Re: [sqlite] BLOB question

2007-02-23 Thread Wesley W. Terpstra

A couple of comments.

On Feb 23, 2007, at 3:03 PM, Cesar Rodas wrote:

   while ( (n=fread(buff,Buffsize,1,file)) > 0)
   if (i>0)
   *value = realloc(*value, (i+1) * Buffsize);
   memcpy(*value + (i * Buffsize), buff,  Buffsize);
   *len += n;

You are growing the array in size at each append. This is usually a  
bad idea; it leads to n^2 complexity. The standard approach is to  
double the buffer each time it fills up. This is 2*n complexity.  
However, it's not your bug.

query = sqlite3_mprintf("INSERT INTO blob VALUES('%Q') ", value);

This segfaults because there is no null terminator on the value  
string. The way SQLite3 reads 'value' is by scanning it until it  
finds a '\0'. If there is no such character, it scans past the end of  
the array, leading to the crash you are seeing.

A simple solution is to append this character to the end of the  
string. However, it the file itself contains a '\0' character, this  
will lead to the file being truncated in the database. A better  
solution would be:

file_content = ... your loading code, allocated by malloc ...
file_length = ... length of the file ...;
query = "INSERT INTO blob VALUES(?);";
sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, query, -1, , );
sqlite3_bind_block(qhandle, 1, file_content, file_length, free);

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[sqlite] Announcing SQLite3/SML binding v0.1

2007-02-17 Thread Wesley W. Terpstra

I've finished writing a binding for SQLite3 to SML. It can be found at
It covers the entire non-experimental SQLite3 interface and I find it  
convenient to use. I've put the glue code (about 90k) into the public  
domain to match SQLite3.

The included README, sql.sig, and demo.sml roughly document the API.  
I hope this is enough to get people started.

The only caveat is that there is a bug in the current SQLite3 making  
custom authorizers unreliable. Either don't use this feature or help  
me campaign to get the bug fixed. :-)

Please let me know if you encounter any bugs specific to the binding.

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[sqlite] Bug: sqlite3_finalize in authorizer breaks step of another query

2007-02-17 Thread Wesley W. Terpstra
Compile the attached C program and run it in a directory with the  
attached test.db.

kiwiw:~/sqlite3/x terpstra$ ls -l bug.c test.db
-rw-r--r--1 terpstra terpstra  976 Feb 18 00:09 bug.c
-rw-r--r--1 terpstra terpstra 6144 Feb 18 00:09 test.db
kiwiw:~/sqlite3/x terpstra$ gcc -Wall -O0 -g bug.c -o bug -lsqlite3
kiwiw:~/sqlite3/x terpstra$ ./bug
Failing step: 17 - library routine called out of sequence

Invoking the finalizer for query 1 inside the authorization function  
leads the step of query 2 failing. As SQLite3 is supposed to be re- 
entrant, recursively altering q1 should not affect q2.

I found this bug when running an SML program using the SQLite3  
binding I'm working on. In that binding, queries are garbage  
collected. During the authorizer callback into SML, the runtime  
decided to recover memory. This led to finalizing a no-longer-used  

In case this mailing list drops my attachments again, find them also  

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Re: [sqlite] Triggers+callbacks = GUI?

2007-02-15 Thread Wesley W. Terpstra

On Feb 15, 2007, at 4:01 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

"Wesley W. Terpstra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The approach I'd much prefer is to register a trigger to update  
the GUI...
Note that the trigger runs on the client-side of the process that  
makes the change - not on the client side of the process that is  
implementing the GUI.

Yes, I'm aware of this limitation. There will only be one database  
user: the application itself.

You might implement something like [UndoRedo] then have your GUI  
process poll only changes table.  The changes table will normally  
be empty, except after some other process makes a change.  So when  
the changes table is non-empty, that is the GUI process's cue to  
redraw its screen based on the latest database content.

You are assuming I intend to track changes from another application.  
I do not. I already know when a change happens; I made it. So, I  
don't need a log to tell me when to refresh.

My goals are:
1. simplify reasoning about the application (this program will be  
bloated and grotesque in short order, so I want to be responsible for  
as little cross-component interaction as possible)
2. avoid the cost of refreshing big tree widgets with thousands of  
entries (polling doesn't give me a 'diff')

You suggestion helps with #2, but so would putting triggers on the  
base tables as Michael suggested. His suggestion doesn't completely  
address concern #1, but it is certainly a step in the right direction  
(it's not too hard to reason about which base tables can affect the  
view if you have the query).

As an example: in an instant messenger a new text message arrives.  
The application puts it into the message log. The chat window  
automatically updates with the new text. The statistics window about  
total # of messages updates. Possibly other things happen. The point  
is I don't want to have to think about the 'possible other things'.  
If the program gets fat, I'll screw this up.

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Re: [sqlite] Triggers+callbacks = GUI?

2007-02-15 Thread Wesley W. Terpstra

On Feb 15, 2007, at 3:46 PM, Michael Schlenker wrote:

Wesley W. Terpstra schrieb:
I intend to write a GUI application backed by SQL. Several of the  
windows display status that would best be represented as a  
database view. What I've been thinking about is how to update the  
GUI when the view changes.

Thus, a window simply provides the VIEW definition and insert/ 
update/delete callbacks. Some support code creates the view and  
insert()s the current contents. Then it hooks the triggers  
invoking the methods to catch future updates. On widget death, the  
view and triggers are dropped.

Triggers only react on update/delete/insert operations, which are  
not generally available for a arbitrary view.

Databases that implement immediate materialized views propagate the  
changes from the base tables to the view. I would have expected an  
update/delete/insert trigger on a view to trigger under the same  
criteria as when a materialized view would be updated to reflect  
changes in the base tables. I'm positive that before/after triggers  
work on a materialized view in this way under Oracle.

But if you slightly change your api, to provide a view definition  
and a list of tables/columns to watch you can do it, just create  
the triggers on the tables not on the view and take the appropriate  
action in your callbacks.

You mean to basically create the hooks manually that would've been  
created for a materialized view? This is certainly possible, just  
error prone. I wonder how hard it would be to automatically translate  
a trigger on a view into triggers over the base tables. I was hoping  
for something of this nature to relieve me of responsibility for  
thinking of all the ways base tables could change the view.

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[sqlite] Triggers+callbacks = GUI?

2007-02-15 Thread Wesley W. Terpstra
I intend to write a GUI application backed by SQL. Several of the  
windows display status that would best be represented as a database  
view. What I've been thinking about is how to update the GUI when the  
view changes.

First the obvious approach: polling. Every X seconds re-execute the  
query and redraw the GUI. Certainly this will work, and I might still  
do this. For windows with very large state, however, this is not very  

The approach I'd much prefer is to register a trigger to update the  
GUI as follows:

create temp view StatusWidget as select  some query ...;

create temp trigger StatusWidgetUpdate after update on StatusWidget  
for each row

  select statusWidgetUpdateFn(OLD.key, NEW.key, NEW.value1,  
NEW.value2, ...);

ditto for Add/Delete
Then I create custom functions 'statusWidget{Add,Update,Delete}Fn'  
that take the values and update the GUI.

Thus, a window simply provides the VIEW definition and insert/update/ 
delete callbacks. Some support code creates the view and insert()s  
the current contents. Then it hooks the triggers invoking the methods  
to catch future updates. On widget death, the view and triggers are  

It seems to me this would be a very bug-free way to design even  
complicated applications. Whenever you create a window, back its  
state with SQLite. Actions taken by the network or the user simply  
modify state in the database. This in turn updates all the relevant  
GUI windows automatically. You don't need to track the changes; you  
let the database do it. This is only possible since callback  
functions can be bound to triggers. AFAIK, no other database can do  
this, since the triggers exist on the server-side.

However, the problem I'm running into is that I can't create before/ 
after triggers on a view:

SQL error: cannot create BEFORE trigger on view: main.popup
SQL error: cannot create AFTER trigger on view: main.popup

This isn't documented as an unimplemented SQL feature, so is this a bug?

If SQLite doesn't support triggers on views, does anyone know of a  
database which does AND allows triggers to invoke a client-side  
callback? Is supporting triggers on views planned for the future? Can  
I help?


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Re: [sqlite] Patch: sqlite3_query_string

2007-02-14 Thread Wesley W. Terpstra

On Feb 14, 2007, at 4:29 PM, Wesley W. Terpstra wrote:

Please consider applying the attached patch

It seems this mailing list strips file attachments. The patch is now  
available at <>

As it's so short, you probably don't need a copyright disclaimer,  
but just in case: The author or authors of this code dedicate any  
and all copyright interest in this code to the public domain. We  
make this dedication for the benefit of the public at large and to  
the detriment of our heirs and successors. We intend this  
dedication to be an overt act of relinquishment in perpetuity of  
all present and future rights this code under copyright law.

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[sqlite] Patch: sqlite3_query_string

2007-02-14 Thread Wesley W. Terpstra
Please consider applying the attached patch to SQLite3. It adds  
support for a method sqlite3_query_string(sqlite3_stmt*);

This is helpful for error reporting when query execution fails. It's  
also helpful if an application needs to clone an existing query. It  
is the logical analogue of sqlite3_db_handle(sqlite3_stmt*);

As it's so short, you probably don't need a copyright disclaimer, but  
just in case: The author or authors of this code dedicate any and all  
copyright interest in this code to the public domain. We make this  
dedication for the benefit of the public at large and to the  
detriment of our heirs and successors. We intend this dedication to  
be an overt act of relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and  
future rights this code under copyright law.

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Re: [sqlite] Multiple prepared queries

2007-02-12 Thread Wesley W. Terpstra
For anyone who has the same questions I had, I've found most of the  
PS. Excellent internal documentation of the VDBE (though a bit out-of- 
date)! It made it really easy to navigate the source.

On Feb 12, 2007, at 1:51 PM, Wesley W. Terpstra wrote:

What is the defined behaviour of interleaved inserts and selects?

Any open select statements must have executed a 'Callback' opcode. An  
insert at this point will complete in one step (unless there's an  
error). Therefore, when the select resumes, any open cursors will  
simply walk on to the next value (possibly the new one) with no  

Drop table fails with SQLITE_LOCKED if your try to use it with an in- 
progress query.

Will an UPDATE ... WHERE ... also *always* complete in a single step?


 there some sort of 'open transaction counter'? ie: if I  
begin within the scope of an 'automatic' transaction, it  
will not commit until the automatic transaction completes?

There is no counter. Instead, each query locks as it needs to and  
releases on Halt. Begin/Commit simply toggle the autocommit flag to  
off and on. If running statements have not completed, they still have  
their locks. So a begin statement makes the locks retained until the  
commit/rollback unset the flag.

Suppose I ran: begin, select *, step1, commit, step2. Does the  
commit fail because there is still a nested, active query?

Yes. The commit will fail with cannot commit/rollback transaction -  
SQL statement in progress and SQLITE_ERROR.

if I am running a "select * from giant_table;" and find on row  
10/800 the data I was looking for, I might want to just finalize  
the select statement. My question is what happens to an explicitly  
opened transaction that included this select statement? The  
documentation implies that the transaction will be aborted, which  
is not very desirable.

Stopping the query will not affect the autocommit flag. So the  
containing transaction is not aborted. It is impossible to stop an  
update/insert as they never invoke Callback. Therefore, there is no  
problem. Stopping a query is harmless to the forward progress of a  

Now that I'm working on wrapping bind_text/bind_text16, I have  
another question: what is the native on-disk format of the strings?  
The documentation suggests that open/open16 determine the encoding.

db_enc determines the encoding of the values used on the stack.  
Conversion does happen, so just use UTF-8 everywhere and there will  
be none.

It's ackward that there is no separation between a compiled VM and  
a compiled VM's state. ie: If I want to run the same precompiled  
query twice in parallel (since this is apparently well defined),  
then I would need two separate instances of the state.

There is this separation within sqlite3. It's just not exposed to the  
user. However, nearly all of a Vdbe structure has to do with state  
information. While it would be possible to cache the  parsed query,  
the cost of creating a Vdbe structure is probably high enough that  
the savings are not worthwhile.

TBH, it would be more helpful if there was an intermediate form  
between prepare and the stmt.

This looks quite easy to implement. However, it's probably a red  

It seems the right solution to my problem is to keep a pool of  
prepared queries in the 'factory'. When all of them are in use,  
create a new one from the query string, and add it to the pool. This  
allows re-entrant use of the same query, and both can iterate  
correctly and independently.

Sometimes silence is the right answer. Thanks drh!

The well thought out concurrency makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.  
sqlite3 will look after my bits. :-)

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Re: [sqlite] Multiple prepared queries

2007-02-12 Thread Wesley W. Terpstra

On Feb 12, 2007, at 7:32 PM, John Stanton wrote:
I suggest that you also look carefully at the manifest typing  
implemented in Sqlite.  If your language is strongly typed you will  
have some design issues to address.

I am aware of this issue and already have a solution. It's part of  
why I wanted precompiled queries to be distinct from their execution  
val AgeQuery = query db "select name, age from users where  
age="iI";" oS oI $
will bind AgeQuery to a query factory that takes an integer as input  
(the iI) and outputs a (string, integer) pair (from the oS oI). The  
'$' is a terminating function.

This already works fine. Using a technique called functional  
unparsing, the above line constructs a function (hidden behind the  
query type) that converts+binds arguments and fetchs+converts result  
columms. However, for some compiler implementations (not MLton), this  
dynamic creation of a function is costly, so it should be done once  
per 'query template'.

This binding should be good for more than just my favourite of the  
many SML compilers.

sqlite3_exec ... implements callbacks and that you implement a  
callback to handle each row.  Then the logic of your interface is  

I already can do the functional equivalents. There is no real need  
for a 'callback function' in a functional language. Functions can be  
passed around like any other argument.

In the following code snippet, the function f takes the (string,  
integer) pairs output by the query and creates a new string. The map  
function takes the query result set and feeds it through this  
function. The number '6' is the parameter which is bound to the  
query's input.

fun f (s & i) = "User " ^ s ^ " has age: " ^ Int.toString i
val results = f AgeQuery 6
The value results will now contain a 'string vector' with entries  
like "User Tom has age: 6", "User Joe has age: 6", ...

The problem I have stems from sqlite3_stmt containing both the parsed  
query and the query state. In a binding like the above, these would  
ideally happen at two distinct points.

1. query parsing happens in the 'val AgeQuery = query ...' line
2. query state is created in the ' f AgeQuery' line
Then the user function 'f' can quite happily re-use AgeQuery to  
create a recursive use of the query, but with different state  
(arguments and stack).

Without this separation, I am forced to choose to do both at step 1  
or both at step 2:
1. both query state creation and parsing happen at 'val AgeQuery =  
query ...'. This means that an attempt by 'f' to reuse AgeQuery must  
result in an exception, as it would require two instances of the  
AgeQuery state.
2. both query state creation and parsing happen at ' f  
AgeQuery'. This would allow 'f' to reuse AgeQuery, but it would mean  
that every execution reparsed the query string. The documentation  
implies this is unacceptably slow in some situations. As MLton- 
compiled executables are about as fast as C [1], too slow for C is  
too slow for SML.

If there were a separation between the execution state of a query,  
and the prepared form of a query, then this would be a perfect fit.  
At the moment, I take option #1. Now that I know SQLite can handle  
subqueries, I would like to support this. It would be a shame to  
prohibit recursive use of the same query.

I could also try hacking a hybrid approach. In this case, I mark the  
AgeQuery as 'in-use' during the If a nested use of the query  
occurs, I could clone the query, and use this clone for the nested  
execution. From looking at the SQLite3 source code, it seems a clone  
method would be relatively easy to add. I could also implement the  
clone functionality in SML by re-executing prepare_v2 with a saved  
copy of the query string.

You will find on reflection that the Sqlite API is simple and elegant

I didn't argue that it's inelegant. I *do* think it's a tad too  
simple. The state of a query and the bytecode are combined into one  
concept. It might be convenient most of the time, but it is a  
confusion of two distinct things. You can run the same program more  
than once in Unix. You can call the same method twice (even  
recursively) in every programming language. I can't think of many  
places where code must be one-to-one with data.

and will let you craft your interface provided you design it to  
suit Sqlite, not have a preconceived notion and then be unable to  
make the connection.

That's a valid point. I do have a preconceived notion of how this  
should work. However, it comes from the standard idioms used in this  
language, which (if at all possible) i would like to preserve.


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Re: [sqlite] Multiple prepared queries

2007-02-12 Thread Wesley W. Terpstra

On Feb 12, 2007, at 3:22 PM, John Stanton wrote:
Look at how Sqlite implements callbacks in sqlite3_exec to discover  
a way to implement your language.
I had already looked at it. I will be using the prepare_v2/bind/step/ 
reset/.../finalize interface instead. The exec interface is too  
simplified. Incidentally, SML is not my language. It has been  
standardized since 1997.

Doing that will ensure that the transactions are atomic and that  
database integrity is maintained.

How are ACID properties in any way my responsibility? They are SQLite's.

No offence, but I think you've completely missed my point.

My questions had to do with how the SQLite interface behaves in cases  
that are undocumented in the C API (which I have read completely,  
several times). I need to know exactly which sequence of method calls  
are allowed, in order to bind the library in such a way that the type  
checker in SML will ensure only correct use. SML type-safety is much  
stronger than in C. If a  program compiles, it is guaranteed not to  
segfault/etc. Therefore, binding a C library must be done carefully  
to preserve this guarantee.

The problem I was talking about comes from (what I see as) a  
deficiency in the SQLite3 API. That is, the compiled query and it's  
state are associated with the same opaque data structure. Switching  
to using exec will not solve this.

It looks like I'll have to do a SQLite3 source dive to see how hard  
it would be to separate state from statements. If I can't do this,  
then I will have to settle for a less elegant binding, without  
precompiled queries.

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Re: [sqlite] Multiple prepared queries

2007-02-12 Thread Wesley W. Terpstra

On Feb 12, 2007, at 1:21 AM, John Stanton wrote:
Prepared queries are actually the query compiled into the  
metalanguage, VDBE.  You can have many statements in one  
transaction, and each of those statements can be reusing a VDBE  
virtual machine instance with a current set of data bound to it.

It is a good idea to store and resuse compiled SQL because you  
avoid the tedious and unecessary process of recompiling the same  
SQL over and over during the life of an application invocation.

Yes, I've understood this.
Unfortunately, an sqlite3_stmt is not just the VDBE, but also the  
current execution state and bindings of that VDBE.

|deally, what I'd like is something where a user can prepare a bunch  
of SQL statements, creating query objects, like this:

  open SQL.Template
  val Query1 = query db "select * from table where x="iS" and  
y="iI";" oS oI $

  val Query2 = query db "select * from table2 where x="iS";" oS oI $

Here the iS and iI refer to input string and input integer  
respectively. The oS and oI refer to output string and integer.

Then, later the user might do the following:

val Iterator1a = SQL.execute Query1 ("parameter1" & 2)
val Iterator1b = SQL.execute Query1 ("foobar" &  3)
val Iterator2 = SQL.execute Query2 4

case Iterator1a () of
   NONE => print "End of this table"
|  SOME (x & y) => print ("Got a row: " ^ x ^ ", " ^ Int.toString y ^  

case Iterator1b () of
   NONE => print "End of the table"
|  SOME (x & y) => print ("Got a row: " ^ x ^ ", " ^ Int.toString y ^  

case Iterator1a () of
   NONE => print "End of this table"
|  SOME (x & y) => print ("Got a row: " ^ x ^ ", " ^ Int.toString y ^  

The point is that here I use the same prepared query twice, with two  
different associated states and bindings. It seems this sort of  
interface is impossible at the moment without reparsing the SQL  
statement again. Even if I choose not to expose the 'step' method as  
an iterator, during the processing of a query's results there's  
nothing I can do to prevent a user from executing  the query again.

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Re: [sqlite] Multiple prepared queries

2007-02-12 Thread Wesley W. Terpstra

Thanks for your answers!

On Feb 12, 2007, at 1:58 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

"Wesley W. Terpstra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Suppose you have two prepared queries: q1 and q2. I currently believe
that it is an error to execute: step q1, step q2, step q1.

No.  Queries can be interleaved this way.


What is the defined behaviour of interleaved inserts and selects? I  
gather since an insert completes in a single step there is no  
problem? Active queries now return the result if they have not been  
stepped past this point? Will an UPDATE ... WHERE ... also *always*  
complete in a single step?

For that matter SQLite is reentrant, and this fact is used within
the implementation.

So, I can create subqueries within user-code in response to some of  
the rows I've retrieved? That's pretty cool

An implicit transaction was already started when you started
stepping q1.  That implicit transaction will not end until all
active queries have finished.

If you run the BEGIN command, all that does is set a flag that
tells SQLite not to commit once all queries have finished but
rather to keep the transaction open.

Is there some sort of 'open transaction counter'? ie: if I  
begin within the scope of an 'automatic' transaction, it will  
not commit until the automatic transaction completes?

Suppose I ran: begin, select *, step1, commit, step2. Does the commit  
fail because there is still a nested, active query? If yes, then  
great. If not, then what is the behaviour of step2?

What happens to an open transaction if you reset a query?

If you have not run BEGIN, then the transaction will end once *all*  
active queries have completed.

While most helpful in understanding the mechanism (is this documented  
somewhere?), that didn't actually answer this question:

What I meant is that if I am running a "select * from giant_table;"  
and find on row 10/800 the data I was looking for, I might want to  
just finalize the select statement. My question is what happens to an  
explicitly opened transaction that included this select statement?  
The documentation implies that the transaction will be aborted, which  
is not very desirable.

Here's a concrete example: I need to compute some statistic and write  
it into a table. I start a transaction and then begin processing some  
accounting records. Part-way through reading those records, I realize  
I have enough information, so I stop the select with finalize/reset,  
and then run an update, then commit. Is this ok?

Now that I'm working on wrapping bind_text/bind_text16, I have  
another question: what is the native on-disk format of the strings?  
The documentation suggests that open/open16 determine the encoding.  
Does this mean that if I created the database with open, then a  
future bind_text16 will do an automatic charset conversion? ie:  
should I pick one encoding and stick with it, or allow users to mix  
them? (SML has its own Unicode character classes, so I have to  
convert to UTF-8/16 anyway. It would be a shame to do it twice.)

It's ackward that there is no separation between a compiled VM and a  
compiled VM's state. ie: If I want to run the same precompiled query  
twice in parallel (since this is apparently well defined), then I  
would need two separate instances of the state.

How hard would it be to create a method that cloned only the byte- 
code: stmt* sqlite3_clone(stmt*)? If I wrote this, would it be  
accepted? TBH, it would be more helpful if there was an intermediate  
form between prepare and the stmt.

Again, thanks for your answers. I just want to be sure that I don't  
allow breaking SQLite's invariants.

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[sqlite] Multiple prepared queries

2007-02-11 Thread Wesley W. Terpstra

Good evening.

I've been working on an SQLite3 binding for Standard ML (SML)
targeting the MLton compiler. I've read all the material on the C API
I've found, but I have some questions about the VM prepare/step
methods. Specifically, I am confused about the lifetime of non-
finalized queries. It seems that there can be several prepared
queries at once, and the documentation implies that this represents a
savings: the queries need not be reparsed. However, it also means
it's possible to interleave steps to prepared queries.

Here are the things I believe to be true, but I would like
confirmation / denial, as it affects the interface I expose in SML:

Suppose you have two prepared queries: q1 and q2. I currently believe
that it is an error to execute: step q1, step q2, step q1.

In fact, I believe that after step q1, you must either call finalize
or reset on q1 before you can call step q2.

If I'm wrong with the above, what happens if I step q1, start a
transaction, then step q1 again?

What happens to an open transaction if you reset a query? I imagine
that a user might be running a select statement, have found the row
they were interested in, and then called reset rather than read the
rest of the result set. In this case, I would like to be able to
continue running new statements within the query. Similarly, I might
cancel the query with finalize. The documentation seems to imply that
this will abort a transaction?

I ask all this, because I think it would be convenient to allow uses
to create query objects that they can call / reuse at a later point.
However, it's not clear to me if I should expose the 'step' interface
to a user. If interleaving steps is bad, it is possible to design the
interface to allow stopping a query prematurely, without exposing
'step'. If this premature cancelation breaks an open transaction,
then perhaps I should forbid it as well.

Thanks for any clarification on these points.

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