Re: [sqlite] C# How to getorun autoincrement value

2012-03-08 Thread Joe D

On 2012-03-08 11:07, Joe D wrote:

On 2012-03-06 15:20, Pawl wrote:


I don't know how to make this EASY thing (for me side) I found only this,
but they said it is solverd, but it isn;t

I don;t know what I get exception Not supported when I tried to setup
ParameterDirection another then input!

I add this "sqa.InsertCommand.UpdatedRowSource =
UpdateRowSource.FirstReturnedRecord;" before. But without any result!

Try this.

SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand("INSERT INTO TABLE (FIELD1,

... append parameters ...

int nextValue = command.ExecuteScalar();

Or if you're looking for a specific column and not the ROWID, try this:

SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand("INSERT INTO TABLE (FIELD1, 

... append parameters ...

int nextValue = command.ExecuteScalar();

Never tried that, but it looks like it should work...

Joe D
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] C# How to getorun autoincrement value

2012-03-08 Thread Joe D

On 2012-03-06 15:20, Pawl wrote:


I don't know how to make this EASY thing (for me side) I found only this,
but they said it is solverd, but it isn;t

I don;t know what I get exception Not supported when I tried to setup
ParameterDirection another then input!

I add this "sqa.InsertCommand.UpdatedRowSource =
UpdateRowSource.FirstReturnedRecord;" before. But without any result!

Try this.

SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand("INSERT INTO TABLE (FIELD1, 

... append parameters ...

int nextValue = command.ExecuteScalar();

Joe D

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Do I need to migrate to MySQL?

2011-06-05 Thread Joe D
On 2011-06-05 12:26, Dagdamor wrote:
 > If you need a non-transactional (atomic)...

> If you need transactions (although in most of the web cases you don't need 
> them)...

Non-transactional is by definition not atomic.

With the single exception of something that is strictly read-only, I 
have never, ever, seen any database application that did not need 
transactions.  Ever.

There's more to transactions than just grouping together multiple SQL 

If you do any INSERTs, UPDATEs, or DELETEs at all, you need 
transactions, even if there are no indexes involved, even if the 
individual statements don't affect each other.

Even a simple insert can involve multiple operations like requesting 
more disk space from the OS, rearranging pointers in the database file 
on the disk, etc.

What happens if there's a power failure while it's in the middle of that 
insert?  With transactions, it gets rolled back when things start up 
again.  Without, you could wind up with a corrupted database.

Joe D
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Bulk insert performance

2011-05-29 Thread Joe D
On 2011-05-29 06:14, Kees Nuyt wrote:
> On Sun, 29 May 2011 10:35:51 +1000, "Greg Keogh"
> wrote:
>> I'm utterly gobsmacked by the poor performance of the
>> inserts without a transaction around them.
> It's a FAQ,
> explains the reasons quite clearly.

Also see the section named "Tips on Optimizing Your Queries" in the 
SQLite.Net help files.

The advice there applies to any .NET data provider, not just SQLite.Net.

Joe D
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Using with Linq to create database

2011-05-24 Thread Joe D
On 2011-05-24 18:37, Ruth Ivimey-Cook wrote:
> So far the create database thing is my bugbear. It doesn't seem hard or
> bad practice to implement "create database" as a no-op (or better, an
> expunge of the current file so that the app sees an empty database).
> I guess a workaround could be to modify the wrapper to search/replace
> create database out of existence... that really does seem like a hack!

According to this:

you need to create a class for your database that inherits from 
DataContext.  CreateDatabase is a DataContext method.  So it looks to me 
like you need to override that method in your derived database class.

This is just from poking around on MSDN.  I am no doubt terribly wrong, 
and will now be mocked.

Look at the testlinq program and see how it connects.  Maybe that will 
give you some pointers.

Joe D
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Using with Linq to create database

2011-05-24 Thread Joe D
On 2011-05-24 09:28, Ruth Ivimey-Cook wrote:
> Folks,
> Has anyone successfully used and
> together with the linq CreateDatabase function?
> When I try, I get an exception "syntax error near "DATABASE"".
> If I try to query database existence using Linq's "DatabaseExists" I get
> a NotImplemented exception in the sqlite ChangeDatabase function - which
> doesn't make sense to me.

I have never in my life messed with Linq, but I did poke around a bit 
getting the testlinq program to work.

Does it work for you?  You'll probably have to fix the connection 
strings in the App.Config for it.

Joe D
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] System.Data.SQLite INT vs INTEGER

2011-05-19 Thread Joe D
On 2011-05-19 01:16, Xavier Naval wrote:
> You can take a look at
> where you can find the DataType mappings for the .NET provider.
> Be careful also with
> DOUBLE ->  DbType.Double
> FLOAT ->  DbType.Double
> REAL ->  DbType.Single

Ah, so it is by design then.  OK, I can live with that.

Joe D
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] System.Data.SQLite INT vs INTEGER

2011-05-18 Thread Joe D

I have an app that creates a table of file names and sizes.  The app 
itself works fine.

I wanted to look at the table just to make sure that it was doing what 
it should, so I used something to do a simple SELECT * and bind the 
results to a DataGrid.

When I did, I got an error "Value was either too large or too small for 
an Int32".

I tracked it down to the column being created as type INT instead of 
INTEGER.  SQLite treats these as the same, but System.Data.SQLite treats 
INT as Int32 and INTEGER as Int64.

Changing the app so that the table was created as type INTEGER made the 
error go away.

I traced it down to the SQLiteConvert._typeNames array.

The entry for INT defines it as Int32.  I changed it to Int64 and 
changed the app back to INT for the column.  This also made the error go 

The error also did not occur if there were no files with sizes in excess 
of Int32.MaxValue.

I'm not sure if this is worthy of a bug fix or not.  It could cause 
issues if you were loading a table created somewhere else with a column 
defined as INT instead if INTEGER.  Or not.

Joe D

sqlite-users mailing list