Hi Pieman1972,

- That's correct. There is no other LMS available in DSM4.2. So the
  beta channel won't show another version.
- Yes, you can. I build packages for DSM4 5 and 6 to keep LMS up to
  date on our Synology. There is a package available for your DS209.
  Some plug-ins are deprecated (this is probably what you see in the
  logs) and will be removed or replaced by others. Still active plug-ins
  will be updated.
- If you don't have tweaked your LMS or have a very large library, it
  might be a good Idea to start from scratch, but you also can install
  the new version over the 7.7.3 version.

Download 7.9.0 for DSM4: http://server.pinkdot.nl/dsm4/
Thread: 'Test-Repo-for-LMS-7-9-0-on-Synology-DSM-5'

Although the title of the thread says 'test', its pretty save to install
these packages on your nas ;)



-Synology nas DS115 - ('LmsUpdate'
-RPI 2 ('Moode 3.0' (http://moodeaudio.org/)),  I-SABRE V3.0 ES9023 -
Exposure 3010S2 - PMC GB1i
-2x Radio
-Laptop - openSUSE Leap - LMS/Squeezelite
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