>         CREATE TABLE User (     Name VARCHAR (40),
>                                 UID INTEGER,
>                                 DeviceID VARCHAR (64) DEFAULT 'Unknown',
>                                 PRIMARY KEY (Name, UID, DeviceID) );
>         INSERT INTO User (Name,DeviceID) VALUES ('Michael','Test');
>         INSERT INTO User (Name,DeviceID) VALUES ('Michael','Test');
> Gets me two rows with ('Michael',NULLm'Test').
> I think that 3 is a bug. 

"I concur.  The uniqueness constraint is not being enforced for
multi-column primary keys.  Why don't you write a ticket."
[1]If you're intending to follow SQL92, this is definitely
a bug, since the std does not allow any column of a primary
key to be null.  Both insertions should have been rejected,
not just the second.

[2]It's not true in general (in my experience with SQLite)
that "The uniqueness constraint is not being enforced for
multi-column primary keys".  The failure occurs only if you
allow nulls and consider all nulls to be identical (i.e. not  

[3]If you're going to allow nulls in a PK, I think that the   
current behavior is 'correct' -- nulls should be considered
distinct in this context (if you allow them, contrary to [1],


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