[Standards] Re: Proposed XMPP Extension: Host Meta 2 - One Method To Rule Them All

2024-02-14 Thread Peter Saint-Andre

On 2/13/24 9:32 PM, Travis Burtrum wrote:

Apologies for the delay on this, but I finally have an update:

On 12/15/23 23:00, Travis Burtrum wrote:
Lastly I was asked to contact to XEP-0156 authors to see how they'd 
feel about this updating '156 instead of being it's own XEP

I emailed stpeter directly and he responded promptly, thanks for that! 
He asked me to convey his message and he'd respond with a +1 so I'm 
doing so here:

On 2/7/24 21:05, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:
 > On 2/7/24 6:56 PM, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:
 >> Hi Travis!
 >> On 2/7/24 5:37 PM, Travis Burtrum wrote:
 >>> The council is blocking this pending an answer from '156 authors
 >>> (which I think, of the people still around, is only you) as to
 >>> whether you think this fits best as a new XEP or whether you'd be ok
 >>> with this being an update to and mostly replacing '156?
 >> I thought I had replied in xsf@ at one point, but it might have been
 >> lost in the noise.
 >> I'm A-OK with hostmeta-2 but I think it should be in a new XEP that
 >> obsoletes 156, not an overwrite of the existing 156.

So I have created a PR (https://github.com/xsf/xeps/pull/1323) with 
feedback and rationale, will respond shortly to the 2 responses to my 
previous message (again, thank you, and apologies for delay) and would 
like to ask council to re-consider this as a new XEP given the response 
from stpeter.

To be clear, I think this is enough of a diff that a different spec is 
the best way to go.

But I'm removed enough from what's happening here that I would not 
consider my opinion to be a blocker.


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[Standards] Re: Proposed XMPP Extension: Host Meta 2 - One Method To Rule Them All

2024-02-13 Thread Travis Burtrum

Hi Dave!

On 12/27/23 04:12, Dave Cridland wrote:

I dislike this XEP intensely.

But... I think it's probably the most pragmatic solution that fits the 
existing standards space.

Honestly... Nice summary of my opinion too. :)  We need things, sadly we 
don't live in an ideal world, and this seems like the least bad way to 
get everything we need in the world in which we live. (without 
precluding improving it of course! And of course improving XMPP 
connectivity will do this in it's own way :))

- Should we require this to always be hosted at the exact domain? Pretty 
much everywhere I've worked for has the primary website (AKA "the 
marketing site") distinct from any production services, whether internal 
("IT") or external ("Engineering") facing. Is it worth having a dummy 
website on a different domain that we can check, and stipulate that if 
both exist, they MUST be both identical? (Or we can set a priority, but 
my intent here is that both would be checked simultaneously).

No, that's what HTTP 301/302 redirects are for, I would have swore I 
mentioned these in the XEP but indeed I did not... Roughly it should say 
follow a sane number of redirects (10?), forbidding looping, and require 
that each hop is https (never http) or abort.

- While I sympathize with the view that StartTLS for C2S and indeed S2S 
should be moving towards deprecation, that flies in the face of the 
pragmatism otherwise on display here - they need to be added in I think 
as rel types.

My thought is roughly that anything that implements this will at minimum 
implement DirectTLS.  It can still advertise StartTLS ports via SRV for 
things that don't implement this, so everything, legacy and host-meta-2, 
still works seamlessly.  I'm not absolutely opposed StartTLS rel types 
mind you, but wanted to explain my reasoning, is there still a reason to 
support them here?

- The TTL thing... I agree it's an error in RFC 6415 et al, but I'm 
unconvinced it's one we should worry ourselves over too much within the 
XSF. I'd save yourself the effort and assume developers are sensible.

I assume you mean the TTL instead of Expires? I think this should be an 
absolute requirement, as the other would essentially require this file 
be dynamically generated which I think should be avoided.

- In general, I'm not sure that the JRD/XRD model allows that "xmpp" 
block; those might need to be distinct properties.
- In general, I understand the JRD/XRD concept to be tightly bound to 
RDF, so I think you'd need to add in attributes as properties, and those 
properties would need to be URIs.

Many of the above will make things uglier, but I think more in-line with 
the JRD concepts.

Finally, I think it's worth putting some consideration into handling 
this one in the IETF entirely - you may find support for extracting the 
PKP bits into a generic approach, and all sorts.

As an alternative to all that, it might be sensible to explore *not* 
using host-meta, and instead using a well-known JSON blob (I see Matrix 
does this for example).

Re-using and extending host-meta.json is essentially a 
trick(/optimization/hack) to avoid an additional https request when 
grabbing details both the old way and the host-meta-2 way. It's *nice*, 
but not *absolutely required*, so I think if we can without breaking 
anything we should, but if there's a risk, we can eat the extra https 
request and roll our own format.

That said, I seriously doubt anyone consuming the json is validating it 
in any way, JRD pre-dates actual efforts to validate json like 
json-schema by nearly a decade. I think JRD is defined only 
https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6415#appendix-A , and 
explicitly says "The conversion of any other element is left 
undefined.", which I interpret to mean adding the 'xmpp' block and 
anything else is fine, clients that adhere to this will ignore it. 
"ignoring unknown fields" is also how every JSON parser I've seen in the 
wild works by default.

re: IETF, not opposed, but would prefer to prove it (one way or the 
other) as a XEP first.


Thanks much for the review!

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[Standards] Re: Proposed XMPP Extension: Host Meta 2 - One Method To Rule Them All

2024-02-13 Thread Travis Burtrum

Hi Fannys!

On 12/16/23 04:06, Fannys wrote:
As I said in the @xsf room the problem with this XEP is that the author 
is convinced that this is the one answer to everything and assumes a 
*lot* of stuff to get there. And besides the title obviously that is 
obvious in a few other places.

To try to quickly summarize, we need a lot of info to connect to XMPP 
servers, and need to get it in very specific (secure) ways.  I've 
thought about this a lot over the years, and (very much thanks to your 
and other's feedback) tried to explain the reason for every decision.  I 
am absolutely not married to one solution, but alternatives need to 
accomplish the same goals.  "I don't like this" isn't helpful without an 
alternative proposal that can actually be considered.


- It calls SRV records as legacy which is a pretty big departure from 
the status quo.

 > For the foreseeable future you will need to maintain legacy SRV 
records in addition to this file

Yes, because this document explicitly deprecates SRV records (while 
saying they need to be supported for the forseeable future).

- It effectively makes HTTP a hard requirement for all clients and 
servers on the network raising complexity significantly.

HTTPS already is a hard requirement, with POSH, with HTTP Upload which 
is currently the only way to share files in MUCs and with multiple 
clients / offline clients, and, for most servers, the way they get 
certificates from letsencrypt.  HTTPS is also a well established, fully 
open protocol with many independent implementations exactly like XMPP, I 
see no reason to avoid it. XMPP relies on many other standards, just as 
good or bad (depending on your POV), like DNS, IP, TCP, TLS, XML etc etc.

- Recommends that everything runs through port 443 which is in itself 
questionable for this.

Because it's most likely to work through real-world firewalls in 
real-world networks, what's questionable about this?

- Also it introduces a hard requirement for a JSON parser in all clients 
and servers which is another point that raises complexity.

Again, a JSON parser is already a hard requirement due to POSH.  I 
addressed further reasons I thought this was the best choice in the 
https://www.moparisthebest.com/xeps/host-meta-2.html#rationale-hm-json , 
but, this is not an absolute hill for me to die on.  If the consensus is 
that XML is better here, I'm not opposed, but then it should be the 
XMPP-subset of XML so that we can actually use the same parser, and 
don't introduce the real security risk of requiring an XML parser that 
can parse not-XMPP-XML (just one real world example of this 
vulnerability in the wild is 
https://prosody.im/security/advisory_20220113/ ).

Please note this would introduce the following (imho, downsides):
1. we could not use host-meta.xml as that requires a not-XMPP-subset-XML 
parser supporting comments etc etc
2. that means an extra https request when trying to fetch host-meta-2 
along with legacy methods
3. so it'd require a new document definition, for a quick reference, it 
would look very similar to HACX 

And I think the discussion about these items individually should have 
happened before. Especially since from the discussion in @xsf it seems 
that some of the alternatives like DNS were rejected on subjective 
opinions of the author.

I actually discussed this in xsf@ 21 months (damn I'm slow...) 
before submitting this ProtoXEP 

I hopefully explained my rationale re: DNS well 
https://www.moparisthebest.com/xeps/host-meta-2.html#rationale-dns but 
please if you disagree and/or have alternatives do share.

My opinion is that HTTP and JSON shouldn't be requirements and i don't 
plan to use this XEP anywhere even if it gets voted in. We already have 
problems with ports and everything assuming HTTP and I don't want the 
problem to be worse. Plus I don't want the complexity at all.

So to summarize my current thoughts:
* I think HTTPS is likely to be a hard requirement for this, at least I 
can't think of an alternative that can accomplish the same goals
* JSON is *not* a hard requirement, and could be replaced, but has the 
downsides I layed out above and in the rationale


I very much appreciate the detailed feedback, thank you!

Standards mailing list -- standards@xmpp.org
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[Standards] Re: Proposed XMPP Extension: Host Meta 2 - One Method To Rule Them All

2024-02-13 Thread Travis Burtrum

Apologies for the delay on this, but I finally have an update:

On 12/15/23 23:00, Travis Burtrum wrote:
Lastly I was asked to contact to XEP-0156 authors to see how they'd feel 
about this updating '156 instead of being it's own XEP

I emailed stpeter directly and he responded promptly, thanks for that! 
He asked me to convey his message and he'd respond with a +1 so I'm 
doing so here:

On 2/7/24 21:05, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:
> On 2/7/24 6:56 PM, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:
>> Hi Travis!
>> On 2/7/24 5:37 PM, Travis Burtrum wrote:
>>> The council is blocking this pending an answer from '156 authors
>>> (which I think, of the people still around, is only you) as to
>>> whether you think this fits best as a new XEP or whether you'd be ok
>>> with this being an update to and mostly replacing '156?
>> I thought I had replied in xsf@ at one point, but it might have been
>> lost in the noise.
>> I'm A-OK with hostmeta-2 but I think it should be in a new XEP that
>> obsoletes 156, not an overwrite of the existing 156.

So I have created a PR (https://github.com/xsf/xeps/pull/1323) with 
feedback and rationale, will respond shortly to the 2 responses to my 
previous message (again, thank you, and apologies for delay) and would 
like to ask council to re-consider this as a new XEP given the response 
from stpeter.

Standards mailing list -- standards@xmpp.org
To unsubscribe send an email to standards-le...@xmpp.org

[Standards] Re: Proposed XMPP Extension: Host Meta 2 - One Method To Rule Them All

2023-12-27 Thread Dave Cridland
Hi all,

(Updated Lance's email to the last-known-good public one).

I dislike this XEP intensely.

But... I think it's probably the most pragmatic solution that fits the
existing standards space.

- Should we require this to always be hosted at the exact domain? Pretty
much everywhere I've worked for has the primary website (AKA "the marketing
site") distinct from any production services, whether internal ("IT") or
external ("Engineering") facing. Is it worth having a dummy website on a
different domain that we can check, and stipulate that if both exist, they
MUST be both identical? (Or we can set a priority, but my intent here is
that both would be checked simultaneously).
- While I sympathize with the view that StartTLS for C2S and indeed S2S
should be moving towards deprecation, that flies in the face of the
pragmatism otherwise on display here - they need to be added in I think as
rel types.
- The TTL thing... I agree it's an error in RFC 6415 et al, but I'm
unconvinced it's one we should worry ourselves over too much within the
XSF. I'd save yourself the effort and assume developers are sensible.
- In general, I'm not sure that the JRD/XRD model allows that "xmpp" block;
those might need to be distinct properties.
- In general, I understand the JRD/XRD concept to be tightly bound to RDF,
so I think you'd need to add in attributes as properties, and those
properties would need to be URIs.

Many of the above will make things uglier, but I think more in-line with
the JRD concepts.

Finally, I think it's worth putting some consideration into handling this
one in the IETF entirely - you may find support for extracting the PKP bits
into a generic approach, and all sorts.

As an alternative to all that, it might be sensible to explore *not* using
host-meta, and instead using a well-known JSON blob (I see Matrix does this
for example).


On Sat, 16 Dec 2023 at 04:01, Travis Burtrum  wrote:

> Hi all,
> Quick summary of this ProtoXEP: It's intended to be the single new
> de-facto way all servers and clients look up connection info to connect
> to servers.
> It was clear from the feedback that this ProtoXEP needed an extensive
> rationale section explaining why other alternatives aren't sufficient
> and why certain decisions were made, I have added this and rendered it
> here:
> https://www.moparisthebest.com/xeps/host-meta-2.html#rationale
> (source @
> https://github.com/moparisthebest/xeps/tree/task/host-meta-2-rationale )
> I'd appreciate any feedback, here or in xsf@ .
> Lastly I was asked to contact to XEP-0156 authors to see how they'd feel
> about this updating '156 instead of being it's own XEP, so I've CC'd the
> authors who's emails appear to still be valid here, if you could please
> have a look and let us know I'd really appreciate that too. :)
> Thanks much,
> Travis
> ___
> Standards mailing list -- standards@xmpp.org
> To unsubscribe send an email to standards-le...@xmpp.org
Standards mailing list -- standards@xmpp.org
To unsubscribe send an email to standards-le...@xmpp.org

[Standards] Re: Proposed XMPP Extension: Host Meta 2 - One Method To Rule Them All

2023-12-15 Thread Travis Burtrum

Hi all,

Quick summary of this ProtoXEP: It's intended to be the single new 
de-facto way all servers and clients look up connection info to connect 
to servers.

It was clear from the feedback that this ProtoXEP needed an extensive 
rationale section explaining why other alternatives aren't sufficient 
and why certain decisions were made, I have added this and rendered it here:


(source @ 
https://github.com/moparisthebest/xeps/tree/task/host-meta-2-rationale )

I'd appreciate any feedback, here or in xsf@ .

Lastly I was asked to contact to XEP-0156 authors to see how they'd feel 
about this updating '156 instead of being it's own XEP, so I've CC'd the 
authors who's emails appear to still be valid here, if you could please 
have a look and let us know I'd really appreciate that too. :)

Thanks much,
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