I don't usually like shooting off an email to the list before having
analyzed the entire problem sufficiently, but given that a whole day was
spent on this already I wanted to see if any of this sounds familiar to
anyone reading this:

In my project I am using SQLite which on Windows gets compiled
into 4 static libraries for Debug and Release in 32 and 64 bit.

Today I realized that the last time I built the binaries was with the
Visual Studio 2013 Release Candidate (RC). Since the RTM has been out for a
while and I rebuilt all my other third party libs already I thought I'll
just quickly (famous last words, I know...) recompile SQLite as well so
everything is on the same compiler version.

To my very surprise some of my own SQLite unit tests started failing with
the RTM compiled binary, but only in 32 bit (in Debug, with all compiler
optimizations turned off). The 64 bit RTM compiled binary works fine, but
32 bit suddenly fails some test. I switched back to the RC binary and all
unit tests succeeded fine. Since I'm using the same project files all
compiler switches and precompiler flags are identical, it looks to me like
there is some change between VS2013 RC and RTM that is causing this.

My unit test does a lot more than run SQLite commands, so I'm working on
isolating a single SQL query that can be rerun by anyone to reproduce this
issue. At first (and second, third...) glance it looks like a date/datetime
timestamp related issue. My code uses a lot of system generated UTC
timestamps in Unix format which in the SQLite query are converted back to
localtime before doing some date operations on it.

I will reply with more details if I can boil it down to a query that
behaves differently between the two binaries.

In the meantime if any of this rings a bell to anyone please let me know,
it could save me some time, as I would prefer not to distribute RC compiled
binaries with my product.

// Sascha
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