[sqlite] SQLite Datareader problems with Int?

2014-05-14 Thread Kleiner Werner

A program written in C# use SQLite datareader to read SQLite tables and columns.
We have some problems now with SQLite columns which are declared as "int" (not 
It seems that the SQlite datareader recognice these columns as integer 32 bit.
If we change the columns to "INTEGER" all works fine.

Sorry that I can't give you more details. I am no C# programmer.

My questions are:

1. Had someone other here same problems with int columns and datareader?

2. We do a convertion from a MySQL db to SQLite with a tool. It converts all 
MySQL int(10) to SQLite int.
Could it be a problem or does it matter if we convert all SQLite int columns to 
As I understand the docu, for SQLite it makes no difference.

kind regards
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Corrupt database

2014-05-14 Thread Kleiner Werner

A collegue has strange behavior with a sqlite database.
The original DB is about 13 MB.
After storing 40 entries in a table the disk space is double and about 26 MB.
It is a program written in C# and used the SQLite datareader.
Now, suddenly he cannot get any returns from an simle select.
If he executes the same SELECT in the Firefox Plugin SQLite Administrator it 
works fine.
It is a simple select of a table with some integer columns.
I have no knowledge in C# and SQLite datareader.
But is it possible to check the database or check why the size is so much 
We did a PRAGMA integrity_check which has no errors.
thank you for any help
best regards
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] General error: 11 malformed database schema - near "'NOCASE'":

2014-05-09 Thread Kleiner Werner
I have a strange problem.
On my Windows 7 XAMPP there is a little web application. 
The PHP connection to SQLite DB (3.3.7) is made with PDO.
On Windows all is fine.

Now I copied complete project to a Web Hoster. 
if I want to call my start page I get the error:

General error: 11 malformed database schema - near "'NOCASE'":

The table has some columns which are declared as NOCASE
I have no idea why the SQLite db works fine on Windows but not on the WebSpace? 
(because it is Linux?)

thanks for any idea?

best regards
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Storing amount?

2014-05-08 Thread Kleiner Werner

a PHP script stores an amount into a SQLite table column "salary" which is 
defined as float(10,0)
I a user fill in 5 into a textfield, this value is stored as 5000.0
Why this? why not 5 ?
If I do the same in MySQL, where the column is defined as decimal(10,0) it is 
stored correct as 5.
PS: I did the convertion from mysql to sqlite with a converter tool which 
converts the MySQL decimal(10,0) to SQLite float(10,0) automatically.
Is this the wrong datatype in SQLite for storing amounts?
best regards
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Problems with INT columns

2014-04-29 Thread Kleiner Werner

In our SQLite DB there are some tables with column type as "int" which contains 
values with 13 digits, like 189336960

It seems that the values are stored correct in SQLite table. But if our Windows 
Tool with the SQLite Datareader tries to select this value
it returns wrong values.

We tracked it down to the column being created as type INT instead of 
INTEGER.  SQLite treats these as the same, but System.Data.SQLite treats INT as 
Int32 and INTEGER as Int64 using SQLiteDatareader.

Changing the Columns in the affected table from INT to INTEGER the 
error go away. 

SQLiteDataReader reader = _sqlDbCommand.ExecuteReader();
int fieldCount = reader.FieldCount;

while (reader.Read())
for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++)
 string name = reader.GetName(i);
 string value = reader.GetValue(i).ToString();
 string typeName = reader.GetDataTypeName(i);
 string typeName2 =   reader.GetProviderSpecificFieldType(i).ToString();
 // INT is treated as Int32
 // INTEGER is treated as Int64

Does someone has any idea why is this behavior?
If I understand the SQLite Docu correct there is no difference between INT or 
INTEGER, except if you use a column as Primary Autoincrement.
I thought an Int column in SQLite is always 64bit integer, but why does the 
SQLiteDatareader does it recognize as integer 32?

What is the difference if I declare a column as bigint or int?

best regards

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Use of AUTOINCREMENT

2014-03-28 Thread Kleiner Werner

I saw some discussions here about using the word "AUTOINCREMENT" for a primary 
key or not.
Sometimes the meaning is "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY" is enough, because this will 
also make an auto increment id.
Can someone give me a clarification if "AUTOINCREMENT" is needed or not?
In the FAQ I can read this;
" The new key will be unique over all keys currently in the table, but it might 
overlap with keys that have been previously deleted from the table."
Does this mean, if there are 10 rows with id 1 -10 and I delete row with id 5, 
then the next insert will be ID = 5?
Or is next ID = 11?
I understand that if I need absolutely unique IDs over the lifetime I need to 
use AUTOINCREMENT. That's correct?
And with AUTOINCREMENT the last IDs will be stored in a table 
Are there sow disatvantages of using AUTOINCREMENT , like SQLite is slower or 
something else?
best regard
sqlite-users mailing list