Hey Dev list,


For quite some time I was wondering what would a Squid Cluster can use as a
certificates backend.

>From what I understood until now it seems that the current ssl_db directory
structure is simple enough that it might be possible to share it across a
NFS store.


Another thing in mind is certificates cleanup and history.

Since squid is being used in couple locations as a security software it
would be good for security admins to be able to have some history logs.


I can try to write couple helpers and external services on my free time that
can help with some of these points.


Please let me know if my assumptions are or the right track.






Eliezer Croitoru <http://ngtech.co.il/lmgtfy/> 
Linux System Administrator
Mobile: +972-5-28704261
Email: elie...@ngtech.co.il


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