The argument is a "pointer to function returning void and taking void* as its argument" (like "free");

Here's a sample program:

        #include <iostream>

        void func(void (*)(void*));

        void freemystuff(void* in);

        int main(int argc, char* argv[])

        void func(void (*callback)(void*) )

        void freemystuff(void* in)
          std::cout << "freemystuff called " << in << std::endl;


On Jun 21, 2004, at 10:55 AM, Andy Colson wrote:

So, I'm guessing the fifth arg is the eCopy param? My C isnt very strong, so void(*)(void*) is a pointer to a function like this:
void* someFunc(void*), right?

My guess is the params are:

int sqlite3_bind_blob(sqlite3_stmt* statement, int paramNumber, const void* fieldValue, int fieldSize, callback); /*where callback can be one of the const's SQLITE_STATIC, SQLITE_TRANSIENT, or a pointer to a function that returns a void* and takes one void* as an arg. */

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