Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Playlist Creation & non-ASCII characters

2021-05-27 Thread eCo

You know how when you've been working on a problem for a long time,
going down one rabbit hole after another, until you reach a point there
in the weeds where you decide to just clean up, simplify, and start
over? That's where I was this morning. 

I started out researching the 'extended m3u'
( format which is what
LMS uses to help me understand how it works.  I also had LMS clear and
rescan the whole library, and changed the foobar2000 library url from
the server IP address to the server NAME which is the way LMS seems to
prefer it - so now they're identical.

When you save a playlist in foobar2000, you have the option of .m3u or
.m3u8, the latter encoded with UTF-8.  When I initially saved a playlist
as .m3u, foobar warned that it may not play correctly in some players. 
In the beginning, I tested both formats and the non-ASCII character
issue occurred in both.  That was then.

That's no longer the case.  After the clean-up above, LMS seems to like
the .m3u version just fine.  I created a "Remasters.m3u" playlist and
LMS found and loaded all 10,539 tracks without a hitch - a playlist
replete with foreign albums and non-ASCII characters.  I'm not sure what
the exact problem was, but it appears to be gone.

So I'm feeling kinda sheepish now wasting everyone's time on this.  At
least I learned a coupla things about playlists and python - plus I have
a nice new interface to play with (extGUI4LMS).

Thanks everyone, and please accept my apologies for your trouble.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Playlist Creation & non-ASCII characters

2021-05-27 Thread cpd73

eCo wrote: 
> If I use the LMS advanced search tool, I can build the playlist within
> LMS in a reasonable time entering the terms mentioned above
> one-at-a-time. But then I end up with a large number of duplicate
> entries since there's considerable overlap between the searches.

Not sure if this will work, and not sure how slow it would be as I've
never created such a large playlist, but MaterialSkin can remove
duplicates from playlists. This is done by using the track's title - so
if you have multiple tracks with the same title, this would fail. Might
be worth a try. To use: navigate into your list of playlists, and select
"Remove duplicates" from the specific playlist's context menu (use the
three dotted button the the right of each item).

*Material debug:* 1. Launch via http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json
(Use http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json,cometd to also see update
messages, e.g. play queue) 2. Open browser's developer tools 3. Open
console tab in developer tools 4. REQ/RESP messages sent to/from LMS
will be logged here.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Playlist Creation & non-ASCII characters

2021-05-27 Thread philchillbill

As promised, here's my old script which still works perfectly to prepare
a playlist for LMS. It reads a full directory of m3u files and
modifies/copies all of them into a directory MODDED so the originals are

I keep all my files for tagging purposes on a Win 10 machine. My LMS is
on a Ubuntu machine with an external HD so the file paths are modded by
this script from Win to Linux as a bonus - you may not need this kind of
thing. The main thing is the call to  *uri_escape_utf8($line,
"\x00-\x1f\x7f-\xff");* which escapes all control chars and hi-bit
chars. I'm not sure if my BOM character << print OUT ""; #BOM >>
will survive being posted on the forum but there is a BOM marker in
there that displays correctly in VS Code.


  # Modifies a playlist to URI-escape control and hi-bit characters for LMS
  # (c) philchillbill 2012
  use URI::Escape;
  use locale;
  my $c = 0;
  my @files = glob "*.m3u"; 
  my $p = scalar(@files);
  my $original = "D:\\My Music\\";
  my $target = "file:///seagate/music/";
  foreach my $file (@files) {
  open(IN, $file); @lines = ; chomp(@lines); close(IN);
  my @processed = ();
  foreach my $line (@lines) {
  $line =~ s/^\Q$original\E//;
  if ($line =~ /^#/) {
  $line =~ s/(#EXTINF:\d+,)/\1 /;
  } else {
  my $modified = uri_escape_utf8($line, "\x00-\x1f\x7f-\xff");
  $line = $target.$modified;
  push(@processed, $line);
  my $mfile = '.\\MODDED\\'.$file; 
  open(OUT, '>', $mfile);
  binmode(OUT, ":utf8");
  print OUT ""; #BOM
  print OUT "#CURTRACK 0\n";
  foreach my $line (@processed) { print OUT "$line\n" };
  print "\nFinished. Processed $c songs in $p playlists\n";
  sleep 2;

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Playlist Creation & non-ASCII characters

2021-05-27 Thread Roland0

eCo wrote: 
> if added fewer at a time, it wouldn't save the final playlist showing
> "error saving playlist LP_Rips "error"".  Perhaps it's a resource
> limitation.  
Unfortunately, this seems to be the case. LMS doesn't accept such
"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 414
(Request-URI Too Large)"

> I also noticed it was throwing in albums in the search results that
> seemingly had nothing related to the search terms.  Finally, the search
> term strings ignored spaces and case.  I use RM as an abbreviation for
> remastered, so in foobar2000 I can search for the string " RM " with
> high specificity.  But this editor would ignore the spaces and case
> sensitivity to match album titles with "rm" anywhere in the string
> pulling in many unwanted titles.
LMSplaylistEditor uses LMS' search, so the plugin can't really change
this behaviour.

> I had high hopes for the python script, but after I figured out the
> syntax, it would only respond "Invalid playlist format (First line:
> ...".  That's irritating since the format is what I want it to fix. 
That's a bit strange.
Check the first line of your m3u file - it should be

anyway, you can change the script to accept any encoding by changing
line 394 from:


elif args.subparser_name == 'fixm3u':
tracks = parsem3u( args.infile, check_files = True)



elif args.subparser_name == 'fixm3u':
tracks = parsem3u( args.infile, check_files = True, 

where file_encoding can have any value listed 'here'

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Playlist Creation & non-ASCII characters

2021-05-26 Thread philchillbill

eCo wrote: 
> I could see when comparing files that that's what needs to be done, but
> I have little coding experience and none of it's in Perl.

I'll post my script tomorrow. It's very simple but you would need to
have that URI::Encode module installed - maybe it's part of the standard
LMS install.

Are there any other languages you are familiar with or at least already
have installed? A Python3 version should also be pretty easy:

>>> from urllib.parse import quote
>>> quote('/test')
>>> quote('/test', safe='')
>>> quote('/El Niño/')

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Playlist Creation & non-ASCII characters

2021-05-26 Thread eCo

philchillbill wrote: 
> I just used the *uri_escape_utf8( $string )* function from the Perl
> URI::Escape module in my little script. Normally URI escaping is
> associated with the likes of converting spaces to %20 and such, but you
> can also escape e.g. umlauts using this function.
> For example, Tiësto becomes Ti%C3%ABsto which is a pure ASCII
> representation that may better survive moving from one OS/platform to
> another.

I could see when comparing files that that's what needs to be done, but
I have little coding experience and none of it's in Perl.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Playlist Creation & non-ASCII characters

2021-05-26 Thread eCo

Roland0 wrote: 
> You can try using the 'LMS Playlist Editor'
> (, which will remove
> existing tracks from the playlist if they are added again.
> The 'm3u_tool' ( Python
> script has a "fixm3u" operation which you could try on your playlist
> before importing it

I gave both of these approaches a shot, but alas, no joy.  I did like
your GUI mod and playlist editor, but they both had issues in my case. 
I suspect it's a matter of scale as I'm dealing with lots of albums.

The problems I encountered in the LMSplaylistEditor were: 1) It wouldn't
add a large number of albums to a playlist at a time; and, 2) if added
fewer at a time, it wouldn't save the final playlist showing "error
saving playlist LP_Rips "error"".  Perhaps it's a resource limitation. 
I also noticed it was throwing in albums in the search results that
seemingly had nothing related to the search terms.  Finally, the search
term strings ignored spaces and case.  I use RM as an abbreviation for
remastered, so in foobar2000 I can search for the string " RM " with
high specificity.  But this editor would ignore the spaces and case
sensitivity to match album titles with "rm" anywhere in the string
pulling in many unwanted titles.

I had high hopes for the python script, but after I figured out the
syntax, it would only respond "Invalid playlist format (First line:
...".  That's irritating since the format is what I want it to fix.  I
played with BOM and encoding in the foobar playlist file to no avail.

Anywho, thanks for the suggestions.  I'll keep playing with the editor
to see if I can come up with something in time.  I'll also see if I can
find a plugin for foobar2000 for different export formats.  Perhaps that
will appease either LMS or the m3u_tool.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Playlist Creation & non-ASCII characters

2021-05-26 Thread philchillbill

eCo wrote: 
> Foobar2000 saves the playlist as DOS/Windows & UTF-8.  I've used
> Notepad++ to convert this file to 'UNIX' with BOM, as this is what LSM
> creates, but it didn't solve the issue.  Perhaps it's not formatted
> correctly?  I can up a small example file tomorrow if that would be
> helpful.

I just used the *uri_escape_utf8( $string )* function from the Perl
URI::Escape module in my little script. Normally URI escaping is
associated with the likes of converting spaces to %20 and such, but you
can also escape the likes of umlauts using this function.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Playlist Creation & non-ASCII characters

2021-05-26 Thread Roland0

eCo wrote: 
> Saving a playlist with these same sources works fine when created within
> LSM.  If I use the LMS advanced search tool, I can build the playlist
> within LMS in a reasonable time entering the terms mentioned above
> one-at-a-time. But then I end up with a large number of duplicate
> entries since there's considerable overlap between the searches.  This
> makes the playlist unnecessarily large, and the duplicated albums
> (sometimes three & four times) would be played back too frequently.
You can try using the 'LMS Playlist Editor'
(, which will remove
existing tracks from the playlist if they are added again.
The 'm3u_tool' ( Python
script has a "fixm3u" operation which you could try on your playlist
before importing it

'Various SW' ( Web Interface | TUI |
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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Playlist Creation & non-ASCII characters

2021-05-25 Thread eCo

Foobar2000 saves the playlist as DOS/Windows & UTF-8.  I've used
Notepad++ to convert this file to 'UNIX' with BOM, as this is what LSM
creates, but it didn't solve the issue.  Perhaps it's not formatted
correctly?  I can up a small example file tomorrow if that would be

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Playlist Creation & non-ASCII characters

2021-05-25 Thread philchillbill

What’s the text encoding on the m3u? Does the file have a BOM at the
start? I had issues with non-ASCII years ago and solved it by URL
encoding the paths. I wrote a small Perl script to read the m3u exported
from mp3tag and rewrite it with mods. That approach can handle a really
large file to boot.

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[SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Playlist Creation & non-ASCII characters

2021-05-25 Thread eCo

Hi All,
I'm trying to create a playlist from a very large audio catalogue that
captures my best (audiophile) recordings.

In foobar2000, this is straightforward as I can create a boolean
expression with all terms I typically include in the albums' titles,
such as "Remaster", "180g LP Rip", "SACD", "MFSL", and so on; and
importantly, there are no duplicates.

Unfortunately, when I try to import the Foobar playlist into LSM, all
the entries with special characters (non-ASCII 128 thru 255) are missing
- either individual songs or entire albums from, for example, the artist
Amon Düül II.  

Saving a playlist with these same sources works fine when created within
LSM.  If I use the LMS advanced search tool, I can build the playlist
within LMS in a reasonable time entering the terms mentioned above
one-at-a-time. But then I end up with a large number of duplicate
entries since there's considerable overlap between the searches.  This
makes the playlist unnecessarily large, and the duplicated albums
(sometimes three & four times) would be played back too frequently.

The "Audiophile.m3u" playlist I built within LMS including duplicates is
> 9 MB with about 84,300 lines.  I've tried to find & delete duplicates
using two word processing tricks I've found and both failed - presumably
because the file is too large (regex in Notepad++, and an MSWord VB

I've been working on this issue off and on for weeks and am still
stymied as to how to get a nice, clean file that can be easily updated
as I continue to grow my collection.  Any new ideas would be most


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