Re: [sqlite] Sqlite and Java

2006-01-19 Thread Nilo Paim

Noel Frankinet wrote:

Nilo Paim wrote:

Hi Noel,

Maybe slower, maybe memory hungry... but not less portable in my 
opinion. Java is machine independent, unless when using native code. 
On that scenario ( native code ) Java is not portable.

My point is: I would like to have access to sqlite databases from 
java without worrying me about native code, dll's, .so'es, etc..., 
just using only pure java code, without lossing the normal access to 
the same databases, using the "normal" way, via C, C++ or any other 
compiled language.

Thanks for your quick response.


Porto Alegre - Brasil

Hello Nilo,

I think there a IBM open source sql engine in pure Java. But I don't 
rember the name right now.

May be you could use that ?


Hi, Noel.

Oh, I got your point now.;-)

Yes, there are some free sql engines in pure Java. The most well known 
is called HSQLDB.

My point is: if I use another sql engine that is written in Java then I 
just inverted the problem: how to access the databases without writing a 
bridge in native code that allows me to access the database from C or 
C++ or... ?

I'm not searching for a specific solution for a specific project. I'm 
trying to got a solution that I could use many times.

And to be honest, I like Sqlite a lot... 8-)

Thanks for your interest.

Porto Alegre - Brasil

Re: [sqlite] Sqlite and Java

2006-01-19 Thread Nilo Paim

Noel Frankinet wrote:

Nilo Paim wrote:

Hi all,

Does anybody here knows something about a port of sqlite to java?

Please, note that I'm not talking about java calling sqlite via JNI, but
about a real rewrite of sqlite using java. Obviously, a second step
would be the writing of a JDBC driver.

Would be useful that port?

Comments? Suggestions?

Thanks to all.

Porto Alegre - Brasil

Hello Nilo,

What would be the point ?
A slower, memory hungry, less portable sqlite ?


Hi Noel,

Maybe slower, maybe memory hungry... but not less portable in my 
opinion. Java is machine independent, unless when using native code. On 
that scenario ( native code ) Java is not portable.

My point is: I would like to have access to sqlite databases from java 
without worrying me about native code, dll's, .so'es, etc..., just using 
only pure java code, without lossing the normal access to the same 
databases, using the "normal" way, via C, C++ or any other compiled 

Thanks for your quick response.


Porto Alegre - Brasil

[sqlite] Sqlite and Java

2006-01-19 Thread Nilo Paim

Hi all,

Does anybody here knows something about a port of sqlite to java?

Please, note that I'm not talking about java calling sqlite via JNI, but
about a real rewrite of sqlite using java. Obviously, a second step
would be the writing of a JDBC driver.

Would be useful that port?

Comments? Suggestions?

Thanks to all.

Porto Alegre - Brasil