sqlalchemy.schema, line 166, in __call__
>   Module sqlalchemy.schema, line 70, in get_engine
> InvalidRequestError: This SchemaItem is not connected to any Engine

0.3.x?  could be an attempt in '_setup_tables' to autoload tables 
without a database configured to load from.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: proxied attribute access

2008-05-20 Thread jason kirtland

> g'day
> i need to have an attribute with setter/getter, say foo, and so that 
> the underlaying DB/SA-attribute (_foo) to be completely hidden for  
> users of the class - to avoid someone setting/getting it by mistake. 
> is this possible within SA - via new AttributeAccess layer - or else?

Yep.  There are examples in examples/custom_attributes plus more in 
test/orm/ and test/orm/  Also doc in 
sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.  (You'll need to consult the source on that 
one until we get a doc generator that can extract attribute docstrings.)

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Is inserting new data with column_mapped_collection inconsistent?

2008-05-19 Thread jason kirtland

Allen Bierbaum wrote:
> On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 4:54 PM, jason kirtland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [..]
>>> Anyway, I think this is a bit non-intuitive.  What I propose instead
>>> is that SA could automatically set the 'keyword' attribute of the Note
>>> object as part of the process of assigning it to the mapped collection
>>> dictionary.  This way the insert could look more like:
>>> item.notes['not-color'] = Note(value='blue')
>>> and behind the scenes SA would call:  .keyword = 'not-color'
>>> Any thoughts on this?  Has anyone tried this in the past?
>> MappedCollection doesn't currently have a mismatch guard on __setitem__
>> (d[key] = val) or setdefault(), but easily could.  There *is* a guard
>> protecting against item.notes = {'not-color': Note('color', 'blue')}, so
>> that machinery is available and applying it to the other setters is
>> straightforward.
>> Automatically setting the value for the attribute_ and column_mapped
>> dict collections would be pretty convenient and DRY.  This is a great
>> time to integrate that feature, if you want to try your hand at putting
>> together a patch and tests.  If it's not too disruptive to existing
>> users it could slide right in as a new feature of 0.5.
> I would be more then happy to look into this (I already have), but I
> think my skills aren't quite up to the challenge.  Could you point me
> in the general direction?

You might start looking at _convert here:

It could be the case that that logic can be combined with the proposed 
value-setting logic and used for @converter, __setitem__, etc.

The basic MappedCollection would probably have a default implementation 
that does no attribute setting, being as there's no reasonable way to 
intuit a reverse operation given only an arbitrary keying function 
lambda.  The attribute_ and column_mapped_ front ends would set up their 
own implementations of the function that does key checking plus 
attribute setting behavior.

> On a related note, I think it would be good to make this behavior come
> through a user customizable callback method that takes the index value
> and the newly assigned class item as values.  This would allow users
> to add more automatic behavior that may be needed.
> For example I my current relationship is actually like this:
>'input_vars' : relation(Var, primaryjoin = and_(
> == var_table.c.script_id,
> var_table.c.input_output_type == 0),
> collection_class=column_mapped_collection(,
> So I would want to not only set the name automatically based on the
> key, but I would want to set the input_output_type to 0 in this case.
> Something like this would be good.
> def input_cb(key, item):
> = key
>item.input_output_type = 0

If the setup I described above works out, this kind of thing could be 
had pretty much for free.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Is inserting new data with column_mapped_collection inconsistent?

2008-05-16 Thread jason kirtland

Allen Bierbaum wrote:
> I have just started using column_mapped_collections.
> (
> I must say, these are very powerful and extremely nice when reading
> data.  But I have run into one thing that seems confusing when it
> comes to creating new objects in a session.  Namely, it is possible to
> add data to the mapped dictionary in such a way that the data
> structure is inconsistent and not what it would be when reading the
> same data back.
> Using the example from the documentation as a start:
> mapper(Item, items_table, properties={
> 'notes': relation(Note,
> collection_class=column_mapped_collection(notes_table.c.keyword)),
> })
> # ...
> item = Item()
> item.notes['color'] = Note('color', 'blue')   # Set keyword attribute to 
> 'color'
> print item.notes['color']
> Everything is good here, but what if I did it this way instead
> item.notes['not-color'] = Note('color', 'blue')
> This last line is the problem because it has inserted a link to a new
> Note that has a keyword of
> 'color' but is showing up in the dictionary as 'not-color'.  If we
> flush all of this and reload from the database using a query, there
> will be no 'not-color' entry in the database.
> Anyway, I think this is a bit non-intuitive.  What I propose instead
> is that SA could automatically set the 'keyword' attribute of the Note
> object as part of the process of assigning it to the mapped collection
> dictionary.  This way the insert could look more like:
> item.notes['not-color'] = Note(value='blue')
> and behind the scenes SA would call:  .keyword = 'not-color'
> Any thoughts on this?  Has anyone tried this in the past?

MappedCollection doesn't currently have a mismatch guard on __setitem__ 
(d[key] = val) or setdefault(), but easily could.  There *is* a guard 
protecting against item.notes = {'not-color': Note('color', 'blue')}, so 
that machinery is available and applying it to the other setters is 

Automatically setting the value for the attribute_ and column_mapped 
dict collections would be pretty convenient and DRY.  This is a great 
time to integrate that feature, if you want to try your hand at putting 
together a patch and tests.  If it's not too disruptive to existing 
users it could slide right in as a new feature of 0.5.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Default collection class for unordered relations

2008-05-15 Thread jason kirtland

Nick Murphy wrote:
>> Logic that depends on any ordering from a non-ORDER BY result is a bug,
>> but I don't know that the impact of presenting all users with a new,
>> non-standard, non-native collection type and injecting some kind of
>> __eq__ into mapped classes to satisfy a multiset contract is worth it
>> for what amounts to nannying.  Not to mention that unless the
>> implementation did something really silly like rand() its internal
>> ordering for each __iter__ call, it doesn't offer a huge safety
>> improvement for the common case of 'for x in obj.collection: ...'
> I have to disagree: it's hardly nannying as much as it is representing
> the underlying reality with greater fidelity.  Relations in SQL are by
> definition unordered, so there's something of an logical mismatch in
> representing them with a type for which order is defined.

There's no disagreement from me on that.  I just don't see purity 
winning out over practicality here.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Default collection class for unordered relations

2008-05-15 Thread jason kirtland

Nick Murphy wrote:
>> mmh. between db's - maybe u're right. But the order will also change
>> depending on current hash-values between 2 runs on otherwise same
>> system... There's plenty of difficulties to get a repeatable flow for
>> tests etc already.
> That's exactly my point in fact -- unless order_by is specified, a
> collection with a defined order is illogical.  Using an unordered
> multiset instead would ensure that users don't accidentally rely on
> this behavior.  Of course, if order_by is given, a list makes perfect
> sense.

Logic that depends on any ordering from a non-ORDER BY result is a bug, 
but I don't know that the impact of presenting all users with a new, 
non-standard, non-native collection type and injecting some kind of 
__eq__ into mapped classes to satisfy a multiset contract is worth it 
for what amounts to nannying.  Not to mention that unless the 
implementation did something really silly like rand() its internal 
ordering for each __iter__ call, it doesn't offer a huge safety 
improvement for the common case of 'for x in obj.collection: ...'

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Case insensitive queries

2008-05-13 Thread jason kirtland

GK wrote:
> I've been digging around the archives, web and source code to figure
> case insensitive queries using SA, and am posting these notes:
> (a) for review and comment, and
> (b) to provide some possible hints for others who may follow
> For me, a big benefit of using SA is that it insulates me from
> database specifics.  Ideally, I wanted a way to handle case
> insensitive queries that would work across all supported databases, or
> at least SQLite, MySQL and Postgres.  Previous messages on this list
> [1][2] suggest that won't happen before SA 0.5 (with no guarantee of
> that, I guess) [3].  There was a possible answer at [4], but I didn't
> like the potential implications for query performance.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> So the solution I've adopted, and tested with SQLite, is to use a
> TypeDecorator class, thus:
> [[
> class CI_String(sqlalchemy.types.TypeDecorator):
> """
> Defines a case insensitive string type using SQLite dialect
> options
> TODO: extend case insensitive specification to support other
> databases
> """
> impl = sqlalchemy.String
> def get_col_spec(self):
> return super(CI_String,self).get_col_spec()+" COLLATE NOCASE"
> ]]
> Which I use in a Table definition thus:
> [[
> def defineAffyLocalTable(tablename, metadata):
> """
> Return SQLAlchemy table for Affymetrix local data entry.
> """
> table = Table(tablename, metadata,
> Column('recordid',Integer, Sequence('recordid_seq'),
> primary_key=True),
> Column('probeid', CI_String(25), index=True),
> Column('aly_mean',Float),
> Column('can_mean',Float),
> Column('comr_mean',   Float),
> Column('topi_mean',   Float),
> Column('zaa_mean',Float),
> Column('red_e_mean',  Float),
> Column('description', Text),
> )
> return table
> ]]
> Might something like this be a basis for a fairly simple SA-common
> type that can be implemented appropriately for each database?

The generic character types in should accept collate and 
character set options.  The only dialect with implementations for these 
options currently is mysql, and some code & the docstrings can be cherry 
picked from msyql for use in  DDL generation implementations 
can go in for the other databases with collation support.

But that only gets partway to something like CI_String.  SQLite is the 
only database I know of with a workable across-the-board 'lower' 
collation.  I'm used to seeing collation tied to the character set of 
the column storage, with more options than a simple binary upper/lower:


The default character set used for column storage is usually unknown to 
SA at DDL time, and, even if known, which collation to pick as 
insensitive?  Collations are database specific and don't always have a 
'general' variant.

And then there are database such as Postgres that don't yet have 
collation support and would need queries to be re-written to use lower(col).

I'd love to see easy insensitive query support in SA but I don't see an 
obvious path forward.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: trunk is now on 0.5

2008-05-10 Thread jason kirtland

Steve Zatz wrote:
> Trunk Rev 4726
> Note the following:
> Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, May  7 2008, 15:19:09)
> [GCC 4.2.3 (Ubuntu 4.2.3-2ubuntu7)] on linux2
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
 from sqlalchemy import *
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 1, in 
>   File ".../sqlalchemy/", line 34, in 
> from sqlalchemy.engine import create_engine, engine_from_config
>   File ".../sqlalchemy/engine/", line 54, in 
> from sqlalchemy.engine.base import Dialect, ExecutionContext, Compiled, \
>   File ".../sqlalchemy/engine/", line 16, in 
> from sqlalchemy import exc, schema, util, types, log
>   File ".../sqlalchemy/", line 35, in 
> rootlogger = logging.getLogger('sqlalchemy')
> AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'getLogger'

Some modules have moved around for 0.5.  If you're updating an exsiting 
trunk check out, be sure to clean out the .pyc files.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Problem with non-null fields

2008-05-09 Thread jason kirtland

TP wrote:
> Hi, I have a model with a field called 'name' that is set to be non-
> null. When I look at the actual table created in MySQL the field
> really does say it cannot be null. However, when I try to set it to
> None and commit() the changes, I get a warning printed
> /Users/tp/sw/python-extensions/lib/python2.5/site-packages/
> SQLAlchemy-0.4.5-py2.5.egg/sqlalchemy/databases/
> Warning: Column 'name' cannot be null
> But the underlying database IS changed with the field being set to the
> empty string ''.
> This seems wrong doesn't it? Am I doing something wrong? I'm using
> SQLAlchemy 0.4.5 on Mac OS X with MySQL 5.1.
> Thanks for any help!

It's a server configuration issue- the server is using a legacy 
compatibility mode.  Check the mysql docs for configuring sql mode to a 
modern, strict setting.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: mssql, Linux, unixODBC - Could not locate column in row for column

2008-05-06 Thread jason kirtland

Rick Morrison wrote:
> I was thinking of a user-level option for liveliness checking on pool
> checkout, with dialect-specific implementations (e.g. execute a 'SELECT
> 1', or something more efficient if the driver allows).  Is that in line
> with what you were thinking?
> I had in mind something more of a optimistic / reactive nature, like a 
> retry on a cursor failure. But this could work equally well and could be 
> much simpler, albeit at some round-trip time on every pool checkout.
> What's the recovery strategy if the connection is found to be dead? An 
> auto-reconnect with some retry count limit, or would it just notify the 
> dialect and that's it?

I believe right now it's a limited # of retries.  (The basic support for 
ping-on-checkout is already in the pool as of 0.4, but no dialect hooks 

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[sqlalchemy] Re: mssql, Linux, unixODBC - Could not locate column in row for column

2008-05-06 Thread jason kirtland

Rick Morrison wrote:
> Sounds nice, thanks for the heads-up.
>  > There'll be opportunities for dialects to set up pool events as well.
> One of the things I'm looking to see is better reconnect support for 
> dead database connections from network partitions, sql server restarts, 
> etc.
> Is that going to be fully Dialect controlled, or is there some coming 
> support for auto-reconnect as well?

I was thinking of a user-level option for liveliness checking on pool 
checkout, with dialect-specific implementations (e.g. execute a 'SELECT 
1', or something more efficient if the driver allows).  Is that in line 
with what you were thinking?

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Properly closing all database connections

2008-05-06 Thread jason kirtland

Karlo Lozovina wrote:
> I'm using SA with SQLite, and after executing session.close() and
> clear_mappers(), on Linux, lsof still says my SQLite file is open.
> Running engine.dispose() seems to finally close it, but I'm not sure
> if that's the proper way?

That's correct.  The engine holds the connection pool and dispose() will 
close the connections it manages.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: expensive .rollback() in pool implementation?

2008-05-05 Thread jason kirtland

Michael Bayer wrote:
> thanks for the effort.  Please use r4640 and specify  
> rollback_returned=False to the Pool constructor.

I changed that name in r4643 to 'reset_on_return'.  I'm hoping to be 
able to support database-specific methods for state reset in 0.5, and 
the new option name is a little more future proof in that regard.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: mssql, Linux, unixODBC - Could not locate column in row for column

2008-05-02 Thread jason kirtland

Rick Morrison wrote:
> There's a Dialect refactor underway for 0.5.0 that will likely change 
> the way that options are fed to db engines:

Currently the munging of url params and connect_args into a connect() 
lambda is happening outside of the dialect's control.  In 0.5 that's all 
moving into dialect-land and the dialects will be able to receive 
connect_args (e.g. processing odbc_options, if specified there). 
There'll be opportunities for dialects to set up pool events as well.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: branch:user_defined_state questions

2008-04-30 Thread jason kirtland

Michael Bayer wrote:
> On Apr 30, 2008, at 8:50 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> -
>> replacing __init__(...) - i see that some effort is taken to keep the
>> original signature. But the result wont be debuggable IMO.
>> cant it be some_init(*a,**kw) doing whatever( *a,**kw) and/or calling
>> original_init(*a,**kw) ? whats inside is not changing as
>> sequence/logic anyway...
>> OR, maybe fix/hack with the co_filename and co_firstlineno
>> code-attributes or whatever so inspect.getsource(
>> damnedclass.__init__) "works"...
> are we talking about the __init__ placed on instances ?  how is that  
> not debuggable ?   I know that pdb is forced to illustrate one line in  
> the trace as being part of a "string" but thats not such a big deal.

Also, the __init__ decorator is optional in UDS/0.5.  The class 
instrumentor will receive a 'install_member('__init__', )' call and can do whatever it likes with that.  The 
toolkit is in place for building and substituting your own non-exec'd 
__init__ that does the setup work SA wants done on init.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: association proxy error: stale association proxy

2008-04-29 Thread jason kirtland

Paul K wrote:
> The following code duplicates a situation I'm seeing with the
> association proxy.  There are at least two ways I can avoid having the
> error happen.  But since I wasn't sure if the error is a usage error,
> I wanted to post here first before implementing my work around.  One
> work around for the test code is to delete/comment out line 77
> (commented as such).

> I understand why I'm seeing the error.  But should the user really be
> required to keep the parent around in a variable?  I would have
> thought that the session would be tracking each successive changes.

This is fixed in the trunk @ r4593.  The issue was in association 
proxy's handling of a stale cache attribute it stashes on instances and 
was fundamentally:

   p_copy = copy.copy(parent)
   del parent  # previously, boom

That's similar to what was going under the orm hood with the modified 
instances coming in and out of scope in have_a_kid.

The patch in the trunk is pretty small, but if that's not an option you 
can work around the issue somewhat painfully by removing the cache 
attribute from instances:

   for attr in dir(p_copy):
   if attr.startswith('_AssociationProxy_kid_associations_'):
   delattr(p_copy, attr)

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[sqlalchemy] Re: SQL for "(col1, col2) NOT IN (SELECT ...)"

2008-04-28 Thread jason kirtland

This could be expanded slightly to include 'prefixes=[]' support ala 
select() and insert().  Sqlite could use that for creating full text 
tables, e.g. 'CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE foo (...) USING ...'.

I haven't thought about this extensively but I think I'd prefer 
prefixes=['TEMPORARY'] to a temporary=True flag until such a time as we 
can guarantee that the temp tables are cleaned up when the defining 
connection is returned to the pool.

Matthew Zwier wrote:
> Thanks for the quick reply!  I've always been quite impressed with the
> quality of SA and its support.
> I'm a bit swamped at work at the moment but I'll see about putting a
> 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE' patch together.
> MZ
> On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 4:09 PM, Michael Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  that's pretty good you came up with that.  We haven't placed explicit
>>  support for multiple items as the subject of an IN statement.  You can
>>  do what you have there without _Grouping by saying
>>  ClauseList(...).self_group().   I think you're safe with that for now
>>  though we should add a "public" function for this purpose at some point.
>>  if its just a matter of saying "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE" instead of
>>  "CREATE TABLE", we can accept a patch for "temporary=True", sure.
> > 

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[sqlalchemy] Re: How to lock tables in mysql with SqlAlchemy?

2008-04-24 Thread jason kirtland

Ting Zhou wrote:
> Dear All,
> I would like to lock a table like "LOCK TABLES table_name" in mysql 
> command. How can I do that with SqlAlchemy.
> I have defined a class
> |//|//|class Pointer(Entity):
>   using_options(tablename='Pointer',autosetup=True)
>   id=Field(MSInteger,primary_key=True)
> ||I need to lock table ||'Pointer'.|//

You can lock the tables by executing the SQL directly.  I'm not sure 
what that looks like in Elixir, but in plain SA it'd be something like:

   conn = engine.connect()
   conn.execute("LOCK TABLES Pointer WRITE")
   ... do stuff with conn
   conn.execute("UNLOCK TABLES")

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[sqlalchemy] Re: mssql, Linux, unixODBC - Could not locate column in row for column

2008-04-18 Thread jason kirtland

Rick Morrison wrote:
> Yeah, I was under the impression that config args passed in via 
> create_engine() ctor and via dburi were treated the same, but looking 
> over engine/, it looks as if they have two separate 
> injection points. I'll see if I can get it to allow either, stay tuned.

create_engine('mssql://h/db', connect_args=dict(odbc_options='bar'))

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Session binding to existing table: what am I missing?

2008-04-16 Thread jason kirtland

Gloria W wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am trying to use the session syntax to bind to an existing table,
> but I am apparently missing something. I want my session to be bound
> to this:
> my_table = sqlalchemy.Table('my_table', meta, autoload=True,
> autoload_with=engine)
> and if I use the same engine here:
> session = sqlalchemy.orm.sessionmaker(bind=engine, autoflush=True,
> transactional=True)
> isn't the session bound to the table?
> But when I run this:
> all_records = session.query(my_table).all()
> I get this error:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> AttributeError: 'PGCompiler' object has no attribute 'mapped_table'
> The docs I've seen only show session bindings using Table classes, so
> please point me to a good example or give me the quick hint.

The ORM maps your Python classes to tables rather than working with 
tables directly.  You're missing a step in the middle like:

class MyClass(object):
   def my_stuff(self):

sqlalchemy.orm.mapper(MyClass, my_table)

all_records = session.query(MyClass).all()

The ORM tutorial lays out the steps in more detail:

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[sqlalchemy] Re: association_proxy import fail

2008-04-16 Thread jason kirtland

Vortexmind wrote:
> Hi all
> I'm new to python and was playing around with Elixir tutorial (a
> wrapper for Sqlalchemy).
> I get a failed import with this code
> from elixir import *
> metadata.bind = "sqlite:///movies.sqlite"
> metadata.bind.echo = True
> class Movie(Entity):
> title = Field(Unicode(30))
> year = Field(Integer)
> description = Field(Unicode)
> def __repr__(self):
> return '' % (self.title, self.year)
> If I load it in a python shell (either python or ipython) I get this
> error
> ImportError: cannot import name association_proxy
> from trace, this is the call that fails
> from sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy import association_proxy
> I checked in the SqlAlchemy docs, and I found that it's a feature
> present in version >= 0.31
> As I'm using gentoo linux, I've checked out and I have installed 0.37
> so I should have it.
> Any clue?

The function 'association_proxy' is present starting in 0.3.8+.  The 
0.3.7 release is few days shy of a year old- the current version is 
0.4.5.  I'd suggest upgrading if you're following any of the online 
tutorials for SA or Elixir.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: sqlalchemy in virtualenv Instructions

2008-04-14 Thread jason kirtland

Lukasz Szybalski wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 11:30 AM, jason kirtland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  Lukasz Szybalski wrote:
>>  > Hello,
>>  > Below you can find instructions on how to setup sqlalchemy in virtual
>>  > environment.
>>  >
>>  > 
>>  Installing SQLAlchemy in a virtualenv is the same as for any package on
>>  listed on PYPI:
> What does this line do?
>>  $ source myenv/bin/activate

> Which version of sqlalchemy does it install? current stable? trunk? or?
>>  $ easy_install SQLAlchemy

The latest on pypi.  You can also do

   $ easy_install SQLAlchemy==dev   # for svn trunk
   $ easy_install SQLAlchemy==0.4.5 # whatever version

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[sqlalchemy] Re: sqlalchemy in virtualenv Instructions

2008-04-14 Thread jason kirtland

Lukasz Szybalski wrote:
> Hello,
> Below you can find instructions on how to setup sqlalchemy in virtual
> environment.

Installing SQLAlchemy in a virtualenv is the same as for any package on 
listed on PYPI:

$ source myenv/bin/activate
$ easy_install SQLAlchemy

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Does SQLAlchemy ORM use column indexes to optimize queries?

2008-04-05 Thread jason kirtland

GK wrote:
> Michael,
> Thank you for your response - it was very helpful for me.
> It turns out my main problem was that I was importing an order of
> magnitude or so more data than I realized, but you were also right
> about using flush().
> You were also right about the overhead of creating extra indexes.  In
> the spirit of putting some data in a public space...
> Starting with en empty database, with a test dataset of 1200 values
> (about 1150 unique insertions) and flushing after every insertion I
> have the following timings:
> No extra indexes: 2:00
> Three extra indexes: 2:15
> This is using SQLite with a flat file on a 1.8GHz laptop.  The records
> are each nearly 1Kb.  There's an overhead of about 5 seconds for
> reading the data, so most of the above time is loading the database.
> I haven't yet had time to judge how the performance varies with larger
> datasets.

2:00 seems very high- is that 2 minutes?  Below are two similar bulk 
table loads.  The first uses the same insert-or-update methodology and 
only the relational layer (no ORM)- that clocks in at 1.25 seconds on my 
laptop.  The second is an ORM implementation with a different duplicate 
detection methodology- that clocks in at 2.0 seconds.


## Relational version

import os
import time
import random
from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.exceptions import IntegrityError

data_cols = (
 'sendadr', 'fromadr', 'toadr', 'sendnam', 'fromnam',
 'tonam', 'subject', 'received', 'spam', 'folderid' )
chunk = lambda: '%x' % random.getrandbits(400)
dataset = [dict((col, chunk()) for col in data_cols)
for _ in xrange(1200)]
dupes = random.sample(dataset, 50)

db = '1krows.db'
if os.path.exists(db):

engine = create_engine('sqlite:///%s' % db)
metadata = MetaData(engine)
table = Table('t', metadata,
   Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
   Column('occurs', Integer, default=1),
   *(Column(col, Text) for col in data_cols))

assert == 50

start = time.time()

insert = table.insert()
update = (table.update().
   where(and_(*((table.c[col] == bindparam(col))
for col in data_cols))).
   values({'occurs': table.c.occurs+1}))
conn = engine.connect()
tx = conn.begin()
for row in dataset:
 conn.execute(insert, row)
 except IntegrityError:
 conn.execute(update, row)

end = time.time()

assert == 1200
assert select([func.count(],
   table.c.occurs==2).scalar() == 50
print "elapsed: %04f" % (end - start)

## ORM version

import hashlib
import os
import time
import random
from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import *

data_cols = (
 'sendadr', 'fromadr', 'toadr', 'sendnam', 'fromnam',
 'tonam', 'subject', 'received', 'spam', 'folderid' )
chunk = lambda: '%x' % random.getrandbits(400)
dataset = [dict((col, chunk()) for col in data_cols)
for _ in xrange(1200)]

def hashrow(row):
 return hashlib.sha1(
 ','.join(row[c] for c in data_cols)).hexdigest()

dupes = []
for row in random.sample(dataset, 50):
 dupe = row.copy()
 dupe['hash'] = hashrow(dupe)

db = '1krows.db'
if os.path.exists(db):

engine = create_engine('sqlite:///%s' % db)
metadata = MetaData(engine)
table = Table('t', metadata,
   Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
   Column('occurs', Integer, default=1),
   Column('hash', String(40), unique=True),
   *(Column(col, Text) for col in data_cols))

assert == 50

class Email(object):
 def __init__(self, **kw):
 for key, value in kw.items():
 setattr(self, key, value)

 def hashval(self):
 return hashrow(dict((col, getattr(self, col))
 for col in data_cols))

mapper(Email, table)

start = time.time()
session = create_session()

data = [Email(**row) for row in dataset]

chunk, remaining = [], [(e.hashval(), e) for e in data]
while remaining:
 chunk, remaining = remaining[:100], remaining[100:]
 by_hash = dict(chunk)
 dupes = (session.query(Email).
 for dupe in dupes:
 dupe.occurs += 1
 for hashval, email in by_hash.items():
 email.hash = hashval

end = time.time()

assert == 1200
assert select([func.count(],
   table.c.occurs==2).scalar() == 50
print "elapsed: %04f" % (end - start)


[sqlalchemy] Re: sqlalchemy 0.4.5 released

2008-04-04 Thread jason kirtland

Michael Bayer wrote:
> On Apr 4, 2008, at 3:46 PM, jason kirtland wrote:
>> Michael Bayer wrote:
>>> On Apr 4, 2008, at 3:25 PM, jason kirtland wrote:
>>>> How about keeping it explicit:
>>>> query(, -> ok
>>> this is not OK since you'll get a cartesian product from A and Node.
>> that's exactly what i intended.
> Well, I dont really think Query even needs to support returning  
> cartesian products.I'd hate to organize the API around a  
> nonexistent usecase and force an extra method call for the other 100%  
> of them.

It's not really about Cartesian products- query(, is 
similarly valid and would be fine as long as no relations are required. 
  if relations are needed, you could do either an explicit mapper 0 
specification or just use an entity up front and choose columns at the 
end: query(Node).values(,  i think the basic 
relational nature of the query and a trailing .values() are somewhat 
orthogonal, so long as the .values() takes it's pool of possible columns 
from the current state of the query.

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