Hi all,
I'm currently trying to get a file database working on Uclinux/Petalinux. I've 
been using the shell program to test if it is working or not but with no 
success. The filesystem on the board is read-only (/bin /usr) except for the 
"/var" folder which is a ram disk. I have sqlite3 in the bin folder with full 
777 permissions. I have the libsqlite3.a in "/usr/lib", also full permissions. 
I try and create a database in the "/var" folder and seemingly it works at 
first. When I try to enter a command though, I get the error "unable to open 
database file". If i check the /var folder after running the shell program, I 
can see the database file was created but its 0 bytes in size. All the folders 
have full permissions so it shouldn't be that. Sqlite can also output text 
files to that directory just fine.
I built the program from source using the following parameters:

./configure --host="i386-pc-linux" --disable-shared --enable-static

I guess my question is, how can I find out the root cause of the problem? From 
reading various forums, this error is a quite vague. I've tried most things 
with no luck, is there any other options?

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