Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] strange DNS problem using LMS on Windows 10

2017-12-23 Thread pupvogel

just to let you know:
out of the blue, my LMS can contact the internet again...maybe something
was fixed in version 1512734075..?
OR it has to do with the major Windows 10 update that ran through a few
weeks ago, not sure.
I'm happy, merry christmas y'all ! :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] strange DNS problem using LMS on Windows 10

2017-10-17 Thread pupvogel

DJanGo wrote: 
> Please remove the lms Server again.
> Reboot the System and search in the registry - for squeeze and logitech
> (a pure guess) remove all these keys (unless its your logitech mouse or
> Headset)
> Now reboot the system again and install 7.9.1
> btw: which win10 is it? creator update?

Ok, did all that, also no folders or files were left after uninstall,
rebooted before and after deleting registry keys, installed newest
nightly (LogitechMediaServer-7.9.1-1508251793.exe) - same problem.

It's Win 10 Pro with all the recent updates, so creator update should be
in there too: 
Windows 10 Pro 1703 Build 15063.674

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] strange DNS problem using LMS on Windows 10

2017-10-16 Thread pupvogel

DJanGo wrote: 
> You did right - i was wrong..
> Since your lms stopps it cant be in the Processlist - do the same again
> - but these time with two cmds running the same command.
> >   > 
  - netstat  -ano|findstr "53"|findstr "TCP"
  - start lms and go asap to the other cmd
  - netstat  -ano|findstr "53"|findstr "TCP"
  - there must be a diiference between these output is there any?
  > > > 
> You wouldnt find that pid in tasklist cause lms stopps...

Ok, this is the first output, LMS off:


C:\WINDOWS\system32>netstat -ano|findstr "53"|findstr "TCP"
  TCP0.0.0.0:5357  ABHÖREN 4
  TCP[::]:5357  [::]:0 ABHÖREN 4

And this is the second output, immediately after starting LMS - I
catched this phase only once, looks like it's like this just for a


C:\WINDOWS\system32>netstat -ano|findstr "53"|findstr "TCP"
  TCP0.0.0.0:5357  ABHÖREN 4
  TCP192.168.13.71:9000   HERGESTELLT 7924
  TCP[::]:5357  [::]:0 ABHÖREN 4

After that, it looks like this:


C:\WINDOWS\system32>netstat -ano|findstr "53"|findstr "TCP"
  TCP0.0.0.0:5357  ABHÖREN 4
  TCP192.168.13.71:51753192.168.13.136:49153   WARTEND 0
  TCP[::]:5357  [::]:0 ABHÖREN 4

...where the second line repeats itself sometimes, with varying ports


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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] strange DNS problem using LMS on Windows 10

2017-10-14 Thread pupvogel

DJanGo wrote: 
> Since i am not using Win-ten- and my lms operates with nomysqueebox - i
> cant help further except:
> Open a cmdshell with admin privileges
> > 

  >   > 
  > netstat  -ano|findstr "53"|findstr "TCP"

> > 
> remember all the numbers in the last row - these are the PIDs you need
> and change the last (marked red) PID against all these Numbers from
> this shell.
> now open another cmd shell and type in:
> Is there anything from squeeze*

I'm not sure if I did this right, but it looks like there isn't - first
output is this:


C:\WINDOWS\system32>netstat -ano|findstr "53"|findstr "TCP"
  TCP0.0.0.0:5357  ABHÖREN 4
  TCP192.168.13.71:49822192.168.13.136:49153   WARTEND 0
  TCP192.168.13.71:49823192.168.13.136:49153   WARTEND 0
  TCP192.168.13.71:49833192.168.13.136:49153   WARTEND 0
  TCP192.168.13.71:49843192.168.13.136:49153   WARTEND 0
  TCP192.168.13.71:49844192.168.13.136:49153   WARTEND 0
  TCP[::]:5357  [::]:0 ABHÖREN 4
  TCP[::1]:49676[::1]:5357 WARTEND 0
  TCP[::1]:49679[::1]:5357 WARTEND 0
  TCP[::1]:49694[::1]:5357 WARTEND 0
  TCP[::1]:49714[::1]:5357 WARTEND 0
  TCP[::1]:49730[::1]:5357 WARTEND 0

second is this:


C:\WINDOWS\system32>tasklist /FI "PID eq 49730"
  INFORMATION: Es werden keine Aufgaben mit den angegebenen Kriterien 
  C:\WINDOWS\system32>tasklist /FI "PID eq 5357"
  INFORMATION: Es werden keine Aufgaben mit den angegebenen Kriterien 
  C:\WINDOWS\system32>tasklist /FI "PID eq 0"
  Abbildname PID Sitzungsname   Sitz.-Nr. 
  =   === 
  System Idle Process  0 Services   0 8 
  C:\WINDOWS\system32>tasklist /FI "PID eq 4"
  Abbildname PID Sitzungsname   Sitz.-Nr. 
  =   === 
  System   4 Services   0   624 

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] strange DNS problem using LMS on Windows 10

2017-10-14 Thread pupvogel

DJanGo wrote: 
> lets start from scratch (i read the thread but mixed your lines with
> some others)
> >   >   > 
  - Your System, that handles the lms works fine?
  - except dns in the lms portion?
  - dns didnt work at all?
  > > > 
> If you open a cmdshell and put nslookup into the box - is there any
> "good" output like the name of your dns and the ip - that matches the
> settings from your router?
> If you type something like - is there answer with some
> ip like 107.x.x.x ?
> Just a silly simple question do you used some*#gnarfh*#! Tools like
> cccleaner or m$fixit o this system that often changes a running system
> into garbage?

System works fine, DNS works everywhere else - only LMS has problems.
In nslookup I get this:


  Nicht autorisierende Antwort:

Which looks alright to me.
And no, I don't use any such tools.

But I had citrix receiver and TeamViewer on my system - I removed these
already because they were prime suspects, too.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] strange DNS problem using LMS on Windows 10

2017-10-14 Thread pupvogel

DJanGo wrote: 
> Hmm...
> disable the f**ing IPv6 and the Pseudo-Interface Teredo Tunneling and
> reboot the System.
> That might be the fix.
> cheers

I'll try everything :)

First I disabled the hidden Teredo-device in network adapters, but it
showed up again after a reboot, so I did "netsh interface teredo set
state disabled" and now it's really gone.
But: no success.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] strange DNS problem using LMS on Windows 10

2017-10-13 Thread pupvogel

bpa wrote: 
> This is very unlikely to be the cause but you can check - usually
> somewhere in the Users Local Data Temp -  files beginning with "pdk"

Found three pdk-directories at that location, renamed them and
Two new directories reappeared then, after restart of LMS: no change...

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] strange DNS problem using LMS on Windows 10

2017-10-13 Thread pupvogel

bpa wrote: 
> There used to be a number of AV s/w which inserted themselves illegally
> into nertwork modules chain of libraries to examine data streams.
> Uninstall did not rmeove them fully - it just disabled their checking
> but their side effects persisted.  I can't remember the tools used to
> rebuild the network stack.
> edit:
> The command line tools used was "netsh winsock" there are various
> parmeters which make the command do different types of action.  I don't
> have WIn 10 so I can't offer definite suggestions - I think for Win xp
> and 7 is used to be "netsh winsock reset catalog" but this clear out all
> users of TCP/IP so special s/w/ such asvPN etc may need to be be
> resinstalled.  You could try "netsh winsock show catalog" to see if AV
> is installedin the network stack.

Nothing antivirus-like showed up in the catalog, but I did it anyway:
- 'netsh winsock reset catalog', reboot, fixed adapter's ip-settings,
start LMS: no change
I even did an
- 'netsh int ip reset'
which includes the catalog reset, but that also didn't change a thing.
At least everything else still works... :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] strange DNS problem using LMS on Windows 10

2017-10-12 Thread pupvogel

d6jg wrote: 
> This may be completely irrelevant but do you use Avast by any chance?
> Reason I ask. Client did an Avast upgrade which broke his previously
> working VPN. Error message clearly pointed to network issue where VPN
> host couldn’t be resolved. It did from nslookup before and after
> clearing dnscache.
> Uninstalled Avast but still broken. Reset network TCP to default - there
> are instructions available for all W variants. Still broken.
> The next option considered was a complete rebuild but as a last chance
> did a System Restore to a date before Avast upgrade. Worked. Why the
> network reset didn’t work but restore did is unclear. Anyway Avast did
> something nasty at TCP level that affected DNS.

No, I use Avira, but maybe it's something similar...?
Uninstalling Avira also did not resolve this issue, but maybe it did
that nasty thing, too...

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] strange DNS problem using LMS on Windows 10

2017-10-12 Thread pupvogel


really, thanks for digging into this !!

bpa wrote: 
> I don't have Win10 -  since the problem is hard to determine, I am
> pointing out area where known LMS issues occur - multiple network
> interfaces is one. Interface are usually selected from command line
> option.
> The main error "invalid host" occurs on a API where the host address
> (i.e. IP address) supplied is considered invalid. If DNS had failed - it
> would have been shown as an earlier error - so there is something odd.
> Are yiu using 
> On the working Win10 system - have you done the same command ipconfig
> /all etc. to see if there is a difference ?

Yes, I did, and there is no difference, except for other ipv6

> GIven the working system is a "clean" system but has exactly same LMS
> software as "old" "faulty" system - then it would seem possible the
> problem with the "faulty" system is due to "old" files ort "old "
> settings somewhere
> Have you cleaned out all old occurances of "Logitech Media Server" from
> the Windows firewall ? with each install an entry is made for the
> application - it is a good idea to clean out all old entries and then
> manually add a new on for current version.

I tried switching off the whole firewall before, so I think this can be
ruled out - either way I checked the entries and found 5 for "Logitech
Media Server" (Squeezesvr.exe):
- one for private+public profiles and TCP-protocol
- one for private+public profiles and UDP-protocol
- three for all profiles and protocols

I deleted all of them except for one of those all/all rules. Problem

> With each new install of  LMS, the Activestate Perl system "expands" the
> .exe and old undeleted "expansions" used to cause problems - I need to
> find out where these can be found and deleted.

Maybe this leads somewhere..?? I did a lot of re-installs of LMS on this
machine, so maybe it was just too much for this mechanism.

I really hope we can solve this, thanks again !!

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] strange DNS problem using LMS on Windows 10

2017-10-09 Thread pupvogel

bpa wrote: 
> You have two network interfaces ?
> Have you told LMS which one to use ? otherwise it may pickup the wrong
> one (e.g. "Tunneladapter Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface)

The mainboard actually has two network interfaces (Qualcomm Atheros and
Intel), but the Intel interface is deactivated in the BIOS, so it is not
even showing up in Windows Device Manager. And switching from Atheros to
Intel interface did not help.

This Teredo-stuff is always displayed on my machine, even if I disable
And it is also displayed on the new Win10-test-installation, on which
LMS works.

Don't you see this in your system, too ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] strange DNS problem using LMS on Windows 10

2017-10-09 Thread pupvogel

bpa wrote: 
> You've done so many things - it's not clear how things are setup. I
> think it is necessary to get back to a "vanilla" and then chanegs only
> one thing at a time and see what, if any, changes in the log.
> - Change Win 10 to use DHCP which sets all items Gateway and DNS.
> -  Change router to default values.
> Then when all are back at "normal" settings - get baseline record of
> problem with LMS log, Win 10 & router settings 
> 1. Get LMS log as per post #1
> 2. Get Win1-0 settings using ipconfig /all
> 3. Get Router config. Router IP address, subnetwork mask and DNS 1 & 2
> settings (e.g Obtained from ISP, User defined, DNS relay, none, other)
> Also between test as you could be changing DNS server - use "ipconfig
> /flushdns"  to clear DNS cache in Windows - otherwsie Windows may dish
> up old values and not changed ones.
> Once a baseline is obtained - then suggeston can be made for a single
> change. After each change check LMS log, Win10 setting and Routers
> settings as finger trouble may happen.

Ok, first another nugget of information:
Out of curiosity I created a new Windows 10 installation on the same
machine, but on an old spare hard drive, with only Antivirus and LMS
7.9.1 on it - and on that installation everything works fine, even when
using a fixed IP address..!?
I can't re-build the whole machine right now, so I'm back to the
installation as it was before.

I re-set the machine to use DHCP, rebooted, did a 'ipconfig /flushdns',
started LMS manually (it's not autostarting), tried to login, failed,
log output:


[17-10-09 15:14:51.0144] main::init (387) Starting Logitech Media Server 
(v7.9.1, 1505480690, Fri Sep 15 13:17:40 CUT 2017) perl 5.014001 - 
  [17-10-09 15:14:51.2510] Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::init (62) 
SqueezeNetwork Init
  [17-10-09 15:14:53.1019] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1250) Warning: 
[15:14:53.1016] EV: error in callback (ignoring): pack_sockaddr: invalid host 
at /AnyEvent/ line 1114
  [17-10-09 15:14:53.1025] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1250) Warning: 
[15:14:53.1023] EV: error in callback (ignoring): pack_sockaddr: invalid host 
at /AnyEvent/ line 1114
  [17-10-09 15:14:55.0914] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1250) Warning: 
[15:14:55.0911] EV: error in callback (ignoring): pack_sockaddr: invalid host 
at /AnyEvent/ line 1114
  [17-10-09 15:15:00.1083] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1250) Warning: 
[15:15:00.1081] EV: error in callback (ignoring): pack_sockaddr: invalid host 
at /AnyEvent/ line 1114
  [17-10-09 15:15:00.1085] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1250) Warning: 
[15:15:00.1085] EV: error in callback (ignoring): pack_sockaddr: invalid host 
at /AnyEvent/ line 1114
  [17-10-09 15:15:02.0928] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1250) Warning: 
[15:15:02.0925] EV: error in callback (ignoring): pack_sockaddr: invalid host 
at /AnyEvent/ line 1114
  [17-10-09 15:15:03.7307] Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::login (326) 
Logging in to as
  [17-10-09 15:15:05.7273] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1250) Warning: 
[15:15:05.7270] EV: error in callback (ignoring): pack_sockaddr: invalid host 
at /AnyEvent/ line 1114
  [17-10-09 15:15:10.1085] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1250) Warning: 
[15:15:10.1082] EV: error in callback (ignoring): pack_sockaddr: invalid host 
at /AnyEvent/ line 1114
  [17-10-09 15:15:10.1092] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1250) Warning: 
[15:15:10.1090] EV: error in callback (ignoring): pack_sockaddr: invalid host 
at /AnyEvent/ line 1114
  [17-10-09 15:15:12.0929] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1250) Warning: 
[15:15:12.0926] EV: error in callback (ignoring): pack_sockaddr: invalid host 
at /AnyEvent/ line 1114
  [17-10-09 15:15:12.7491] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1250) Warning: 
[15:15:12.7489] EV: error in callback (ignoring): pack_sockaddr: invalid host 
at /AnyEvent/ line 1114
  [17-10-09 15:15:15.1084] Slim::Formats::XML::gotErrorViaHTTP (338) Error: 
  Couldn't resolve IP address for:
  [17-10-09 15:15:15.1087] Slim::Plugin::Sounds::Plugin::_gotSoundsError (83) 
Error: Unable to cache Sounds & Effects menu from SN: Couldn't resolve IP 
address for:
  [17-10-09 15:15:17.0928] Slim::Formats::XML::gotErrorViaHTTP (338) Error: 
  Couldn't resolve IP address for:
  [17-10-09 15:15:17.0932] Slim::Plugin::InternetRadio::Plugin::_gotRadioError 
(67) Unable to retrieve radio directory from SN: Couldn't resolve IP address 
  [17-10-09 15:15:22.7446] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1250) Warning: 
[15:15:22.7444] EV: error in callback (ignoring): pack_sockaddr: invalid host 
at /AnyEvent/ line 1114
  [17-10-09 15:15:29.0153] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1250) Warning: 
[15:15:29.0150] EV: error in callback (ignoring): pack_sockaddr: invalid 

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] strange DNS problem using LMS on Windows 10

2017-10-05 Thread pupvogel

epoch1970 wrote: 
> I have no idea what win 10 is. 
> An application firewall on the machine running LMS and that browser will
> happily do something like that. Make sure the LMS program/service is
> allowed to access outside the machine (in general or for DNS only)

Win 10 is WINDOWS 10, sorry if was unclear there.
Same thing happens when firewall is completely switched off and no
antivirus is running.

Just tried that again actually, as my first post is quite old already
and I am starting to disbelief myself...but I was right, still won't
work. :rolleyes:

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] strange DNS problem using LMS on Windows 10

2017-10-05 Thread pupvogel

...sorry to interrupt, I' ll just give a quick status update on this
topic ;)

dhallag wrote: 
> So I had this exact problem and for me the issue was that my gateway was
> not matched from my internet provider.  I looked at my router settings
> to find the gateway, entered that, and that resolved the issue.  my
> gateway needed to be and

I am not sure how I could do that, because the gateway assigned to me
from my provider changes from time to time. So I did something else:
I activated the second network adapter on my mainboard (Intel instead of
Qualcomm), this one I set to dynamic IP address (by DHCP), and this
magically...did nothing.
Same problem as before. Ah ok, and I should mention, the other
connection was deactivated for this test.
I think there must be something messed up in the LMS-package, probably
some extra-level of DNS-complication that doesn't work in my situation -
why else would the control panel's diagnostics screen show all
connections as OK, but then on the other hand fail to make a connection
to a site, that my browser can see..?

As I already mentioned in my first post, I also tried setting Google's
DNS server and the DNS server of my ISP directly in the Windows device
manager - no change.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] strange DNS problem using LMS on Windows 10

2017-09-30 Thread pupvogel

dhallag wrote: 
> do you have your PC LMS is installed on as a static IP address?


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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] strange DNS problem using LMS on Windows 10

2017-09-21 Thread pupvogel

bpa wrote: 
> The problem seems to be specifically DNS and not internet.
> What version of LMS is running ?  (not sure as you seem to have
> upgraded/downgraded between 7.7* and 7.9.*)
> IIRC older version of LMS used a specfic DNS service perhaps openDNS. If
> so maybe blocked by Windows.
> I suggest enable logging network.asyncdns to DEBUG to see if more info
> is available

I'm now running the latest nightly again (1505480690), I just downgraded
temporarily to check if that would fix the problem.

The network.asyncdns log was included above, the only meaningful lines I
get from it are these:


[17-09-21 20:04:29.2878] Slim::Networking::Async::DNS::__ANON__ (59) Lookup 
failed for
  [17-09-21 20:04:31.2622] Slim::Networking::Async::DNS::__ANON__ (59) Lookup 
failed for
  [17-09-21 20:05:00.0164] Slim::Networking::Async::DNS::__ANON__ (59) Lookup 
failed for
  [17-09-21 20:29:02.0554] Slim::Networking::Async::DNS::__ANON__ (64) Reset 
DNS resolver to pick up new configuration

These are the first log lines after a Server restart:


[17-09-21 20:04:05.5140] main::init (387) Starting Logitech Media Server 
(v7.9.1, 1505480690, Fri Sep 15 13:17:40 CUT 2017) perl 5.014001 - 
  [17-09-21 20:04:07.2341] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1250) Warning: 
[20:04:07.2272] EV: error in callback (ignoring): pack_sockaddr: invalid host 
at /AnyEvent/ line 1114
  [17-09-21 20:04:07.2343] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1250) Warning: 
[20:04:07.2343] EV: error in callback (ignoring): pack_sockaddr: invalid host 
at /AnyEvent/ line 1114
  [17-09-21 20:04:09.2402] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1250) Warning: 
[20:04:09.2400] EV: error in callback (ignoring): pack_sockaddr: invalid host 
at /AnyEvent/ line 1114
  [17-09-21 20:04:14.2514] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1250) Warning: 
[20:04:14.2512] EV: error in callback (ignoring): pack_sockaddr: invalid host 
at /AnyEvent/ line 1114
  [17-09-21 20:04:14.2516] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1250) Warning: 
[20:04:14.2515] EV: error in callback (ignoring): pack_sockaddr: invalid host 
at /AnyEvent/ line 1114
  [17-09-21 20:04:16.2465] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1250) Warning: 
[20:04:16.2462] EV: error in callback (ignoring): pack_sockaddr: invalid host 
at /AnyEvent/ line 1114
  [17-09-21 20:04:24.2720] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1250) Warning: 
[20:04:24.2718] EV: error in callback (ignoring): pack_sockaddr: invalid host 
at /AnyEvent/ line 1114
  [17-09-21 20:04:24.2723] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1250) Warning: 
[20:04:24.2722] EV: error in callback (ignoring): pack_sockaddr: invalid host 
at /AnyEvent/ line 1114
  [17-09-21 20:04:26.2535] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1250) Warning: 
[20:04:26.2533] EV: error in callback (ignoring): pack_sockaddr: invalid host 
at /AnyEvent/ line 1114
  [17-09-21 20:04:29.2871] Slim::Networking::Async::DNS::__ANON__ (59) Lookup 
failed for
  [17-09-21 20:04:29.2873] Slim::Networking::Async::DNS::__ANON__ (64) Reset 
DNS resolver to pick up new configuration

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] strange DNS problem using LMS on Windows 10

2017-09-20 Thread pupvogel

toby10 wrote: 
> . and then rebooted LMS?  Same diagnostic results for LMS for all
> Ports (all say OK)?

If you mean the LMS control panel->Diagnostics-> it
always shows the values - even though it cannot

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] strange DNS problem using LMS on Windows 10

2017-09-20 Thread pupvogel

bpa wrote: 
> IIRC This sort of problem can happen if LMS is started before network
> connection is up & running.  Is LMS running as a service to be started
> on system boot ?

Yes, it is. But if I stop the LMS and restart it (not the whole machine,
just the server), I still have the same problem. there more to it than just select "Stop Logitech Media Server"
and then restart it..?

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] strange DNS problem using LMS on Windows 10

2017-09-19 Thread pupvogel

no, i tried deactivating firewall AND antivirus - didn't change a
thing... :confused:

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