On 2016-05-07 01:29, Simon Slavin wrote:

> On 7 May 2016, at 3:28am, Keith Medcalf <kmedcalf at dessus.com> wrote:
>> I presume you mean that running 32-bit application on a 64-bit OS is 
>> slower than the same application run on a 32-bit OS.
> Hold on.  The original poster was talking about using a 32-bit DLL, not 
> a 32-bit application.  I don't know what Windows' limitations are.  n 
> 64-bit windows can you run a 64-bit application which uses a 32-bit DLL 
> ?  Or does the fact that the application uses a 32-bit DLL mean that it 
> must be 32-bit itself ?
> Either way, what I found is that 32-bit apps run at expected speed if 
> they're just doing stuff internally.  The delays come when you meet a 
> 32/64 interface, for example if a 32-bit application is constantly 
> fetching data from a 64-bit source supplied by the 64-bit OS.

Sorry for the late reply...

Well, I can not use the SQLite 64bit DLL in a 64bit environment with a 
32bit application.  So, this answer your questions, at least as SQLite 
DLL is concerned.  What I am trying to find out is the speed difference 
from both 32bit and 64bit environment.  I will have to look deeper, but, 
there are definitely differences.  I will come back later and let you 
know the outcome, if I can find it.  Thanks for your support.


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