Tobias wrote "... simpler just to have afterwards some things to do in my 
program? "

What is 'simple' is an off topic discussion. More important is the reason of 
making changes by you and/or your colleagues. 
I've seen coding in a procedural language I could only figure out by reading 
the pseudo assembler code. 

To create a view rather than writing one or more sub-selects is a suggestion 
worth to be taken in consideration for more reasons than simplicity and 
readability of the code. Advantages are reuse of the project by others without 
having to write a more or less complex SQL statement. Just a simple 

SELECT bar from foo where bar ... ; 

will do where foo is the view created. Please give me one advantage of your 
sub-select over view 'foo' .

Especia;;y woth SQLite we have a library with a lot of 'stored procedures' 
(Oracle terminology) and on top of it the possibility to code your own. You can 
move some safety coding to a preprocessor written in your favorite procedural 
language, in my case it's the platform independent (sort of) Chipmunk Basic in 
cooperation with Bash shell scripting.

Happy holidays,
Klaas `Z4us` V

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