Re: [squid-users] WARNING: there are more than 100 regular expressions

2014-11-27 Thread Leonardo Rodrigues

On 27/11/14 07:59, wrote:

Consider using less REs ... is not possible.

so dont worry about this WARNING message. This is just a warning, 
not an error. If you're aware that using lots of REs can hit hard on the 
CPU usage, just go for it.


Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
Leonardo Rodrigues
Solutti Tecnologia

Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
My SPAMTRAP, do not email it

squid-users mailing list

Re: [squid-users] squid_ldap_auth: WARNING, could not bind to binddn 'Invalid credentials'

2014-12-15 Thread Leonardo Rodrigues

I have several squids authenticating users using ldap_auth and it 
works fine. Users are located on the 'Users' OU and my config lines are:

(single line)
auth_param basic program /usr/lib/squid/squid_ldap_auth -P -R -b 
dc=myad,dc=domain -D cn=ProxyUser,cn=Users,dc=myad,dc=domain

-w x -f sAMAccountName=%s -h ad.ip.addr.ess

(single line)
external_acl_type ldap_group children=3 ttl=300 %LOGIN 
/usr/lib/squid/squid_ldap_group -P -R -b dc=myad,dc=domain -D 
cn=Users,dc=myad,dc=domain -w xxx -f 

dc=myad,dc=domain)) -h ad.ip.addr.ess

On 15/12/14 21:03, Ahmed Allzaeem wrote:

Hi guys

Im trying to use squid with active directory  2008 R2 as an external 

On DC called

Create user squid and gave it delegation to the dc and put it also in 
the group admins in the OU=proxy


Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
Leonardo Rodrigues
Solutti Tecnologia

Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
My SPAMTRAP, do not email it

squid-users mailing list

Re: [squid-users] Calculate time spent on website (per ip address)

2015-02-11 Thread Leonardo Rodrigues

On 10/02/15 20:23, Yuri Voinov wrote:

HTTP is stateless protocol (in most cases, excluding presistant
connections). So, it is impossible to determine how much time user
spent on site. Only very approximately. Right?

in most cases, probably not even close to the real deal !


Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
Leonardo Rodrigues
Solutti Tecnologia

Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
My SPAMTRAP, do not email it

squid-users mailing list

Re: [squid-users] i want to block images with size more than 40 KB

2015-03-18 Thread Leonardo Rodrigues

On 18/03/15 08:06, Amos Jeffries wrote:

On 19/03/2015 5:57 a.m., snakeeyes wrote:

I need help in blocking images that has size less than 40 KB


Use the Squid provided access controls to manage access to things.

You should know that you cannot evaluate the response size using 
only the request data. So to acchieve what you want, data from the reply 
must be considered as well, the response size for example.

Images can be identified by the presence of '.jpg' or '.png' on the 
request URL, but images can be generated on-the-fly by scripts as well, 
so you wont see those extensions all the time. In that case, analyzing 
replies mime headers can be usefull as well, the reply mime type having 
'image' is a great indication that we're receiving an image.

Put all that together and you'll acchieve the rules you want to. 
But keep in mind that you'll probably break A LOT of sites who 'slices' 
images, background images, menus and all sort of things. I would call 
that a VERY bad idea, but can be acchieved with a few rules.


Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
Leonardo Rodrigues
Solutti Tecnologia

Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
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squid-users mailing list

Re: [squid-users] Saving memory cache to disk on reboot?

2015-05-18 Thread Leonardo Rodrigues

On 18/05/15 08:55, Yan Seiner wrote:
The title says it all - is it possible to save the memory cache to 
disk on reboot?

I reboot my systems weekly and I wonder if this would be any advantage.

Initially, let's say that a cache can ALWAYS be lost. Sometimes it 
may not be desirable, but losing a cache must not create problems, the 
cache will simply be repopulated again and no problems should occur.

Losing terabytes of cache is not be a good idea, as that amount of 
data would take some days to be repopulated and thus, during that time, 
you'll have bad hit ratios on your cache.

As you say you're using memory cache, i'll assume that you're 
dealing with 16Gb or 32Gb of cache. We're not talking on terabytes, 
we're talking on few gigabytes.

On that scenario, i would not worry about loosing it. Unless you're 
serving just a few specific pages on that cache, which is not usually 
the case, your hit ratio already shouldn't be too high, so loosing the 
cache shouldn't be a problem, it will be populated again in few hours, 
depending the number of clients and traffic generated by them.

And my only question here is: why rebooting weekly ? Assuming 
you're running Linux or some Unix variant, that's absolutely unnecessary.


Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
Leonardo Rodrigues
Solutti Tecnologia

Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
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squid-users mailing list

Re: [squid-users] Migration from squid 3.1.20 to 3.4.8

2015-06-10 Thread Leonardo Rodrigues

On 10/06/15 06:39, Diercks, Frank (VRZ Koblenz) wrote:

Hallo squid-users,

i migrated our Proxy from 3.1.20 to 3.4.8. Here are the changes I made:

why going to 3.4 if it's already 'old' code ? Why not going 
straight to 3.5 which is the current release ?


Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
Leonardo Rodrigues
Solutti Tecnologia

Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
My SPAMTRAP, do not email it

squid-users mailing list

Re: [squid-users] Logging of 'indirect' requests, e.g. involving NAT or VPN

2015-06-24 Thread Leonardo Rodrigues

Em 24/06/15 15:28, Henry S. Thompson escreveu:

I've searched the documentation and mailing list archives w/o success,
and am not competent to read the source, so asking here: what is
logged as the 'remotehost' in Squid logs when a request that has been
encapsulated, as in from a machine on a local network behind a router
implementing NAT, or from a machine accessing the proxy via a VPN

logs will show the IP address that reached squid, ie. the source 
address of the connection. If that was NATted, squid will never know 
(and thus is not able to log) the original address before the NAT.


Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
Leonardo Rodrigues
Solutti Tecnologia

Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
My SPAMTRAP, do not email it

squid-users mailing list

Re: [squid-users] Android

2015-08-12 Thread Leonardo Rodrigues

Of course you can always use 'acl aclname browser' to identify some 
specific agents and, using that, try to match android browsers.

however, that would be basically impossible to guarantee to work 
100% because softwares that calls HTTP requests can always sent 
different identifications and, thus, your rule will not match. And those 
rules would allow, also, other browsers/OSs to fake their agent-id and, 
forcing something that will look like an Android to you, have the access 
allowed without authentication.

You can try, but i would say you can never have a fully 100% 
working and 100% fake-proof setup on that scenario.

Em 12/08/15 14:09, Jorgeley Junior escreveu:

Hi guys.
Is there a way to work around android under squid authentication???
I could make an ACL to a range of address that my wifi router 
distribute to my wifi network and deny auth for them, but I'd like to 
identify the Android clients and specify that just them do not need 

Any ideas?
Thanks since now


Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
Leonardo Rodrigues
Solutti Tecnologia

Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
My SPAMTRAP, do not email it

squid-users mailing list

Re: [squid-users] big files caching-only proxy

2015-10-22 Thread Leonardo Rodrigues

Em 22/10/15 06:08, Amos Jeffries escreveu:

On 22/10/2015 7:13 a.m., Leonardo Rodrigues wrote:

It sounds to me that you are not so much wanting to cache only big
things, you are wanting to cache only certain sites which contain mostly
big things.

The best way to confgure that is with the cache directive. Just allow
those sites you want, and deny all others. Then you dont have to worry
about big vs small object size limits.

Though why you would want to avoid caching everything that was designed
to be cached is a bit mystifying. You might find better performance
providing several cache_dir with different size ranges in each for
optimal caching to be figured out by Squid.

At first that (caching only 'big' things) was the idea, but when i 
look to cache instagram, that really changed. I know i dont have a good 
hardware (I/O limitation) and having a VERY heterogenous group of 
people, hits were low when caching 'everything' and, in some cases, 
access was even getting slower as i do have a good internet pipe. But 
caching windows update and other 'big things' (antivirus updates, apple 
updates, etc etc) still looked interesting to me.

As you suggested, i further enhanced my ACLs that match 'what i 
want to cache' and could get it working using cache rules. I have even, 
in some cases, created two ACLs, one for the dstdom and other for the 
urlpath for matching just some extensions i want to cache. Maybe not 
perfect, but seems to be working fine after lowering the 
minimum_object_size to some few KBs.


Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
Leonardo Rodrigues
Solutti Tecnologia

Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
My SPAMTRAP, do not email it

squid-users mailing list

[squid-users] big files caching-only proxy

2015-10-21 Thread Leonardo Rodrigues


I have a running setup for proxying only 'big' files, like Windows 
Update, Apple Updates and some other very specific URLs. That's working 
just fine, no problem on that.

For avoiding caching small things on the URLs i want to have big 
files proxied, i setup the 'minimum_object_size' for 500Kb, for example. 
That's doing just fine, working flawlessly.

Now i'm looking for caching instagram data. That's seems easy, 
instagram videos are already being cached, but i really dont know how to 
deal with the small images and thumbnails from the timetime. If i lower 
too much the minimum_object size, those will be cached as well as not 
wanted data from the other URLs.

Question is: can the minimum_object_size be paired with some ACL ? 
Can i have a minimum_object globally and another one for specific URLs 
(from an ACL) for example?

i'm running squid 3.5.8.


Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
Leonardo Rodrigues
Solutti Tecnologia

Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
My SPAMTRAP, do not email it

squid-users mailing list

Re: [squid-users] Monitoring Squid using SNMP.

2015-10-21 Thread Leonardo Rodrigues

Em 20/10/15 16:26, escreveu:

When I try to do a snmpwalk, I got a timeout.

[root@bak ~]# snmpwalk xx:3401 -c cpuread -v 1

[root@bak ~]#

Anyone monitor Squid using SNMP ? Do you experiment some issues ?

You're not getting timeout, you're getting no data, which is 
completly different from timeout.

Try giving the initial MIB number and you'll probably get the data:

[root@firewall ~]# snmpwalk -v 1 -c public localhost:3401 

SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3495. = INTEGER: 419756
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3495. = INTEGER: 96398932
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3495. = Timeticks: (77355691) 8 days, 

SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3495. = STRING: "webmaster"
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3495. = STRING: "squid"
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3495. = STRING: "3.5.8"

and to make things easier, i use to configure the SNMP daemon that 
runs on UDP/161 to 'proxy' requests to squid, so i dont need to worry 
about informing the correct port:

[root@firewall snmp]# grep proxy snmpd.conf
# proxying requests to squid MIB
proxy -v 1 -c public localhost:3401 .

so i can 'snmpwalk' on the default udp/161 port: (note the lack of 
:3401 port)

[root@firewall snmp]# snmpwalk -v 1 -c public localhost .
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3495. = INTEGER: 419964
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3495. = INTEGER: 96359504
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3495. = Timeticks: (77370521) 8 days, 


Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
Leonardo Rodrigues
Solutti Tecnologia

Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
My SPAMTRAP, do not email it

squid-users mailing list

Re: [squid-users] How to allow subdomains in my config.

2015-10-13 Thread Leonardo Rodrigues

Em 13/10/15 18:14, escreveu:

cache_peer parent 80 0 no-query 
originserver name=ezproxycqlm

acl ezproxycqlmacl dstdomain

http_access allow www80 ezproxycqlmacl

cache_peer_access ezproxycqlm allow www80 ezproxycqlmacl

cache_peer_access ezproxycqlm deny all

no guessing games would be awesome ... please post your ACL 
definitions as well


Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
Leonardo Rodrigues
Solutti Tecnologia

Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
My SPAMTRAP, do not email it

squid-users mailing list

Re: [squid-users] TCP_MISS/200

2015-11-17 Thread Leonardo Rodrigues

Em 17/11/15 20:18, Jens Kallup escreveu:


what means the log ouput TCP_MISS/200 ?
Error in squid config?

HTTP responde code 200 means 'OK, your request was processed fine', 
it's the 'everything ok' return code.

TCP_MISS means there was no cached answer for that query and so it 
was fetched from the origin server.

It's definitely not an error, there's absolutely nothing wrong on 
seeing LOTS of those on your access.log files, as you're certainly face 
LOTS of 'everything ok' requests and lots of them will not be fetched 
from the cached objects.


Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
Leonardo Rodrigues
Solutti Tecnologia

Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
My SPAMTRAP, do not email it

squid-users mailing list

Re: [squid-users] analyzing cache in and out files

2015-09-29 Thread Leonardo Rodrigues

Em 29/09/15 07:42, Matus UHLAR - fantomas escreveu:

On 28.09.15 15:59, Leonardo Rodrigues wrote:
   I have a running squid that, until some weeks ago, was not doing 
any kind of cache, it was just used for access controle rules. Now i 
have enabled it for windows updateand some specificURLs caching and 
it's just working fine.

windows updates are so badly designed that the only sane way to get them
cached it running windows update server (WSUS).

WSUS works for corporate environments, not for all the others. And 
caching Windows Update with squid is pretty trivial actually, it doesnt 
even need URL rewriting as other services, youtube for example, do. And 
it works just fine !!


Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
Leonardo Rodrigues
Solutti Tecnologia

Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
My SPAMTRAP, do not email it

squid-users mailing list

Re: [squid-users] analyzing cache in and out files

2015-09-29 Thread Leonardo Rodrigues

Em 29/09/15 10:46, Matus UHLAR - fantomas escreveu:

hmm, when did this change?
IIRC that was big problem since updates use huge files and fetch only 

of them, which squid wasn't able to cache.
But i'm off for a few years, maybe M$ finally fixed that up...

i'm not a squid expert, but it seems that things became much easier 
when squid becames fully HTTP/1.1 compliant.

Caching huge files do not changed, that's needed for caching 
Windows Update files. Storage space, however, is becaming cheaper every 
year. In my setup, for example, i'm caching files up to 500Mb, i have 
absolutely no intention of caching ALL Windows Update files.


Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
Leonardo Rodrigues
Solutti Tecnologia

Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
My SPAMTRAP, do not email it

squid-users mailing list

Re: [squid-users] squid cache

2015-09-30 Thread Leonardo Rodrigues

Em 30/09/15 16:35, Magic Link escreveu:


i configure squid to use cache. It seems to work because when i did a 
try with a software's download, the second download is TCP_HIT in the 
The question i have is : why the majority of requests can't be cached 
(i have a lot of tcp_miss/200) ? i found that dynamic content is not 
cached but i don't understand.very well.

That's the way internet works ... most of the traffic is 
dinamically generated, which in default squid configurations avoid the 
content to be cached. Nowadays, with the 'everything https' taking 
place, HTTPS is also non-cacheable (in default configurations).

And by default configurations, you must understand that they are 
the 'SECURE' configuration. Tweaking with refresh_pattern is usually not 
recommended except in some specific cases in which you're completly 
clear that you're violating the HTTP protocol and can have problems with 

In short, the days of 20-30% byte-hits are gone and will never came 
back anymore.

Keep your default (and secure) squid configuration, there's no need 
to tweak refresh_pattern unless on very specific situations that you 
clearly understand what you're doing.


Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
Leonardo Rodrigues
Solutti Tecnologia

Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
My SPAMTRAP, do not email it

squid-users mailing list

Re: [squid-users] analyzing cache in and out files

2015-09-30 Thread Leonardo Rodrigues

Em 30/09/15 04:13, Matus UHLAR - fantomas escreveu:

the problem was iirc in caching partial objects

that problem could be avoided with properly setting range_offset_limit
but that also means that whole files instead of just their parts are

it's quite possible that microsoft changed the windows updates to be 

files, but I don't know anything about this, so I wonder if you really do
cache windows updates, and how does the caching work related to 


yes, i'm definitely caching windows update files !!

[root@firewall ~]# cd /var/squid/
[root@firewall squid]# for i in `find . -type f`; do strings $i | head 
-3 | grep "http://;; done  | grep windowsupdate | wc -l


and yes, i had to configure range_offset_limit:

range_offset_limit 500 MB updates
minimum_object_size 500 KB
maximum_object_size 500 MB
quick_abort_min -1

(being 'updates' the ACL with the URLs to be cached, basically 
windowsupdate and avast definition updates - the second one required 
further tweaks with storeid_rewrite for the CDN URLs)

from access.log, i see a lot of TCP_HIT/206 (and just a few 
TCP_HIT/200), so it seems squid is able to get the fully cached file and 
provide the smaller pieces requested:

[root@firewall squid]# grep "TCP_HIT/" access.log | grep windowsupdate | 
wc -l

[root@firewall squid]# bzcat access.log.20150927.bz2 | grep "TCP_HIT/" | 
grep windowsupdate | wc -l


having squid to download the WHOLE file at the very first request 
(even a partial request) may be bad, but considering it will be used 
later to provide the data for other requests, even partial ones, make 
things a little better.

(this windowsupdate caching is running just for a few weeks, i expect 
HITs to grow a little more)


Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
    Leonardo Rodrigues
Solutti Tecnologia

Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
My SPAMTRAP, do not email it

squid-users mailing list

Re: [squid-users] analyzing cache in and out files

2015-09-29 Thread Leonardo Rodrigues

Em 28/09/15 17:55, Amos Jeffries escreveu:

The store.log is the one recording what gets added and removed from
cache. It is just that there are no available tools to do the analysis
you are asking for. Most admin (and thus tools aimed at them) are more
concerned with whether cached files are re-used (HITs and near-HITs) or
not. That is recorded in the access.log and almost all analysis tools
use that log in one format or another.

That's i was afraid, there's no tools to analyze the data. Anyway, 
thanks for the answer.


Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
Leonardo Rodrigues
Solutti Tecnologia

Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
My SPAMTRAP, do not email it

squid-users mailing list

Re: [squid-users] user agent

2015-09-18 Thread Leonardo Rodrigues

i personally hate using !acl ... it's the easiest way, in my 
opinion, of getting in trouble and getting things to NOT work the way 
you want to.

i always prefeer to replace by other 4-5 'normal' rules than using !acl

Em 18/09/15 06:32, joe escreveu:

hi i  need to have 3 useragent replace and its not working
acl brs browser -i Mozilla.*Window.*
acl phone-brs browser -i Mozilla.*(Android|iPhone|iPad).*

request_header_access User-Agent deny brs !phone-brs
request_header_replace User-Agent Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:40.0)

request_header_access User-Agent deny phone-brs !brs
request_header_replace User-Agent Mozilla/5.0 (Android; iPhone; Mobile;)


Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
Leonardo Rodrigues
Solutti Tecnologia

Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
My SPAMTRAP, do not email it

squid-users mailing list

Re: [squid-users] logging https websites

2015-12-09 Thread Leonardo Rodrigues

Em 09/12/15 13:11, George Hollingshead escreveu:
is there a simple way to log request made to https sites.  I just want 
to see sites visited without having to set up tunneling and all this 
complex stuff i'm reading about.

Hoping there's a simple way, and yes, i'm a newb but smart enough to 
have your awesome program running; hehe

If you really want a SIMPLE way, than the answer is NO, that's not 

With simply configuring the proxy on the users browsers, you'll be 
able to see the hostname, but not the full URL

user acessing
will appear on the logs just as

and that's how it works ... the path is only visible to the 
endpoints, the browser and the server, squid just carries the encripted 
tunnel between them, without knowing what's happening inside.

is it possible to decript and see the full path on the logs, being 
able to filter on them and everything else ?? YES, that's ssl-bump, but 
that's FAR from being an easy setup ...


Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
Leonardo Rodrigues
Solutti Tecnologia

Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
My SPAMTRAP, do not email it

squid-users mailing list

Re: [squid-users] New skype version can't control by squid

2015-12-23 Thread Leonardo Rodrigues

Em 22/12/15 23:10, fbismc escreveu:

Hi everyone

Below is my skype control in squid.conf

acl numeric_IPs dstdom_regex
acl Skype_UA browser ^skype
acl validUserAgent browser \S+
acl skypenet dstdomain

After skype update to 7.17 ,the control is failed , I need to give a
"allowed" permission , the "allowed" means have a privilege to Internet

How should I fix this problem , any suggestion will be a appreciated

Well ... if you need want someone to be able to help you, you can 
start giving some real informations on the new skype accesses that are 
failing your rules.

You have rules for user agent, IP access on port 443 and domain Which accesses are not getting caught by these ? What are the 
new user agent used on the new skype accesses ???

Provide real information if you want real help (which of course, if 
not always guaranteed on a community mailing list). But be sure that 
with no real information, you wont get any useful help at all.


Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
    Leonardo Rodrigues
Solutti Tecnologia

Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
My SPAMTRAP, do not email it

squid-users mailing list

Re: [squid-users] HTTPS sites specifics URL

2017-02-06 Thread Leonardo Rodrigues

That's correct, when not using SSL-Bump feature (that's the one 
you're looking for), squid will only see the domain part. All the rest 
of the URL is crypted and visible only to the client (browser) and the 
server on the other side, the only two parts involved on that crypto 

To enable squid to see the whole URL and be able to do full 
filtering on HTTPS requests, you're looking for SSL-Bump feature. Google 
for it, there's a LOT of tutorials and mailing list messages on that.

Em 06/02/17 12:40, Dante F. B. Colò escreveu:

Hello Everyone

I have a question , probably a noob one , i 'm trying to allow some 
https sites with specific URL's  (i mean https://domain.tld/blablabla) 
but https sites are working  only with the domain part , what i have 
to do to make this work ?


Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
Leonardo Rodrigues
Solutti Tecnologia

Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
My SPAMTRAP, do not email it

squid-users mailing list

Re: [squid-users] Office 365 Support for Squid Proxy

2017-06-12 Thread Leonardo Rodrigues

i have a lot of customers who access Office 365 through squid 
proxies and have no problem at all. Office 365 is just another website, 
there's absolutely no need for special configurations for it to simply work.

Em 12/06/17 06:05, Blason R escreveu:

Hello All,

If someone can confirm if squid can very well work with Office 365? If 
anyone has any documentation can someone please forward that to me? I 
do have almost around 400 Office 365 users hence wanted to know what 
configuration I might need for Office 365 traffic?


Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
Leonardo Rodrigues
Solutti Tecnologia

Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
My SPAMTRAP, do not email it

squid-users mailing list

Re: [squid-users] retrieve amount of traffic by username

2017-06-06 Thread Leonardo Rodrigues

Em 06/06/17 10:45, Janis Heller escreveu:

Seems like parsing would be what I need. Is the size (consumed bandwith) and 
the usernams (timestamp can be generated by my parser) being written to this 
Could you show me a sample output of this file?

the already existing documentation is your friend :)


Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
Leonardo Rodrigues
Solutti Tecnologia

Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
My SPAMTRAP, do not email it

squid-users mailing list

Re: [squid-users] minimize squid memory usage

2018-07-10 Thread Leonardo Rodrigues

Em 09/07/18 20:45, Gordon Hsiao escreveu:

Assuming I need _absolutely_ no cache what-so-ever(to the point to 
change compile flags to disable that, if needed), no store-to-disk 
neither, i.e. no objects need to be cached at all. I just need Squid 
to check a few ACLs with absolutely minimal memory usage for now, what 
else am I missing to get that work?

    If you don't need everything that squid can offer, maybe using 
other proxy software can be a better option. There are other software, 
with less options, that for sure will have a smaller memory footprint. 
But as you just need ACL capabilities, maybe those can be enough.

    Have you tried checking that ?


Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
Leonardo Rodrigues
Solutti Tecnologia

Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
My SPAMTRAP, do not email it

squid-users mailing list

Re: [squid-users] want to change squid name

2018-10-01 Thread Leonardo Rodrigues

Em 01/10/18 10:08, --Ahmad-- escreveu:

i just need to have something not squid to run it on linux

i dont want squid

    so don't run squid ?!?! If someone finding that you're running 
squid and that's a problem to you, don't run it, period :)


Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
Leonardo Rodrigues
Solutti Tecnologia

Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
My SPAMTRAP, do not email it

squid-users mailing list

Re: [squid-users] Need help blocking an specific HTTPS website

2019-03-04 Thread Leonardo Rodrigues

Em 04/03/2019 19:27, Felipe Arturo Polanco escreveu:


I have been trying to block from squid and I 
have been unable to.

So far I have this:

I can block other HTTPS websites fine
I can block <> fine
I cannot block <>

I have HTTPS transparent interception enabled and I am bumping all TCP 
connections, but still this one doesn't appear to get blocked by squid.

This is part of my configuration:
acl blockwa1 url_regex whatsapp\.com$
acl blockwa2 dstdomain <>
acl blockwa3 ssl::server_name <>
acl step1 at_step SslBump1

    blockwa1 and blockwa2 should definitely block .. 
your rules seems right.

    Can you confirm the access are getting through 
squid ? Are these accesses on your access.log with something different 
than DENIED status ?


Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
    Leonardo Rodrigues
Solutti Tecnologia

Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
My SPAMTRAP, do not email it

squid-users mailing list

Re: [squid-users] squid on openwrt: Possible to get rid of "... SECURITY ALERT: Host header forgery detected ..." msgs ?

2019-01-24 Thread Leonardo Rodrigues

Em 23/01/2019 06:22, reinerotto escreveu:

Running squid 4.4 on very limited device, unfortunately quite a lot of
messages: "... SECURITY ALERT: Host header forgery detected ... "  show up.
Unable to eliminate real cause of this issue (even using iptables to redir
all DNS requests to one dnsmasq does not help), these annoying messages tend
to fill up cache.log, which is kept in precious RAM.
Is there an "official" method to suppress these messages ?
Or can you please give a hint, where to apply a (hopefully) simple patch ?

    I have some OpenWRT boxes running squid 3.5 and cache_log simply 
goes null ... i do have access log enabled, with scripts to rotate, 
export to another server (where log analyzis are done) and keep just a 
minimum on the box itself, as storage is a big problem on these boxes.


Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
    Leonardo Rodrigues
Solutti Tecnologia

Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
My SPAMTRAP, do not email it

squid-users mailing list

Re: [squid-users] GENEVE?

2020-08-25 Thread Leonardo Rodrigues

Em 25/08/2020 16:21, Jonas Steinberg escreveu:

Is there any way to definitively confirm this?  Also is this something I could 
submit as a feature request via github or is it too crazy or out-of-scope for 
the roadmap?

    And please never forget that if you need some feature that is not 
there yet, you can always sponsor the dev team to develop it :)


Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
Leonardo Rodrigues
Solutti Tecnologia

Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
My SPAMTRAP, do not email it

squid-users mailing list

Re: [squid-users] issues with sslbump and "Host header forgery detected" warnings

2020-11-09 Thread Leonardo Rodrigues

Em 07/11/2020 22:19, Eliezer Croitor escreveu:

Hey Leonardo,

I assume The best solution for you is a simple SNI proxy.
Squid does also that and you can try to debug this issue to make sure you 
understand what is wrong.
It clearly states that Squid doesn't see this specific address: 
As the domain: "real" destination 

Maybe Alex or Amos remember the exact and relevant debug_options:

I assume section 78 would be of help.
debug_options ALL,1 78,3

Is probably enough to discover what are the DNS responses and from where these 
On what OS are you running this Squid?

    Hi Eliezer,

    I have already tracked the DNS stuff and I could confirm that squid 
is resolving to a different IP address than the client is, despite both 
using the same DNS server. It only happens for hosts with multiple A 
addresses or CDN hostnames that changes IP very often (every 10 seconds 
for example). It's not a bug in that regards, absolutely not, the client 
connecting to a specific IP address and squid seeing another IP to that 
hostname caught on the TLS transaction is real.

    I'm running on CentOS 8 ... and after all, maybe these findings, 
I'm about to realize doing this kind of interception, even without the 
full decrypt part, is not trivial at all, despite it works flawlessly 
(and very easily) for "regular" hostnames which translates to a single 
IP and never changes it.

    Will study this a little more. Thanks for your observations and 


Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
    Leonardo Rodrigues
Solutti Tecnologia

Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
My SPAMTRAP, do not email it

squid-users mailing list

Re: [squid-users] issues with sslbump and "Host header forgery detected" warnings

2020-11-09 Thread Leonardo Rodrigues

Em 07/11/2020 08:42, Amos Jeffries escreveu:

All we can do is minimize the occurrences (sometimes not very much). 
This wiki page has all the details of why and workarounds 

    Thanks Amos, I had already find that and it has very good 
information on the subject. Also found an old thread of you discussing 
the security concerns on bypsasing those checks, very good information, 
thanks so much :)


Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
    Leonardo Rodrigues
Solutti Tecnologia

Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
My SPAMTRAP, do not email it

squid-users mailing list

[squid-users] issues with sslbump and "Host header forgery detected" warnings

2020-11-06 Thread Leonardo Rodrigues

    Hello Everyone,

    I'm trying to setup sslbump for the first time (on squid-4.13) and, 
at first, things seems to be working. After taking some time to 
understand the new terms (splice, bump, stare, etc), seems to got things 
somehow working.

    Actually i'm NOT looking for complete bumping (and decrypting) the 
connections. During my lab studies, I found out that simply 'splice' the 
connections is enough for me. I just wanna intercept https connections 
and have them logged, just the hostname, and that seems to be 
acchievable without even installing my certificates on the client, as 
i'm not changing anything, just 'taking a look' on the SNI values of the 
connection. The connection itself remains end-to-end protected, and 
that's fine to me. I just wanna have things logged. And that's working 
just fine.

    However, some connections are failing with the "Host header forgery 
detected" warnings. Example:

2020/11/06 18:04:21 kid1| SECURITY ALERT: Host header forgery detected 
on local= remote= FD 73 flags=33 
(local IP does not match any domain IP)
2020/11/06 18:04:21 kid1| SECURITY ALERT: on URL:

    and usually a NONE/409 (Conflict) log entry is generated on those. 
Refreshing once or twice and it will eventually work.

    I have found several discussions on this and I can confirm it 
happens on hostnames that resolvs to several different IPs or hostnames 
that, somehow, keeps changing IPs (CDNs or something like that).

    Clients are already using the same DNS server as the squid box, as 
recommended, but problem is still happening quite a lot. For regular 
hostnames who translates for a single IP address, things are 100% working.


    - without using WPAD or without configuring proxy on the client 
devices, is this somehow "fixable" ? Same DNS already being used ...
    - is there any chance the NONE/409 (Conflict) logs i'm seeing are 
not related to this? Maybe these are just WARNINGs and not ERRORs, or 
these would really cause a fail to the intercepted connection?
    - any other hint on this one without having to set proxy, in any 
way, on the clients? I just wanna have hostnames (and traffic generated) 
logged, no need for full decrypt (bumping) of the connections.

    Thanks !!!


Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
    Leonardo Rodrigues
Solutti Tecnologia

Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
My SPAMTRAP, do not email it

squid-users mailing list

Re: [squid-users] Squid caching webpages now days?

2021-08-03 Thread Leonardo Rodrigues

Em 01/08/2021 21:01, Amos Jeffries escreveu:
Leonardo, it sounds like your decades ago decision was before squid 
gained full HTTP/1.1 caching ability. 1.0-only abilities are almost 
useless today.

Are you at least still using memory cache? That is squid configured 
without cache_dir but also without "cache deny" rule.

    Hi Amos,

    You're spot on, I clearly remember to have decided that (to stop 
caching) before full HTTP/1.1 support days. I have not actually tried 
memory cache for a while, but not because it wasn't working as expected 
or effective, it's mainly because i'm not managing those services on 
networks large enough for caching to bring real beneficts.


Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
    Leonardo Rodrigues
Solutti Tecnologia

Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
My SPAMTRAP, do not email it

squid-users mailing list

Re: [squid-users] Squid caching webpages now days?

2021-08-01 Thread Leonardo Rodrigues

Em 31/07/2021 22:48, Periko Support escreveu:

Hello guys.

With today's ISP's speed increasing, does squid cache (caching web
pages) now days is a good option?

I have some customers that want to setup a cache server, but I have
doubts about how much traffic will be save, with most of the web sites
running under https.

I use squid+sg acl features.

But for me, caching  is not a bandwidth saving tool anymore.

    Of course, my experience is just MY experience and others might be 
completly different ones :) Speaking for myself, and for some small to 
medium sized customer networks I manage, caching is disabled for more 
than a decade now. Squid is still VERY useful for applying controls and 
loggings, but not caching.


Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
Leonardo Rodrigues
Solutti Tecnologia

Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
My SPAMTRAP, do not email it

squid-users mailing list

Re: [squid-users] SQL DB squid.conf backend, who was it that asked about it?

2022-08-11 Thread Leonardo Rodrigues

    Hi Marcelo,

    Is this going to be released as free and open-source software, or 
it's a closed project? If 1st answer, then I might be able to help! 
While I wouldn't call myself an squid expert, I have to admit I have 
some knowledge on it. And i'm also from Brazil, noticed your 
email address!

Em 10/08/2022 13:25, escreveu:

Hi Amos,

It was me indeed.
We have developed a squid based php application to create VPSs and 
deliver proxies via web panel.
It is still in development, but fase 1 is working already running SQL 
user management, create VPSs and squid.conf auto configuration.
We are heading to fase 2 to use cache pears and IPv4/IPv6 routing 
depends on source.

Squid.conf got so complex at this point that its getting very hard to 
implement fase 2.

Lack of deep squid knowledge is still our weak spot.


Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
Leonardo Rodrigues
Solutti Tecnologia

squid-users mailing list