Re: [sqlite] Multiple Updates

2006-09-29 Thread Chris Gurtler

Hi Trevor,

Thanks, that makes a big difference to the way I thought it worked.



Trevor Talbot wrote:

On 9/29/06, Chris Gurtler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

A transaction has the select statements in one single string starting
with a begin and ending with an end. I have a column which is a BLOB,
and this may contain control characters like NULL.

Think of BEGIN and COMMIT more like state-changing commands.  Once you
execute a BEGIN, all future work on that connection will be inside of
a transaction, until you COMMIT.  They don't need to be within a
single string, and your loops and sqlite3_bind_* can be used exactly
the same way they are now (with the corrections noted by Igor of
course).  Just prepare/step a BEGIN before the loop, and a COMMIT


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Re: [sqlite] Multiple Updates

2006-09-29 Thread Chris Gurtler

Hi Trevor,

A transaction has the select statements in one single string starting 
with a begin and ending with an end. I have a column which is a BLOB, 
and this may contain control characters like NULL.



Trevor Talbot wrote:

On 9/28/06, Chris Gurtler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I wish I could use transactions, but because I'm updating a blob I need
to do it that way. Ill check out the PRAGMA option to see if that helps.

Why does what you showed above mean you can't use transactions?

Also, that PRAGMA will mean a corrupted database if there is a crash
or power failure while you're performing operations on it, so make
sure that's acceptable.


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Re: [sqlite] Multiple Updates

2006-09-28 Thread Chris Gurtler


I wish I could use transactions, but because I'm updating a blob I need 
to do it that way. Ill check out the PRAGMA option to see if that helps.



He Shiming wrote:

Hi All,

Is it possible to do multiple updates of blobs using the bind 
variables, I was doing them 1 at a time but it was a little slow.

For example :-

rc = sqlite3_prepare(objects_db, "UPDATE table SET proprietary_data = 
? WHERE device_id = ? and instance = ?", -1, , 0);

for (i= 0; i <10;i++)
   sqlite3_bind_blob(pStmt, 1, proprietary_data, 
proprietary_data_len, SQLITE_STATIC);

   sqlite3_bind_int(pStmt, 2, object->device_id);
   sqlite3_bind_int(pStmt, 3, object->objectIdentifier.instance);

   rc = sqlite3_step(pStmt);
   if (sqlite3_finalize(pStmt))



There is a pretty simple answer to all these kinds of questions. Use 
transactions. You can see the details about transactions and 
performance here: . In my 
experience, performance do improve a lot when transaction is used for 
such an update or insert iteration.

If you don't know it yet, another idea is to use PRAGMA synchronous = 
OFF; . This way, sqlite will rely on operating system disk cache, 
which is an even greater improvement in performance.

Best regards,
He Shiming


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Re: [sqlite] Most appropriate Web based database? (Newbie)

2006-04-06 Thread Chris Gurtler

Hi Lenster,

For a Web application you are probably better off with MySQL, it runs as 
a seperate process and handles multiple threads really well. I'm 
probably going to offend the sqlite people out there, but sqlite is 
fantastic for an embedded database, and a web app is not what I would 
call embedded.



Lenster wrote:

I am investigating which would be the most appropriate RDMS to use for 
a new Intranet based application. I have rounded down my choice to two 
candidates - SQLite and MySQL. 

The application needs to be available to about twenty users on a daily 
basis, with most of those users making no more than five 'write' 
transactions a day, and around twenty 'read' transactions a day. 

Depending upon its success the application may well develop to 
incorporate other datasets and users - so the RDMS needs to be able to 
develop without difficulty. 

IMHO SQLite looks as though it would be the fastest to develop and with 
the least resources required but after reading some SQLite 

"A good rule of thumb is that you should avoid using SQLite in 
situations where the same database will be accessed simultaneously from 
many computers over a network filesystem." 

I am concerned that even though I expect light usage it is likely that 
multiple users will access the same database concurrently. 

Would I be correct in assuming that MySQL is a safer (longterm) bet? 

Thanks for any and all responses 

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[sqlite] Using the Precompiled Binaries on Linux

2006-01-28 Thread Chris Gurtler

Hi All,

This is hopefully a really basic question for someone. I have downloaded 
the precompiled binary for Linux and I've got a file called

So far so good, but I'm not sure what steps to use to install this 

Should I extract it and copy it into \usr\lib and then use ln to set up 
the linker name?

Most of the files here start with lib, and I was expecting to get a file 

Am I missing something? Hopefully someone can point me in the right 



[sqlite] SQLite is Awesome

2005-10-12 Thread Chris Gurtler

Ok, so Mr. Hipp's spelling may need a little work, but SQLite has got to be the 
best bit of software that I have come accross for quite a while.

Thank you !!



Re: [sqlite] SQL Queries

2005-09-27 Thread Chris Gurtler

Thanks Eric,

That's exactly what the issue was, and it all works like a treat now.

After about 4 hours I have managed to remove my Access Database and now have 
a far better solution, I'm impressed!



- Original Message - 
From: "Eric Bohlman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 4:37 AM
Subject: Re: [sqlite] SQL Queries

Chris Gurtler wrote:
I'm pretty new to SQLite, and am just looking for a few pointers on SQL 
queries, this is an example of a query from a crapy MS Access database 
that I want to convert to SQLite, but it fails. it says c.group_id does 
not exist.

I'm wondering if anyone has got some tips on multiple joins, I suspect 
SQLite doesn't like these joins very much and I will need to rewrite some 
of the queries.

It's not a problem with joins _per se_, it involves the propagation of 
column names from subqueries.  It looks like this is the same problem 
reported in ticket  (,33) 
and the workaround suggested there might help.

[sqlite] SQL Queries

2005-09-26 Thread Chris Gurtler


I'm pretty new to SQLite, and am just looking for a few pointers on SQL 
queries, this is an example of a query from a crapy MS Access database that 
I want to convert to SQLite, but it fails. it says c.group_id does not 

I'm wondering if anyone has got some tips on multiple joins, I suspect 
SQLite doesn't like these joins very much and I will need to rewrite some of 
the queries.



Query  is :-

Select *
select b.group_id from users a INNER JOIN
 select group_id from group_users
   Where user_id = 'pass'
   ) as b
on (a.user_id = b.user_id)
   Where a.password = 'pass'
 ) c
 inner join groups as d on
 (c.group_id = d.group_id)