Re: [sqlite] Using SQLite with R*Tree and FTS3 support in iOS

2011-05-16 Thread Steven Parkes
Well, for my part, I forgot that I'm not including the R-tree stuff at this 
point. I do include FTS (that's why I have a custom build, not to mention the 
latest WAL stuff.)

And to the extent it matters, I'm not using LLVM.

But I am building -O0 -ggdb. That doesn't do any inline or deadcode elimination 
and it throws lots and lots and lots of symbol stuff in. Lots.  Really. Lots.

Unless I'm missing something, you're looking at something that doesn't matter. 
The size of the .a is very weakly correlated to resulting size of the 
executable. You don't ship the .a (or you certainly shouldn't be). It just gets 
linked into your executable and then you strip your executable. Both the 
linking and the stripping steps remove a ton of symbol information. Much of the 
size of the sqlite .o's and .a's are symbols that are going to be dumped.

To give you an idea, as I said, my sqlite library is about 3M. My custom 
openssl build is 17M. My own library is 37M. The final executable in debugging 
mode is 7M before strip and 5M. Again, with -O0.

I'm pretty sure this is a non-issue.
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Using SQLite with R*Tree and FTS3 support in iOS

2011-05-16 Thread Steven Parkes
> Compiling a static library of SQLite's amalgamated version weighs at about 
> 4.3 MB

Where are you coming up with this number? My .a is 2792KB and that's with both 
armv6 and armv7, debugging, and full symbols.

I pull in sqlite3, openssl, about a billion other things, and plenty of my own 
code and my post-strip size of the executable is still on the order of 5MB and 
that's still with debugging turned on.

I may be missing something, but I can't believe this a real issue.
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] threading and grand central dispatch (OS X/iOS)

2011-05-15 Thread Steven Parkes
> But apparently your "not 100% sure" is actually "it's not
> true" in this case (as your tests showed).

No,  I think we're good. As long as one is very careful (as Roger mentioned), 
it seems to work fine under GCD. I was kinda reaching, thinking that moving 
across threads mattered.

I was being very careful right up to completely forgetting about a wal 
checkpoint thread which I haven't thought about in months. And which was using 
the same connection that "belongs" to another thread.

Thanks for the comments, all.
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] threading and grand central dispatch (OS X/iOS)

2011-05-15 Thread Steven Parkes
Ah, crud. I kinda forgot I had a WAL checkpoint thread running. I thought I had 
disabled that a long time ago. And it was sharing a connection on a different 

Fixing that, things seem stable under GCD with SQLITE_OPEN_NOMUTEX.

I'm still not 100% sure if there's a problem sharing connections across threads 
with SQLITE_OPEN_NOMUTEX as long as I guarantee that they aren't concurrent. I 
suspect there aren't, but I'm not 100% sure. Any case where sqlite3 would be 
less than happy that pthread_self wasn't always the same?

Note that this isn't me redoing what sqlite3 is doing: GCD provides a higher 
level abstraction that guarantees (modulo my stupidity) non-concurrency. It 
should be enough for SQLITE_OPEN_NOMUTEX while being (at least slightly) more 
concurrent than SQLITE_OPEN_FULLMUTEX.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] threading and grand central dispatch (OS X/iOS)

2011-05-15 Thread Steven Parkes
> Isn't that exactly what NOMUTEX does?

The docs ( say 

  The SQLITE_OPEN_NOMUTEX flag causes the database connection to be in the 
multi-thread mode and
  the SQLITE_OPEN_FULLMUTEX flag causes the connection to be in serialized mode.

Is this wrong?
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] threading and grand central dispatch (OS X/iOS)

2011-05-15 Thread Steven Parkes
>> I've been using sqlite3 under iOS fine in FULLMUTEX mode, but it dies 
>> horribly with NOMUTEX 
> What problem are you trying to solve by getting rid of SQLite's mutexes?
> Even if you remove them you still have to add the same thing back in again
> to ensure you don't use SQLite internals concurrently. 

Not trying to throw them away ... trying to switch from Serialized to 
Multi-thread. My reading of the docs says that that's what SQLITE_OPEN_NOMUTEX 
does. Did I misinterpret something?
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] threading and grand central dispatch (OS X/iOS)

2011-05-15 Thread Steven Parkes
This is a little out there but I've been thinking about it and wondered if 
anyone had any comments:

I've been using sqlite3 under iOS fine in FULLMUTEX mode, but it dies horribly 
with NOMUTEX and I'm pretty sure this is because of my use of Grand Central 
Dispatch (GCD).

GCD is related to threads but has some twists. In my simplified model, I create 
a small number of GCD queues and those are essentially one-to-one to threads. 
Each queue has its own db connection and they aren't shared.

But there's one twist, which is the ability in GCD to make a synchronous call 
from one queue/thread to another. So code executing on queue A in thread A can 
make a synchronous  call to queue B. GCD will make sure that queue B (and queue 
B's thread) is inactive. And my code will make sure that for the duration of 
this call, I'm using queue B's db connection.

But it's "borrowing" queue A's thread. So if sqlite3 does a pthread_self() 
during this call, it's going to get A's threadid, not B's. My guess is this 
confuses it.

So if I wanted to "fix" this, somehow I'd provide a GCD thread provider that 
was essentially posix threads but returns GCDs queue id instead of the 

Comments? Anybody looked at this?
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] valgrind & WAL w/

2011-05-14 Thread Steven Parkes
> Upgrading zlib to the latest release (1.2.5) fixed all of my valgrind
> warnings

Thanks. I'll try to replicate ...
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] FTS & sqlite3_last_insert_rowid

2011-05-14 Thread Steven Parkes
> Please try the latest code checkin (
> and let me know if it works any
> better for you.

Thanks. I've already adjusted the code to manually assign keys, but I'll try to 
get back to checking it.
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] valgrind & WAL w/

2011-05-13 Thread Steven Parkes
> I have not yet figured out why valgrind warns on linux-64 but not on
> linux-32 and whether or not this is anything to be concerned about.

Thanks for letting me know. This is x86_64 for me as well, though on OS X.
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] valgrind & WAL w/

2011-05-13 Thread Steven Parkes
I'm getting conditional branch warnings from valgrind that all percolate up via 
a WAL path. Anybody know if these are known & benign?

This is, admittedly, off a sqlcipher-patched version of I don't think 
that should relate but I'll check if they shouldn't be occurring.
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] FTS & sqlite3_last_insert_rowid

2011-05-13 Thread Steven Parkes
I gather sqlite3_last_insert_rowid doesn't play well with FTS? I don't see an 
exception noted in the docs but neither are there non-manually managed examples.

I'd prefer not to manually mange them but ...
sqlite-users mailing list