Hi all,

Optimization question: If I have an array in JSON, what would be the best
way to check that a given array contains a subset of the stored array?

Right now I have the WHERE clause

EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM json_each(tbl.json, "$.foo") j WHERE j.value = ?)
AND EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM json_each(tbl.json, "$.foo") j WHERE j.value = ?)

But this seems O(n) for the stored array. Any other suggestions? Maybe
counting the results? I came up with the fairly odd-looking

SELECT 1 FROM json_each(tbl.json, "$.foo") j WHERE j.value in (?,?)

(So the count of matched rows from the json_each must equal the count of
arguments given to the query). This seems already faster.

Any better way?
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