Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Search options

2016-09-13 Thread Toothless

yes of course, we're talking about searching on track title  - not
(source) filenames
so to be clear: is there any setting out of the box which let me do
that/or something i need to set on the server in order to get this
result? (or is that the Settings->My Music->Search within words you were
talking about?)

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Search options

2016-09-13 Thread Toothless

pippin wrote: 
> What I don't get is the "only show x tracks in a menu". I mean say
> these are 1,000 tracks, it would always be the same 1000 tracks
> alphabetically, how exactly does this help.
> Sonos has it easy, they only support some 50k tracks or so, that would
> be doable but I know people with well over a million tracks in their
> library, that's a different story...

ahum, showing only x tracks is the reason to not display all tracks in
one go...that's useless (and as you mentioned, would probably crash the
stuff or would take a mega long time to load). But if they are listed
alphabetically with X tracks per page, there is no issue - (you click on
a character and it would load those tracks beginning with... etc)

but in fact i don't care what's displayed when you press "tracks" - if I
could do a search on that "track" folder, i'm fine with that. But that's
not the case: when pressing the new track folder, it shows the list of
albums or artists (depending on what you've set in additional browse
When doing a search for a trackname its displaying album/artist hits to a tracks list. When you click on the track hitlist, you
need to scroll through that list once more to find what you need.

Sonos might have it easy, but it works. If you search for a trackname
'time', this track would show up first in the list. All other tracks
with 'time' in their name would follow. In LMS, you get it all mixed up
(so probably a setting somewhere?)
Personally i didn't hit the 65K limit yet so - currently, we don't care
about that one. (btw, creating multiple main folders to index is quickly
done - indexing is very fast)

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[SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Search options

2016-09-13 Thread Toothless

As per pippin's reply to my 'orignal request'
posted in the ipeng thread, i'm reposting my question here as it seems
to be rather a LMS question than an ipen question -)

Toothless wrote: 
> Hi iPengers,
> i've just started using LMS icw iPeng and I wondered if there is any way
> on how to search on track/song names...
> ipeng is giving me a browse folder named 'artists, albums' on the left
> hand side of the app... but there is no 'trackname' feature. Ok I know,
> when you do a search it's giving some hitlists per
> artist/album/tracks... so one needs to scroll to the 'track' section and
> scroll through that list in order to find the track you're looking
> for...
> I'd like to have a 'tracks' menu. When you click on it shows the list of
> tracks (maybe the first x tracks of course, cause loading al x-K tracks
> is a bit too much). I'm able to create a menu item 'tracks' through the
> "additional browse modes" setting, but after that i'm a bit stuck. It
> seems one is only able to choose from 2 'filters' - the 'artists' and
> 'albums' setting in 'browse by' field? This will show me all albums or
> artists when clikcing on the 'tracks' menu i've just created. In the
> 'contributing roles' i can only use ALBUMARTIST, ARTIST, BAND, COMPOSER,
> CONDUCTOR, TRACKARTIST it seems? So not 'track/song'? (see screenshot
> below)
> Any idea on how I can create a 'track' menu which really lets me scroll
> through tracknames?
> In addition: how can i search for a track without this system displaying
> the artist/album list. Any operators i can use in order to find a track?
> For example: if i search for the trackname 'Time' - it will show me ALL
> songs where 'time' is in the trackname... this is annoying as there can
> be a lot of results. I've tried to search "Time" - 'Time' - %Time%
> ...but that's not giving me what i want?
> Thanks for your help/feedback already!

pippin wrote: 
> OK, a few answers, if you want to discuss details please open a new
> thread because this is primarily a server configuration question.
> First: a complete "tracks" menu is not a good idea, on a weak server it
> can easily crash it with a large library and in any case with a large
> library you can expect a few hours of load time for that menu
> Regarding "Additional Browse Modes": I don't see you creating a tracks
> menu, I only see artists menus, I don't think you can create any
> "tracks" menu. There is "Top Tracks" which shows top rated tracks, no
> idea how that's determined.
> Regarding the Search: first, you can use the global search instead of
> iPeng's local search, just check the globe icon on iPad, on iPhone it's
> under "Extras". There you can select "My Music->Songs".
> Regarding search from the beginning of the title or from within the
> title, there's a server setting for that: Settings->My Music->Search
> within words.

1-> hence my remark to show only X-amount of hits in the first page? I'm
coming from a Sonos system and there one has the search through 'tracks'
option. I'm missing this feature.
2-> The screenshot is just one from the default settings. I removed the
"track" folder already, but if you put whatever what, you can only pick
the settings which are predefined under 'browse by' and 'Contribiton
roles' (no song/track names there). Question was on how to add this (if
3-> i'll check the two other options, thanks!

|Filename: browsemode.jpg   |

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