[sqlite] error with authorizer, onecolumn and TCL

2010-01-23 Thread Ramon Ribó
The following sequence gives an incorrect result value:

(ramsan) package require sqlite3
(ramsan) 2 % sqlite3 db :memory:
(ramsan) 3 % db authorizer myauth
(ramsan) 4 % proc myauth { cmd args } {
return SQLITE_OK
(ramsan) 6 % db eval { create table t(a,b) }
(ramsan) 7 % db onecolumn { select a from t }

The error is probably due to the fact that the onecolumn TCL code,
in some cases (if there are no results), does not store a void string
as result. Then, a previous not valid TCL result (SQLITE_OK) is
returned as result of the onecolumn method.
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] what extension do you recommend

2007-10-24 Thread Ramon Ribó

  You should consider the extension for, at least, three situations:

  - Anti virus can check files differently depending on the extension

  - Backup programs can also react on this

  - Windows takes it into account when indexing files

Compass Ing. y Sistemas Dr. Ramon Ribo
http://www.compassis.com[EMAIL PROTECTED]
c/ Tuset, 8 7-2 tel. +34 93 218 19 89
08006 Barcelona, Spain  fax. +34 93 396 97 46

Daniel Önnerby escribió:
Well... From the lack of responses I gather that you actually don't give 
a damn what file extension I use :)
I think this is fare enough and maybe a SQLite database shouldn't be 
tied to a single file extension.

Anyway.. Thanks for listening and thanks for the best database ever!

Daniel Önnerby wrote:

Hi all!

I have developed a small windows application that use a SQLite 
database as it's main format.
The file is NOT a kind of document, it's more of a settings-file 
stored in the users "Application data"-directory and the extension 
will not be associated with the application.

I know I can use any kind of extension on this file, but what 
file-extension is the most common for SQLite-files, .db, .db3, .SQLite?

What file-extensions do the SQLite management tools associate?
What do you recommend?

Best regards!


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Re: [sqlite] Re: SQLite and nested transactions

2007-04-12 Thread Ramon Ribó


  I cannot agree here. Just imagine that the user decision is based on the  
imported data.
Of course, you can read the data of the file, store in temporal structures  
on memory, ask
the user and then, enter the data into the database. But the advantage of  
using sqlite as
storage mechanism, as drh pointed out, is to use it as file format, an  
avoid creating

intermediate data structures.

  My opinion is that it is completely possible to live without nested  
transactions, in
fact we all do now and survive, but they are very convenient to solve a  
full range of
problems. You are right that a different range of problems can be easily  
solved by just

maintaining a counter of transactions.

  Written in an abstract form, you base your reasoning on the fact that  
you know, before
beginning the first transaction, all the future steps that you are going  
to perform and
the order of performing them. This is not always true, as some decisions  
can be based on
external input, like an interative user, data coming from an external  
source, other types
of events. Also, the decision is often taken based on the data itself, so  
it is more
convenient to put the data in the database, operate with it and decide  
after operation.

  Finally, I am not advocating to include nested transactions into sqlite  
or not, as this
is a problem to be solved by the people who is developing the library. But  
it is important

to include all the facts in the discussion.

  Best regards,

Compass Ing. y Sistemas Dr. Ramon Ribo
http://www.compassis.com[EMAIL PROTECTED]
c/ Tuset, 8 7-2 tel. +34 93 218 19 89
08006 Barcelona, Spain  fax. +34 93 396 97 46

En Thu, 12 Apr 2007 00:37:21 +0200, Dennis Cote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

Ramon Ribó wrote:

 Imagine one application that can import data from a file. You want  
that, in case of computer crash, either all the data of the file is  
imported or none. At the same time, you want the user to manually  
accept or reject every section of the file.

  This example can be modelled in a very natural way with a transaction  
covering the full file import and a nested transaction covering every  


I don't see that where nested transactions are needed for this example.

You seem to be suggesting a loop reading each file section and writing  
it into the database in a nested transaction and then rolling back a  
nested transaction if the user says they want to skip that section.

for each section in file {
   read section
   begin nested
   insert section
   if promp_user(section) == keep
  commit nested  else
  rollback nested

The same thing can be done far more efficiently by prompting the user  
first and only inserting the sections the user wants to keep.

for each section in file {
   read section
   if promp_user(section) == keep
  insert section

If the program completes all users selected sections are inserted into  
the database atomically. If the program crashes the entire file will be  
deleted when the incomplete transaction is rolled back. Similarly if an  
I/O error occur when reading the file or a disk full condition happens  
when inserting a section, those and any other errors would cause the  
transaction to be rolled back so that none of the file sections are  
inserted. I want to insert all of the user selected sections or none of  

Nested transaction only create more work and make the application more  

Dennis Cote

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Compass Ing. y Sistemas Dr. Ramon Ribo
http://www.compassis.com[EMAIL PROTECTED]
c/ Tuset, 8 7-2 tel. +34 93 218 19 89
08006 Barcelona, Spain  fax. +34 93 396 97 46

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Re: [sqlite] Re: SQLite and nested transactions

2007-04-11 Thread Ramon Ribó


  There are many examples that can be solved better with nested  
transactions. One of them could be the following:

 Imagine one application that can import data from a file. You want that,  
in case of computer crash, either all the data of the file is imported or  
none. At the same time, you want the user to manually accept or reject  
every section of the file.

  This example can be modelled in a very natural way with a transaction  
covering the full file import and a nested transaction covering every  

  I am sure that it is easy to find many examples more  where nested  
transactions can be the most natural way to solve a problem.

Compass Ing. y Sistemas Dr. Ramon Ribo
http://www.compassis.com[EMAIL PROTECTED]
c/ Tuset, 8 7-2 tel. +34 93 218 19 89
08006 Barcelona, Spain  fax. +34 93 396 97 46

En Wed, 11 Apr 2007 23:33:52 +0200, Dennis Cote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

Darren Duncan wrote:

While it is true in some cases that an application can be written to  
know in advance whether certain SQL statements need to be run or not,  
there are other cases where it can only easily know after having tried  

One type of situation that stands out the most to me is if you have  
state constraints defined (in some way) on the database for which it is  
only really feasible to calculate the constraint definition after DML  
has occurred, because you want SQLite to do the calculation itself on  
the post-DML-state and it is technically simpler that way; if the  
constraint fails, we would want to be able to just rollback the DML  
that caused the state to break, but not the other valid stuff before  
that, since we could have more stuff after this attempt that needs to  
be atomic with stuff before the attempt.

Well, the key thing in that example, and many situations, is that the  
child transaction is doing something that we may or may not want to  
rollback and we won't know until after it is tried.


You have lost me here. If this transaction is considered successful  
without executing the middle step (which is the same as executing it and  
then undoing that execution) then that step does not belong in this  

Instead of

step 1
savepoint after_1
optional step 2
if error
rollback to savepoint after_1
step 3

You can do

step 1
step 3
optional step 2
if error

This said, I can also see situations where there is an unconditional  
child rollback, and that is where we want SQLite itself to perform a  
querying or calculating task using a temporarily changed database state  
as input.  We want the result of the query, but not the changed state  
that went into its input.  But there is other changed state before that  
which does need to go into the input, and it needs to persist, and be  
atomic with other state changes done after the calculation.

Now, you could say make the application do that work, but the fact is  
that certain kinds of data processing are more efficiently done by a  
DBMS itself.
This *is* an example of an application where a nested transaction or a  
savepoint could be useful. However there is a fairly simple workaround  
that gets the same result without a nested transaction.

Instead of:

step 1
savepoint after_1
temp step 2
var = query current state
rollback to savepoint after_1
step 3 using var


step 1
begin nested
temp step 2
var = query current state
rollback nested
step 3 using var

You could do:

step 1
temp step 2
var = query current state
step 1
step 3 using var

And in a multiple access system you could use a variation using chained  
transactions to ensure that no other process changes the database state  
between the two transactions.

step 1
temp step 2
var = query current state
rollback and chain
step 1
step 3 using var

The cost of this approach is repeating the work done in step 1.

Another approach that could be used in some, but definitely not all,  
cases is to use additional SQL statements to undo or invert the effects  
of step 2.

step 1
temp step 2
var = query current state
inverse step 2
step 3 using var

All this said, I look forward to rhurst's specific problem being  
explained, so it is easier for us to see whether child transaction  
support would help *that* problem.


Dennis Cote

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Compass Ing. y Sistemas Dr. Ramon Ribo

[sqlite] New conflict clause: update

2006-08-31 Thread Ramon Ribó


  I was thinking on a new option that could be useful for sqlite.
A new conflict clause called "update"

  so that the following SQL command:

  insert or update into table1 (a,b) values (1,2)

  was equivalent to

  update table1 set a=1,b=2 where ?unique-key-constraint?

  when a unique key contraint is hit.

  I think that it could have advantages over the "replace" conflict
clause for the very usual case that a new record must be
updated or inserted if it does not exist.

  What is your opinion on this?
Compass Ing. y Sistemas Dr. Ramon Ribo
http://www.compassis.com[EMAIL PROTECTED]
c/ Tuset, 8 7-2 tel. +34 93 218 19 89
08006 Barcelona, Spain  fax. +34 93 396 97 46

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[sqlite] aggregate funtion in the TCL binding

2005-08-25 Thread Ramon Ribó
  It also looks to my that the interface should be something as as simple as:
  db aggregate_function step_func final_func
> But it seemed to me that all  it should take is to create a normal TCL
 > function to be called for each  row selected (say, to compute the sums
 > and squares  and products), with  some initialization code  run before
 > the select, and some more code to run when the select is done (say, to
 > compute the correlation coeffiecient between two columns).
I would like to expain the type of problem that I am trying to solve in order to
recieve comments and opinions about its feasibility.
I work in the field of computer simulation for engineering, notably Finite
Element analysis. These types of problems have traditionally been solved
programming in either FORTRAN or C/C++ due to the big amount of
data to deal with and that they are very computer intensive. One run can
be of minutes, hours or even days.
The approach has some disadvantages. For example, the amount of developing
time just dedicated to deal with data structs is huge and also, any change
to the logic of the program can require a big amount of programming.
I want to experiment with a new way of dealing with the problem, by using
sqlite and a mixure of C++ and TCL.
Instead of just fetch data from the database and operate on it, I want to try
a different approach: make the process database driven.
So, instead of:
 loop on "select "
 do my algorithm
 end loop
I want to try something like:
   db eval {
select add_elem_k_triangle(e.num,
from elements_triangles as e
join material_isotropic_shell as m on m.num = e.mat
join nodes as n1 on e.c1 = n1.num
join nodes as n2 on e.c2 = n2.num
join nodes as n3 on e.c3 = n3.num
  where function "add_elem_k_triangle" is the one that make the
real algorithm work and can be implemented either in TCL or in C++
Currently "add_elem_k_triangle" is a normal function that operates on
external structures and has nothing to return for every element. I think
that in this case, it would be better that "add_elem_k_triangle" was an
aggregate function that returned something trivial, like the number of
elements that has operated with. In this way, A lot of void returns could
be avoided.
I understand that it is not simple to explain a problem like this in a few
lines but I hope that some "big picture" has been given.
> What version are you looking at?  The latest Tcl bindings already
> do this.
 I looked at version 3.2.1 and the code is:
static void tclSqlFunc(sqlite3_context *context, int argc, sqlite3_value**argv){
  SqlFunc *p = sqlite3_user_data(context);
  Tcl_DString cmd;
  int i;
  int rc;
  Tcl_DStringAppend(&cmd, p->zScript, -1);
  for(i=0; iinterp, Tcl_DStringValue(&cmd));
  if( rc ){
sqlite3_result_error(context, Tcl_GetStringResult(p->interp), -1); 
sqlite3_result_text(context, Tcl_GetStringResult(p->interp), -1, 
So, it uses strings for the arguments.
  Best regards,

Compass Ing. y Sistemas

Dr. Ramon Ribó

http://www.compassis.com <http://www.compassis.com/> 


c/ Tuset, 8 7-2

tel. +34 93 218 19 89

08006 Barcelona, Spain

fax. +34 93 396 97 46



[sqlite] aggregate funtion in the TCL binding

2005-08-24 Thread Ramon Ribó
  Is there a way to define an aggregate function in the TCL binding?
  In case it is not there, would it be a nice addition for symmetry with
the C-C++ interface?
  Also, I briefly reviewed the TCL binding C code and it looks like the
"function" interface does not take advantage of the new features of sqlite
version 3 with the integers and doubles, as it convert everything to one
string. Are there any plans to change it?

Compass Ing. y Sistemas

Dr. Ramon Ribó

http://www.compassis.com <http://www.compassis.com/> 


c/ Tuset, 8 7-2

tel. +34 93 218 19 89

08006 Barcelona, Spain

fax. +34 93 396 97 46