Re: Can�t see older playlists in MacOS Catalina Music on LMS

2022-01-02 Thread pricebrad

mherger wrote: 
> > HOWEVER, I see that a large portion of my album art is no longer
> showing
> Artwork import always had been considered experimental. Doesn't it even
> need to be enabled explicitely? It was based on an AppleScript calling 
> iTunes. Well, lack of iTunes this now obviously fails...

"Extract Artwork (experimental)" is NOT checked in my LMS iTunes tab,
and as far as I know, has never been. So this is not the function I'm
talking about.  Yet I've had some art on my SB Touch for many years.  
Seems like it's less than previous after my recent mucking with LMS
updates, SB firmware update, exporting xml and rescanning activities. 
Below is a screen shot of the most recent media scan results.   The
coverart files are those just the embedded art inside tracks?   1656
seems like too few out of my 25000+ tracks.  I'd guess that inside I have about 85% of my albums containing art.   Not
sure which of those are "embedded" though, versus just inside
I think my next step will be to test some of the Dougs scripts for
Music and try to learn a little bit more about how my art is being
stored.   I'm hoping there is a way to Force-embed art into music files
for any that aren't already embedded.   My expectation is that after
doing that, I would see more artwork show up on SB Touch.Yes?


|Filename: Screen Shot 2022-01-02 at 2.00.22 PMEST.png  |

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Re: Can�t see older playlists in MacOS Catalina Music on LMS

2022-01-02 Thread pricebrad

mherger wrote: 
> > HOWEVER, I see that a large portion of my album art is no longer
> showing
> Artwork import always had been considered experimental. Doesn't it even
> need to be enabled explicitely? It was based on an AppleScript calling 
> iTunes. Well, lack of iTunes this now obviously fails...

Sure.  Weird that the art was BETTER previously though.   Again, not a
dealbreaker but would be nice to get the art to display.   I keep coming
back to what is the value of continuing to use the SB Touch since I'm
mostly in the Apple ecosystem anyway.  An old iPad or iPhone sitting
next to my stereo might be a better option at some point.   Sad, but
sometimes you just have to move on.

Noticed another problem after doing all these updates and finally
getting my Recently added music to show up on SB Touch:   I now have*
jittery playback with drops* on the iTunes-purchased music.  Not sure
why.  Never had issues before.  Any music (including recent) that was
ripped from CD continues to play fine (FYI I rip to Apple Lossless.)
Looking at one purchased track, as an example, shows in Get Info in the following:   kind Purchased AAC audio file, bit rate 256
kbps, sample 44.100 kHz, profile Low Complexity, file extension is .m4a.
Not sure if any of this info is useful.  What do you think is
happening?   My SB Touch is connected via WiFi about ten feet from the
AP, never had any network issues previously and the SB Touch network
diagnostic test runs at 100%, no issues at all.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Can’t see older playlists in MacOS Catalina Music on LMS

2022-01-01 Thread Michael Herger

HOWEVER, I see that a large portion of my album art is no longer showing

Artwork import always had been considered experimental. Doesn't it even 
need to be enabled explicitely? It was based on an AppleScript calling 
iTunes. Well, lack of iTunes this now obviously fails...

Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: Can�t see older playlists in MacOS Catalina Music on LMS

2022-01-01 Thread pricebrad

OK,  I think I may have it working (although there's a new problem.)

When you said
Paul Webster wrote: 
> From the source code
> LMS looks for different names and takes the first it finds from
> iTunes Music Library.xml
> iTunes Library.xml

did you mean LMS looks for these library xml file names IN THAT SPECIFIC
ORDER?   Because from my testing it would appear that it takes the first
one it finds in alphabetical order.  A few more iterations I tried and
when I named the exported file *"iTunes Library.xml"* without the other
one present, it seemed to work.  I also blanked out the path to Playlist
folder in LMS Library tab (still leaving the Use iTunes box checked.)

One wrinkle and one new problem:
as mentioned I was interested in my "Recently Added" playlist.  This is
a built-in playlist in iTunes and also in   That text appears
in the exported xml file (although I can't tell much more than that
about it.)   However, after the rescan that DID work, there is no
Recently Added playlist anymore!  LMS must not be able to use the new
format.   Fortunately I had also made my own "smart playlist" in called RecentlyAddedSmart which just shows the more recently
added 100 songs.   That shows up in LMS and all the new stuff I added
recently was in there.  I checked a few other playlists I had updated
recently and those changes are reflected in LMS.  So that problem more
or less resolved.

HOWEVER, I see that a large portion of my album art is no longer showing
in LMS.  It appears in, but in LMS there seems to be no rhyme
or reason why some are showing and others are not.   This isn't as big a
concern for me, although it would be nice if SB Touch showed a nice
album cover instead of blank.  I will work on it, but that's for another
thread.  I can say right off the bat that music I recently purchased via
iTunes and downloaded, shows album art in but doesn't show in
LMS.That is not very surprising.  But I also see lots of old albums
that I've been listening to through LMS for years, which I know showed
art on my SB Touch, the art is missing.   I will take a look at Doug's
scripts as I recall that's an area where lots of people had issues and
there are some fixes.Bliss was another one I saw.  If anyone has
experience/tips along these lines, I'd love to hear from you!

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Re: Can�t see older playlists in MacOS Catalina Music on LMS

2022-01-01 Thread pricebrad

Paul Webster wrote: 
> They are text files ... so you could open them up and take a look
> inside.
> From the source code
> LMS looks for different names and takes the first it finds from
> iTunes Music Library.xml
> iTunes Library.xml

Yes they are text files.  I can open them and take a look but what
am I looking for?  I can't determine much by looking at them; for
example whether the Recently Added contains my most recently added
music.   Yes I can find a dict section with "Recently Added" but the
items there are coded with IDs that mean nothing to me.

So far I have tried naming the exported file "iTunes Music Library.xml"
and then used Clear Library and Rescan Everything in the LMS Advanced
tab (I am using version 8.2.0 r1627922070 by the way.)   Checking the
Web Player I can then look at my Recently Added playlist as LMS sees it,
and none of the new stuff is there.  I tried entering the Playlist
Folder path manually in the Library tab (still leaving the Use iTunes
box checked) and rescanned everything again.  No change.   I then tried
making a copy of the exported xml and calling it "iTunes Library.xml"
and rescanning again.  No change.

Do I need to uncheck the Use iTunes box?   If so, what exactly am I
supposed to put in the Music and Playlist paths, for a "normal"
iTunes/ setup on my Mac?  It feels like I'm just flailing here.
It's been more than a year, I had hoped that someone else already
figured all this out.  I can't be the only one with a plain vanilla
setup on Mac to "use iTunes".

I guess what would be ideal is for LMS to gain a "use"
checkbox!   Since I don't expect that to happen, I am hoping I can find
some guidance on how to manually configure LMS for the equivalent
functionality to a "use" checkbox.

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Re: Can�t see older playlists in MacOS Catalina Music on LMS

2022-01-01 Thread Paul Webster

They are text files ... so you could open them up and take a look

>From the source code
LMS looks for different names and takes the first it finds from
iTunes Music Library.xml
iTunes Library.xml

Paul Webster
author of \"now playing\" plugins covering radio france (fip etc),
planetradio (bauer - kiss, absolute, scala, jazzfm etc), kcrw, abc
australia and cbc/radio-canada
and, via the extra \"radio now playing\" plugin lots more - see

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Re: Can�t see older playlists in MacOS Catalina Music on LMS

2022-01-01 Thread pricebrad

Paul Webster wrote: 
> Make sure you save your old and working XML file ... then try an manual
> export and see if it works.
> If a manual export does not give you something that works then
> automating that simple export is not going to help much.
> If the export function does give something that is somewhat close to the
> old iTunes format then it might be possible for someone with a Mac to
> write a script to reprocess it to make it work ... or someone else could
> write some Perl and put it in LMS to import that revised format.
> Someone with a Mac and some technical skills has to come along.

Sadly that will not be me (my skills in this area became stale years
ago.)I did the XML export but the djtechtools instructions above
appear to be from 2019... are they still accurate?  For example they say
to rename the exported file iTunes Music Library.xml and place it in the
//iTunes folder.   Since my Mac goes back more than a decade,
I have various library xml files in this folder, but the newest from
mid-2021 is named just "iTunes Library.xml"  The existing file there
named "iTunes Music Library.xml" is dated 2013.  It seems I need
slightly more detailed instructions or a confirmation on what LMS is
looking for when the "use iTunes" checkbox is checked (or confirmation
that it doesn't matter if pointing to the file directly.)

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Re: Can�t see older playlists in MacOS Catalina Music on LMS

2022-01-01 Thread Paul Webster

Make sure you save your old and working XML file ... then try an manual
export and see if it works.

If a manual export does not give you something that works then
automating that simple export is not going to help much.

If the export function does give something that is somewhat close to the
old iTunes format then it might be possible for someone with a Mac to
write a script to reprocess it to make it work ... or someone else could
write some Perl and put it in LMS to import that revised format.

Someone with a Mac and some technical skills has to come along.

Paul Webster
author of \"now playing\" plugins covering radio france (fip etc),
planetradio (bauer - kiss, absolute, scala, jazzfm etc), kcrw, abc
australia and cbc/radio-canada
and, via the extra \"radio now playing\" plugin lots more - see

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Re: Can�t see older playlists in MacOS Catalina Music on LMS

2022-01-01 Thread pricebrad

I am wondering if there are any Add-In's for the iTunes replacement that can automate the XML export?
I've been searching the forums for about a month and there's a lot of
noise relative to signal, regarding this basic topic of iTunes
integration being dead.   Interesting, I didn't even notice when I first
upgraded to Big Sur because Apple puts some symlinks or something in the
Finder to the iTunes information, which is basically static at that
point (similar to what they did with iPhoto migration to Photos.)   So
LMS thinks nothing is different and keeps looking at the old iTunes
info.   So all my playlists were still working on my SB Touch...  I only
noticed when I ripped a few rare CDs I had recently picked up on eBay,
and they did not show up in Recently Added on the SB Touch, though they
were in Recently Added in Music app.   I have a LOT (15 years worth?) of
curated playlists in iTunes and now  I'd like not to lose the
ability to access them from my SB Touch.  At some point if this all
becomes too difficult I suppose I will just take an old iPhone and
somehow connect it to my stereo, and just use the Apple Home Sharing
function to stream music from my Mac (which would be sad - I've always
loved the LMS community and great functionality, as well as the quality
of the SB Touch.)

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Re: Can�t see older playlists in MacOS Catalina Music on LMS

2020-12-13 Thread leeper

Paul Webster wrote: 
> Did you try the scripting method that I referred you to before?

No, I read them but really couldn't understand what they were doing. I
do check back as I have to believe some talented coders who are mac
users will provide the automation. In the interim, recreating the xml
file and either re-scanning or letting the scheduled scan take place
will suffice.

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Re: Can�t see older playlists in MacOS Catalina Music on LMS

2020-12-11 Thread Paul Webster

Did you try the scripting method that I referred you to before?

Paul Webster
author of \"now playing\" plugins covering radio france (fip etc), kcrw,
supla finland, abc australia, cbc/radio-canada and rte ireland

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Re: Can�t see older playlists in MacOS Catalina Music on LMS

2020-12-11 Thread leeper

whitman wrote: 
> Thanks for the help, Michael, always appreciated. I'm afraid I gave up.
> My main need for access to a playlist is to get to the BBC radio shows I
> download to Muisc (aka iTunes) via Get iPlayer Automator. On reflection,
> I can get to the relevant playlist relatively easily through my Apple TV
> box—and leave my Squeezeboxes to their more important tasks, like
> streaming radio etc and my Music/iTunes library. Works for me.

Hi, I was wondering if you ever got this sorted. I had the same issue
but thanks to some senior posters here I was able to get it to work
manually. In the new Music app go to file and export Library. That will
create an XML file that LMS uses. Place it in a library and in the LMS
interface server settings go to the iTunes tab and where it gives you
the option to tell LMS where the xml file location is enter the path to
the newly created file. Make sure you include the entire path including
the library.xml file itself. I also ticked off the use iTunes but i'm
not sure if that's needed or not. I also followed the advice of others
and gave full disk access to perl, bash and perl 5.18. After re-scanning
all my old playlists appeared again but here is the catch. Every time
you change a playlist you will have to repeat the xml creation and the
rescan. Not terrible but something to remember unless you can figure out
the scripting of the xml creation. I couldn't,lol.

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Re: Can�t see older playlists in MacOS Catalina Music on LMS

2020-06-14 Thread whitman

Thanks for the help, Michael, always appreciated. I'm afraid I gave up.
My main need for access to a playlist is to get to the BBC radio shows I
download to Muisc (aka iTunes) via Get iPlayer Automator. On reflection,
I can get to the relevant playlist relatively easily through my Apple TV
box—and leave my Squeezeboxes to their more important tasks, like
streaming radio etc and my Music/iTunes library. Works for me.

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Re: Can�t see older playlists in MacOS Catalina Music on LMS

2020-06-09 Thread whitman

I think this is the thread you're referring to?

But I can't work out from the 90-odd posts what that is saying to do.

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Re: Can�t see older playlists in MacOS Catalina Music on LMS

2020-06-08 Thread whitman

mherger wrote: 
> > Michael, I did have a search before I posted and couldn't see
> anything.
> > But are you saying there's no solution?
> I think there's a workaround like manually triggering the XML export or
> something.
> -- 
> Michael

OK Michael, thanks for the info.

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Re: Can�t see older playlists in MacOS Catalina Music on LMS

2020-06-07 Thread whitman

mherger wrote: 
> > I copied over my existing iTunes library from Mojave OS to the Music
> app
> > on a new Mac mini running Catalina OS (10.15.5).
> In Catalina Apple cut off the automatic XML export of the library. 
> Unfortunately that's what LMS is relying on.
> There are threads about this elsewhere in this forum.
> -- 
> Michael

Michael, I did have a search before I posted and couldn't see anything.
But are you saying there's no solution?

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Can�t see older playlists in MacOS Catalina Music on LMS

2020-06-07 Thread whitman

I copied over my existing iTunes library from Mojave OS to the Music app
on a new Mac mini running Catalina OS (10.15.5). 

I installed LMS (7.9.3), too, and that’s running well. 

However, I can’t see in LMS my older playlists that are in Catalina’s
new Music app. 

The only one showing is a new one made since the Catalina installation.

I made a new test playlist in Music to see where it showed up: the file
that changed in Music app is called Music Library.musiclibrary. 

When I navigate to that in LMS, it reads “empty”. 

Any suggestions for accessing my older playlists in LMS?

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