[sqlite] Understanding Foreign Key Contraints

2012-07-07 Thread Alan Chandler
I have a fairly complex web based application which helps manage the 
process of running an American Football results picking competition 
through the season.  I am in the process of porting it to Sqlite ready 
for the start of next season.

I just discovered a bug in my handling of a constraint violation that 
has made me want to rethink my strategy  in this area.

My original strategy was to completely cascade deletes, but the bug I 
discovered showed me a place in the user interface where that approach 
could be too dangerous, as it wasn't obvious that there would be side 
effects at the user interface level.  So I want to replan my strategy.   
But given the complexity of the situation I want to make sure I don't 
make any mistakes.

There is one particular pattern that occurs in several places, where 
what might happen is ambiguous (at least to me), and I would like this 
mailing lists view of what will happen and what is the right thing to do 
to make it so. [Note the application is web based with Ajax calls.  
Every single page request or ajax call opens the database and does a 
"PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON" as its first function]

Let me list my key entities in this pattern

At the top level there are three

"Team" with primary key tid (which is a three character string - but 
that is probably irrelevant)

"Participant" with primary key uid
"Competition" with primary key cid.

There are then some secondary entities, for this example I need two

"Registration" (user registers for a competition) which has primary key 
(cid,uid).  Its foreign key constraints are defined as

cid integer NOT NULL REFERENCES competition(cid) ON UPDATE CASCADE 
ON DELETE CASCADE, -- Competition ID
uid integer NOT NULL REFERENCES participant(uid) ON UPDATE CASCADE 

"Team_in_competition" with primary key (cid,tid). Its foreign key 
constraints are defined as
cid integer NOT NULL REFERENCES competition(cid) ON UPDATE CASCADE 
tid character(3) NOT NULL REFERENCES team(tid) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON 

And then a derived entity from the other two

"Playoff_pick" with primary key (cid,uid,tid).  Its the foreign key 
constrains on this one which is rather tricky

I want to arrange my constraints so that.

Deleting Competition or Participant Deletes everything below it

Deleting Team_in_competition fails with a constrain violation when there 
is a playoff_pick that refers to it

I am hoping that I can define the constraints so.

FOREIGN KEY (cid,uid) REFERENCES registration(cid,uid) ON UPDATE CASCADE 

FOREIGN KEY (cid,tid) REFERENCES team_in_competition(cid,tid)

What I am hoping is that if I delete the "Competition" (or 
"Participant") , then it deletes the "Registration" which in turn 
deletes the "Playoff_pick" immediately, but that because the deleting of 
"Team_in_competition" is deferred until commit time, by that time the 
commit happens there is no "Playoff_pick" to prevent the 
"Team_in_competition" from being deleted.

Have I understood this right?

Alan Chandler

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Strange issue with sqlite 3.7.9

2012-07-05 Thread Alan Chandler

On 05/07/12 01:05, Richard Hipp wrote:

On Wed, Jul 4, 2012 at 3:05 PM, Alan Chandlerwrote:

The commit referenced by that page:


went into 3.7.9. So the problem was probably introduced in
3.7.9, not 3.7.10.

Indeed - I just tried the test case in that ticket and in fact
demonstrated that the bug is in 3.7.9

Does that mean that the problem is fixed by
http://www.sqlite.org/src/info/0dc4cb9355 and does not exist in recent
releases of SQLite?  Or are you saying that this is a new problem that
needs to be addressed.  If the latter, I'm going to need you to send me a
database again so that I can reproduce the problem, because I did keep the
one you sent last time.
No, its the same problem and fixed in later releases.  The only issue is 
that the main web site lists the bug as starting in 3.7.10, when in fact 
it starts in 3.7.9.  This is unfortunate because the latest Ubuntu LTS 
release (12.04) uses 3.7.9, and so my application broke again.  (I have 
reported this to Ubuntu and they have at least acknowledged the bug).

The test case in this ticket http://www.sqlite.org/src/info/b7c8682cc1 
demonstrates the problem in 3.7.9

Alan Chandler

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Strange issue with sqlite 3.7.9

2012-07-04 Thread Alan Chandler

On 04/07/12 18:52, Dan Kennedy wrote:

On 07/04/2012 08:26 PM, Alan Chandler wrote:

Due to hardware problems with my Debian Stable server, I have just
upgraded to Ubuntu-Server 12.04.

I have installed sqlite3 and when I ask it the version (with .version)
it replies
SQLite 3.7.9 2011-11-01 00:52:41 

Which exactly complies with the sqlite web site for this release.

Sometime ago I reported a problem with 3.7.10 referenced here

The commit referenced by that page:


went into 3.7.9. So the problem was probably introduced in
3.7.9, not 3.7.10. 

Indeed - I just tried the test case in that ticket and in fact 
demonstrated that the bug is in 3.7.9

Alan Chandler

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Strange issue with sqlite 3.7.9

2012-07-04 Thread Alan Chandler
Due to hardware problems with my Debian Stable server, I have just 
upgraded to Ubuntu-Server 12.04.

I have installed sqlite3 and when I ask it the version (with .version) 
it replies

SQLite 3.7.9 2011-11-01 00:52:41 c7c6050ef060877ebe77b41d959e9df13f8c9b5e

Which exactly complies with the sqlite web site for this release.

Sometime ago I reported a problem with 3.7.10 referenced here 

Using the same database (which I would prefer not to publish because its 
full of personal financial information - I already gave Richard Hipp a 
randomised copy in respect of the last bug) I have experienced a problem 
shown below.  I am not sure this is the same problem as before (its very 
similar) but that was reported as being introduced with changes 
introduced in 3.7.10

select c.id,c.type,c.description,sum(t.dfamount) AS tamount FROM 
dfxaction as t, account as a,code AS c WHERE c.type = 'C' and a.domain = 
'Hartley' AND ((t.src = a.name and t.srccode = c.id) ) GROUP BY c.id;

Produces output, where as

select c.id,c.type,c.description,sum(t.dfamount) AS tamount FROM 
dfxaction as t, account as a,code AS c WHERE c.type = 'C' and a.domain = 
'Hartley' AND ((t.src = a.name and t.srccode = c.id) OR (t.dst = a.name 
and t.dstcode = c.id )) GROUP BY c.id;

does not even though ONLY added an OR clause within a bracketed AND clause

Just to confuse the issue dfxaction (but not the other tables) is a view 
- defined as below (and I think this is where the similarity to the 
other bug comes in).  If I replace that with xaction (the real table its 
based on) then the second select above does produce expected output.

CREATE VIEW dfxaction AS
SELECT t.id,t.date,t.version, src, srccode, dst, 
dstcode,t.description, rno, repeat,

WHEN t.currency = 'GBP' THEN t.amount
WHEN t.srcamount IS NOT NULL AND sa.currency = 'GBP' THEN 
WHEN t.dstamount IS NOT NULL AND da.currency = 'GBP' THEN 
ELSE CAST ((CAST (t.amount AS REAL) / currency.rate) AS 

END AS dfamount
xaction AS t
LEFT JOIN account AS sa ON t.src = sa.name
LEFT JOIN account AS da ON t.dst = da.name
LEFT JOIN currency ON
t.currency != 'GBP' AND
(t.srcamount IS NULL OR sa.currency != 'GBP') AND
(t.dstamount IS NULL OR da.currency != 'GBP') AND
t.currency = currency.name;

ALSO just to confirm - I repeated the same experiment on sqlite3 version 
3.7.13 (Debian unstable version) and the second query performs perfectly

I am mentioning this here because the earlier bug was supposed to have 
been caused by a change made by 3.7.10, whereas this is 3.7.9 and given 
its the version of choice in ubuntu it might be better to clarify 
whether there is a problem there or not.

Alan Chandler

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Strange difference between sqlite 3.7.3 and 3.7.10

2012-03-08 Thread Alan Chandler

On 09/03/12 00:29, Richard Hipp wrote:

On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 6:47 PM, Alan Chandlerwrote:

The complete database schema is here


My database is full of private financial data so I would rather not just
post it publically.  If you really need the data I could mail it to you
privately (its only 366kb big)

Can you scrub the data (replace numbers with values from random(), and all
strings with random text?)  If not, email the database directly to me.

I have done some randomisation and sent it to you privately

Alan Chandler

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Strange difference between sqlite 3.7.3 and 3.7.10

2012-03-08 Thread Alan Chandler

On 08/03/12 23:32, Richard Hipp wrote:

On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 5:44 PM, Alan Chandlerwrote:

I have been running a financial management application application I wrote
for a number of years.  My "production" version runs on Debian stable
system as a result is running sqlite v3.7.3.  My personal development
machine is running Debian unstable and as a result has sqlite 3.7.10.

Earlier this week I discovered a bug in a rarely used part of the
application, so took a copy of the production database and ran it on my
development machine. I quickly found that and fixed it, but another major
element of the application appeared to give some strange results.

I have spend some down tracking down what caused the problem, and it seems
to be a difference in how sqlite 3.7.3 and sqlite 3.7.10 processes the sql.
  It seems to me that the later release gets things wrong - but it might be
that the newer version has some sort of PRAGMA that I am not using right.
  So I would like to ask here where I am going wrong.

The basic issue is around a view on a table called "xaction" - the
transactions processed.  It has optional "source" and "destination"
accounts (must be at least one or the other but can also have both) and
optional "codes" that relate to classes of transaction as they appear in
the account.  I put a view on top of this which normalises the currency for
use in my accounts. The schema for the view is ...

CREATE VIEW dfxaction AS
SELECT t.id,t.date,t.version, src, srccode, dst,
dstcode,t.description, rno, repeat,
WHEN t.currency = 'GBP' THEN t.amount
WHEN t.srcamount IS NOT NULL AND sa.currency = 'GBP' THEN
WHEN t.dstamount IS NOT NULL AND da.currency = 'GBP' THEN
ELSE CAST ((CAST (t.amount AS REAL) / currency.rate) AS INTEGER)
END AS dfamount
xaction AS t
LEFT JOIN account AS sa ON t.src = sa.name
LEFT JOIN account AS da ON t.dst = da.name
LEFT JOIN currency ON
t.currency != 'GBP' AND
(t.srcamount IS NULL OR sa.currency != 'GBP') AND
(t.dstamount IS NULL OR da.currency != 'GBP') AND
t.currency = currency.name;

The query that results in differences between the two versions of sqlite
(I have cut this down to the minimum I could find showed the difference).

c.id AS id, c.type AS type, c.description AS description, t.*
dfxaction AS t, code AS c
t.date BETWEEN 129384 AND 1325375999
AND ((t.src IS NOT NULL AND t.srccode = c.id)  OR t.dstcode = c.id )
c.description COLLATE NOCASE ASC;

The little part "t.src IS NOT NULL AND" seems to be the trigger for
cutting down the records to almost none from the full amount because when I
remove it I got more like the correct number of records.  Most of the
records excluded by putting the clause in DO NOT have t.src of NULL.

AND OF COURSE ON sqlite 3.7.3 I get all the records I expect.

The other important aspect.  If I don't use a view, but instead replace
"FROM dfxaction" with "FROM xaction" using the raw table then 3.7.10
delivers all the records I would expect.

So I am completely perplexed as to why there are changes between
behaviour.  Can anyone help me understand.

Maybe the change at http://www.sqlite.org/src/info/b23ae13187 broke
something.  Can you get us a complete schema with enough data to actually
run a test case that shows the problem?

The complete database schema is here


My database is full of private financial data so I would rather not just 
post it publically.  If you really need the data I could mail it to you 
privately (its only 366kb big)

Alan Chandler

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Strange difference between sqlite 3.7.3 and 3.7.10

2012-03-08 Thread Alan Chandler

On 08/03/12 22:44, Alan Chandler wrote:
I have been running a financial management application application I 
wrote for a number of years.  My "production" version runs on Debian 
stable system as a result is running sqlite v3.7.3.  My personal 
development machine is running Debian unstable and as a result has 
sqlite 3.7.10.

Earlier this week I discovered a bug in a rarely used part of the 
application, so took a copy of the production database and ran it on 
my development machine. I quickly found that and fixed it, but another 
major element of the application appeared to give some strange results.

I have spend some down tracking down what caused the problem, and it 
seems to be a difference in how sqlite 3.7.3 and sqlite 3.7.10 
processes the sql.  It seems to me that the later release gets things 
wrong - but it might be that the newer version has some sort of PRAGMA 
that I am not using right.  So I would like to ask here where I am 
going wrong.

Things have now got stranger.  I just saw the post on the e-mail list 
for sqlitestudio and thought that looks interesting, so I have now 
downloaded it.  It seems to be using sqlite 3.7.8

It works correctly, and the very same sql using sqlite manager in 
Mozilla goes wrong (this is linked to sqlite 3.7.10)

Alan Chandler

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Strange difference between sqlite 3.7.3 and 3.7.10

2012-03-08 Thread Alan Chandler
I have been running a financial management application application I 
wrote for a number of years.  My "production" version runs on Debian 
stable system as a result is running sqlite v3.7.3.  My personal 
development machine is running Debian unstable and as a result has 
sqlite 3.7.10.

Earlier this week I discovered a bug in a rarely used part of the 
application, so took a copy of the production database and ran it on my 
development machine. I quickly found that and fixed it, but another 
major element of the application appeared to give some strange results.

I have spend some down tracking down what caused the problem, and it 
seems to be a difference in how sqlite 3.7.3 and sqlite 3.7.10 processes 
the sql.  It seems to me that the later release gets things wrong - but 
it might be that the newer version has some sort of PRAGMA that I am not 
using right.  So I would like to ask here where I am going wrong.

The basic issue is around a view on a table called "xaction" - the 
transactions processed.  It has optional "source" and "destination" 
accounts (must be at least one or the other but can also have both) and 
optional "codes" that relate to classes of transaction as they appear in 
the account.  I put a view on top of this which normalises the currency 
for use in my accounts. The schema for the view is ...

CREATE VIEW dfxaction AS
SELECT t.id,t.date,t.version, src, srccode, dst, 
dstcode,t.description, rno, repeat,

WHEN t.currency = 'GBP' THEN t.amount
WHEN t.srcamount IS NOT NULL AND sa.currency = 'GBP' THEN 
WHEN t.dstamount IS NOT NULL AND da.currency = 'GBP' THEN 
ELSE CAST ((CAST (t.amount AS REAL) / currency.rate) AS 

END AS dfamount
xaction AS t
LEFT JOIN account AS sa ON t.src = sa.name
LEFT JOIN account AS da ON t.dst = da.name
LEFT JOIN currency ON
t.currency != 'GBP' AND
(t.srcamount IS NULL OR sa.currency != 'GBP') AND
(t.dstamount IS NULL OR da.currency != 'GBP') AND
t.currency = currency.name;

The query that results in differences between the two versions of sqlite 
(I have cut this down to the minimum I could find showed the difference).

c.id AS id, c.type AS type, c.description AS description, t.*
dfxaction AS t, code AS c
t.date BETWEEN 129384 AND 1325375999
AND ((t.src IS NOT NULL AND t.srccode = c.id)  OR t.dstcode = c.id )
c.description COLLATE NOCASE ASC;

The little part "t.src IS NOT NULL AND" seems to be the trigger for 
cutting down the records to almost none from the full amount because 
when I remove it I got more like the correct number of records.  Most of 
the records excluded by putting the clause in DO NOT have t.src of NULL.

AND OF COURSE ON sqlite 3.7.3 I get all the records I expect.

The other important aspect.  If I don't use a view, but instead replace 
"FROM dfxaction" with "FROM xaction" using the raw table then 3.7.10 
delivers all the records I would expect.

So I am completely perplexed as to why there are changes between 
behaviour.  Can anyone help me understand.


Alan Chandler

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Detach says database is locked

2010-10-21 Thread Alan Chandler
On 21/10/10 00:35, Igor Tandetnik wrote:
> Alan Chandler  wrote:
>> Further to my other post related to attaching to databases with PHP PDO,
>>   I have now managed to ATTACH OK
>> However, when I come to DETACH, I am getting a Database is locked error
>> when I try and execute it.
>> The only thing happening to that database in between ATTACH and DETACH
>> is a single row SELECT
> Make sure you reset or finalize the statement (not sure how it's done in PHP).
I believe closeCursor();  does the job.  If not, I unset the variable.

However, I have figured out the problem - which is really sad since I 
can't do what I hoped - which is loop round a set of rows from a higher 
level select statement ATTACHing and DETACHing to a database in turn . 
Because the top level select loop is its own transaction, you can't 
detach from the database which you attached in the inner part of the 
loop since at that moment you are in a transaction.

I think my way out of the problem is to pull out all the rows into a 
single array, then close the transaction and interate over the array 
members.  Fortunately in the case its just a menu - so there probably 
won't be too many items.

Alan Chandler
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Detach says database is locked

2010-10-20 Thread Alan Chandler
Further to my other post related to attaching to databases with PHP PDO, 
  I have now managed to ATTACH OK

However, when I come to DETACH, I am getting a Database is locked error 
when I try and execute it.

The only thing happening to that database in between ATTACH and DETACH 
is a single row SELECT

I don't really understand why I can't DETACH.  Can anyone give me any 
ideas what this could be.
Alan Chandler
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Strange position as a result of ATTACH

2010-10-20 Thread Alan Chandler
I am testing an application written in PHP, so all sqlite access is 
through PDO.

In a particular situation I am scanning a directory for filenames with a 
'.db' extension and attaching to each database in turn to do something 
with it. I am using a prepared statement ($astmt) to do the attach, 
binding it with each filename that matches the database type and 
executing the prepared statement.

Thus ...

$db=new PDO('sqlite:'.DATA_DIR.'football.ini');

$astmt = $db->prepare("ATTACH ? AS comp");
$fns = scandir(DATA_DIR);
foreach ($fns as $filename) {
if(filetype(DATA_DIR.$filename) == 'file') {
$split = splitFIlename($filename);
if($split[1] == 'db') {
// found a database file
$astmt->execute(); //ATTACH
$db->exec("DETACH comp;");

The first time round the loop seems to work fine, but the second time 
round the loop, the $astmt->execute(); trying to attach to the file 
fails with SQLITE_SCHEMA

Reading the docs, it appears SQLITE_SCHEMA means I need to recompile the 
prepared statement each time round the loop.


(I tried it and it works - but is inefficient).

PS = I suppose it may be a php bug that it is using the v1 version of 

Alan Chandler
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] moving from mysql

2010-10-16 Thread Alan Chandler
On 16/10/10 21:07, Chris Percol wrote:
> Hi there,
> I am thinking of moving from mysql to sqlite3 and want to know if there are
> any gotchas?
> My current situation is a web based school booking system using a mysql
> database with four tables. The busiest of the tables may have 6000 rows
> added each year (I tend to empty this table at the end of the year). The
> other tables store a little information, maybe 100 rows between them.
> There is approx 100 users creating bookings throughout the week, not a lot
> of concurrents but I guess the possibility is there.
>  From what I read on the sqlite site sqlite could handle this like a breeze.
> I just wanted to ask for any thoughts regarding performance or limitations
> before I make the move.

I don't know what language your web application is in, but I have just 
completed a port from Postgres of a financial accounting and planning 
application I wrote several years ago for myself.  This was using PHP.

 From a performance perspective, it is really fast.  I open a 
transaction and the head of most web pages, and keep it open through out 
the page even if I am only using selects, and every page I have comes up 
instantenously.  Even one which calculates the complete profit and loss 
for my business, including calculating depreciation for capital 
purcheses made part way through a year finishes fast than you can notice.

Riding on the success of that I am part way through porting an American 
Football results picking competition

I think its important for a multiuser application to use WAL mode and I 
think this minimises the potential for locking conflicts from each of 
users.  The benefit of a web application is that each page request opens 
the database, does its stuff and closes it again.  There is therefore a 
reasonably large probability that all connections to the database are 
closed in a reasonably short space of time.  In WAL mode, the last 
database close encorporates the WAL back into the main database, so 
there is relatively little time when its not encorporated back in.

For me, the biggest problem is having sufficiently recent versions of 
all the code and libraries to support WAL mode.  At least one host 
(Bluehost) that I use can't handle that.

Alan Chandler
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Nth row of on sqlite DB

2010-10-14 Thread Alan Chandler
On 14/10/10 17:26, Kavita Raghunathan wrote:
> I found an example:
> Select * from  order by ID where limit 1 offset n-1
> Will retreive the nth row.
> In this case order by ID is probably not necessary as its already ordered
> with a few missing rows.

It might happen to be ordered - but that is an implementation detail. 
Unless you use the ORDER BY clause the database may deliver the records 
in any order it wishes. It is not forced to use the ID order.

Alan Chandler
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Is the SYNTAX diagram wrong

2010-10-14 Thread Alan Chandler
I seem to be doing plenty of


but looking at the syntax diagrams at


it looks like I have to follow LEFT with OUTER.

Shouldn't the diagram allow OUTER to be bypassed?

Alan Chandler
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Just want to double check on index need

2010-10-14 Thread Alan Chandler
On 14/10/10 17:28, Dan Kennedy wrote:
> On Oct 14, 2010, at 10:43 PM, Alan Chandler wrote:
>> CREATE TABLE div_winner_pick (
>>  PRIMARY KEY (cid,confid,divid,uid)
>> );

>> CREATE INDEX div_win_pick_uid_cid_idx ON div_winner_pick (uid,cid);


> It should be clearer. Basically the index would be redundant
> if it contains the same columns in the same order as the primary
> key. Or a prefix thereof. i.e. the following indexes would be
> all be redundant (pure overhead for no benefit):
>  CREATE INDEX x ON div_pick_winner(cid);
>  CREATE INDEX x ON div_pick_winner(cid,confid);
>  CREATE INDEX x ON div_pick_winner(cid,confid,divid);
>  CREATE INDEX x ON div_pick_winner(cid,confid,divid,uid);
> Your index is not redundant though.

This is interesting - what if I changed the primary key to be

PRIMARY KEY (uid,cid,confid,divid)

Is that an optimisation that is useful to make?

Alan Chandler
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Just want to double check on index need

2010-10-14 Thread Alan Chandler
I am porting an application (American Football Results Picking 
Competition) over from a Postgres databaseo to SQLite which involves 
some fairly intense queries.  I am doing this partially to do some 
performance comparisons although I have some other reasons too.

I just want to make sure that I am setting up the indexes to some of the 
tables correctly.

Here is an example of a representative type of table

CREATE TABLE div_winner_pick (
 cid integer NOT NULL REFERENCES competition(cid) ON UPDATE CASCADE 
ON DELETE CASCADE, -- Competition ID
 confid character(3) NOT NULL REFERENCES conference(confid) ON 
 divid character(1) NOT NULL REFERENCES division(divid) ON UPDATE 
 uid integer NOT NULL REFERENCES participant(uid) ON UPDATE CASCADE 
 tid character(3) NOT NULL REFERENCES team(tid) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON 
DELETE CASCADE, --Team who will win division
 submit_time bigint DEFAULT (strftime('%s','now')) NOT NULL, --Time 
of submission
 PRIMARY KEY (cid,confid,divid,uid)

where the Primary key references several columns

For this particular table - in my Postgres definition I created the 
following two indexes

CREATE INDEX div_win_pick_uid_idx ON div_winner_pick (uid);
CREATE INDEX div_win_pick_cid_idx ON div_winner_pick (cid);

i.e.  Two of the 4 fields that make up the primary key.

and I was anticipating doing the same - or something similar - I am not 
yet convinced I don't need to do

CREATE INDEX div_win_pick_uid_cid_idx ON div_winner_pick (uid,cid);

However, I came across the following text on the SQLite Web Site as part 
of the explanation of the CREATE TABLE command

constraints are implemented by creating an index in the database (in the 
same way as a "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX" statement would). Such an index is 
used like any other index in the database to optimize queries. As a 
result, there often no advantage (but significant overhead) in creating 
an index on a set of columns that are already collectively subject to a 
UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY constraint."

I just wanted to check that lack of advantage (and overhead) applies 
purely to an index across all columns of the primary key and that if I 
need the index across a lesser number of columns (because I am querying 
for all records that match where I can define the values "cid" and "uid" 
in the example above) it is still and advantage to create it separately.

Alan Chandler
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Which data type is better for date?

2010-09-04 Thread Alan Chandler
On 04/09/10 12:31, Mike Zang wrote:
> I try to convert data to SQLite3 for iPad, please give me some detail
> suggestion.

I don't think this applies to you, but I had to build an application 
where time for the user has to be reasonably accurate (an American 
Football picking competition, where the deadline was 5 minutes before 
each match)  My users are worldwide.

I realised that on the server end, I could carry the date/time around as 
a UNIX timestamp (ie seconds from 1970 UTC) and then use javascript on 
the client end (in a browser) to locally display stuff as (after 
multiplying by 1000).

As a result, I almost always think about that approach as my first 
choice when writing a new app.

Alan Chandler
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Parameters in views preparation

2010-08-26 Thread Alan Chandler
On 26/08/10 20:29, Alan Chandler wrote:
> On 26/08/10 17:38, Simon Slavin wrote:
>> So someone can check it out.  Try it with a VIEW that definitely doesn't 
>> exist, or use
> As far as I can work it out, the statement then prepares OK - but seems
> then to execute as a no op.  Since having completed that script and then
> checking the schema with the command line sqlite3 utility, the view no
> longer exists.
> This seems completely wrong.  Surely it should do this check at
> *execute* time not at *prepare* time.

Life is just too short.  The benefit of a prepared statement is lost 
when you can't have parameters and you are only using it once anyway, so 
whilst there is a slight lengthening of the time when the database is 
Locked, its just easier to move the whole thing into a PDO::exec 
function (which in SQLITE terms I think prepares and then executes 

I did this, and my code now works fine.

There might be a discussion about the difference between semantic and 
syntactic validation of prepared statements, but I am not expert enough 
in SQL to know what the perceived wisdom in this area is.

Alan Chandler

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Parameters in views preparation

2010-08-26 Thread Alan Chandler
On 26/08/10 17:38, Simon Slavin wrote:

> So someone can check it out.  Try it with a VIEW that definitely doesn't 
> exist, or use

As far as I can work it out, the statement then prepares OK - but seems 
then to execute as a no op.  Since having completed that script and then 
checking the schema with the command line sqlite3 utility, the view no 
longer exists.

This seems completely wrong.  Surely it should do this check at 
*execute* time not at *prepare* time.

Alan Chandler

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Parameters in views preparation

2010-08-26 Thread Alan Chandler
On 26/08/10 13:38, Simon Slavin wrote:
> On 26 Aug 2010, at 12:12pm, Alan Chandler wrote:
>> This time it reported that the view it would have created failed because
>> the table (view) already existed.
> I'm sorry to ask this, but can you check for us whether a VIEW by that name 
> really does exist ?  Don't forget, VIEWs get saved in the file, they're not 
> part of the attachment.

Yes it does - this VIEW outputs the transactions in the default currency 
(rather than the currency of the transaction) and the whole objective of 
my this particular php script is to update this view when the default 
currency changes.

a...@kanga:~/dev/money/db[master]$ sqlite3 money.db
SQLite version 3.7.0
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> .schema dfxaction
CREATE VIEW dfxaction AS
 SELECT t.id,t.date,t.version, src, srccode, dst, 
dstcode,t.description, rno, repeat,
 WHEN t.currency = 'GBP' THEN t.amount
 WHEN t.srcamount IS NOT NULL AND sa.currency = 'GBP' THEN 
 WHEN t.dstamount IS NOT NULL AND da .currency = 'GBP' THEN 
 ELSE CAST ((CAST (t.amount AS REAL) / currency.rate) AS 
 END AS dfamount
 xaction AS t
 LEFT JOIN account AS sa ON t.src = sa.name
 LEFT JOIN account AS da ON t.dst = da.name
 LEFT JOIN currency ON
 t.currency != 'GBP' AND
 (t.srcamount IS NULL OR sa.currency != 'GBP') AND
     (t.dstamount IS NULL OR da.currency != 'GBP') AND
 t.currency = currency.name;

Alan Chandler

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Parameters in views preparation

2010-08-26 Thread Alan Chandler
On 26/08/10 12:20, Pavel Ivanov wrote:

> Yes, "validation" happens only at the time of execution. So you are
> apparently doing something wrong and you better show your code.

easiest is to provide links to a copy.  I've added a .txt extension to 
all the files to stop them being executed by the web server

The key php file I am talking about is this one


It is trying to update the view (dfxaction) which provides transaction 
amounts in the default currency because the default currency is changing..

You will see it requires db.inc which is here


This initializes the global variable $db by opening the sqlite database.

The whole database schema is loaded on initial initialization by reading 
this file

The dfxaction view is created almost at the end of this file.


(someone asked further down the thread whether the view really exists. 
Yes it does and its not temporary).

Alan Chandler

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Parameters in views preparation

2010-08-26 Thread Alan Chandler
On 26/08/10 10:22, Alan Chandler wrote:
> I am using PHP PDO to access sqlite and have reached a peculiar error
> situation.  Basically its saying I can't have parameters in a CREATE
> VIEW sql statement when I am preparing it.

The plot thickens

I replaced all the parameter placeholders with a quoted version of the 
parameter and undertook the prepare statement again.

This time it reported that the view it would have created failed because 
the table (view) already existed.

Is it correct to undertake the semantic validation at prepare time?

In my code, I delete the view before attempting to recreate it by 
executing the prepared statement.  Isn't that the time to validate 
whether there are semantic problems with the statement?

The reason I was pre-preparing the statement was to limit the time I 
have to lock the database with a "BEGIN IMMEDIATE" (and the later 
Alan Chandler

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Parameters in views preparation

2010-08-26 Thread Alan Chandler
I am using PHP PDO to access sqlite and have reached a peculiar error 
situation.  Basically its saying I can't have parameters in a CREATE 
VIEW sql statement when I am preparing it.

I can't find any reference to this restriction or the error message in 
the SQLite documentation, so I am wondering is it a SQLite restriction 
or something PDO is forcing upon me?

This is the prepare statement followed by a var dump to check the error 

$vstmt = $db->prepare("
CREATE VIEW dfxaction AS
 SELECT t.id,t.date,t.version, src, srccode, dst, 
dstcode,t.description, rno, repeat,
 WHEN t.currency = ? THEN t.amount
 WHEN t.srcamount IS NOT NULL AND sa.currency = ? THEN 
 WHEN t.dstamount IS NOT NULL AND da .currency = ? THEN 
 ELSE CAST ((CAST (t.amount AS REAL) / currency.rate) AS 
 END AS dfamount
 xaction AS t
 LEFT JOIN account AS sa ON t.src = sa.name
 LEFT JOIN account AS da ON t.dst = da.name
 LEFT JOIN currency ON
 t.currency != ? AND
 (t.srcamount IS NULL OR sa.currency != ? ) AND
 (t.dstamount IS NULL OR da.currency != ?) AND
 t.currency = currency.name;

and this gives the following error info

array(3) {
   string(5) "HY000"
   string(35) "parameters are not allowed in views"

All the parameters are to be bound to the same value, the 3 letter name 
of a default currency which will be passed in via a $_POST variable for 
this particular Ajax called routine.

I could just use PHP to merge in the variable into the string, but I 
have been using prepare and bindValue to prevent SQL injection attacks 
so I am a little nervous of breaking this rule.

Is there a particular reason for this restriction (if it is indeed an 
SQLite one).

Alan Chandler

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Suggestion for project: Chat

2010-08-24 Thread Alan Chandler
On 24/08/10 17:21, Artur Reilin wrote:
> I thinking about coding a chat with sqlite. You know the most hosts not
> allow you to use chats or something that way, because they write and read
> to often data from mysql database.
> So my thought is to make a chat which use forums software mysql tables for
> user data, but writes and read chat text from sqlite database. As the chat
> content get pruned after some time, the database can't grow big. So the
> insert and selects should be fast.

I have already made a chat that uses SQLite.  Its available to clone 
from my git repository (licenced under the GPL).

See http://www.chandlerfamily.org.uk/content/software

To clone the repository you need

git clone git://www.chandlerfamily.org.uk/mbchat.git

This originally started life as an mysql database version, but using it 
on the web site I wrote it for (http://www.melindasbackups.com) it ran 
out of steam when 20 people were using it (as it had to poll the 
database every 2 seconds per user to get a sensible performance).

I went through some intermediate stage of using named pipes and sqlite 
before landing on the current version that forks a chat server for the 
time that anyone is in chat.  I have also added optional security 
controls so that its possible to encrypt chat messages.

It has multiple rooms which are added via adding them to the database, 
and various permissions and colours for users. (users see some rooms as 
public, others are moderated, and others they see only when they are 
members of a specific group - we used them as committee rooms).

There is a useable demo here


which is stand alone.  The code can also link to an SMF forum and derive 
username from the login identity of the user on the forum.

Alan Chandler

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] [PHP5-FPM] Sqlite3 or pdo_sqlite?

2010-07-24 Thread Alan Chandler
On 24/07/10 15:41, Alan Chandler wrote:
> On 24/07/10 14:18, J. King wrote:
>> PDO_sqlite3 also does have the advantage of being available by default
>> since PHP 5.0.0, whereas sqlite3 is only available by default since PHP
>> 5.3.0.  I'm aware of no other advantages to using PDO, and from what I've
>> read it's on the slow side.
> Right now its the only php library that calls (or enables a call) to
> sqlite_busy_timeout.
> There is a patch which will make it into php 5.3.3 when it is released
> "very shortly" that does provide for that call.
> This makes the sqlite3 pretty bad for applications (such as the typical
> web site) where there might be some locking issues.
I meant that right now PDO:: is the only library that enables the call. 
  Sqlite3 will get it shortly

Alan Chandler

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] [PHP5-FPM] Sqlite3 or pdo_sqlite?

2010-07-24 Thread Alan Chandler
On 24/07/10 14:18, J. King wrote:

> PDO_sqlite3 also does have the advantage of being available by default
> since PHP 5.0.0, whereas sqlite3 is only available by default since PHP
> 5.3.0.  I'm aware of no other advantages to using PDO, and from what I've
> read it's on the slow side.

Right now its the only php library that calls (or enables a call) to 

There is a patch which will make it into php 5.3.3 when it is released 
"very shortly" that does provide for that call.

This makes the sqlite3 pretty bad for applications (such as the typical 
web site) where there might be some locking issues.

Alan Chandler

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Help with complex UPDATE question

2010-07-22 Thread Alan Chandler
On 22/07/10 23:38, peterwinson1 wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a some what complex question about UPDATE.  I have the following
> table
> table1 (KEY, COL1)
> 0, 1
> 1, 2
> 2, 3
> 3, 4
> What I would like to do is to UPDATE COL1 by subtracting the COL1 value
> where KEY = 0 from the COL1 value of the current row so that the result
> would be.
> 0, 0
> 1, 1
> 2, 2
> 3, 3
> Can this be done in SQL?  It does not have to be one UPDATE/SELECT
> statement.
> Thank you
> pw

UPDATE table1 SET COL1 = (COL1 - (SELECT COL1 FROM table1 WHERE key = 0));

Alan Chandler

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Couple of questions about WAL

2010-07-22 Thread Alan Chandler
On 22/07/10 17:14, Dan Kennedy wrote:

> When in WAL mode, clients use file-locks to implement a kind of
> robust (crash-proof) reference counting for each database file.
> When a client disconnects, if it is the only client connected to
> that database file, it automatically runs a checkpoint and
> then deletes the *-wal file.

Aah - this is an important point which I didn't get from the docs.  I 
thought the wal was only cleared after the 1000 page watermark had been 

> So one thing to bear in mind when using WAL mode is always to
> call sqlite3_close() on all database handles before process
> exit. Otherwise you may leave a big *-wal file in the file-system
> which will need to be traversed by the next client that connects
> to the database.

Thanks - that is an important point.  I don't do that at the moment.

I wrote
>> 2) If the WAL is not synced back to the database (because the 1000
>> pages
>> have yet to be created), is it still in non volatile storage, synced
>> at
>> the end of the last commit.  In other words, if the server happens to
>> get shut down and rebooted, will the WAL still be there and continue
>> to
>> function from the last committed transaction.  (And, given question 1
>> the WAL index will just be rebuilt).
> Yes and yes. Assuming you are using synchronous=FULL. If using
> synchronous=NORMAL then the contents of the WAL may or may not
> have made it to persistent media when the crash occured. In this
> case the checksums in the WAL are used to recover as many
> transactions as possible.

I am not so worries about a system crash killing a transaction in the 
middle as an otherwise quiescent system being shut down normally.

However, as you say, the last closed database connection clears the WAL 
anyway, so I don't think this matters

>> 4) Is the escalation of locks process process still in place.  In
>> particular, are the semantics of BEGIN, BEGIN IMMEDIATE and BEGIN
>> EXCLUSIVE the same?  (My current approach is that for web access that
>> does only reads, I do a BEGIN, and then the SELECTS and then COMMIT,
>> for
>> one that has some INSERT and UPDATES, I do a BEGIN IMMEDIATE, do an
>> application level check (via SELECT) on a version field on the
>> database
>> to ensure its the same as when I originally read it, ROLLBACK if it
>> isn't, but if it is proceed with the INSERTS and UPDATES and finally
> In WAL mode, "BEGIN IMMEDIATE" and "BEGIN EXCLUSIVE" do the same
> thing - open a write transaction. In both cases readers are not
> affected (different from rollback mode - in rollback mode a
> "BEGIN EXCLUSIVE" would lock out all readers).

I have a worry about consistency of view rather than whether or not a 
reader is locked out.

If I do a BEGIN, SELECT1 and at that point a writer does BEGIN 
IMMEDIATE, SELECT3, UPDATE, COMMIT, and then I continue with SELECT2 
COMMIT, will SELECT1 and SELECT2 have a consistent view of the database 
unaffected by the UPDATE in the middle.  In other words, is the Readers 
view of how far up the WAL it is allowed to look get controlled by the 
BEGIN ... COMMIT bracket rather than just the individual SELECTS it is 

Alan Chandler

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Couple of questions about WAL

2010-07-22 Thread Alan Chandler
I have been reading about WAL, and there are a few questions I would 
like to ask.

1)  I am slightly confused about readers building the WAL index. It says 
way down the page


Using an ordinary disk file to provide shared memory has the 
disadvantage that it might actually do unnecessary disk I/O by writing 
the shared memory to disk. However, the developers do not think this is 
a major concern since the wal-index rarely exceeds 32 KiB in size and is 
never synced. Furthermore, the wal-index backing file is deleted when 
the last database connection disconnects, which often prevents any real 
disk I/O from ever happening.


In a situation where I have a web application (php based) in essence 
each request makes a database connection, does a couple of queries, and 
exits (thereby closing the connection).  Unless my site gets really 
loaded (which in the application I am thinking of porting over to SQLite 
doesn't happen) it is quite frequent that there are no open database 
connections.  Does this mean that every web access has to rebuild the 
index just to perform a query?  is this a long process?

2) If the WAL is not synced back to the database (because the 1000 pages 
have yet to be created), is it still in non volatile storage, synced at 
the end of the last commit.  In other words, if the server happens to 
get shut down and rebooted, will the WAL still be there and continue to 
function from the last committed transaction.  (And, given question 1 
the WAL index will just be rebuilt).

3) When the 1000 page (or perhaps a smaller number that might be more 
appropriate in my case) watermark is passed, does the writer (if not 
interrupted) completely clear the WAL.

4) Is the escalation of locks process process still in place.  In 
particular, are the semantics of BEGIN, BEGIN IMMEDIATE and BEGIN 
EXCLUSIVE the same?  (My current approach is that for web access that 
does only reads, I do a BEGIN, and then the SELECTS and then COMMIT, for 
one that has some INSERT and UPDATES, I do a BEGIN IMMEDIATE, do an 
application level check (via SELECT) on a version field on the database 
to ensure its the same as when I originally read it, ROLLBACK if it 
isn't, but if it is proceed with the INSERTS and UPDATES and finally 
Alan Chandler

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Understanding how to use locking optimally

2010-07-10 Thread Alan Chandler
driver. For example, sqlite will wait for up to this time value before 
giving up on obtaining an writable lock, but other drivers may interpret 
this as a connect or a read timeout interval. Requires int 
<http://uk.php.net/manual/en/language.types.integer.php> .

which sort of implies that it does).

I presume many people have experience of the sort of application pattern 
I am describing.  What approach to managing locking do you take?

Alan Chandler

sqlite-users mailing list