Hi all

Is the combination of SQLite and Java/Tomcat is good for an hosting
application ?

My project is http://www.ysalaya.org.
It is a chatbot hosting site.
All the chatbot have their own SQLite database for their knowledge.
That's mean when several users (visitor and botmaster) access
at the same time to the same chatbot, SQLite is dealing with multi acces
(read => the memory is read to find the answer to the visitor question)
(write => the dialog is save in the same database than the memory by in
another table)

So is this choice seems good to you ?

So experts says that SQLite is not scalable for multi access. They say MySQL
is better.
And even SQLite will be worst/bad and more bad when the number of users
If yes it is exactly the contrary of a bot hosting website.

Thanks for your attention


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