I recently tried out SQLite 3.7.0 on an ARM project board running
linux 2.6.  I did not realize that jffs2 lacked shared memory support,
so when I opened my database file using the sqlite3 utility and typed
'pragma journal_mode=wal' it appeared as though the conversion worked
(response: wal) but further commands returned "Error: disk I/O error".
 Now I am unable to open the sqlite database file.  I would call it a
nuisance that SQLite cause a database file to be unusable if said file
is residing on a file system that lacks shared memory support.
Fortunately for me I have backups.

May I put forth the suggestion that the SQLite library be modified to
gracefully recover from the lack of mmap support?  I have always
wanted to try my hand at hacking sqlite, so maybe I will take this as
the opportunity.

I cannot change my file system (at least not yet) so as a work around
if I symlink-ed (database)-shm to a filesystem that supported mmap,
then would that allow me to evaluate SQLite with WAL mode on my
project board.  Note: this is not a permanent solution, please do not
respond with 'yes but why would you want to?'
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